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  1. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Kamisha in Inappropriate Public Log   
    technically this is within bounds of the court as it is abuse.
  2. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Kafuuka in Inappropriate Public Log   
    I think I've stated this before, but what one writes about another often tells more about the writer ... eg. in this case it tells me that Czez can't spell when angry. I mean, seriously, 'thoroughly untrustworthy'? And I thought the idiom was 'enjoys the resentment of others'. Better luck next time Czez
  3. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Pipstickz in Inappropriate Public Log   
    Did she use bad language though? Are you allowed to star it out?

    But technically, she didn't use a swear word. She said F****, which could be anything from fires to folds to frame.

    (I know it's obvious what her meaning is, I'm just proving a point.)

    Edit: I'm not saying that your provoking her makes it alright, I'm saying that you share responsibility, in whatever amount it may be

    Also, cyber sex has nothing to do with this that I can see.
  4. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to dst in Inappropriate Public Log   
    Aha, as I expected: double standards.Also how can you tell she's not referring to RL? I don't practice cyber sex in MD so she will know how I am.
    Also, I need to remind you that bad language in public places is forbidden. I have not said bad things about her but she keeps saying them to me. How is that fair? Should I go insult and swear at everyone and then hide under the excuse that the person provoked me?

    Edit:I have other bad stuff in my PL. I accept them because of the way they are said.
    Why do I talk about double standards? Cause it's the same thing: rules were broken but nooo...czez has an excuse!
    Just because I was the one to complain and not all COE.
    If you accept this then I will think it's ok to go and post stuff like that and maybe worst ones (partially hidden under the ***).

    And since when is czez considered noob? (speaking of vets that should know better)

    And another thing:should I open a new topic about that swear? Since when is provoking an excuse to swear? (also it looks like but you don't know for sure but you just like to point out fingers). If you can't hold your grip then there is always the log out button. What would you say if I would go around MD posting partial swears just because <insert name here> made me mad?
  5. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Pipstickz in Inappropriate Public Log   
    The difference between your case and meru chi's, dst, is that with meru chi, her REAL LIFE person was being assaulted by a veteran who should have known better.

    You, on the other hand, are asking for Czez's opinion of you to be taken out. If we take all of the bad stuff said about us out of PLs, then what's the point?

    That, and I see nothing about you in real life in Czez's post, and I don't see any inappropriate words, other than what was in the chat log (Which, by the way, has nothing to do with the PL entry. Besides, it looks like you're provoking her anyways.)

    So, to ask to have something removed, just because you don't like it, and not because it's inappropriate, and at the same time provoke the person who you feel has wronged you, makes it seem like all you're doing is attacking Czez through the forums.
  6. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to cutler121 in Md Creature Card Game   
    [b]MD Creature Card Game[/b]

    The MD Creature Card Game is a 2-player card game based on the Top Trumps play system. Each player has a hand of cards drawn from the complete deck which are based on the creatures within MD. The game has been developed (and coded) to be played within MD from clickables and hopefully will be both enjoyable and instructive as a new form of play/combat to complement the ones already available within MD.

    [b]Creature Cards[/b]

    Each MP level 3/4/5 have a default set of 16/32/48 cards which are automatically available. These are the default cards for each MP level. None of the max levels for the creatures are included in the default MP decks.

    All of the premium, rare creatures, and max level basic deck creatures can be added by using the partial CTC for the appropriate creature. Until a CTC has been added for a creature type only the creature type name is displayed on the deck builder page. Once a CTC has been activated the enabled levels are shown in orange and the CTC used to activate that creature is shown to the right. This CTC can then be used to reactivate any cards which were dropped.

    [b]Play Deck[/b]

    The system will deal out 20 to 40 cards depending on your MP level.

    MP2/3 receive 20 cards
    MP4 receive 30 Cards
    MP5/6 receive 40 Cards

    1/2 of the cards are taken from the creatures activated in your deck.
    1/2 of the cards are from the default deck for your MP level.

    If you don't cancel one of the default cards it can be picked twice once from your active cards and once from the default deck. For CTC activated only cards you will never have a duplicate.

    These cards are then shuffled and distributed between the computer and player. The player gets to choose first in every new game.

    Clicking an activated (orange) creature on the deck builder page will drop that creature from your deck.


    The player to go first chooses the ‘best’ statistic (usually the highest) from their top/current card, e.g. “Vital Energy: 2400”. The computer player then compares the SAME statistic for its top card to yours. Whoever has the best or highest value wins and places those two cards on the bottom of their card pile. They can then choose a new statistic for the next round.

    During a round, if 2 cards ‘tie’ for a particular statistic then a tie is declared and no cards are exchanged. The other player then chooses a statistic from the next card in their deck.

    [b]The first player to win all cards is the winner of the game!

    Other notes:[/b]

    In the MD CCG we also worked to avoid giving spoilers and there for you will only see the base stats for each creature as you play them. Note that MP2/3 and MP4 players will only see some of the Base stats and not all. Only MP5 players can see all base mp stats when playing.

    MP 2/3 can see the following stats [b]Vital Energy, Attack, Defence and Initiative[/b]
    MP4 can see all of the above plus the [b]Power [/b]stat
    MP5/6 can see all of the above plus [b]Regeneration[/b]

    At each MP level the computer player plays differently based on the available statistics. As you get more proficient with the game the computer gets harder to beat. The more wins you gain the more challenging it will be to win. The game is designed to be as much fun as possible and each new round is made up of a different set of cards to play. There are over 145 cards in total with more to be added as they become available. As you play, your wins/losses are recorded. The more wins you accumulate, the more complex strategies the computer will use.

    The MD Creature Card Game can be found at the combat arena which is located in the Marin Bell Astral Plane to the left of the Marin Marble Stairs. Once you enter the arena (and the game has been officially released) there will be a link to start the game there. There are entrances to the astral plane at many locations around MD, including, the GoE, Marins Roundabout, Sages Keep, Paper Cabin, and many other clickables (try Cutlers puzzle arcade links since there are enter astral plane links in some of them as well).

    This game was developed in collaboration between Yrthilian (the King of Golemus) and Cutler (the MD Puzzle Strategist). Keep a look out for new additions and possibly even a competition with this game in the future.


  7. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in First Trial- Jacoand Vs Granos, Originally: Conned By Granos   
    Truthfully? Serves you right.

    Those papers belong to the Golemus citizens. Not to anyone who can buy them.
  8. Upvote
    Ledah got a reaction from Dragual in Tainted Warriors - New Leader   
    We have cookies...
  9. Downvote
    Ledah got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Tainted Warriors - New Leader   
    I'm opting to be leader.

    I think I can add to Necro, I plan to make the ally known and feared (even to dst and her minions) might even make it into an alliance like the arcgivists... storing all the info I can get in a place in Necro ^^ Necrovion's own Archives.
  10. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Akasha in Discussion about reviving MD   
    Dst, i would add to that the big secret things that some players like to have, the separation from the game thru ym and other forums. That is what is killing new players. If you are not 'profi' you can't simply stay in the game; So all of you profi rp should stop ranting and look at yourself. Md is not an exclusiv rp game, nor one to fight and get stats and stats but one that mixes both.
    Atm it is like in high school..groups that are outside of MD at first and where the plans are made and come to 'enlighten' the other ppl from the realm about what is hapening.
    Also the paranoia around you, introduced from several players is ruing you, the players that curently rant.
    Ranting is a problem..ppl ! stop living in what you dont have and what you would like, start living in what you have and build upon what it is something. Stop living in nothing is worth nor good and maybe light may come.

    PS: did someone noticed that rants come from ''profi' rp;s? or their group? .. what can i say..in the end that profi rp ends...leaves nothing to do more and it simply end...it limits you
  11. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Md Is Boring   
    You are argueing over semantics.

    We both did our part. Now drop it and get back on topic please.
  12. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Shadowseeker in Md Is Boring   
    [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='20 February 2010 - 06:33 PM' timestamp='1266687221' post='54837']
    You guys think I find MD boring? Umm... no?

    I changed the Dojo so that MP5s could attack other MP5s. Why? Because everyone hid there. Now, everyone is hiding in GGG training to become stronger. Why? Because it's easier. It requires little effort. I rarely ever train there, and yet, I can defeat most non token rituals without thinking to hard. I don't have amazing stats, and I don't have amazing creatures. But, I played MD before it became so lame. I remember when you couldn't walk through willows shop without being attacked.


    Fenrir, don't take credit what you HAVE NOT DONE.

    I was the one who did it, and after several weeks you asked to be staff, but I never saw you there. Then, I took you off the list, and you didn't bother ever again. So can you explain this to me perhaps?
  13. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Md Is Boring   
    You guys think I find MD boring? Umm... no?

    This topic is just a continuation from the other so we can have this discussion without going off topic.

    I see the GGG as a problem. It stops the players from learning how to set proper rituals, how to fight effectively within their means.

    I changed the Dojo so that MP5s could attack other MP5s. Why? Because everyone hid there. Now, everyone is hiding in GGG training to become stronger. Why? Because it's easier. It requires little effort. I rarely ever train there, and yet, I can defeat most non token rituals without thinking to hard. I don't have amazing stats, and I don't have amazing creatures. But, I played MD before it became so lame. I remember when you couldn't walk through willows shop without being attacked.

    No one ever idles anymore. Why? Because of the honour system. No one wants to take a loss. Why? Because of the honour system. No one ever wanders out of "safe" zones. Why? Because of the honour system.

    Does anyone else see a pattern here?

    No one will leave a safe place because they can't win. Not anymore.

    MD is like a scale. Before, everything was generally balanced. But several additions come by, and totally made everything whacky. People thought it would be balanced soon again. But honestly, it has been over 6 months. Tokens are still here, the Honour system still makes people afraid.

    GGG makes people think that they need to stat grind to be powerful. I admit the GGG is not the source of the problem, but it is a step in the right direction.

    And people wonder why new players leave...
  14. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to cutler121 in Discussion about reviving MD   
    I really wanted to stay away from this forum topic for a number of reasons but mostly because I get depressed when I talk about the "lack" of what MD seems to have lately. I personally don't see myself fitting into any of the major categories that people seem to be defining MD by --- RPers (I am really bad at RP) and stat grinders (this seems like mindless repetition and the few times I tried it I got so bored I had to take mini-vacations to want to do anything with MD).

    I gave up on the MD fighting system when skill damage was introduced for having excessive losses. I understand it is my fault that I let people heal on my nutcracker and racked up 3K losses. (Which didn't ever give me a benefit) I even tried to reduce that and got it down to 2.4K losses but since GGG does NOT give victories in general (only against MP2s) even the mindless stat grinding doesn't help. Oh well, as they say no good deed goes unpunished. I still think a WishPoint shop item balancing out wins/losses would be a good addition (I had to add in something for people to complain about hehehehe).

    At the same time, I really enjoy participating in other peoples quests and I also enjoy making quests and helping others make puzzles and quests.

    I fully understand how people feel about being ignored and made to seem like their actions are meaningless. For the most part I just ignore people ignoring me and go and do something I think is interesting.

    Here are some examples:

    1) The astral plane.

    This was initially just a way to make quests more interesting and interactive since there were so few locations which could be interacted with in MD. Now it has an inventory with items which can be used, combined, sold, bought, traded and some new interactive games will soon be linked in with this as well.

    2) Fishing System

    On the first of next month I will be releasing a fishing system for MD which will allow people to use different fishing poles, and lures (19 different ones at present with all new artwork) to play a new logic game I made based on minesweeper but with some new twists. For those of you who would like to try it out before then, there is already a way to play it if you go and find some materials which could be combined into a fishing pole. This will be released as a fishing tournament for people to compete in and will have a bunch of prizes.

    3) The impossible maze

    In coordination with Grido we have made a brand new labyrinth maze in the same location as the MDA labyrinth in the astral plane. This maze will open in the middle of next month (see Gridos announcement) and will have 3 WPs as quest rewards. It is a really tricky maze!

    4) The anti-maze

    I released this puzzle this week as a new logic interactive game for people to play at the stairs to the champions challenge. From what I have heard most people like it although it has given a few people actual headaches. I liked making this puzzle since it made me think in a way that our brains don't seem to like to work which made my brain hurt as well.

    5) The jigsaw puzzle

    I released this interactive puzzle a month or two ago at the berserkers challenge location in necro as a fun game for people to try. I actually made this puzzle at the request of an MD player who wanted to make a quest with a treasure chest you had to solve the puzzle to open. Although this quest hasn't happened yet, it might soon be released as a Loreroot quest since I just heard from that person about completing the quest and I have almost everything I need now to help him pull it all together.

    6) The MD Tarot Card Game

    I made this card game a few months ago with the major tarot arcana cards represented by MD players, but it wasn't actually that fun to play so I never released it. But another person just asked me about making a similar type card game for MD and when I receive the card images and stats, this game will be released as well now that there is a better play system than what I had initially come up with.

    7) Puzzle Quest #2

    I made Puzzle Quest #1 almost a year ago now and it was supposed to be very difficult. Only 2 people solved the first one and I know lots of people made it to the 3-4th leg. I got a little bit depressed with this at the time since an RPC lied to me about rewarding WPs for the winners, but it worked out in the end. I have most of the Puzzle Quest #2 pulled together and will be releasing that sometime in the next month or so.

    8) Loreroot Houses

    Since I am currently building a RL house for my pregnant wife to have a nice place to nest after giving birth to our child, I thought it would be nice to let others have that same experience in MD by designing and building their own houses in the astral plane where I can add any new content / locations I want. This project turned out really well with 2 of the 4 houses being complete and the other 2 are just waiting on some more scene images to be drawn. I really enjoyed making private chats for the houses with integrated doorbells to let people enter the houses and have a place to make your home here in MD. I have had MANY requests from other people to do the same in other locations and that is something I will move forward with when these four houses are all complete.

    9) The new GG town / university

    This is a concept the king of GG had which we will be developing over the next months. At present the only scene which has been released publicly is the Mt Kethella overlook which I think turned out really nice. There are plans to have a full university, town with shops and public spaces, homes and work sites. This town hopefully will have some really interesting interactive locations as well as maybe be a site for study and learning within MD for both teachers and students. The old MD university was a nice idea but it never had a real location to let people go be part of the university community and hopefully some nice new scenes with classrooms and whiteboards will move this "semi-dead" idea back to a more active state.

    So why did I just detail some of the things I have been working on the last few months? Well I have a lot of respect for Mur and what he has created in MD, but he is only one man. There is enough freedom in the way MD is put together to make it into anything we as members of the community want it to be. I agree with many of the points people have made about what is wrong with MD. So I just settled down in a sanctuary where I wouldn't be hit with stat damage constantly and worked on things I was interested in. Maybe you don't have programming experience or know how to make a quest, but I am sure there is something you enjoy / are good at. Why not just jump in and do it.

    I personally will be happy to work with / pay artists who want to make new scenes to expand MD. I have like 30-40 scenes in mind already and many others already drawn just waiting to be implemented.

    I will be happy to help anyone who has a quest / puzzle idea. There are lots of WP rewards sitting idle with the Kings and if you have a creative idea want to make something new in MD, come talk to me about making it happen, I know the Kings would all be happy to support anyone who has an interesting quest idea.

    So if you want to do something my advice is to just do it. I have been impressed by a bunch of people doing quests lately ladytwin, Bloodprince, MasterB, Burns, tara, Granos, Indyra, and others I can't seem to remember at the moment.

    I guess my point is just because Mur doesn't seem to be doing anything new with MD and has abandoned a bunch of project while only semi-complete, that doesn't mean that we as members of the MD community can't do stuff ourselves.

    It would be great if the AL were resurrected, but look at Awiiya's Oak tree stories, there will soon be more there than the whole AL combined.

    It would be great if the tribunal were finished and not just a ghost land.

    It would be great if ... fill in your own pet peeves.

    So how about this as a direction to head, if you want to wait for Mur to complete everything and get his batteries recharged, fine, but in the meantime why not do something in MD yourself?

    I would be happy to help.


  15. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Md Is Boring   
    I am planning on doing something, but I need to see whether or not it would be supported. And why those who don't support it, don't support it.

    Their responses will help me decide the course of action to take.
  16. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Md Is Boring   
    This is a continuation of the MD is dead topic so that it can remain on topic.

    MD is Boring.

    Others think it, I said it. Now lets look at the biggest problem with why MD is now Boring.

    First: GGG

    The GGG is ruining MD. People sit there all day long and farm 0 damage wins. Wins are supposed won. Not given. Stats are not to be given so freely either.

    After dst's post stating what is really wrong with MD, it opened my eyes. I have come to realise that the GGG is bad for our community.

    So I ask, is it a good idea to get rid of the GGG in order to bring back the original style of training by attacking others with real rituals?

    If you disagree, or agree, please post why.
  17. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to dst in Discussion about reviving MD   
    Ok, here's my rant ( I have so many ideas that are dying to be written that I might not be too coherent or jump from one idea to another but hey! this is a rant after all ):

    MD dead? Hmm...nope, not really. MD is more or less how it was probably 2 years ago:lots of players which did NOTHING (except for maybe the monthly HC). But that was understandable. MD was still a new born.I remember tons of idlers at Willow's Shop with random rits (the ones I feared the most ) or with really easy ones (I loved the Santa rit back then). And that was about it...No quests, no allies, no nothing. But it still attracted me. It was a game free of rules(or they were so few they were not even worth mentioning). Where the hell in the world will you find that? It was a game where you had to learn by yourself (LHOs? Ha! I NEVER use the LHO button). SG? No! GGG? Hell no! It was FUN to chase players, to beat them, to discover things.Then the allies came along. Oh my! That was one great period:all the spying and plotting and suspicion...and I was part of that. And I never recall to RP in the way you are doing now. No! The feelings were genuine! I really hated the tree for not blooming for me! And since I usually hold grudges..oh well...
    Then RPCs came along. At the beginning it was exciting and really fun. There were quests, there were new and amazing abilities.
    Then, by the time of the second MD festival things changed...at least for me. Players changed. All of the sudden this new RP came along (or was it there but I did not see it? I wonder...and I really don't have an answer). At the beginning it was again, fun. But after a while I started to enjoy less and less watching others do it ( I never felt the need of doing**). It was too stiff. Too formal. Rules started to appear for RP! Rules for RP? Are you kidding me? Same as lessons on "How to be a better RP-er"....Are you insane? You can RP or not! You cannot learn how to RP. And the only rule I see for RP-ing is common sense (and honestly...it really lacks in MD).

    From that point things changed 180 degrees. Sorry to say this but part of the blame is bared by some (and I say SOME not ALL) of the RPCs. They became arrogant and more and more demanding. I know some of them that thought the Earth will stop moving if they will quit MD. I am happy that Mur proved them wrong .
    Then there were those small cells of players that were playing only amongst themselves. The players belonging to those cells became also arrogant (and if they had the support of an RPC...god helped us all...) and felt they were some kind of elite. Then SG came (or was it earlier) which in time improved a bit (see the mp5 rules) but I still see it as a plague even if at the beginning I supported it.When I saw what it generated I started to disobey the rules. Then GGG. Then tokens, then insanely strong crits and in the end the ultimate rits. RP changed also. From the innocent play between Yami, Wodin and MB we have now "professional" RP-ers...O_O. If you dare criticize their way of RP you're doomed.

    So...let's brief things a bit (no particular order): MD has now:
    -a place where noobs can train crits, get xp, stat grind
    -a second place where you can stat grind (oh...do you remember how stat grinders were seen one year ago? if not, I should maybe remind you and maybe I should also find the topic I opened for it)
    -almost perfect rituals (99% perfect)
    -professional RP-ers
    -cells of players (btw:when I say cell I do not mean ally or guild)
    -<insert here all the other things I wanted to add but forgot - I will add them as I remember>

    In the end we have one game full of bored players. It was bound to happen. Let's be honest:the first thing that a noob sees for the first time are crits, battles, stats and a nice little story that they don't understand. Then they found out about SG and GGG for the stats/crits and they meet some of the RP-ers. If they are decent they might be accepted in the exclusive RP-ers club. If they suck then they are accused of god moding or god knows what else. So noobs get bored and leave.
    On the other hand we have the vets. And here there are 2 types:
    -fighters: in time they managed to get the super rits. Stats are worthless to an mp5 so I doubt few are actually stat grinding. If they do then all I can do is laugh. As long as the tokens work as they are now no stats will help you defeat a good tokened rit. So fighters are bored (angiens were a good incentive for a while cause they offered something to do for the fighters but with GGG that was like taking candy from a baby).
    -RP-er:I do believe they got bored also. It's quite difficult to explain my idea but I will try: let's say you are a werewolf. You do certain things:transform at full moon, rip some throats, shed and then get back to normal form. How long can you do that? 1 year? 2? You'll say that you all gather and talk. Talk about what? I see the same dialogues day after day after day. I see the same actions from RP-ers day after day after day (I will not give names cause it's irrelevant). Sorry but you all seem bored to me. And the proof? Well..the topic that generated this discussion.

    MD is not dead! MD is boring. Because you don't have to work for things anymore. One of the reasons I believe the RPC concept failed is that they were given too much without them sweating for the rewards. Seems the illness is contagious. It spread to all MD.

    I had a hope when kings were elected. Sorry but I was disappointed. One of them is busy with cough* training in different lands *cough*, one is busy with rl and he barely logs in, one in the end quit and one well...this one seems the most active of them and pretty involved (sometimes too involved if you ask me). Sorry kings...for the moment I am, as I said, disappointed and as you all know I am not afraid of speaking my mind. I still haven't lost my faith and I hope things will change.

    I will stop cause I just spilled out lots of things. I have no patience of re-reading so this post might be, as I already announced, pretty stuffy and incoherent.

    **If I dont RP doesn't mean I am bad at it as some of you accuse me. I simply don't like it so I don't do it. I am walking a straight line here. On the other hand there are the RP-ers that want to be both (actually 98% of them try it - if you want to be a true RP-er lose the crits! You all say that crits are for battles. Why do you have them? Why do you train them? You don't need crits to RP the flushing of a toilet) and fail miserably. It doesn't matter that they have one super rit that will pwn everyone in MD. If someone strips them of that one rit they are naked. They will not know where to buy a knator...

    One last things: Granos, took you quite some time to figure that out . Stop plotting cause that fills up your buffers and other ideas (like the one you just issued) have troubles getting out .
  18. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Jester in Discussion about reviving MD   
    (Sorry Kamisha, I didn't mean to hijack your thread, problem fixed now)

    My point was this: without Mur, I wouldn't play MD. Mur is the only person who could actually revive MD. A bunch of random players could make the game more fun, sure. I'm in favor of that. What annoys me is the language used. Talking about reviving MD is like saying "MD is dead, but I can bring it back!"

    And Malaikat, you have been inactive in game so I considered you an ex-Sentinel. If you're going to hugely over react even to that, then I do not want you in Necrovion, so you are hereby banished from Necrovion in game.
  19. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Jester in Discussion about reviving MD   
    [quote name='Malaikat Maut' date='18 February 2010 - 06:42 AM' timestamp='1266500537' post='54673']
    I'd expect more wisdom from a king...and less somber from a clown.

    This game [b]IS[/b] its community of players. They create their own excitement through creative quests and roleplay, and, while Mur and the AL provide a focused outlet, neither are entirely necessary for the society to peaceably operate. Player involvement and player motivation are lacking as much if not more so than the same from Mur.

    I would expect more wisdom from an EX-Sentinel, but this would be better discussed in another thread.
  20. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Rendril in Music On Comment On Self Page   
    What is the file type that you want to play?
    The below code should work for most, replace SONG_URL with your file's path, it should work in most browsers.

    [code]<embed src="SONG_URL.mp3" hidden="true" />
    <noembed><bgsound src="SONG_URL.mp3" /></noembed>[/code]
  21. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Jester in Discussion about reviving MD   
    A player trying to revive MD is like trying to revive a person who is drowning by throwing a bucket of water at their face.

    EDIT: To expand on that, I didn't mean players shouldn't try to make the game more fun. I simply meant that MD wouldn't be MD without Mur, and only Mur could "revive" the game.
  22. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Jester in Md In General   
    I see a new project. What happened to item abilities?

    Having no motivation is one thing, but just never finishing a project is another.
  23. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Redd in Whatdahell?!   
    I'll emphasize that what is annoying is that someone can actually do this.
    Doesn't it bother anyone else that an MP3 can give away 70k-ish exp in a non-damage fight? Probably not, because it happened to me. But what if it happened/starts happening to newbies? I bet the issue won't get the same reaction.
    Since it appears impossible to trace who did it anymore, this is what I want to know right now. If this thing demands attention or not.

    BTW, it appears that I was a scum to train in the GGG, therefore the vigilante who kicked my arse can avoid prosecution. Or it is simply stated out that my fault can actually motivate someone to do this.

    [quote]I don't care much about GGG but I loathe the idea of 'two wrongs make a right'. Unless GGG wants to restrict its services to mp4+, this case deserves the same treatment for prosecution and punishment as all other offenses against GGG receive.[/quote]

    I don't see anyone opposing this statement, but it is being neg repped. That is not helping anything. at all.

    I agree with this statement(but the neg reps confuses me because that means that others see this as wrong and I don't know why). I won't push it in my case, because now there is no way to find the perpetrator. As I said, this isn't only about my case.
    I would like to hear insights on this(if the person deserves a punishment being a GGG offense, etc)
    But more than that about MP3 in general. It would be better if this can be prevented, though I doubt that.
  24. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to apophys in Whatdahell?!   
    Since you say your def was an elem, I'm going to assume it's the newly-hatched one that weakens. If it was higher targeting dying, then it's your own fault.

    If you put some % vit in your def, then maybe it was some angiens plus 1-2 UP's and maybe a healer (it would be spoilery to explain why this would give you xp) ... that could result in a loss for you, btw.

    This is a major GGG violation and should be treated so. However, I doubt the perpetrator can be found and identified with certainty.
  25. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Orlando Gardiner in Md In General   
    I mainly think that Mur is doing to much on his own, and we ALL see things that should be done. that way we all fix our eyes on things to be changed, or to be perfected and build up stress for mur, exspecially depressing when the poor guy doesen't have any motivation left or whatsoever, making it viscious.

    I have not been online for certain reasons, a few so called are my girlfriend, other games, and the household(which I never tought would be so much work!)
    I also have the feeling that everything to be explored left in md has already be done, And it sometimes takes AAAGES for creatures to evolve, I mean, more than a year for an Angien, that measn you're blind staring at the same pictures for decennia without having any changes, or anything to do. This however should not change to rapidly, (would not be fare n'either). Or, as most people will agree, the tokens. They where a great idea, and probably still are but disbalance the game in such a way that it is almost impossible to compete with tokened veterans.

    I would love to, and would most willing to to help with creating, (due I am not much of a programmer) but there should be smaller projects, like creating a few creatures, creating storylines for lands, start a new sort of game like we now have the landtorch competition. That way mur can still decide what will be in, and what will be out, but other people will be involved deeper, making the game more interesting again. But also taking out a lot of work from murs hand, releasing him from to much pressure, and let us do the creative parts, that way new ideas will flood in and perhaps, with a slight change, mur will even get new ideas for himself.
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