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De Mimsy Porpington

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Posts posted by De Mimsy Porpington

  1. Well, on chrome I click "login" and it'll start to load then go back to the home page. And the last time I tried it showed an error and went back to the homepage.

    So...I tried firefox and it wouldn't let me log in because of "Security letters invalid"

    Similar problem, then.

  2. Awiiya,

    I can't write it better than those before me have, but I shall try to make this farewell my own (somewhat - otherwise this might involve various nonsensical words). I've known you better in another life, and I consider you a dear friend. It saddens me that you go inactive, as I believe you have a very important and inspiring role in MagicDuel - and I don't mean your recent one by the Council. You are a joy to talk with and listen to. Your thoughts inspiring and your words whimsical and without the withering wear and weight of the world (I'm not sure what that means, but take it as a compliment. I enjoy alliteration). You are an excellent friend and philosopher who has provided delightful insight and riveting tales and poems. Ah, poems. You write well and I hope you never grow weary of your love for poetry and writing. Many memories were weaved in your shade, and I won't forget them. Now that I've rambled and bored you (I'll be surprised, yet pleased, if anyone actually reads this - I know I get lazy when it comes to reading long posts on the web), I do hope to speak with you again. Inactive, but not gone for good. Inactive with speaking to passerby and harvesting wiiya so often, but not gone.

    I ask you never cease your writing and your friendly ways. Never put down the quill and kiss it goodbye. Write. Inspire. Celebrate. Enjoy.

    I have been inspired time and time again by your words, and I hope others have the opportunity.

    I bid you farewell, but I will not say goodbye.


    P.S. Ah, and one more thing. Fadoodle.

  3. Team leaders are still supposed to be dead, I believe.

    "If any team find the five "Revivers" for their leader revival. The respective leader will get back to life on the same ceremony."

  4. This may not be true for all of us, but for many of us (as well as Eon, as he's made clear): Mur will always have the highest position in MagicDuel. No Council's words will be as valuable to us as words from Mur. He made MagicDuel, and he lead it well for many years. It saddens me that he is gone and that others must take power, as he is quite irreplaceable.

    I mostly agree with Eon, on this.


  5. Selling common creatures with loads of age and a little heat. No tokens or 5-Digit IDs.

    Selling for coins and creatures, only.

    [b]Aramor I:[/b]
    ID: 498153
    Age: 1109
    Heat: 91375

    [b]Aramor II:[/b]
    ID: 498154
    Age: 1109
    Heat: 92760

    [b]Heretic Archer II:[/b]
    ID: 736371
    Age: 311
    Heat: 4569

    [b]Heretic Archer III:[/b]
    ID: 736372
    Age: 311
    Heat: 2977

    [b]Heretic Archer IIII:[/b]
    ID: 736373
    Age: 311
    Heat: 6290

    [b]Loreroot Archer I:[/b]
    ID: 736641
    Age: 309
    Heat: 86385

    [b]Loreroot Archer II:[/b]
    ID: 736642
    Age: 309
    Heat: 87232

    [b]Loreroot Archer III:[/b]
    ID: 736643
    Age: 309
    Heat: 82856


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