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  1. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kafuuka in No Sanctuary Day   
    [quote name='DarkPriestess' timestamp='1284041682' post='68111']
    Even if some log in just to get their active day counted, they still remain there, sleeping.
    There's this button labeled 'log out' after which you cannot be attacked anymore... I know you haven't suggested to change that, but if you were to, I'd strongly oppose it.
    As Esmerelda pointed out, you're either counting on people's goodwill to stay attack-able or their ignorance of the new feature. I highly doubt this will "fix" mp5.

    [quote name='pamplemousse' timestamp='1284042186' post='68113']
    I think it will balance out the Day of Tranquility a bit.
    The days of Tranquility are supposed to become tied to the day/night cycle (for lack of better word). Regular days are its counterweight. Personally I think MD is already unbalanced enough towards creature battles. Inventing days of turmoil or whatever, is not balancing at all. There's neither a need nor a way to hide the purpose of this proposal behind fancy words; Peace had the decency to state it for what it is.
  2. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to No one in Newbies, What Upset/scare You All?   
    My personal experience ...

    When I started the game, more then 2 years ago, there where no dojos there where no LHO but I got through.
    At first ... I joined the game, I got through the story then I quit. It was boring. After a while (about 2-3 months) I found it again and I started to play it with another friend. And I'm playing ever since and (I will brag here) I did my fair share of influencing in this game.

    [b]The point is [/b]: don't lose hope on noobs. If they are your friends, you can talk to them from time to time and tell them what happen in the mean time. You can tell them about your creatures and what you did with them and many other things. If you are a good story teller ... you will get your adepts back.

    Of course, as this is still a game, it takes time and those that choose not to spend their time on this will not play no matter what you tell them.

    Just don't discourage them away.

    When I answer to questions, I do it with as many questions as I can. And if that person has the [u]courage[/u] to answer me, I am helping him to look for the answers in [b]the limit of my time[/b].

    Showing ppl [u]how to find answers[/u] and [u]how to ask questions[/u] is the greatest help you can give to them. Spoilers are easy and few ppl understand them (from the beginning).

    that is about it for now
  3. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to alazzah in Selling Creaters   
    [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' timestamp='1283868174' post='67955']
    Creatures reset in level, experience, and wins when traded. So the Walking Tree is really just Remains.

    lollll about exp is 290k |wins is 230
  4. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Ravenstrider in Mp5 Only Features   
    I've thought about this... The basic problem is: new players get pounded by veterans, they get out of balance, they get stat loss, hence they spend most of the time in sanctuaries, and almost never go idle, thus creating an illusion of not having enough mp5s to train with... Hell, even people to talk with...

    I'd suggest a few possible solutions (if someone already suggested these things, I'm sorry):

    a) Get rid of the stat loss, instead implement a stat cap, or a monthly stat decay if you don't fight. (maybe combined with the forced advance after a certain ammount of stats are gained)

    b) A transit level between mp4 and mp5, where lowering exp is possible, but much less then on mp5 (like 5-10%), or maybe implement this on mp4... This wouldn't get more people to mp5, but would make those who make it to mp5 strong enough to stand up to the vets without the need of dipping into the WP shop to reset their exp... Would lower the ammount of strong mp3s as well, but would be a problem since there would be a lot of strong mp4s going around... But I think it could be tweaked so that it works better than the current system. Could be done by implementing a forced advance after a certain ammount of stats are gained.

    c) Since there is already the 15 credits when your "recruit" reaches mp5, there could also be a 10-15 credits when you reach mp5... Even better, once you reach mp5, you get the avatar feature enabled without the need to buy it in the shop. Lower the gold-avatar quality bar, put the gold avatars lower in the shop, make the best avatars into red-gold avatars... or different colors depending on the theme of the avy, and put that in the place where the gold avys are now. Also, could be good if there was a creature somewhere in there to assure more shop action in that branch...

    d) Something similar to something already suggested: Pick your inner magic doc when you reach mp5... (since there is no distributing of them at the moment afaik) Choice between 4-5 lvl one docs would be appropriate. Yes, this would eliminate the special feel and rarity of them, but still... In a community this small nothing is that rare any more... And besides, with most vets having 4 to 5 inner docs to their name, they still stay "special", especially the higher level ones.

    e) A combination of the above.
  5. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Metal Bunny in Newbies, What Upset/scare You All?   
    The game would lose its appeal without its 'steep learning curve', because if you do find it steep, you will most probably not be into the social interaction, nor the inquisitive nature of the game itself. If the game was designed to keep as much of its incoming business as it could, then mur may as well have gone with the lovely marketing campaign that evony has.

    If you can't be bothered to learn to learn about and from the game, then getting past the mp3 stage or other hardships such as the loreroot guardians, is not an obstacle that needs to be removed, then it is a filter and you're were never willing, regardless of being able, of truly playing this game. Because it's not just a game anymore, not by a long shot, not for a very long time.
  6. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Discussion Of The Item Round-Up   
    It doesn't seem fair at all to me. The knock on effect of doing that is massive. For one thing you have just made most items worthless - if you can't hold onto it and it just disappears for anyone to get then why would anyone pay for it? If it has no 'real' action other than existing then it can't be actually used anyway in which case what is the point of having it at all now?

    When you say for free, I assume you mean that the items didnt come from a wp, but many people have personalised items that came for free. Look at Asterdai's pirate chest example - once that gets onto a pirate account it could be wholely tied up with the individual and their role. Look at things like the staff of syndria which is wholely tied up with an individual character and which came free.

    It's also completely unrealistic - not that that matters so much at all, but living in a world where everything I pick up and pocket disappears after a while seems pretty stupid to me even in a fantasy world.

  7. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to awiiya in Lost   
    For me, lost has less to do with "purpose" and more to do with familiarity.

    Just like the root of the expression, the way one becomes physically lost is by not knowing their surroundings. An emotional state of "lost" is a similar idea with a different setting: either you do not know yourself, or you do not know how you feel about things around you.

    When placed in an unfamiliar room in a comfortable bed, many of us still are uncomfortable. Ever had trouble sleeping in a hotel? The beds are always nicer than my own at home, but it is the emotional connection that factors into the needed feelings of security.

    The opposite of lost is therefore not secure or with a set purpose, but the sense of being connected.

    Links mean much, and there is more to "making someone feel at home" than you might expect. The ones who excell at politics and public relations are often people that are disarmingly friendly, or that remind you of people you already know. You're unlikely to instantly like anything unless you have already had exposure to a similar thing.

    This works for music too. Have you noticed that all pop songs are essentially the same, transformed or transposed a bit? People don't want revolutionary changes in song-writing, instead they want slight updates to an already established form.

  8. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Fyrd Argentus in Lost   
    Some of us seem more driven than Shadowseeker. The way I was raised, I must always be moving forward to make the most of my talents, or I feel guilty that I am wasting them. Anything less than perfect meant I didn't try hard enough.

    "Content" is thus not an option. This leaves only driving towards a goal, or lost. The opposite of "lost" is thus some conglomerate of "determined", "committed", "focussed", etc., not contentment. Content is breaking out of that driven cycle.

    For people with limited imagination and modest goals, finding one good thing that they can do is enough for them. They then dedicate their life to doing that one thing well - and are content.

    For creative people with both imaginination and unwillingness to rest on their laurels, having TOO MANY GOALS results in a form of indecision. Which goal should I be driving towards? This then results in that same feeling of not knowing where to go next, what to do next - the feeling of being lost.

    I have fought this all my life, but then as I get older and people around me start dying, and I must face the fact that I will not be able to do and succeed at everything that I can imagine, the idea of doing SOMETHING begins to look better than the idea of not finishing anything. So a mediocre choice is better than no choice at all. When your perspective changes, you may feel regrets and sense lost opportunities, but the lostness of indecision is replaced by the frantic desire to do SOMETHING before the clock runs out.

    Life is like a roulette wheel - you got to put your money somewhere, and if you don't bet, you can't win.
  9. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to The Great Wanderer in Story Night Returns Again   
    [u][b][font="Palatino Linotype"][center][size="4"]Story Night[/size][/center][/font][/b][/u]

    [u]Original Message:[/u] Many of you may remember Story Night, led by Keith Moon, from a long time ago. You may have thought the times of fantastic tales and poetry told within MD were over, but that is far from true![b] Starting September 18 (Day 260 in MagicDuel)[/b] Story Night will return through the efforts of [i]Kyphis, Awiiya, Curiose, Ailith, and myself[/i]! It will occur once every three weeks on varying days to ensure everyone can participate. Also, in hopes of allowing everyone the chance to join us, the days Story Night happens we will do the event twice within that day. Times will vary throughout the months and will be posted at least a week in advance. In the meantime everyone is encourage to set their creative minds into overdrive and start coming up with original story ideas. [b]Creative stories, poems, narratives, songs, comedic tales, and even some new ideas you might have are acceptable for Story Night[/b]! To get something you wrote into Story Night simply PM Kyphis or me the finished version of your work. [u]Everything written for Story Night should have a lot of effort put into it, not just something you whipped up at the last minute[/u]. [b]Stories that are especially good may be awarded a Wish Point from one of the Kings; Yrthilian, Lifeline, or Firsanthalas if they believe it is worthy of one[/b]. Story Night has a flexible ending time so as to fit as many of your creative stories as we can, but it will try to be kept within 1-hour and 30-minutes. If you have any questions please contact either the Legend Speakers or the Seal of Six. Until then, I wish you all the best of luck with your stories, hope to see you there! (The resurrection of Story Night was approved by its original creator, Keith Moon.)

    [u]News:[/u] As you may have heard Curiose will be away for a little while, so we would be very greatful if you only sent your stories to either Kyphis or TGW.

    [center][u]Last Story Night[/u][/center]
    Both times turned out quite well. Thank you to all those who attended and I hope to see you again. For those of you who shared stories, they were all greatly appreciated. I will be posting a log of at least one event time fairly soon, for those of you who missed it. One last thing, we had some confusion as to how exactly are you to submit a story and when you are to read it. I will be creating a forum for the purpose of showing exactly what you are to do.

    [center][u]Next Story Night[/u][/center]
    [center]Date: Nov. 13th (Day,317)[/center]
    [center]Place: Fortune’s Well[/center]
    [center]1st Time: 5:00 GT [/center]
    [center]2nd Time: 20:00 GT [/center]
    [center]Host: TGW & Tarquinus [/center]
  10. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Ren in Discussion On Wishpoints   
    So...what about some sort of "Generator" outside the lands? That is, a small group of people that constantly seek out more wp codes that they can use to sponsor people outside the regular lands in their quests. I suspect it would be hard to set up, and harder to maintain, not to mention it would probably get "abused" by Land Alliance people wanting to use it if it worked well enough... But, unless another method is found..? Just a random suggestion.

    Or perhaps set up a regular barter agreement of sorts where kings give a certain number of Tasks that can be "Traded" in for wp codes, similar to the Pickle Points system. These tasks could be like regular quests I suppose, or they could be things that benefit the Realm more. Something like, "find a new place to promote MD from" or "teach a new player for a week straight out of story mode", etc. Again, potentially abused, but a suggestion none the less.

    EDIT: You could also sort of combine the two ideas, of course.
  11. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Lifeline in Petition Against February   
    If so many people complain about this already in a petition that is intended to have mur solve problems in the gameplay (punishing feb, removing him from mp3 or whatever) then i suggest petitioning for something that will eliminate the problem by its root. not just remove one factor of the problem that could easly come back because lets face it the problems are angiens and the fighting mechanics and not a mp3 who legally uses the crits that are harder to get early in the game.

    angiens dont even need xp at all to be able to uprade to a level where they are capable of fighting. (and with that are already able to cap other people) all they need is 120age and some VE that can easly be gotten even without grinding.
    if a mp3 shouldnt be able to have a lvl3 angien then same goes for other expensive creatures like birds ect (if u have the vitality to buy and upgrade a bird u can ugrade ur angien as well)

    what is feb doing? he has really low profile stats, no drachorns, ect. so in oder to get wins for a burst he can only use angiens. otherwise he is the normal average mp3 and will have a hard time getting to his bursts. without breaking any rules he can beat the strongest players which surely is an inviting challenge so he goes for it. so far there is no problem at all, the problem starts when [u][b]angiens give xp to the opponent which is the only real problem![/b][/u]

    [u][b]so instead of multiple complains against a player who has nothing to do with the real problem i suggest to go for multiple complains against a broken fighting mechanic WHICH IS THE SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM that needs attention and has to get fixed.[/b][/u]
    if we are lucky mur tries to balance angiens and do something about the unearned xp they give to the opponent. then feb wouldnt pose a problem anymore and we would also have a better game.
  12. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Thanatopic in Petition Against February   
    I have no complaints against the mentioned party: not of a personal nature, a professional nature, or of any nature other than general distaste. These are not reasons, in my opinion that a person should be punished, simply because I do not agree with how they chose to conduct their lives. I do, however believe, that this should not be allowed to continue. As an mp3, he is posing as one of the uninitiated, when his demonstrable knowledge affirms the complete opposite. One cannot be other than who they are. Therefore, my voice is cast with forcing upon him the growth he so staunchly resists. I do not consider it a punishment, it is more inline with the following paragraph.

    Enlightenment does not always come gentle, sitting in repose contemplating the nature of things is not the only path that will lead to awareness of what is and what is not. On occasion, that knowledge will rip through you like a storm, igniting the tinder in your soul into a wild-fire..and at times it is not welcome. You will, on occasion, be shown things you did not wish to see, learn things you had not wished to learn. You will be forced, unwilling, to a higher plane of understanding, and wish for all your self that you could go back to simpler times. The first time a child learns of Death...when one realizes that no one is responsible for themselves but their self. No amount of fighting it will prevent it, but refusal to accept will cause a schism of self that cannot be denied.
  13. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Burns in Petition Against February   
    Due to beign locked out while writing, here we go again =D

    This was supposed to be in http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7831-the-bad-ass-mp3-strikes-back/. Read it that way.

    During the production of those pics, 20 mp3 were capped.

    I don't care if there's an mp3 account that can beat me, anybody can, no big deal.
    I'm bothered by that account still being mp3. If it was mp5, i wouldn't care. If it was mp3 and always hidden/never online, i wouldn't care either.

    But since it is mp3, online, and putting that rit up in MDP, i'm bothered.

    In fact, i'm so bothered that i complain in accordance to following rule:
    Any repeated complain from multiple unique users will get some kind of unwanted action on you, try not to offend people, or to cause a mess in general[/quote]

    There. I complained. About february hurting newbies, the only resource MD really, really needs.
    I wonder how many pages it takes to have enough complaints to make february mp5, or stripped of his angiens.
  14. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Eon in The Bad-Ass Mp3 Strikes Back!   
    I highly doubt that was Nad's intention for starting this thread, Freelancer. He already created a topic like this not long ago, so why would he need to make another one other than for the obvious reason to show off.

    Do you realize he most likely had to burst to beat every single one of those players? Had they been at there full strength he would have had very little chance to beat them.

    Vet's are not hurt by having there creatures defeated , they are annoyed by Nadrolski's smugness

    If he is as tough as he thinks he is he should move up to mp5 and fight all the mp5's.

    Edit:I was working on my post when Curiose posted hers
  15. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Curiose in The Bad-Ass Mp3 Strikes Back!   
    Okay, before you go running your mouth again, allow us to repeat our reasoning:

    Nadrolski took it upon himself to post those things NOT to prove to other players that it is possible that an MP3 can defeat the high and mighty Mp5's. As it is SEEN by the other players, it is nothing less than [b]GLOATING.[/b]

    I'm sure people could care less if they were able to have those stats and use them in battles; but to purposefully post them on chat and to show what they can do for the world to see? That, is immaturity. THAT is just proving that you care nothing less than to show off.

    Let me tell you something; February isn't innocent. Not in the slightest. I was attacked by that person while I was an mp3 and in an Alliance. Certainly may not be much of an achievement, but even so, when that person attacks another, he can potentially cap another player, thus forcing them into the next Mp level. That is not admirable. Nor is complaining about being attacked, and retaliating, and then killing off your creatures. Sure, that may be how some play the game, but even so. Also in regards to how he won those fights? Most of them were bursts in the first place.

    As for what you said about the spoilers: Why do you think Dst said this quote?
    [quote]Oh...and don't you think that all those pictures are a bit of [b]spoilerish[/b]?[/quote]

    The 'ish' doesn't make it a definite spoiler, she's simply saying that it is in some way a spoiler, and some of us just so happen to agree.

    And yes, some of the logs actually do happen to tell you some things about the fight. Even so, some players don't even know what a Burst is yet, nor what it looks like/does in a battle, and SOME of us would like the younger players to find out on their own.

    So before you write some snotty comment with your crude words and disgusting language, think about what you're saying before you actually say it.

    Curiose, Out.
  16. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to freelancer in The Bad-Ass Mp3 Strikes Back!   
    I dont get it. Why is everybody, especially the vets, being so negative about this post? Is it so bad that you got your asses kicked by a mp3? Is it because you always have to be the over powered ones? Maybe it hurted your feelings when February defeated your creatures? You vets should know better than any1 that losing is a part of this game, a very important part too. So why are you all treating this post so negatively?

    You may say that feb is setting a bad example to the new mp3 players that grinding is the way to go, but I say that he is just introducing another way to play the game. We all choose to play this game, and we get play it the way we want it. It is not like grinding is against the rules.

    You think it is easy for February, a mp3 player to get that much stats and enough xp for those angiens? With the 380k xp cap, it takes extreme patience, time, and a deep understanding of the mechanism of this game to achieve that. I am not saying grinding is good, nor its fun, but come on.. how many mp3 do you know that can defeat those vets?
    Only February…. So that is something.
    He might not have done it the way you expect him to, and why should he if he does not like your way.

    Hell how many mp4s or even mp5s do you know that can defeat those players? Not much. It is amazing that an mp3 is able to achieve that level of skill.

    And to those who think the pictures that nad posted are considered spoilers... o come on. Are you kidding me? They are just pictures of some crits, I mean it does not even tell you what kind of creature is it, nor does it tell you what the creatures can do. They are just pictures for god’s sakes. To new players…they are no more than a glimpse of what is the future of this game has to offer. Those creatures can motivate new mp3s to keep playing.
    But if the pictures are really too much for you, then I honestly do not know what to say, except that it is ridiculous. Or is that too much of a spoiler for you ?

    And lastly to those who says they are not impressed, Nad and feb are not trying to impress anyone. I doubt they even care what you vets think. The real reason they made this post is to motivate the relatively new players. That the fighting system in this game is not just about losing and skill damage, if they work hard enough, they do not have to hide or kill off their creatures to avoid skill damage, because victories can be achieved. A mp3 defeating mp5 vets is the best example of that.

    So before you give me those negative reps, think deep down why you are doing it.
  17. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Thanatopic in The Thoughts Of A Mortal   
    ( The essay was left folded on an empty desk; the broad windows seeming to cast all points and rays of lights to the small parchment with it's coal handwriting. Drift had left his mark at the bottom. It had arrived by mountain eagle, clutched in the birds beak and left to rest on the desk.. for the man had been absent for days from the mainland of the Realm, considering, contemplating, mayhaps creating while he walked the mountaintops of Golemus)

    THese few days among the mountains have given me much time to think. I have hunted for food once more, and survived only by my wits and strength of arm. My God has been absent, perhaps understanding that hsi presence can be grueling for one such as I, just a man...This is a strange land indeed...and what my God want's from this place I cannot know. He has preserved my life, for this I will serve..but if I desire understanding, I must seek it out myself. God's are not know for their concern of mere mortals.

    I have traveled the lands of loreroot in this new life. Indulging of fruits and the sounds of life. Their library does not lend, and their weapon-smith no longer sells to me. I consider myself cast out from that old home. The forest can taste the difference in me as I walk; though I am not forbidden entrance..I am no longer allowed succor there. Still though..one can glean it's secrets. Look simply at the creatures who call that forest home. THe Knator, The Neried, the Ents. Impossibly weak they begin, though not without teeth. Strength In life? Growth...Self-Discovery? Perhaps that is the truth of Lore root. To find yourself in repose, considering the nature of the great cycle. Strength in self-awareness, and how one relates to everything around it.

    I have, on occasaion, set foot to the desert sands of Necrovian. A bleak and desolate place, steeped with the ancient power of silence and shadow. It is a part of of ourselves we all must explore. The Sacrifice of self, of walking in the darker parts of our mind. THe trees there are twisted and frightening, it's Denizens those whom believe in slavery and knowledge at the cost of everything held dear. Though i find myself disturbed, their peoples have a certain level of respect. Sacrifice is the lesson i've taken from the necrovian lands. Nothing is gained without sacrifice. Even it's ruling body, the many-headed god of necrovian, is a sacrifice. A thousand souls who have given up identity, to find a sum power greater than their whole parts.

    Now I find myself in the Mountains of Golemus, and as My bare feet tred the sharp stone I find myself wondering what secrets will be had here. Each of the lands Before this has revealed a part of myself, by it's very existence it has showed me truths I could not have previously comprehend. THis land is strange, empty shells of soldiers wander aimlessly..at it's peak an army of tiny men seem to wait for nothing more than to be fought. Perhaps the secret of golemus is measurement..in its exacting technomagic. Loreroot Gives one a place in the world. NEcrovian Asks one to sacrifice that place. Golemus..asks perhaps for one to test and define their own place. To measure oneself against the cold and callous mountain. Against it's armies of homonculi, to see exactly what one is made of...Creation, defintion, Exacting discipline. Perhaps..but still I wander these forlorn peaks.

    (OOC: In writing this, I had no intention of divulging secrets...for I have been told none, and found even less. This is merely my interpretation of the world. All thoughts here were stumbled upon by observation, and meditation. )
  18. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Thanatopic in [Loreroot] It Is The Mystery That Endures.   
    This world, as all other worlds, exists in relation that which surrounds it. It has it's knights, and it's champions. It's rulers, it's gods, and it's shapers. Temporal at best, these are the forces which give name to that which exists here. Before all of these, before The Cross Templars flew their flags, before the chief Deity of this realm sought to put to life what passed through his mind, there was the Maker.

    His ways are barely comprehensible, in fact often attributed to other devices. His existence is in question, and often outright denined; but still there is the maker. Every thing ever created, every word written, every idea given life, springs from him. From the void, he brought substance, from nothing something. THe force is undeniable; though others claim to have made this world, they've only given shape to what the maker originally conceived. Nothing passes without his consent, nothing is shaped without his guiding touch. Every act of genesis springs from him, for everything in this world, and all other worlds, are made of him.

    You can choose to deny this existence, you can choose to claim for yourself that which is only his. Know this, one day the maker will come in full glory, and he will bring his Rule to this world, as he has to every world before he has walked. I am his servant, his vessel, through me may his Voice be known in this world which remains ignorant of him. Ill-will is not offered, but know that his rule is inexorable; as the tsunami crashes to the shore, as the molten stone pours from the earth, as the storm passes and fades, so too will the Maker come to bring this world under his Gaze.

    (OOC: Don't think that i'm claiming ANY hand in what Mur has built here, It's enjoyable and I could have done none of it. I'm simply introducing a new God, and claiming my character as his Servant and Avatar. I'm not a power-gamer, my purpose is not to upset or usurp. What is said here may be true or not, my character believes it all to be true. What is true (In character) is that some power took Drift, protected him through the Three hells, and brought him safely back home to loreroot. The power has little belief in him here, so his strength is minimal. His only form of combat is The Oldest Game; and his goal is to consolidate power of the realm in his hands, by which to rule it).
  19. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Blackwoodforest in Passive Absence   
    As some of you already realized, i am not that much online ingame nor I walk around a lot anymore. The reason is simple and some may laugh but i am tired of being penalized due tu skill damage. And I fail to see walking around and seeking 3 sword fights on mp5 level on noobs where I know I can win, and only one lost fights makes me lose those gained stats in an instant. It´s sad my role is suffering under this and i don´t know if I want to go into negative stats, at least i raised this character and I have a right to be a fighter somehow for sure. Right now I don't want to spend that much time to run and hide so I will stay mostly in sanctuaries if idle or so, but not where i should be (you all know where i should be staying), makes me lack of enjoying rp. Maybe i catch myself those weeks.

    I thought it would be a good section to post this. If anyone has a good objective suggestion, please go ahead.

    I know some of you will laugh, some will roll eyes but i felt like posting this (at least my mood is so).

    Thank you all for your understanding.
  20. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Muratus del Mur in Woodcutters   
    closed closed but i still feel i need to make a clarification here.

    woodcutters belong to LR and YES that means it comes with citizenship and YES it means woodcutters need to respect the rules of the land and their king too.

    You might see this as unfair because such a big advantage of controlling the guild that gathers such a resource comes to one single land... but you are missing the big picture here. Each land will have such an advantage somehow, because each gathering guild will belong to one or the other land.

    This guild needs to belong to LR because the majority of this resource is located there and the purpose of the guild is not to consume it all but to understand the rules of the forest and gather it wisely. this means their interest should be with loreroot and not against it. Just imagine the guild belonging to necrovion and gathering wood resources in loreroot...

    When the miners guild will be assigned to golemus, you will probably have all this arguing allover again.
  21. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to CrazyMike in Woodcutters   
    This thread is getting heated up.

    Fact: Mur himself has "apologised" for not confering with the King before dropping the guild in his land.
    This shows Mur understood that without preplanning and consultation its gonna be an added stress, but changes need to be implemented. Lets move on and deal with it.

    Fact: There are only 4 Kings. Firsan did what he did and said what he said.
    Does everyone want him to say it with flowers and pretty please? Only the other 3 Kings will understand the pressure of running a land. Anyone can say and criticise the King, but in the end, the King will need to clean up the mess in his land if it does get messy.

    Fact: The King wanted to speak with the leader and was answered with we are one.
    If this is RL, and my staff said that, I would have chewed that person up and spit him out by the roadside. Dont start with some idealistic crap about diplomatic, polite and all that crap. That answer was crap and got a reply from the King that was abrupt. I would have understood if the King wanted to F that answer. His reply to me was restrained. It could have been worse.

    Fact: Woodcutters are in Loreroot, whether its mechanics, technical or just plain luck.
    This means Woodcutters are under the care of the Loreroot King, whether anyone likes it or not. Meaning good or bad, the King will be effected.

    Lets drop all the noise about who is doing what.

    Woodcutter's leader needs to speak to the King.

    This is between them.

    If you think the King is going to screw up the Woodcutters, let him do it and everyone can crucify him then.

    Every father has their own way to raise their son, but we shouldnt be shoving down their throats whats right or wrong.

    Peace Out!
  22. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Pipstickz in Woodcutters   
    You're talking about two seperate things: The issues brought up in my earlier post, and then citizenship for most of your supposed reply. I will deal with these two things seperately, even though you seem to think they fit perfectly together.
    Your reply to me:
    Firstly, simply because you were once a leader, that does not give you the knowledge and understanding of how it all works. Not to mention, of course, that your statement that "some form of structure" hurts alliances is the complete opposite of what Firs is trying to make the Woodcutters do! By forcing them to get into a certain structure, they could well make a hasty decision and do exactly what you're describing, yet you still back this up! Lesson learned, you say? Think again.
    Secondly, what does it matter if they get organized before or after the actual guild is formed? Ever heard of a grace period? Do these sort of things not exist in your mind?

    Now, as for the rest of your post:
    You start by saying that there could be another "Savel situation". The "Savel situation" you're referring to was caused by months of tension and negativity between two people, and then finally one small thing happened that blew up, and Princ ended up in jail. Now, comparing it to this issue, the Woodcutters had existed for all of one day, and I'm assuming that Firs has had little or no past interaction with most of the members. How could another "Savel situation" happen unless one party was immediately rude and disrespectful to the other party?

    After that, you say that you know from experience that just throwing a guild into another land can cause a big issue. How can you know from experience? You've never made or moved a guild, that's what Mur does.

    As for your next paragraph, it pertains to RL, and not MD, so why would it apply? Mur makes the rules in MD.

    And then your last two paragraphs, yes the guild is part of Loreroot, and that IS because of mechanics, but what isn't part of mechanics is the king himself, the human element, and really, I'm quite sure that if this had happened in Necrovion or Marind Bell first, this sort of thing wouldn't have happened, or at least would've been done in private.
  23. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kafuuka in Several Alts Having Roles In Different Lands?   
    [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' date='12 August 2010 - 12:13 AM' timestamp='1281564819' post='65839']
    I am suggesting that we consider these "guilds" to be a lesser thing that true alliances, such that you can be a citizen, and alliance member, and a guild member.
    Mur has explicitly stated guild members cannot also be alliance members. Furthermore I abhor the notion of guilds being less than an alliance. They are different, but that does not imply one is better than the other. Half of the 'old' alliances aren't even remotely connected to fighting, which made me wonder why guilds - which are also not about fighting - even need special treatment. However I'm told mp5s are relentless in attacking everybody they can, which could pose problems for lower mp level players. [i]- before anyone bothers: I am not afraid of mp5, that 'ultimate fighting' level just fails to interest me.[/i]

    That aside, I too wonder if there will be enough players interested in joining a guild with their 'main'.

    @Ivorak: the crafters have always claimed neutrality. And I've never seen them behave otherwise. Whether this should extends to guilds that are assigned a land I don't know. If we look at reality, guilds often had local branches in every land or a competing guild of sorts. If the lands were to have all resources and thus become self sufficient, that'd be boring and purpose defeating.
  24. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to apophys in Woodcutters Guild   
    I know I'm not in the guild, but may I suggest a Nut Sack for collecting nuts from trees?
  25. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Laphers in Woodcutters Guild   
    [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='10 August 2010 - 03:28 PM' timestamp='1281482903' post='65688']

    Currently i still need to do a tool for gathering tree bark and resin, the others are done.
    Also, i am not sure if you create more tools or fewer tools than the guild member count.

    please post name suggestions for other tools you might use to gather the resources described in the announcement

    Hoedad - a planting tool (Shouldn't woodcutters be concerned with making sure that we replace what we take?)
    Lopper - trims branches off of a tree trunk
    Chipper - takes branches and scrap wood and chips them into a mulch
    Bark Spud - removes bark from tree
    Drip Tap - for collecting sap

    And some basic research that I found regarding sap collection:

    To collect maple sap (for making maple syrup), a small hole is drilled into a living tree and a drip tap is installed which allows a small amount of sap extracted into a bucket which hangs from the tap.

    Pine Sap is collected in a similar way and is used for mixing with paint as a thickener an to create resin artwork. Pine sap can also be used to create a natural chewing gum and a type of solvent like turpentine.

    Rubber Tree Sap can be refined into natural rubber (latex).

    Birch sap is high in Vitamin C and has been used to cure scurvy. It can also be boiled to create a tonic that is said to help arthritis. It can also be made into wine or beer.

    Sap (various types) has also been used as an adhesive and for dressing wounds. Some have astringent properties and stop bacterial infections.

    Gum arabic, derived from acacia tree sap, is used in gumdrops, marshmallows and other candies (also envelope & stamp gum) .
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