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Muratus del Mur

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  1. Thanks
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Azull in A probability problem   
    either you agree that events in the future are "stronger" (maybe more real) than events in their past, then it means that whatever you experience in the present is following a purpose in its future, and everything are just "roots".
    you consider events in the past "stronger" than whatever might follow them, meaning that everything in the future is totally meaningless and just a causal result of whatever happened before.
    The second version is what people find easier to accept and the first is for some plain outrageous. 
    There are niche experiments that proved events in the future change events in the past (scientifically, look for "quantum eraser"), there is religion that talks about similar concepts (regardless of religion).
    However, direct, simple, observation can only tell the story of causality, you do one thing then the next event is the effect of what you did, cause and effect. 
    My personal belief is that viewing things as causal, is dark ages level. I strongly believe that we observe reality (or our side of what we call reality), in a single, causal way, but it actually holds both sides. I think events happen at some point in "time" then spread their roots into the future AND the past, joining "threads" that will eventually confirm their existence and lead to it.
  2. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from MaGoHi in Volunteers needed   
    I am going two weeks on vacation in 2 days, not sure if i will be able to do any updates while on vacation. Anyway, artworks are on their way, so updates will still happen.
  3. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Lazarus in Volunteers needed   
    As you probably already know, i am building an other game, totally something else than MD. Since MD community is my base of friends and collaborators, i am sharing this here with you.
    I am looking for people that want to help find bugs, test it, share ideas but also build strategic maps and later on help me manage this game, if something comes out of it.
    There is no payment involved, sadly. I am doing this as a personal side project and all the money i can spare from my daily job, what is not going into md, i will invest in comissioning better artworks and design for it. Of course if you are an artist and wish to help, i can pay for specific work..but thats an other story for an other topic.
    So, if you like playing turn based strategy games, and you like the gameplay of this one and wish to help..well..i need your help
    Things needed right now:
    1) Bug testing. Give the game a try and see if you can find glitches and bugs with the gameplay.
    2) Maps. I built a map editor..its rudimentary for now. I need people that could build maps using it. Building a map involves having a great ideea for a map, and placing elements such as water, walls, units and so on, on a blank map. These maps will be used later on as levels and multiplayer maps.
    Any offer for help, feedback or suggestion, please write here or on discord.
    Thank you all!
  4. Like
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Poppi Chullo in Volunteers needed   
    As you probably already know, i am building an other game, totally something else than MD. Since MD community is my base of friends and collaborators, i am sharing this here with you.
    I am looking for people that want to help find bugs, test it, share ideas but also build strategic maps and later on help me manage this game, if something comes out of it.
    There is no payment involved, sadly. I am doing this as a personal side project and all the money i can spare from my daily job, what is not going into md, i will invest in comissioning better artworks and design for it. Of course if you are an artist and wish to help, i can pay for specific work..but thats an other story for an other topic.
    So, if you like playing turn based strategy games, and you like the gameplay of this one and wish to help..well..i need your help
    Things needed right now:
    1) Bug testing. Give the game a try and see if you can find glitches and bugs with the gameplay.
    2) Maps. I built a map editor..its rudimentary for now. I need people that could build maps using it. Building a map involves having a great ideea for a map, and placing elements such as water, walls, units and so on, on a blank map. These maps will be used later on as levels and multiplayer maps.
    Any offer for help, feedback or suggestion, please write here or on discord.
    Thank you all!
  5. Haha
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Ungod in Improvised REAL Rain Collector   
  6. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Fyrd Argentus in Clubs   
    I enabled a forum feature called "Clubs". I must say, i have no clue if it is not confusing or it is super nice feature, but i will let you decide that. 
    Feedback is welcome, and for a month or more, consider this experimental.  At the end of the experimental period i will ask you to vote if to keep this feature or not, and we will discuss its potential uses. If the clubs get used and i see relevant content there, voting will be skipped and we keep them.
    One potential use of clubs would be for really offtopic , but well organized content. I would open for example a club related to watchmaking, or cooking,  and allow there anyone that is interested.
    Using clubs as an equivalent of in-game guilds is also a possibility, but in such case it will need heavy moderation.
    Have fun
  7. Thanks
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from JadenDew in New forum at Magic:re   
    So, we moved to a different domain, slightly different forum software due to its licence and changed options. Now let the bug reports flow.
    I am sure there are still issues with it, so if you encounter any please post it, so me or @Chewett can work to fix them.
    The new forum has several advantages over the old one, and i am hoping to finally be able to make it bring new players in MD. The old forum had a traffic restriction, and possibly the google rankings where severely affected by it.
    Also, as a future plan, i intend to connect the forum much better with the game itself, and i already have a list of ideas i want to implement.
    ..but first lets make it work as it is
    I really hope you like the new domain, myself i like it very much, i am glad i could find such a domain.
  8. Thanks
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Aia del Mana in New forum at Magic:re   
    So, we moved to a different domain, slightly different forum software due to its licence and changed options. Now let the bug reports flow.
    I am sure there are still issues with it, so if you encounter any please post it, so me or @Chewett can work to fix them.
    The new forum has several advantages over the old one, and i am hoping to finally be able to make it bring new players in MD. The old forum had a traffic restriction, and possibly the google rankings where severely affected by it.
    Also, as a future plan, i intend to connect the forum much better with the game itself, and i already have a list of ideas i want to implement.
    ..but first lets make it work as it is
    I really hope you like the new domain, myself i like it very much, i am glad i could find such a domain.
  9. Thanks
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Poppi Chullo in New forum at Magic:re   
    So, we moved to a different domain, slightly different forum software due to its licence and changed options. Now let the bug reports flow.
    I am sure there are still issues with it, so if you encounter any please post it, so me or @Chewett can work to fix them.
    The new forum has several advantages over the old one, and i am hoping to finally be able to make it bring new players in MD. The old forum had a traffic restriction, and possibly the google rankings where severely affected by it.
    Also, as a future plan, i intend to connect the forum much better with the game itself, and i already have a list of ideas i want to implement.
    ..but first lets make it work as it is
    I really hope you like the new domain, myself i like it very much, i am glad i could find such a domain.
  10. Thanks
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Yrthilian in New forum at Magic:re   
    So, we moved to a different domain, slightly different forum software due to its licence and changed options. Now let the bug reports flow.
    I am sure there are still issues with it, so if you encounter any please post it, so me or @Chewett can work to fix them.
    The new forum has several advantages over the old one, and i am hoping to finally be able to make it bring new players in MD. The old forum had a traffic restriction, and possibly the google rankings where severely affected by it.
    Also, as a future plan, i intend to connect the forum much better with the game itself, and i already have a list of ideas i want to implement.
    ..but first lets make it work as it is
    I really hope you like the new domain, myself i like it very much, i am glad i could find such a domain.
  11. Thanks
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Ledah in New forum at Magic:re   
    So, we moved to a different domain, slightly different forum software due to its licence and changed options. Now let the bug reports flow.
    I am sure there are still issues with it, so if you encounter any please post it, so me or @Chewett can work to fix them.
    The new forum has several advantages over the old one, and i am hoping to finally be able to make it bring new players in MD. The old forum had a traffic restriction, and possibly the google rankings where severely affected by it.
    Also, as a future plan, i intend to connect the forum much better with the game itself, and i already have a list of ideas i want to implement.
    ..but first lets make it work as it is
    I really hope you like the new domain, myself i like it very much, i am glad i could find such a domain.
  12. Haha
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Fyrd Argentus in MD Fermentation   
  13. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from lashtal in right click disabled or not   
    your votes but most of all your arguments are clear to me. right click will be enabled back. 
    Thank you for your feedback
  14. Like
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Mallos in right click disabled or not   
    your votes but most of all your arguments are clear to me. right click will be enabled back. 
    Thank you for your feedback
  15. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Demonic God in right click disabled or not   
    I vote for enable, simply because you can shift-rightclick on firefox and access the context menu anyway.
  16. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Mallos in right click disabled or not   
    Basically just forces me to take a screenshot or control+C to copy the things I could otherwise do with a rightclick/copy, it being disabled does pretty much nothing to stop me from using the functionality I just need to do it in other ways. Would prefer it to be enabled.
  17. Like
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Chewett in Calender Events wanted!   
    I am looking for interesting calendar events that happened in the past in MagicDuel. I will pay one silver for each entry with a date, year and description if I add it into MD. I will pay an additional two silver coins for any entry that also is linked to a forum post or similar linkable event.
    Please post below (one event per post) so I can review and add them, thanks!
  18. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Chewett in Celebrate the Solstice   
    All events and quests ran during this day with more than three participants will be eligible for a Wishpoint for their creator!
  19. Like
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Fyrd Argentus in Celebrate the Solstice   
    June 20 all day long, to recognize the fulfillment of spring's promise, and the beginning of summer.  Come to the GoE and present -- whatever you want, to honor the occasion.  You can present a ceremony, a dance, a literary work, a song, a game, a vaudeville act, or whatever you wish.  Use in-chat links to present artwork etc.  There will also be minor events and activities all day long.  Please join in and host some games yourself - I can't be in the realm all 24 hours.
    Everything I (or anybody) can capture on the AR, or you post in a reply below (especially for prepared works) will be given time for judging by up-arrows (let's say end of June).  (Of course, these are forum votes, not alts).  The entry with the most up-arrows (minus its down-arrows) will get a wishpoint (provided it gets at least 12 up-arrows) OR AT YOUR OPTION, A RUSTY (donated by lashtal)!!!  Smaller prizes may be awarded at my option, and if you see something you really like, feel free to donate to that participant yourself!
    Let's join together as a community and make the beginning of summer something special.
  20. Like
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Fyrd Argentus in Celebrate the Solstice   
    Here I'll post a schedule.  Please PM directly with slot requests and questions - try to save REPLY for actual entries.  Most stuff by Fyrd can easily be moved around.  Don't be shy about asking to take one of those slots.  And of course spontaneous presentations are most welcome!
    0:00 Fyrd Opening Words -- first Video Parody Song Revealed: Ode to a Tree.
    1900 Deadline for submission for 2300 Event 
    2000 ??? Open {Fyrd possibly late returning from lunch}
    2300 Lashtal's Bathing Suit Competition.  See link for details https://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/19648-quest-time-to-take-a-bath/ .
    2400 Fyrd Closing Words, Final Acoustic Remains
    The following games are available to play if there is enough interest:
    Ungod has offered to run Trivia contests throughout the day.
    DG wrote a board game - see post below.
    Fyrd's SOLSTICE-THEMED PUN CONTEST - postponed due to lack of attendance.
    Fyrd's "Pass the Gas" (hot potato).  You're encouraged to bring extra RP items of the stinky kind to confuse/complexify things.
    Fyrd's Mind race - compete for speed on the puzzle on Berserker's  Way.  Ssclorp claims 13 minutes for all shards.
    Fyrd's "Drunken Charades" (well, sorta like Taboo).  Everyone is encouraged to bring beverages that will keep all our tongues tied up (but I have managed to score TWO casks of beer, so no worries).
  21. Like
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Aia del Mana in Happy Birthday Aia   
    Happy Birthday Aia!!!
  22. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Fang Archbane in WTB My old avatar   
    (So sorry, I took a nap)
    Thank you so much Chewy, I appreciate the help so so much.
    This Avy means a lot to me. I'll be sure to be more careful moving forward
  23. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Pipstickz in Removed Shard Value Wonky?   
    Nothing wonky about it, works perfectly.
    The shards you use on an ability are embedded in the creature with that ability, and are returned if you recycle that ability. You can recycle initial abilities that required less shards, or later abilities that required more shards, you will get each time the number of shards spent at that time on that ability.
  24. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Pipstickz in How do I cure my MD addiction?   
    Try to understand what parts of your MD activity you no longer enjoy to do but you are still doing, and start by changing that. 
    Set yourself only fixed hours and time intervals you wish to be around, and whatever happens simply don't come here outside those intervals.
    If you wish to quit entirely, close up lose ends, decide what people you still want to be in contact with and keep a different communication channel with them (like facebook, discord, email).
    I knew many people that at some point decided to leave, but a year or two later decided they want to return, so my advice is to GRACEFULLY leave and don't do a mess behind you.
  25. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Pipstickz in I couldn't find a complete set of my armor   
    some items of a set are hidden in secret shops
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