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  1. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Yoshi in The Sisterhood   
    Chastise me all you want but aside from Dst's wet armour competition I haven't seen anyone else come up with any marketing strategies or activities, and they could go to war dressed in bras, I never mentionned dresses...what about Xena warrior princess? Im sure she had some kind of Bra, and what about the character "worth about a pig" in Gladiatress, she bought a Bra from the Gauls.

    Fine, if there is to be no Bra burning then how about blowing up David Lloyd George's hou....I mean what about blowing up the house of one of the king or queens...a hunger strike...chain yourselves to the howling gates...have riot in MDP...

  2. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Yoshi in The Sisterhood   
    But back on topic, Windy, I have a VERY wonderful suggestion. A suggestion so marvelous, so stupendous, so inspired that not to do it would be a travesty so great as to wipe the very flesh from ths bones of the earth. I suggest, all the women of the sisterhood burn their bras.

  3. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Tarquinus in Just Realised I Never Said "hi"   

    As far as I am concerned, you should ignore people who assail your roleplaying or dismiss it as "stupid" -- even if it were true, saying that to a player of MagicDuel would be a bit like handing out speeding tickets at a race. This community has roleplayers of all degrees of experience, skill, and level of interest, from none to considerable. I find that most people are supportive and welcoming of new players, even if many, with good reasons, express doubts about secondary or tertiary characters (alts).

    I offer but one word of advice, and that is to attempt to be considerate. If you wander into a scene where nobody is speaking in-character, don't force your RP on them (unless you deliberately wish to be viewed as obnoxious). Those of us, such as myself, who value good roleplay, have reason to hope that our courtesy will be returned by those who do not share our values.

    Enjoy your time in MagicDuel, and don't be shy about asking for assistance.
  4. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Firsanthalas in Allow Other People To Edit Your Papers   
    Aye. One particular area I myself found this useful for was alliance papers. I could change the alliance pages of people within the alliance, which was really handy.
    I'd also like to take the time to point out that I never heard of anyone complaining about their papers being edited against their will or anythign bad being done in that regard. Hopefully this is the case and it shows that the people with the ability were able to use it well.
  5. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Watcher in The Sisterhood   
    Chastise me all you want but aside from Dst's wet armour competition I haven't seen anyone else come up with any marketing strategies or activities, and they could go to war dressed in bras, I never mentionned dresses...what about Xena warrior princess? Im sure she had some kind of Bra, and what about the character "worth about a pig" in Gladiatress, she bought a Bra from the Gauls.

    Fine, if there is to be no Bra burning then how about blowing up David Lloyd George's hou....I mean what about blowing up the house of one of the king or queens...a hunger strike...chain yourselves to the howling gates...have riot in MDP...

  6. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from awiiya in The Sisterhood   
    But back on topic, Windy, I have a VERY wonderful suggestion. A suggestion so marvelous, so stupendous, so inspired that not to do it would be a travesty so great as to wipe the very flesh from ths bones of the earth. I suggest, all the women of the sisterhood burn their bras.

  7. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Watcher in The Sisterhood   
    But back on topic, Windy, I have a VERY wonderful suggestion. A suggestion so marvelous, so stupendous, so inspired that not to do it would be a travesty so great as to wipe the very flesh from ths bones of the earth. I suggest, all the women of the sisterhood burn their bras.

  8. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Rendril in Auctions   
    How is this different to a normal auction? Those that can put forward the most money will of course win in the auction.
    It is not a flaw of the auction that you cannot afford bidding.
    I think it is a great initiative and should be savoured.

    That which possibly makes it seem unfair is the high prices the opening bids started at, this was of course a strategic move to eliminate opposition early on, but I feel it was too early too quickly. The minimum starting bid is 1 silver, I would have liked to see it start from that.
    I know this was a trial run, but I feel 3 items is too little, and they should be auctioned off sequentially rather than all at once.
    There are people who can pay ridiculous prices for the items, the question is if they are willing to do so.
    In my experience the objective of the bidder is to aim to spend as little as possible to gain as much as they can (unless of course if for example it is a fundraising auction)
    Having more items means those who want to spend extremely high prices, can do so, but it gives those who are unable or unwilling to spend extreme amount a chance compete.

    What I do see as a flaw of the auction is the variable valuation. In a noraml auction the difference between $1 and $10 is clear cut. Here it is a judgemental thing where every person values items differently, and it is not clear what the higher bid might be (not in all cases, but I do see a few)
    I would like to see the current accepted highest bid updated on ocasion so we know where it stands and can compare to previous bids so we get some indication as to what is considered more valuable.
  9. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Aeoshattr in Auctions   
    I find the auction, to be honest and to get my reputation to -100 or so, rather stupid. Stupid because i can't find any other word. As much as I agree that people should be rewarded for their work, I am simply.... dumbstruck? (did I invent a new word?) by the idea of an auction. If you want to reward them, reward them personally. Not by putting some awesome creatures / other things under our noses and then let people show off how much credits they pay. (yes shadow, i read your post). An auction should give ALL participants an equal chance, or at least try to. And the idea of a separate auction for... "lowlifes" i think you'd call us if even more hilarious. What are we gonna fight for? An Aramor with Claw 1 on it??
    It seems as if this auction is just meant to upset people and give others a reason to flick others' noses "HA! See what i got?" It seems so corrupt and... ugh... At least you could have made it private, so we don't have to watch. And you wonder why people leave from MD.
    Don't tell me to leave if i don't like it. I just wanted to point something out.
    Of course you like it, so far I've seen posts from people who have a chance of winning something and don't just have to watch how others get items / spells / creatures that will get them even more lost fights (etc).
    I'd like the idea as well if i knew I'd stand a chance. I tried to ignore every bad aspect of MD until now. People get away unpunished, some get to finish quests faster because they tucked some coins in the right pocket, creatures / items given for the very good reason of being in 'love' with someone 5000 miles across the world, completely unfair system for newbies, and many more. I hate being impolite, but one thing I don't stand for is discrimination. Argue about this as much as you want, this is just the way i see it.

    As I said, my intention is not to alter the course of the current auction, but to point out some things (that may or may not deflate some ego-s). MD is going the wrong way, and I think the best example of what happens when something goes wrong from the high positions in the social hierarchy is Romania itself, Mur / Manu should know what i'm talking about. It's pretty much the same situation.

    oh, and just in case you start typing "well nobody asked you to go and look at the items for sale" stop and read.
    [spoiler]It's in the announcements, everyone's talking about HOW GREAT it is, it's all over the forum. what would ANYONE do? go check it.[/spoiler]
  10. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Watcher in Enviromental Issue   
    I'm terribly sorry...my mistake.

  11. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Watcher in Enviromental Issue   
    I'm saying that anywhere people drop rubbish is a potential deadly animal trap. You know...a beer can left on the ground can get an animal sticking its head in and it may be unable to remove it - eventually dying of suffocation. At least any beer cans thrown into the fire get melted.

  12. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Watcher in How Do I Do My Job?   
    I recon you do a fine job Grido. In addition to what others said, also some people will always expect you to do/be something impossible and pick at you for not being, leave them to it.

  13. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to phantasm in Sparring Grounds   
    As you now see Shadowseeker it is not an easy task to conduct the park. You were the one to bring up the idleness of the Dojo, and its many flaws. You took it over, fired the staff, and created the Sparring Ground with great ideals. In my opinion the Dojo was ran much better. For a long time, until Calyx left the game, the dojo was well staffed, and fairly well coniditioned. Not only was it a place to train, but a main hub of RP for the newer players coming in.

    It became a place for idle players to gain losses twards the end of its Dojo days, and seem little different now. I do not bring this up as your failings. You are a great warrior, a good quest creator, and a good friend to the community as a whole. I simple hope that you will not be so quick to judge those that attempted to run the Dojo.
  14. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Asterdai in How Do I Do My Job?   
    I recon you do a fine job Grido. In addition to what others said, also some people will always expect you to do/be something impossible and pick at you for not being, leave them to it.

  15. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Nex in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    this is as close as i get to a rant. it's not usually my style, so i aplogize for the lack of practice. i simply don't like that she gets so much one-sided flak for it.

    i wonder if you seriously fail to see this simple fact:
    adam riddle acted according to his role. [b]so did peace[/b].

    you moarn about a 'real' punishment for 'RP actions'. the punishment was according to her role, so it is RP punishment for RP actions. yes, it is a very tangible punishment.
    now, may i ask you: if you think that your RP actions shouldn't cause an according reaction, what are they worth at all? you want your RP to be taken seriously? then be braced for when it is.

    the 'attack' was an insult against necrovion and herself, and a newly risen-to-power queen shouldn't set a precedent that one get's away lightly with such an act.
    she kept her countenance when publicly insulted and saw to it that the incident was made into an example that this was a very bad idea. a fairly good example of realpolitik. of course, a really 'evil' king/queen would have seen to it that there is no such tales-from-the-prison nonsense, but we in MD play nice

    also, does anyone question what peace has done for his role developement? a windfall.

    reality of the crime:[/size]
    it might have been "just in his mind", but we all know that ideas have power within MD. often things that were mere thoughts became very tangible, if you gave them time to gather power. and again, the action got it's relevance from the reaction. that's what seperates fooling around from RP.

    as one representing a land, you can't afford to appear weak, especially since the shades might not be too happy seeing an affront against their land from some twisted human madman unpunished. real or not.

    [quote name='pamplemousse' date='30 December 2009 - 03:03 AM' timestamp='1262138580' post='51378']
    [b]Finally[/b], Kings act like I expect them to![/quote]
    i know this was originally meant as critic, but what can i say: apparently it's what people expected all along. in that case: congratz on consistent roleplay peace

    i don't argue against her choice of wording being highly unfortunate, and the lenght of the sentence might be debatable, nonetheless it's consistent.
  16. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Metal Bunny in My Quests   
    Actually, and I don't intend to totally crush you or anything, but the ''black hat'' riddle is really easy. But that's an opinion and I understand what you are getting at.
    Also, if you lost the poem, just pm me (for the Interim that is)
  17. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Tarquinus in Sing It Like An...air Scout?   
    Toten...far be it for me to assume anything from your very obviously pointed words but...it would appear you are accusing me of favoritism...even though I wasn't the only judge, and I take that as slander no matter how nicely you want to wrap it up.

    Like dst said, there was never any question you had the best lyrics, other than that, no. You had good lyrics and you just sang them, the winners did more than just that. They had videos, they dressed up, they did actions, they put emphasis where I asked it to be put, they stuck to the original song format, they had music...I could carry on. You won something, and yet here you are moaning you didnt get what you want. There are a million reasons the "public" voted your post green etc etc and it doesnt mean you were better than others. If you cant be bothered to PM me to find out why then I suppose you don't want to know and instead want to publically post something to get attention or to cause a public outcry on your behalf. As I said, bad form, not only that but now you want to carry it on.

    I'd appreciate if someone would close this thread, the contest is over and if Toten wants to [insert word] about why he didnt win top 3 then he can start a new thread about how contests are judged or PM me like I asked him to, its not like Im hard to find.
  18. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Watcher in Sing It Like An...air Scout?   
    Toten...far be it for me to assume anything from your very obviously pointed words but...it would appear you are accusing me of favoritism...even though I wasn't the only judge, and I take that as slander no matter how nicely you want to wrap it up.

    Like dst said, there was never any question you had the best lyrics, other than that, no. You had good lyrics and you just sang them, the winners did more than just that. They had videos, they dressed up, they did actions, they put emphasis where I asked it to be put, they stuck to the original song format, they had music...I could carry on. You won something, and yet here you are moaning you didnt get what you want. There are a million reasons the "public" voted your post green etc etc and it doesnt mean you were better than others. If you cant be bothered to PM me to find out why then I suppose you don't want to know and instead want to publically post something to get attention or to cause a public outcry on your behalf. As I said, bad form, not only that but now you want to carry it on.

    I'd appreciate if someone would close this thread, the contest is over and if Toten wants to [insert word] about why he didnt win top 3 then he can start a new thread about how contests are judged or PM me like I asked him to, its not like Im hard to find.
  19. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Tarquinus in Sing It Like An...air Scout?   
    If you feel so cheated and want to know exactly why people were chosen then PM me in forum or in game. Personally...I feel a bit annoyed and I'm pretty disappointed you've chosen to post that comment, especially taking into consideration the other participants. Bad form.
  20. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Watcher in Sing It Like An...air Scout?   
    If you feel so cheated and want to know exactly why people were chosen then PM me in forum or in game. Personally...I feel a bit annoyed and I'm pretty disappointed you've chosen to post that comment, especially taking into consideration the other participants. Bad form.
  21. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Watcher in Sing It Like An...air Scout?   
    I will be getting myself some judges to help me pick the winners etc so you're guna have to just be a little patient what with it being the holidays and all...

    seeing as you were all so good as to do this contest, I thought I would make a submission in salute to you all...yes we were drunk.

    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCwXLi_h2HY"]Frederika sings it like an Air Scout[/url]

    On the first day of Christmas I thought that I could see
    Mur blowing up the GOE

    On the second day of Christmas I checked what it could be
    No GOE
    But some music and a funky Tree

    On the Third day of Christmas went shopping in MD
    Pimped out my Grassans
    Ate lots of candy
    Got a friend for my Bloodpact Lucy

    On the Fourth day of Christmas I sat with Bob the Tree
    We watched the helpers
    Helping the noobies
    Pete nearly bit one
    But he stopped cuz he’s friends with MasterB

    On the Fifth day of Christmas I saw my friend FC
    He said you spend
    Too much time sleeping
    Then he hit me
    With lots of pebbles
    And I fell over trying hard to flee

    On the Sixth day of Christmas I went to see Windy
    At her pub
    But she wasn’t there
    Stole all her Mead
    and all her vodka
    and all her beer…
    and I hid it all where she can’t see

    On the Seventh day of Christmas there was a contest spree
    People were posting
    Links everywhere
    Snowmen were built
    Songs were created
    Eye spy frustrated
    Winners elated
    For their contest related victory

    On the Eighth day of Christmas spent time with GoB
    Saluted Yoshi
    Blackwood was dancing
    Like John Travolta
    Peace was all Golden
    Which was distracting
    Phantasm smoked
    On his pipe
    and made a clown trap for DST

    On the Ninth day of Christmas some noob was pestering me
    What is a shade
    Why can’t I buy that
    How do I fight
    What’s with this Bull
    That guy attacked me
    This isn’t fair
    I need a Mod
    What is a Mur
    So I sent to Sagewoman for some Tea

    On the Tenth day of Christmas we got a snow clickie
    Everybody paniced
    In case we got
    Stuck in the snow
    Udgard would have to
    Make loads of shovels
    Lets hope its not too slippy
    So we do not trippy
    On our MD bums
    At least we’ll have some rum
    Then we’ll drink and get as pissed as…Mur.

    On the Eleventh day of Christmas went to the aramoury
    But they’d sold out…

    On the Twelfth day of Christmas they were presents under the Tree
    Music surrounding
    Mur was confounding
    Snow balls a-pounding
    Granos got a little tipsy
    Drank too much whiskey
    Called Mur a Gipsy
    Mur responded quickly
    With his mighty pinky
    Flicked him up the stinky
    He found himself implanted
    Unpleasant that is granted
    Upon the top of the Tree
  22. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Shadowseeker in Best Md Snowman   
    Here we go..took me quite some time.

    T(F)reestyle Snowman!

    And yes, the timer on the picture is off, was lazy to set it properly again

    Argh, wasnt it 19 servertime? Oh well.

    Still, it was fun to make it
  23. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from SageWoman in Sing It Like An...air Scout?   
    I will be getting myself some judges to help me pick the winners etc so you're guna have to just be a little patient what with it being the holidays and all...

    seeing as you were all so good as to do this contest, I thought I would make a submission in salute to you all...yes we were drunk.

    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCwXLi_h2HY"]Frederika sings it like an Air Scout[/url]

    On the first day of Christmas I thought that I could see
    Mur blowing up the GOE

    On the second day of Christmas I checked what it could be
    No GOE
    But some music and a funky Tree

    On the Third day of Christmas went shopping in MD
    Pimped out my Grassans
    Ate lots of candy
    Got a friend for my Bloodpact Lucy

    On the Fourth day of Christmas I sat with Bob the Tree
    We watched the helpers
    Helping the noobies
    Pete nearly bit one
    But he stopped cuz he’s friends with MasterB

    On the Fifth day of Christmas I saw my friend FC
    He said you spend
    Too much time sleeping
    Then he hit me
    With lots of pebbles
    And I fell over trying hard to flee

    On the Sixth day of Christmas I went to see Windy
    At her pub
    But she wasn’t there
    Stole all her Mead
    and all her vodka
    and all her beer…
    and I hid it all where she can’t see

    On the Seventh day of Christmas there was a contest spree
    People were posting
    Links everywhere
    Snowmen were built
    Songs were created
    Eye spy frustrated
    Winners elated
    For their contest related victory

    On the Eighth day of Christmas spent time with GoB
    Saluted Yoshi
    Blackwood was dancing
    Like John Travolta
    Peace was all Golden
    Which was distracting
    Phantasm smoked
    On his pipe
    and made a clown trap for DST

    On the Ninth day of Christmas some noob was pestering me
    What is a shade
    Why can’t I buy that
    How do I fight
    What’s with this Bull
    That guy attacked me
    This isn’t fair
    I need a Mod
    What is a Mur
    So I sent to Sagewoman for some Tea

    On the Tenth day of Christmas we got a snow clickie
    Everybody paniced
    In case we got
    Stuck in the snow
    Udgard would have to
    Make loads of shovels
    Lets hope its not too slippy
    So we do not trippy
    On our MD bums
    At least we’ll have some rum
    Then we’ll drink and get as pissed as…Mur.

    On the Eleventh day of Christmas went to the aramoury
    But they’d sold out…

    On the Twelfth day of Christmas they were presents under the Tree
    Music surrounding
    Mur was confounding
    Snow balls a-pounding
    Granos got a little tipsy
    Drank too much whiskey
    Called Mur a Gipsy
    Mur responded quickly
    With his mighty pinky
    Flicked him up the stinky
    He found himself implanted
    Unpleasant that is granted
    Upon the top of the Tree
  24. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Totenkopf in Bob The Christmas Tree   
    [b]It's Bob Marley the Jamaican Xmas Tree and his semi-vigilant protector, Zmokey the Goat!!!


    And since i already spent an hour magnetic lasso-ing and magic wand-ing at pixel level to make a proper layer mask of bob, here's another bonus one (actually this one was the idea when i started, but playing around with the bob-layer blending options gave me the idea for the first one):

    [b]The real Path of Loneliness, feat. Emo Xmas Bob and Emo Goatboy lurking behind the wall to pounce on people who don't understand him and Bob![/b]

  25. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Chewett in Bob The Christmas Tree   
    Well, this is my effort after countless changes of plan. Its bad so i have hidden it so people don't inadvertently see it.

    [size="4"][color="#FF0000"]WARNING HEALTH HAZARD, BAD ART[/color][/size]
    [spoiler][attachment=1377:Bob At Christmas.jpg][/spoiler]
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