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  1. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday   
    Happy birthday, Shara! Hope I'm not late!
  2. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Rophs in Personal Papers Editor (partially) Broken.   
    In the meantime you can use a WYSIWYG editor to make your papers, taking the HTML it gives you and pasting it into the HTML tab of your papers editor.
  3. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Nava in CoE Manifesto - public   
    I have written it, as promised and I received no objections to posting it for public viewing. I decided to post it in a new topic, for the sake of clarity. I hope it's readable - I wrote it in a google document and formatted it nicely, but the forum might break some of the formatting.
    Constructive criticism is welcome. It may not be perfect and there may be issues that escaped my mind or that I did not phrase properly, so please suggest improvement (how and where to do it), if you believe it is necessary.
    Also, I will update this first post with a list of people currently interested in committing themselves to this journey of bringing the CoE back.
    Player List:
    Darry Dabby

    Who am I?
    I am Aeoshattr, former Knight of the Full Moon. CoE was the first alliance to open its arms to me. I have learned much from it and I have loved it, yet due to a temporary divergence in opinions, I took the decision to leave, long ago. Nevertheless, my heart remained with the Eclipse for a long time. I have been wandering around searching for another home since, yet I am now fully devoted to Loreroot and to bringing it back to its former glory - which, in my view, involves restoring the CoE. I have been a citizen of Loreroot, but I have also been a member of the Shattered Illusions and of the Knights of the Bell for a short period of time in the past.
    I have decided to begin this journey as I believe that I can serve Loreroot as a whole better by doing this; as a citizen of Loreroot, it is my duty to ensure I serve the Land as well as I can.
    Why revive CoE?
    Loreroot has been reduced to the Guardians and the Woodcutters. While there is more than enough space to accommodate newcomers in these alliances, it still leaves a gaping space open which must be filled in order to restore the Root to its former glory. The Root will not be complete if part of its heart is torn away from it, no matter how many nourish and tend to it. The Eclipse will open new possible roles for the people of Loreroot and those that wish to join it - thus providing us with the room to grow in variety not only in numbers.
    The alliance was, indeed, more than just a branch of the Root that stretched out, beyond the forest. Its purpose was both to guide the growth of the Root under the light of the Moon, defend the land, retrieve valuable information from lands far away and even delivering retribution when necessary. The Knighthood and Priesthood were valued halves of this Alliance which I wish to preserve, as their complementary relationship proved successful in the past.
    Furthermore, I believe that the community as a whole (I am referring to all players in MD) could benefit from the presence of this alliance. I hope that the sermons and the ceremonies that will be held will inspire others and provide insight to those that attend them; pilgrimages will provide players with goals and help them shape their roles. I believe the community needs something to bring it together, even if just for a few hours at a time, something to keep it going and provide people with an opportunity to listen, talk and think and - who knows - maybe spawn new plot lines that will drive the Adventure Log forwards and help other players advance their roles and wishes.
    Do we need the CoE? Yes, I dare speak for Loreroot, we do. Our Guardians are strong and the Woodcutters are meticulous. The Forest is defended and tended to, yet there is a sense of guidance that seems to elude my perception for the moment. The Root needs to know that the Moon has not abandoned it, so that it may grow under its cold, gentle light as well as under the strong, warm light of the Sun. The Forest is incomplete without the Eclipse and thus it will not flourish as it once did without the Eclipse.
    As I stated, it is my wish to see Loreroot restored to its former glory and I cannot see this done without the CoE. Therefore, I am willing to take this burden onto myself, in an attempt to prove that I am worthy of bringing back and leading this once beautiful alliance.
    tl;dr: A set of roles cannot be fulfilled without the CoE. The Guardians of the Root are military by default and the Woodcutters are harvesters. It's not stopping people within them from researching or plotting or pushing forwards RP, but the CoE would be vastly more dedicated to this and more suitable, avoiding the creation of "mottled" alliances.
    What will the purpose of CoE be?
    Its purpose will retain most of its past goals. The scope of the Cloister shall be to worship the Moon, the Sun and the Stars, share our wisdom with whoever is willing to listen, provide guidance and blessing in dire times as well as in times of joy. There will be ceremonies to be held, pilgrimages to be taken, offerings to be given (which I will detail in a “Book of Rites” that has yet to be compiled from old sermons and new ones).
    Overall, I am doing this to bring out the Lore of Loreroot to its people and those outside, which I do not see being done currently and, in my view, would be an enriching experience for everyone.
    tl;dr: Heavy focus on Roleplay that involves many players (gatherings, pilgrimages, etc) and that hopefully will bring life back to the community, but also on research of Loreroot and hopefully gathering enough influence and resources to push forwards implementation of new features in MD. 
    What will change? How, why?
    Following suggestions, I have decided to remove the Knighthood (to avoid unnecessary mottling of the alliance and creating redundancy), except for a few select spots in the alliance. The CoE will be a roleplay-research alliance with very little, if any, military involvement. We leave the defense of the land in the hands of the Guardians and will assist with our power in times of need, but our goals are not military by default.
    The Clergy of the CoE will be referred to as the Cloister.
    I have changed the number and frequency of ceremonies to be held; ceremonies held by the Eclipse are not mundane events and should not be considered as such (thus their quality must step up a notch) and hopefully this will help draw more people to attend them and make them have a greater impact upon those that attend. The ceremonies will be rarer, in order to enable people to plan so that they can attend and to allow more time for their preparation. I believe this is more important at the moment.
    The changes regarding the Knighthood are mainly concerned with a personal opinion that I hold. The land of Loreroot is not a spiteful, expansive land. We will be adamant about guarding our boundaries, but should not seek to actively expand them. Thus I deemed the need for a powerful offensive force unnecessary and removed the Knighthood.

    The ranks of the CoE
    Seer (1): the leader of the Cloister as a whole, finding balance between the Moon and the Sun. The Seer must provide guidance to the Cloister and counselling to the Prior, as well as to Loreroot to an extent. A Seer is revealed to the Eclipse rather than chosen by its people.
    Sun Dancer: priest(ess) which hears the voice of the Sun, feels its warmth and vigour. Their souls must match the youth of the Sun and their actions must reflect this. (Regarding game mechanics only, you will be expected to aid lorerootians to gain heat.)
    Moon Chanter: priest(ess) which hears the voice of the Moon, matching its calm and cold nature. Though empathic like the rest, the Moon Chanters are the best known as the secret keepers of the Eclipse. (Regarding game mechanics only, you will be expected to aid lorerootians to lose heat)
    Silent (1): The Silent is the right hand of the Prior, involving in affairs that the Prior would otherwise be unable to attend himself. Thus the Silent is only held responsible for his/her actions directly to the Prior.
    Prior (1): The Prior is the leader of the Eclipse, revealing his/her will only to the people of Loreroot. He/she plays a balancing act between gazing into the darkness and basking in the light, communing with the Cloister and with the Covenant as well as with the other people of Loreroot. The Prior is elected from the Eclipse by the existing Omen and Seer, but also by the two Consuls.
    The numbers in brackets represent the number of available positions for the respective rank. I will update it accordingly (I do not remember the maximum number of members for CoE) 

    The Code of the Cloister
    Empathy – a priest(ess) must empathise even with the enemy and guide the Eclipse accordingly.
    Secrecy – a priest(ess) must never give away the secrets of the Root outside the Forest. What is deemed secret shall be made known to the Cloister by the Seer and the Prior, or even the Consuls of Loreroot.
    Counsel – a priest(ess) must share his/her advice to those who come to seek it and help guide them accordingly.
    Liturgy – a priest(ess) must conduct the rituals of the Cloister as mentioned within the ritual, regardless of whom is attending or any other needs.
    The Seer
    The Moon and the Sun have revealed themselves to you. None are worthy of judging or deeming what your duty is, which is why you must let the Moon and the Sun guide you down the right path, for your word weighs heavily in the Eclipse.
    Your presence is required for special ceremonies during Solstices and Equinoxes.
    The overruling duty of the Seer, however, is to initiate the other members of the Cloister and supervise them throughout their journey.
    The Sun Dancers
    You bring warmth and light to the Forest, radiating youth and joy. You must dance for us in times of sorrow and need, but dance even more in times of happiness. Spring and Summer fall under your wings and it is your duty to perform ceremonies to praise the Sun and what it brings to the Forest. (Once per week during the mentioned seasons and every Full Moon in the rest of the time)
    Empathy is your overruling duty.
    The Moon Chanters
    Your dim, soothing light ensures that the Forest and its inhabitants are guided down the right path. Your songs keep the forest and its inhabitants safe during the long night – you are needed in times of pain, to keep the Children of the Eclipse bound together and keep hope lit in their hearts. Fall and Winter are under your spell, thus it is your duty to praise them and the Moon. (Once per week during the mentioned seasons and every New Moon in the rest of the time)
    Secrecy is your overruling duty.
    The Code of the Prior
    Balance – a Prior must show balance between the two halves of the Eclipse: maintaining equilibrium between the Sun and the Moon, between Light and Darkness, between the Covenant and the Cloister.
    Diplomacy – a Prior must be diplomatic, as his/her voice weighs in the affairs of Loreroot and in external affairs as well.
    Devotion – a Prior must be devoted to Loreroot and he/she cannot decide to take action against his/her own land, unless it is demonstrated that it is for the good of the Land.
    Stoicism – a Prior’s decisions are irrevocable, thus he/she must stand by his/her word until his/her last breath. Furthermore, a Prior must acknowledge that his/her decision weighs heavily and thus not give his/her judgement lightly.
    The Prior
    The Prior is the leader of the Eclipse; as the Eclipse’s main purpose is to serve the forest, the Prior is elected from the people of the Eclipse, but must have his/her role confirmed by the two Consuls of the Land, or the current leaders of the Land. Under special circumstances, the Prior may be elected without the blessing of the Consuls (such as there are no Consuls alive, etc), however, once the situation is remedied, his/her role must be confirmed by the leaders of the Land.
    The Prior’s main purpose is dictated by his/her Code and, as he/she holds authority over the Eclipse, few are in the position to judge his/her decisions. Thus he/she must show a sense of Justice and Balance and, furthermore, any infringement of the Code must be dealt with by the Consuls and the Judges of Loreroot.
    Within the Eclipse, the Prior’s purpose is to guide as he/she sees fit, but also to initiate and supervise the work of the Omen and of the Seer, who are directly subordinated to him/her. Regardless, the authority of the Prior can be questioned and disputed by the members of the Eclipse, with a rite that shall be mentioned in the Book of Rites.
    The Silent
    Your duty and loyalty lies with the Prior before anyone else – you carry out tasks that concern the fate of the Forest, beyond its boundaries. Like your mission, your shackles are long and loose, yet remember you are accountable to the Prior and to the Consuls, should you forget where your heart and soul truly lie.
    Your Devotion must be unwavering.
    Disciplinary actions (offense by CoE)
    Should it be proven that one of the Eclipse has broken the Code, they shall be judged by the Omen or the Seer, then by the Prior, and finally by the Consuls, varying with the severity of their actions.
    Minor offenses shall be judged by Seer. These include but are not limited to breaking one of the rules in the Code, except for Secrecy. This also refers to a first-time offense of the above-mentioned severity. These offenses shall be dealt with as deemed appropriate, though the offender will not be removed from the alliance.
    Major offenses shall be judged by the Prior together with the Seer. These refer specifically to breaking Secrecy, however are not limited to it. This also refers to repeated breaches of the code, regardless of their severity. The punishment is usually the retirement of the offender’s badge, yet may be more or less severe.
    Capital offenses shall be judged by the Prior together with the Consuls only. This refers mainly to Treason but is not limited to it. Murder or grave injury of any Lorerootian by a member of the Eclipse is considered treason, as well as revealing compromising information to the enemy, regardless of the current diplomatic status (even in times of peace). The Prior and the Consuls have right of life and death over a traitor and if their decision is to spare the offender, then the decision is final and the offender is banished from the lands for eternity.
    The Silent constitute an exception as he/she is only held accountable for his/her actions directly to the Prior and only under extraordinary circumstances will he/she be brought to justice together with the Consuls or the Judges of Loreroot.
    Alt accounts policy:
    I am welcoming alts to join my cause, however I will be unyielding in regards to one issue: no meta-roleplay. You are expected to keep your alts 100% separate, no exceptions under any circumstances. Information that I share with one alt should not be shared with another alt or used by another character other than the one I shared it with. This includes everything, even if I just tell you what I had for breakfast! I know it must be difficult sometimes, but I will make no exceptions. This will be a role-play alliance (mainly), thus avoiding meta-roleplay is of the utmost importance. Breaching of this will result in a prompt boot to the butt and I reserve the right to kick people that breach this rule without notice.
    EDIT: Added Ary's suggestion as mentioned in his post
    EDIT: Updated, considering Granos' suggestions. Added some tl,dr in green text, to highlight some stuff. Hope I didn't miss anything
  4. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to DARK DEMON in Who's watching the world cup?   
  5. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Granos in CoE Manifesto - public   
    I understand there are other Alliances to such an effect, and look at the state of things--stagnation. For things to move forward there has to be a change of ideals. That said I am not condoning RP, but merely stating that there needs to be a reasoning behind it, a purpose that makes sense in regards to what MD is. And for clarification, there are Alliances, and then there are Guilds, guilds are the ones with coded purposes.

    Just because something else exists does not mean something else should, MD is about that unique set of perspectives, if there is a reason behind it which there usually is (although may have been lost over time--which is another discussion all together) then it is fine so long as it sits grounded in the foundations of MD. As Dst pointed out, you do not need an alliance to RP.

    There is nothing wrong with having fun, but an alliance is making a visible impact on the realm, therefore must have a purpose. An alliance that has lost or blatantly failed its purpose should not exist, case and point the Necrovion Sentinels.

    I would like to see this succeed, but it has to be for the right reasons. (publicly or privately)
  6. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Eara Meraia in CoE Manifesto - public   
    @Granos> there are many (of not most of) other exisiting alliances that have no real purpose or specifically coded function (like Fusioneers heat fusioning fuction or TK with their treasury function). But still those alliances are there, some of them lacking members, not even mentioning RP. I don't understand why this cannot get a chance then.
  7. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to powle in CoE Manifesto - public   
    well Granos maybe you see it as RP for the sake of RP, but i see it as RP for the sake of having fun. and isn't that the whole point? to have fun?
  8. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Granos in CoE Manifesto - public   
    Ok, originally, I like the purpose of the CoE.... But this, no offense, seems like a load of nonsense. You have a lengthy explanation detailing a lot of things which is great but ultimately pointless. It seems you are saying a lot without saying anything at all. It panders to pointless RP with no real purpose to the realm. Say if you were to legitimize and study the night system and become authorities and push and fight for it to be fully implemented like the original CoE was aiming for then yes, I see a point. But in so far as to what is actually here, it is all just a bunch of RP for the sake of RP and pandering positions for the sake of ego.

    - An Alliance for the sake of just role playing for the sake of role playing with no basis is pointless.
    - You need a real purpose, IE the night system.
    - Have one focus not multiple IE a military for the sake of a military aspect. One focus is what is needed there are other alliances for that.
    - Just because it was like this in the past does not make it good, it died in the past for a reason.

    This may seem harsh but ultimately less is more.
  9. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Chewett in Who's watching the world cup?   
    Perhaps I should instate this into MD? :P

  10. Downvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in CoE Manifesto - public   
    I have written it, as promised and I received no objections to posting it for public viewing. I decided to post it in a new topic, for the sake of clarity. I hope it's readable - I wrote it in a google document and formatted it nicely, but the forum might break some of the formatting.
    Constructive criticism is welcome. It may not be perfect and there may be issues that escaped my mind or that I did not phrase properly, so please suggest improvement (how and where to do it), if you believe it is necessary.
    Also, I will update this first post with a list of people currently interested in committing themselves to this journey of bringing the CoE back.
    Player List:
    Darry Dabby

    Who am I?
    I am Aeoshattr, former Knight of the Full Moon. CoE was the first alliance to open its arms to me. I have learned much from it and I have loved it, yet due to a temporary divergence in opinions, I took the decision to leave, long ago. Nevertheless, my heart remained with the Eclipse for a long time. I have been wandering around searching for another home since, yet I am now fully devoted to Loreroot and to bringing it back to its former glory - which, in my view, involves restoring the CoE. I have been a citizen of Loreroot, but I have also been a member of the Shattered Illusions and of the Knights of the Bell for a short period of time in the past.
    I have decided to begin this journey as I believe that I can serve Loreroot as a whole better by doing this; as a citizen of Loreroot, it is my duty to ensure I serve the Land as well as I can.
    Why revive CoE?
    Loreroot has been reduced to the Guardians and the Woodcutters. While there is more than enough space to accommodate newcomers in these alliances, it still leaves a gaping space open which must be filled in order to restore the Root to its former glory. The Root will not be complete if part of its heart is torn away from it, no matter how many nourish and tend to it. The Eclipse will open new possible roles for the people of Loreroot and those that wish to join it - thus providing us with the room to grow in variety not only in numbers.
    The alliance was, indeed, more than just a branch of the Root that stretched out, beyond the forest. Its purpose was both to guide the growth of the Root under the light of the Moon, defend the land, retrieve valuable information from lands far away and even delivering retribution when necessary. The Knighthood and Priesthood were valued halves of this Alliance which I wish to preserve, as their complementary relationship proved successful in the past.
    Furthermore, I believe that the community as a whole (I am referring to all players in MD) could benefit from the presence of this alliance. I hope that the sermons and the ceremonies that will be held will inspire others and provide insight to those that attend them; pilgrimages will provide players with goals and help them shape their roles. I believe the community needs something to bring it together, even if just for a few hours at a time, something to keep it going and provide people with an opportunity to listen, talk and think and - who knows - maybe spawn new plot lines that will drive the Adventure Log forwards and help other players advance their roles and wishes.
    Do we need the CoE? Yes, I dare speak for Loreroot, we do. Our Guardians are strong and the Woodcutters are meticulous. The Forest is defended and tended to, yet there is a sense of guidance that seems to elude my perception for the moment. The Root needs to know that the Moon has not abandoned it, so that it may grow under its cold, gentle light as well as under the strong, warm light of the Sun. The Forest is incomplete without the Eclipse and thus it will not flourish as it once did without the Eclipse.
    As I stated, it is my wish to see Loreroot restored to its former glory and I cannot see this done without the CoE. Therefore, I am willing to take this burden onto myself, in an attempt to prove that I am worthy of bringing back and leading this once beautiful alliance.
    tl;dr: A set of roles cannot be fulfilled without the CoE. The Guardians of the Root are military by default and the Woodcutters are harvesters. It's not stopping people within them from researching or plotting or pushing forwards RP, but the CoE would be vastly more dedicated to this and more suitable, avoiding the creation of "mottled" alliances.
    What will the purpose of CoE be?
    Its purpose will retain most of its past goals. The scope of the Cloister shall be to worship the Moon, the Sun and the Stars, share our wisdom with whoever is willing to listen, provide guidance and blessing in dire times as well as in times of joy. There will be ceremonies to be held, pilgrimages to be taken, offerings to be given (which I will detail in a “Book of Rites” that has yet to be compiled from old sermons and new ones).
    Overall, I am doing this to bring out the Lore of Loreroot to its people and those outside, which I do not see being done currently and, in my view, would be an enriching experience for everyone.
    tl;dr: Heavy focus on Roleplay that involves many players (gatherings, pilgrimages, etc) and that hopefully will bring life back to the community, but also on research of Loreroot and hopefully gathering enough influence and resources to push forwards implementation of new features in MD. 
    What will change? How, why?
    Following suggestions, I have decided to remove the Knighthood (to avoid unnecessary mottling of the alliance and creating redundancy), except for a few select spots in the alliance. The CoE will be a roleplay-research alliance with very little, if any, military involvement. We leave the defense of the land in the hands of the Guardians and will assist with our power in times of need, but our goals are not military by default.
    The Clergy of the CoE will be referred to as the Cloister.
    I have changed the number and frequency of ceremonies to be held; ceremonies held by the Eclipse are not mundane events and should not be considered as such (thus their quality must step up a notch) and hopefully this will help draw more people to attend them and make them have a greater impact upon those that attend. The ceremonies will be rarer, in order to enable people to plan so that they can attend and to allow more time for their preparation. I believe this is more important at the moment.
    The changes regarding the Knighthood are mainly concerned with a personal opinion that I hold. The land of Loreroot is not a spiteful, expansive land. We will be adamant about guarding our boundaries, but should not seek to actively expand them. Thus I deemed the need for a powerful offensive force unnecessary and removed the Knighthood.

    The ranks of the CoE
    Seer (1): the leader of the Cloister as a whole, finding balance between the Moon and the Sun. The Seer must provide guidance to the Cloister and counselling to the Prior, as well as to Loreroot to an extent. A Seer is revealed to the Eclipse rather than chosen by its people.
    Sun Dancer: priest(ess) which hears the voice of the Sun, feels its warmth and vigour. Their souls must match the youth of the Sun and their actions must reflect this. (Regarding game mechanics only, you will be expected to aid lorerootians to gain heat.)
    Moon Chanter: priest(ess) which hears the voice of the Moon, matching its calm and cold nature. Though empathic like the rest, the Moon Chanters are the best known as the secret keepers of the Eclipse. (Regarding game mechanics only, you will be expected to aid lorerootians to lose heat)
    Silent (1): The Silent is the right hand of the Prior, involving in affairs that the Prior would otherwise be unable to attend himself. Thus the Silent is only held responsible for his/her actions directly to the Prior.
    Prior (1): The Prior is the leader of the Eclipse, revealing his/her will only to the people of Loreroot. He/she plays a balancing act between gazing into the darkness and basking in the light, communing with the Cloister and with the Covenant as well as with the other people of Loreroot. The Prior is elected from the Eclipse by the existing Omen and Seer, but also by the two Consuls.
    The numbers in brackets represent the number of available positions for the respective rank. I will update it accordingly (I do not remember the maximum number of members for CoE) 

    The Code of the Cloister
    Empathy – a priest(ess) must empathise even with the enemy and guide the Eclipse accordingly.
    Secrecy – a priest(ess) must never give away the secrets of the Root outside the Forest. What is deemed secret shall be made known to the Cloister by the Seer and the Prior, or even the Consuls of Loreroot.
    Counsel – a priest(ess) must share his/her advice to those who come to seek it and help guide them accordingly.
    Liturgy – a priest(ess) must conduct the rituals of the Cloister as mentioned within the ritual, regardless of whom is attending or any other needs.
    The Seer
    The Moon and the Sun have revealed themselves to you. None are worthy of judging or deeming what your duty is, which is why you must let the Moon and the Sun guide you down the right path, for your word weighs heavily in the Eclipse.
    Your presence is required for special ceremonies during Solstices and Equinoxes.
    The overruling duty of the Seer, however, is to initiate the other members of the Cloister and supervise them throughout their journey.
    The Sun Dancers
    You bring warmth and light to the Forest, radiating youth and joy. You must dance for us in times of sorrow and need, but dance even more in times of happiness. Spring and Summer fall under your wings and it is your duty to perform ceremonies to praise the Sun and what it brings to the Forest. (Once per week during the mentioned seasons and every Full Moon in the rest of the time)
    Empathy is your overruling duty.
    The Moon Chanters
    Your dim, soothing light ensures that the Forest and its inhabitants are guided down the right path. Your songs keep the forest and its inhabitants safe during the long night – you are needed in times of pain, to keep the Children of the Eclipse bound together and keep hope lit in their hearts. Fall and Winter are under your spell, thus it is your duty to praise them and the Moon. (Once per week during the mentioned seasons and every New Moon in the rest of the time)
    Secrecy is your overruling duty.
    The Code of the Prior
    Balance – a Prior must show balance between the two halves of the Eclipse: maintaining equilibrium between the Sun and the Moon, between Light and Darkness, between the Covenant and the Cloister.
    Diplomacy – a Prior must be diplomatic, as his/her voice weighs in the affairs of Loreroot and in external affairs as well.
    Devotion – a Prior must be devoted to Loreroot and he/she cannot decide to take action against his/her own land, unless it is demonstrated that it is for the good of the Land.
    Stoicism – a Prior’s decisions are irrevocable, thus he/she must stand by his/her word until his/her last breath. Furthermore, a Prior must acknowledge that his/her decision weighs heavily and thus not give his/her judgement lightly.
    The Prior
    The Prior is the leader of the Eclipse; as the Eclipse’s main purpose is to serve the forest, the Prior is elected from the people of the Eclipse, but must have his/her role confirmed by the two Consuls of the Land, or the current leaders of the Land. Under special circumstances, the Prior may be elected without the blessing of the Consuls (such as there are no Consuls alive, etc), however, once the situation is remedied, his/her role must be confirmed by the leaders of the Land.
    The Prior’s main purpose is dictated by his/her Code and, as he/she holds authority over the Eclipse, few are in the position to judge his/her decisions. Thus he/she must show a sense of Justice and Balance and, furthermore, any infringement of the Code must be dealt with by the Consuls and the Judges of Loreroot.
    Within the Eclipse, the Prior’s purpose is to guide as he/she sees fit, but also to initiate and supervise the work of the Omen and of the Seer, who are directly subordinated to him/her. Regardless, the authority of the Prior can be questioned and disputed by the members of the Eclipse, with a rite that shall be mentioned in the Book of Rites.
    The Silent
    Your duty and loyalty lies with the Prior before anyone else – you carry out tasks that concern the fate of the Forest, beyond its boundaries. Like your mission, your shackles are long and loose, yet remember you are accountable to the Prior and to the Consuls, should you forget where your heart and soul truly lie.
    Your Devotion must be unwavering.
    Disciplinary actions (offense by CoE)
    Should it be proven that one of the Eclipse has broken the Code, they shall be judged by the Omen or the Seer, then by the Prior, and finally by the Consuls, varying with the severity of their actions.
    Minor offenses shall be judged by Seer. These include but are not limited to breaking one of the rules in the Code, except for Secrecy. This also refers to a first-time offense of the above-mentioned severity. These offenses shall be dealt with as deemed appropriate, though the offender will not be removed from the alliance.
    Major offenses shall be judged by the Prior together with the Seer. These refer specifically to breaking Secrecy, however are not limited to it. This also refers to repeated breaches of the code, regardless of their severity. The punishment is usually the retirement of the offender’s badge, yet may be more or less severe.
    Capital offenses shall be judged by the Prior together with the Consuls only. This refers mainly to Treason but is not limited to it. Murder or grave injury of any Lorerootian by a member of the Eclipse is considered treason, as well as revealing compromising information to the enemy, regardless of the current diplomatic status (even in times of peace). The Prior and the Consuls have right of life and death over a traitor and if their decision is to spare the offender, then the decision is final and the offender is banished from the lands for eternity.
    The Silent constitute an exception as he/she is only held accountable for his/her actions directly to the Prior and only under extraordinary circumstances will he/she be brought to justice together with the Consuls or the Judges of Loreroot.
    Alt accounts policy:
    I am welcoming alts to join my cause, however I will be unyielding in regards to one issue: no meta-roleplay. You are expected to keep your alts 100% separate, no exceptions under any circumstances. Information that I share with one alt should not be shared with another alt or used by another character other than the one I shared it with. This includes everything, even if I just tell you what I had for breakfast! I know it must be difficult sometimes, but I will make no exceptions. This will be a role-play alliance (mainly), thus avoiding meta-roleplay is of the utmost importance. Breaching of this will result in a prompt boot to the butt and I reserve the right to kick people that breach this rule without notice.
    EDIT: Added Ary's suggestion as mentioned in his post
    EDIT: Updated, considering Granos' suggestions. Added some tl,dr in green text, to highlight some stuff. Hope I didn't miss anything
  11. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from DARK DEMON in CoE Manifesto - public   
    I have written it, as promised and I received no objections to posting it for public viewing. I decided to post it in a new topic, for the sake of clarity. I hope it's readable - I wrote it in a google document and formatted it nicely, but the forum might break some of the formatting.
    Constructive criticism is welcome. It may not be perfect and there may be issues that escaped my mind or that I did not phrase properly, so please suggest improvement (how and where to do it), if you believe it is necessary.
    Also, I will update this first post with a list of people currently interested in committing themselves to this journey of bringing the CoE back.
    Player List:
    Darry Dabby

    Who am I?
    I am Aeoshattr, former Knight of the Full Moon. CoE was the first alliance to open its arms to me. I have learned much from it and I have loved it, yet due to a temporary divergence in opinions, I took the decision to leave, long ago. Nevertheless, my heart remained with the Eclipse for a long time. I have been wandering around searching for another home since, yet I am now fully devoted to Loreroot and to bringing it back to its former glory - which, in my view, involves restoring the CoE. I have been a citizen of Loreroot, but I have also been a member of the Shattered Illusions and of the Knights of the Bell for a short period of time in the past.
    I have decided to begin this journey as I believe that I can serve Loreroot as a whole better by doing this; as a citizen of Loreroot, it is my duty to ensure I serve the Land as well as I can.
    Why revive CoE?
    Loreroot has been reduced to the Guardians and the Woodcutters. While there is more than enough space to accommodate newcomers in these alliances, it still leaves a gaping space open which must be filled in order to restore the Root to its former glory. The Root will not be complete if part of its heart is torn away from it, no matter how many nourish and tend to it. The Eclipse will open new possible roles for the people of Loreroot and those that wish to join it - thus providing us with the room to grow in variety not only in numbers.
    The alliance was, indeed, more than just a branch of the Root that stretched out, beyond the forest. Its purpose was both to guide the growth of the Root under the light of the Moon, defend the land, retrieve valuable information from lands far away and even delivering retribution when necessary. The Knighthood and Priesthood were valued halves of this Alliance which I wish to preserve, as their complementary relationship proved successful in the past.
    Furthermore, I believe that the community as a whole (I am referring to all players in MD) could benefit from the presence of this alliance. I hope that the sermons and the ceremonies that will be held will inspire others and provide insight to those that attend them; pilgrimages will provide players with goals and help them shape their roles. I believe the community needs something to bring it together, even if just for a few hours at a time, something to keep it going and provide people with an opportunity to listen, talk and think and - who knows - maybe spawn new plot lines that will drive the Adventure Log forwards and help other players advance their roles and wishes.
    Do we need the CoE? Yes, I dare speak for Loreroot, we do. Our Guardians are strong and the Woodcutters are meticulous. The Forest is defended and tended to, yet there is a sense of guidance that seems to elude my perception for the moment. The Root needs to know that the Moon has not abandoned it, so that it may grow under its cold, gentle light as well as under the strong, warm light of the Sun. The Forest is incomplete without the Eclipse and thus it will not flourish as it once did without the Eclipse.
    As I stated, it is my wish to see Loreroot restored to its former glory and I cannot see this done without the CoE. Therefore, I am willing to take this burden onto myself, in an attempt to prove that I am worthy of bringing back and leading this once beautiful alliance.
    tl;dr: A set of roles cannot be fulfilled without the CoE. The Guardians of the Root are military by default and the Woodcutters are harvesters. It's not stopping people within them from researching or plotting or pushing forwards RP, but the CoE would be vastly more dedicated to this and more suitable, avoiding the creation of "mottled" alliances.
    What will the purpose of CoE be?
    Its purpose will retain most of its past goals. The scope of the Cloister shall be to worship the Moon, the Sun and the Stars, share our wisdom with whoever is willing to listen, provide guidance and blessing in dire times as well as in times of joy. There will be ceremonies to be held, pilgrimages to be taken, offerings to be given (which I will detail in a “Book of Rites” that has yet to be compiled from old sermons and new ones).
    Overall, I am doing this to bring out the Lore of Loreroot to its people and those outside, which I do not see being done currently and, in my view, would be an enriching experience for everyone.
    tl;dr: Heavy focus on Roleplay that involves many players (gatherings, pilgrimages, etc) and that hopefully will bring life back to the community, but also on research of Loreroot and hopefully gathering enough influence and resources to push forwards implementation of new features in MD. 
    What will change? How, why?
    Following suggestions, I have decided to remove the Knighthood (to avoid unnecessary mottling of the alliance and creating redundancy), except for a few select spots in the alliance. The CoE will be a roleplay-research alliance with very little, if any, military involvement. We leave the defense of the land in the hands of the Guardians and will assist with our power in times of need, but our goals are not military by default.
    The Clergy of the CoE will be referred to as the Cloister.
    I have changed the number and frequency of ceremonies to be held; ceremonies held by the Eclipse are not mundane events and should not be considered as such (thus their quality must step up a notch) and hopefully this will help draw more people to attend them and make them have a greater impact upon those that attend. The ceremonies will be rarer, in order to enable people to plan so that they can attend and to allow more time for their preparation. I believe this is more important at the moment.
    The changes regarding the Knighthood are mainly concerned with a personal opinion that I hold. The land of Loreroot is not a spiteful, expansive land. We will be adamant about guarding our boundaries, but should not seek to actively expand them. Thus I deemed the need for a powerful offensive force unnecessary and removed the Knighthood.

    The ranks of the CoE
    Seer (1): the leader of the Cloister as a whole, finding balance between the Moon and the Sun. The Seer must provide guidance to the Cloister and counselling to the Prior, as well as to Loreroot to an extent. A Seer is revealed to the Eclipse rather than chosen by its people.
    Sun Dancer: priest(ess) which hears the voice of the Sun, feels its warmth and vigour. Their souls must match the youth of the Sun and their actions must reflect this. (Regarding game mechanics only, you will be expected to aid lorerootians to gain heat.)
    Moon Chanter: priest(ess) which hears the voice of the Moon, matching its calm and cold nature. Though empathic like the rest, the Moon Chanters are the best known as the secret keepers of the Eclipse. (Regarding game mechanics only, you will be expected to aid lorerootians to lose heat)
    Silent (1): The Silent is the right hand of the Prior, involving in affairs that the Prior would otherwise be unable to attend himself. Thus the Silent is only held responsible for his/her actions directly to the Prior.
    Prior (1): The Prior is the leader of the Eclipse, revealing his/her will only to the people of Loreroot. He/she plays a balancing act between gazing into the darkness and basking in the light, communing with the Cloister and with the Covenant as well as with the other people of Loreroot. The Prior is elected from the Eclipse by the existing Omen and Seer, but also by the two Consuls.
    The numbers in brackets represent the number of available positions for the respective rank. I will update it accordingly (I do not remember the maximum number of members for CoE) 

    The Code of the Cloister
    Empathy – a priest(ess) must empathise even with the enemy and guide the Eclipse accordingly.
    Secrecy – a priest(ess) must never give away the secrets of the Root outside the Forest. What is deemed secret shall be made known to the Cloister by the Seer and the Prior, or even the Consuls of Loreroot.
    Counsel – a priest(ess) must share his/her advice to those who come to seek it and help guide them accordingly.
    Liturgy – a priest(ess) must conduct the rituals of the Cloister as mentioned within the ritual, regardless of whom is attending or any other needs.
    The Seer
    The Moon and the Sun have revealed themselves to you. None are worthy of judging or deeming what your duty is, which is why you must let the Moon and the Sun guide you down the right path, for your word weighs heavily in the Eclipse.
    Your presence is required for special ceremonies during Solstices and Equinoxes.
    The overruling duty of the Seer, however, is to initiate the other members of the Cloister and supervise them throughout their journey.
    The Sun Dancers
    You bring warmth and light to the Forest, radiating youth and joy. You must dance for us in times of sorrow and need, but dance even more in times of happiness. Spring and Summer fall under your wings and it is your duty to perform ceremonies to praise the Sun and what it brings to the Forest. (Once per week during the mentioned seasons and every Full Moon in the rest of the time)
    Empathy is your overruling duty.
    The Moon Chanters
    Your dim, soothing light ensures that the Forest and its inhabitants are guided down the right path. Your songs keep the forest and its inhabitants safe during the long night – you are needed in times of pain, to keep the Children of the Eclipse bound together and keep hope lit in their hearts. Fall and Winter are under your spell, thus it is your duty to praise them and the Moon. (Once per week during the mentioned seasons and every New Moon in the rest of the time)
    Secrecy is your overruling duty.
    The Code of the Prior
    Balance – a Prior must show balance between the two halves of the Eclipse: maintaining equilibrium between the Sun and the Moon, between Light and Darkness, between the Covenant and the Cloister.
    Diplomacy – a Prior must be diplomatic, as his/her voice weighs in the affairs of Loreroot and in external affairs as well.
    Devotion – a Prior must be devoted to Loreroot and he/she cannot decide to take action against his/her own land, unless it is demonstrated that it is for the good of the Land.
    Stoicism – a Prior’s decisions are irrevocable, thus he/she must stand by his/her word until his/her last breath. Furthermore, a Prior must acknowledge that his/her decision weighs heavily and thus not give his/her judgement lightly.
    The Prior
    The Prior is the leader of the Eclipse; as the Eclipse’s main purpose is to serve the forest, the Prior is elected from the people of the Eclipse, but must have his/her role confirmed by the two Consuls of the Land, or the current leaders of the Land. Under special circumstances, the Prior may be elected without the blessing of the Consuls (such as there are no Consuls alive, etc), however, once the situation is remedied, his/her role must be confirmed by the leaders of the Land.
    The Prior’s main purpose is dictated by his/her Code and, as he/she holds authority over the Eclipse, few are in the position to judge his/her decisions. Thus he/she must show a sense of Justice and Balance and, furthermore, any infringement of the Code must be dealt with by the Consuls and the Judges of Loreroot.
    Within the Eclipse, the Prior’s purpose is to guide as he/she sees fit, but also to initiate and supervise the work of the Omen and of the Seer, who are directly subordinated to him/her. Regardless, the authority of the Prior can be questioned and disputed by the members of the Eclipse, with a rite that shall be mentioned in the Book of Rites.
    The Silent
    Your duty and loyalty lies with the Prior before anyone else – you carry out tasks that concern the fate of the Forest, beyond its boundaries. Like your mission, your shackles are long and loose, yet remember you are accountable to the Prior and to the Consuls, should you forget where your heart and soul truly lie.
    Your Devotion must be unwavering.
    Disciplinary actions (offense by CoE)
    Should it be proven that one of the Eclipse has broken the Code, they shall be judged by the Omen or the Seer, then by the Prior, and finally by the Consuls, varying with the severity of their actions.
    Minor offenses shall be judged by Seer. These include but are not limited to breaking one of the rules in the Code, except for Secrecy. This also refers to a first-time offense of the above-mentioned severity. These offenses shall be dealt with as deemed appropriate, though the offender will not be removed from the alliance.
    Major offenses shall be judged by the Prior together with the Seer. These refer specifically to breaking Secrecy, however are not limited to it. This also refers to repeated breaches of the code, regardless of their severity. The punishment is usually the retirement of the offender’s badge, yet may be more or less severe.
    Capital offenses shall be judged by the Prior together with the Consuls only. This refers mainly to Treason but is not limited to it. Murder or grave injury of any Lorerootian by a member of the Eclipse is considered treason, as well as revealing compromising information to the enemy, regardless of the current diplomatic status (even in times of peace). The Prior and the Consuls have right of life and death over a traitor and if their decision is to spare the offender, then the decision is final and the offender is banished from the lands for eternity.
    The Silent constitute an exception as he/she is only held accountable for his/her actions directly to the Prior and only under extraordinary circumstances will he/she be brought to justice together with the Consuls or the Judges of Loreroot.
    Alt accounts policy:
    I am welcoming alts to join my cause, however I will be unyielding in regards to one issue: no meta-roleplay. You are expected to keep your alts 100% separate, no exceptions under any circumstances. Information that I share with one alt should not be shared with another alt or used by another character other than the one I shared it with. This includes everything, even if I just tell you what I had for breakfast! I know it must be difficult sometimes, but I will make no exceptions. This will be a role-play alliance (mainly), thus avoiding meta-roleplay is of the utmost importance. Breaching of this will result in a prompt boot to the butt and I reserve the right to kick people that breach this rule without notice.
    EDIT: Added Ary's suggestion as mentioned in his post
    EDIT: Updated, considering Granos' suggestions. Added some tl,dr in green text, to highlight some stuff. Hope I didn't miss anything
  12. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Ary Endleg in CoE Manifesto - public   
    Now... you overlooked something.
    Just to remind you that is impossible (quoted parts in brackets), COE member can't fight another COE member (same badge) to help him gain or drop heat :D but nice idea anyhow.
  13. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lintara in CoE Manifesto - public   
    I have written it, as promised and I received no objections to posting it for public viewing. I decided to post it in a new topic, for the sake of clarity. I hope it's readable - I wrote it in a google document and formatted it nicely, but the forum might break some of the formatting.
    Constructive criticism is welcome. It may not be perfect and there may be issues that escaped my mind or that I did not phrase properly, so please suggest improvement (how and where to do it), if you believe it is necessary.
    Also, I will update this first post with a list of people currently interested in committing themselves to this journey of bringing the CoE back.
    Player List:
    Darry Dabby

    Who am I?
    I am Aeoshattr, former Knight of the Full Moon. CoE was the first alliance to open its arms to me. I have learned much from it and I have loved it, yet due to a temporary divergence in opinions, I took the decision to leave, long ago. Nevertheless, my heart remained with the Eclipse for a long time. I have been wandering around searching for another home since, yet I am now fully devoted to Loreroot and to bringing it back to its former glory - which, in my view, involves restoring the CoE. I have been a citizen of Loreroot, but I have also been a member of the Shattered Illusions and of the Knights of the Bell for a short period of time in the past.
    I have decided to begin this journey as I believe that I can serve Loreroot as a whole better by doing this; as a citizen of Loreroot, it is my duty to ensure I serve the Land as well as I can.
    Why revive CoE?
    Loreroot has been reduced to the Guardians and the Woodcutters. While there is more than enough space to accommodate newcomers in these alliances, it still leaves a gaping space open which must be filled in order to restore the Root to its former glory. The Root will not be complete if part of its heart is torn away from it, no matter how many nourish and tend to it. The Eclipse will open new possible roles for the people of Loreroot and those that wish to join it - thus providing us with the room to grow in variety not only in numbers.
    The alliance was, indeed, more than just a branch of the Root that stretched out, beyond the forest. Its purpose was both to guide the growth of the Root under the light of the Moon, defend the land, retrieve valuable information from lands far away and even delivering retribution when necessary. The Knighthood and Priesthood were valued halves of this Alliance which I wish to preserve, as their complementary relationship proved successful in the past.
    Furthermore, I believe that the community as a whole (I am referring to all players in MD) could benefit from the presence of this alliance. I hope that the sermons and the ceremonies that will be held will inspire others and provide insight to those that attend them; pilgrimages will provide players with goals and help them shape their roles. I believe the community needs something to bring it together, even if just for a few hours at a time, something to keep it going and provide people with an opportunity to listen, talk and think and - who knows - maybe spawn new plot lines that will drive the Adventure Log forwards and help other players advance their roles and wishes.
    Do we need the CoE? Yes, I dare speak for Loreroot, we do. Our Guardians are strong and the Woodcutters are meticulous. The Forest is defended and tended to, yet there is a sense of guidance that seems to elude my perception for the moment. The Root needs to know that the Moon has not abandoned it, so that it may grow under its cold, gentle light as well as under the strong, warm light of the Sun. The Forest is incomplete without the Eclipse and thus it will not flourish as it once did without the Eclipse.
    As I stated, it is my wish to see Loreroot restored to its former glory and I cannot see this done without the CoE. Therefore, I am willing to take this burden onto myself, in an attempt to prove that I am worthy of bringing back and leading this once beautiful alliance.
    tl;dr: A set of roles cannot be fulfilled without the CoE. The Guardians of the Root are military by default and the Woodcutters are harvesters. It's not stopping people within them from researching or plotting or pushing forwards RP, but the CoE would be vastly more dedicated to this and more suitable, avoiding the creation of "mottled" alliances.
    What will the purpose of CoE be?
    Its purpose will retain most of its past goals. The scope of the Cloister shall be to worship the Moon, the Sun and the Stars, share our wisdom with whoever is willing to listen, provide guidance and blessing in dire times as well as in times of joy. There will be ceremonies to be held, pilgrimages to be taken, offerings to be given (which I will detail in a “Book of Rites” that has yet to be compiled from old sermons and new ones).
    Overall, I am doing this to bring out the Lore of Loreroot to its people and those outside, which I do not see being done currently and, in my view, would be an enriching experience for everyone.
    tl;dr: Heavy focus on Roleplay that involves many players (gatherings, pilgrimages, etc) and that hopefully will bring life back to the community, but also on research of Loreroot and hopefully gathering enough influence and resources to push forwards implementation of new features in MD. 
    What will change? How, why?
    Following suggestions, I have decided to remove the Knighthood (to avoid unnecessary mottling of the alliance and creating redundancy), except for a few select spots in the alliance. The CoE will be a roleplay-research alliance with very little, if any, military involvement. We leave the defense of the land in the hands of the Guardians and will assist with our power in times of need, but our goals are not military by default.
    The Clergy of the CoE will be referred to as the Cloister.
    I have changed the number and frequency of ceremonies to be held; ceremonies held by the Eclipse are not mundane events and should not be considered as such (thus their quality must step up a notch) and hopefully this will help draw more people to attend them and make them have a greater impact upon those that attend. The ceremonies will be rarer, in order to enable people to plan so that they can attend and to allow more time for their preparation. I believe this is more important at the moment.
    The changes regarding the Knighthood are mainly concerned with a personal opinion that I hold. The land of Loreroot is not a spiteful, expansive land. We will be adamant about guarding our boundaries, but should not seek to actively expand them. Thus I deemed the need for a powerful offensive force unnecessary and removed the Knighthood.

    The ranks of the CoE
    Seer (1): the leader of the Cloister as a whole, finding balance between the Moon and the Sun. The Seer must provide guidance to the Cloister and counselling to the Prior, as well as to Loreroot to an extent. A Seer is revealed to the Eclipse rather than chosen by its people.
    Sun Dancer: priest(ess) which hears the voice of the Sun, feels its warmth and vigour. Their souls must match the youth of the Sun and their actions must reflect this. (Regarding game mechanics only, you will be expected to aid lorerootians to gain heat.)
    Moon Chanter: priest(ess) which hears the voice of the Moon, matching its calm and cold nature. Though empathic like the rest, the Moon Chanters are the best known as the secret keepers of the Eclipse. (Regarding game mechanics only, you will be expected to aid lorerootians to lose heat)
    Silent (1): The Silent is the right hand of the Prior, involving in affairs that the Prior would otherwise be unable to attend himself. Thus the Silent is only held responsible for his/her actions directly to the Prior.
    Prior (1): The Prior is the leader of the Eclipse, revealing his/her will only to the people of Loreroot. He/she plays a balancing act between gazing into the darkness and basking in the light, communing with the Cloister and with the Covenant as well as with the other people of Loreroot. The Prior is elected from the Eclipse by the existing Omen and Seer, but also by the two Consuls.
    The numbers in brackets represent the number of available positions for the respective rank. I will update it accordingly (I do not remember the maximum number of members for CoE) 

    The Code of the Cloister
    Empathy – a priest(ess) must empathise even with the enemy and guide the Eclipse accordingly.
    Secrecy – a priest(ess) must never give away the secrets of the Root outside the Forest. What is deemed secret shall be made known to the Cloister by the Seer and the Prior, or even the Consuls of Loreroot.
    Counsel – a priest(ess) must share his/her advice to those who come to seek it and help guide them accordingly.
    Liturgy – a priest(ess) must conduct the rituals of the Cloister as mentioned within the ritual, regardless of whom is attending or any other needs.
    The Seer
    The Moon and the Sun have revealed themselves to you. None are worthy of judging or deeming what your duty is, which is why you must let the Moon and the Sun guide you down the right path, for your word weighs heavily in the Eclipse.
    Your presence is required for special ceremonies during Solstices and Equinoxes.
    The overruling duty of the Seer, however, is to initiate the other members of the Cloister and supervise them throughout their journey.
    The Sun Dancers
    You bring warmth and light to the Forest, radiating youth and joy. You must dance for us in times of sorrow and need, but dance even more in times of happiness. Spring and Summer fall under your wings and it is your duty to perform ceremonies to praise the Sun and what it brings to the Forest. (Once per week during the mentioned seasons and every Full Moon in the rest of the time)
    Empathy is your overruling duty.
    The Moon Chanters
    Your dim, soothing light ensures that the Forest and its inhabitants are guided down the right path. Your songs keep the forest and its inhabitants safe during the long night – you are needed in times of pain, to keep the Children of the Eclipse bound together and keep hope lit in their hearts. Fall and Winter are under your spell, thus it is your duty to praise them and the Moon. (Once per week during the mentioned seasons and every New Moon in the rest of the time)
    Secrecy is your overruling duty.
    The Code of the Prior
    Balance – a Prior must show balance between the two halves of the Eclipse: maintaining equilibrium between the Sun and the Moon, between Light and Darkness, between the Covenant and the Cloister.
    Diplomacy – a Prior must be diplomatic, as his/her voice weighs in the affairs of Loreroot and in external affairs as well.
    Devotion – a Prior must be devoted to Loreroot and he/she cannot decide to take action against his/her own land, unless it is demonstrated that it is for the good of the Land.
    Stoicism – a Prior’s decisions are irrevocable, thus he/she must stand by his/her word until his/her last breath. Furthermore, a Prior must acknowledge that his/her decision weighs heavily and thus not give his/her judgement lightly.
    The Prior
    The Prior is the leader of the Eclipse; as the Eclipse’s main purpose is to serve the forest, the Prior is elected from the people of the Eclipse, but must have his/her role confirmed by the two Consuls of the Land, or the current leaders of the Land. Under special circumstances, the Prior may be elected without the blessing of the Consuls (such as there are no Consuls alive, etc), however, once the situation is remedied, his/her role must be confirmed by the leaders of the Land.
    The Prior’s main purpose is dictated by his/her Code and, as he/she holds authority over the Eclipse, few are in the position to judge his/her decisions. Thus he/she must show a sense of Justice and Balance and, furthermore, any infringement of the Code must be dealt with by the Consuls and the Judges of Loreroot.
    Within the Eclipse, the Prior’s purpose is to guide as he/she sees fit, but also to initiate and supervise the work of the Omen and of the Seer, who are directly subordinated to him/her. Regardless, the authority of the Prior can be questioned and disputed by the members of the Eclipse, with a rite that shall be mentioned in the Book of Rites.
    The Silent
    Your duty and loyalty lies with the Prior before anyone else – you carry out tasks that concern the fate of the Forest, beyond its boundaries. Like your mission, your shackles are long and loose, yet remember you are accountable to the Prior and to the Consuls, should you forget where your heart and soul truly lie.
    Your Devotion must be unwavering.
    Disciplinary actions (offense by CoE)
    Should it be proven that one of the Eclipse has broken the Code, they shall be judged by the Omen or the Seer, then by the Prior, and finally by the Consuls, varying with the severity of their actions.
    Minor offenses shall be judged by Seer. These include but are not limited to breaking one of the rules in the Code, except for Secrecy. This also refers to a first-time offense of the above-mentioned severity. These offenses shall be dealt with as deemed appropriate, though the offender will not be removed from the alliance.
    Major offenses shall be judged by the Prior together with the Seer. These refer specifically to breaking Secrecy, however are not limited to it. This also refers to repeated breaches of the code, regardless of their severity. The punishment is usually the retirement of the offender’s badge, yet may be more or less severe.
    Capital offenses shall be judged by the Prior together with the Consuls only. This refers mainly to Treason but is not limited to it. Murder or grave injury of any Lorerootian by a member of the Eclipse is considered treason, as well as revealing compromising information to the enemy, regardless of the current diplomatic status (even in times of peace). The Prior and the Consuls have right of life and death over a traitor and if their decision is to spare the offender, then the decision is final and the offender is banished from the lands for eternity.
    The Silent constitute an exception as he/she is only held accountable for his/her actions directly to the Prior and only under extraordinary circumstances will he/she be brought to justice together with the Consuls or the Judges of Loreroot.
    Alt accounts policy:
    I am welcoming alts to join my cause, however I will be unyielding in regards to one issue: no meta-roleplay. You are expected to keep your alts 100% separate, no exceptions under any circumstances. Information that I share with one alt should not be shared with another alt or used by another character other than the one I shared it with. This includes everything, even if I just tell you what I had for breakfast! I know it must be difficult sometimes, but I will make no exceptions. This will be a role-play alliance (mainly), thus avoiding meta-roleplay is of the utmost importance. Breaching of this will result in a prompt boot to the butt and I reserve the right to kick people that breach this rule without notice.
    EDIT: Added Ary's suggestion as mentioned in his post
    EDIT: Updated, considering Granos' suggestions. Added some tl,dr in green text, to highlight some stuff. Hope I didn't miss anything
  14. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from lashtal in CoE Manifesto - public   
    I have written it, as promised and I received no objections to posting it for public viewing. I decided to post it in a new topic, for the sake of clarity. I hope it's readable - I wrote it in a google document and formatted it nicely, but the forum might break some of the formatting.
    Constructive criticism is welcome. It may not be perfect and there may be issues that escaped my mind or that I did not phrase properly, so please suggest improvement (how and where to do it), if you believe it is necessary.
    Also, I will update this first post with a list of people currently interested in committing themselves to this journey of bringing the CoE back.
    Player List:
    Darry Dabby

    Who am I?
    I am Aeoshattr, former Knight of the Full Moon. CoE was the first alliance to open its arms to me. I have learned much from it and I have loved it, yet due to a temporary divergence in opinions, I took the decision to leave, long ago. Nevertheless, my heart remained with the Eclipse for a long time. I have been wandering around searching for another home since, yet I am now fully devoted to Loreroot and to bringing it back to its former glory - which, in my view, involves restoring the CoE. I have been a citizen of Loreroot, but I have also been a member of the Shattered Illusions and of the Knights of the Bell for a short period of time in the past.
    I have decided to begin this journey as I believe that I can serve Loreroot as a whole better by doing this; as a citizen of Loreroot, it is my duty to ensure I serve the Land as well as I can.
    Why revive CoE?
    Loreroot has been reduced to the Guardians and the Woodcutters. While there is more than enough space to accommodate newcomers in these alliances, it still leaves a gaping space open which must be filled in order to restore the Root to its former glory. The Root will not be complete if part of its heart is torn away from it, no matter how many nourish and tend to it. The Eclipse will open new possible roles for the people of Loreroot and those that wish to join it - thus providing us with the room to grow in variety not only in numbers.
    The alliance was, indeed, more than just a branch of the Root that stretched out, beyond the forest. Its purpose was both to guide the growth of the Root under the light of the Moon, defend the land, retrieve valuable information from lands far away and even delivering retribution when necessary. The Knighthood and Priesthood were valued halves of this Alliance which I wish to preserve, as their complementary relationship proved successful in the past.
    Furthermore, I believe that the community as a whole (I am referring to all players in MD) could benefit from the presence of this alliance. I hope that the sermons and the ceremonies that will be held will inspire others and provide insight to those that attend them; pilgrimages will provide players with goals and help them shape their roles. I believe the community needs something to bring it together, even if just for a few hours at a time, something to keep it going and provide people with an opportunity to listen, talk and think and - who knows - maybe spawn new plot lines that will drive the Adventure Log forwards and help other players advance their roles and wishes.
    Do we need the CoE? Yes, I dare speak for Loreroot, we do. Our Guardians are strong and the Woodcutters are meticulous. The Forest is defended and tended to, yet there is a sense of guidance that seems to elude my perception for the moment. The Root needs to know that the Moon has not abandoned it, so that it may grow under its cold, gentle light as well as under the strong, warm light of the Sun. The Forest is incomplete without the Eclipse and thus it will not flourish as it once did without the Eclipse.
    As I stated, it is my wish to see Loreroot restored to its former glory and I cannot see this done without the CoE. Therefore, I am willing to take this burden onto myself, in an attempt to prove that I am worthy of bringing back and leading this once beautiful alliance.
    tl;dr: A set of roles cannot be fulfilled without the CoE. The Guardians of the Root are military by default and the Woodcutters are harvesters. It's not stopping people within them from researching or plotting or pushing forwards RP, but the CoE would be vastly more dedicated to this and more suitable, avoiding the creation of "mottled" alliances.
    What will the purpose of CoE be?
    Its purpose will retain most of its past goals. The scope of the Cloister shall be to worship the Moon, the Sun and the Stars, share our wisdom with whoever is willing to listen, provide guidance and blessing in dire times as well as in times of joy. There will be ceremonies to be held, pilgrimages to be taken, offerings to be given (which I will detail in a “Book of Rites” that has yet to be compiled from old sermons and new ones).
    Overall, I am doing this to bring out the Lore of Loreroot to its people and those outside, which I do not see being done currently and, in my view, would be an enriching experience for everyone.
    tl;dr: Heavy focus on Roleplay that involves many players (gatherings, pilgrimages, etc) and that hopefully will bring life back to the community, but also on research of Loreroot and hopefully gathering enough influence and resources to push forwards implementation of new features in MD. 
    What will change? How, why?
    Following suggestions, I have decided to remove the Knighthood (to avoid unnecessary mottling of the alliance and creating redundancy), except for a few select spots in the alliance. The CoE will be a roleplay-research alliance with very little, if any, military involvement. We leave the defense of the land in the hands of the Guardians and will assist with our power in times of need, but our goals are not military by default.
    The Clergy of the CoE will be referred to as the Cloister.
    I have changed the number and frequency of ceremonies to be held; ceremonies held by the Eclipse are not mundane events and should not be considered as such (thus their quality must step up a notch) and hopefully this will help draw more people to attend them and make them have a greater impact upon those that attend. The ceremonies will be rarer, in order to enable people to plan so that they can attend and to allow more time for their preparation. I believe this is more important at the moment.
    The changes regarding the Knighthood are mainly concerned with a personal opinion that I hold. The land of Loreroot is not a spiteful, expansive land. We will be adamant about guarding our boundaries, but should not seek to actively expand them. Thus I deemed the need for a powerful offensive force unnecessary and removed the Knighthood.

    The ranks of the CoE
    Seer (1): the leader of the Cloister as a whole, finding balance between the Moon and the Sun. The Seer must provide guidance to the Cloister and counselling to the Prior, as well as to Loreroot to an extent. A Seer is revealed to the Eclipse rather than chosen by its people.
    Sun Dancer: priest(ess) which hears the voice of the Sun, feels its warmth and vigour. Their souls must match the youth of the Sun and their actions must reflect this. (Regarding game mechanics only, you will be expected to aid lorerootians to gain heat.)
    Moon Chanter: priest(ess) which hears the voice of the Moon, matching its calm and cold nature. Though empathic like the rest, the Moon Chanters are the best known as the secret keepers of the Eclipse. (Regarding game mechanics only, you will be expected to aid lorerootians to lose heat)
    Silent (1): The Silent is the right hand of the Prior, involving in affairs that the Prior would otherwise be unable to attend himself. Thus the Silent is only held responsible for his/her actions directly to the Prior.
    Prior (1): The Prior is the leader of the Eclipse, revealing his/her will only to the people of Loreroot. He/she plays a balancing act between gazing into the darkness and basking in the light, communing with the Cloister and with the Covenant as well as with the other people of Loreroot. The Prior is elected from the Eclipse by the existing Omen and Seer, but also by the two Consuls.
    The numbers in brackets represent the number of available positions for the respective rank. I will update it accordingly (I do not remember the maximum number of members for CoE) 

    The Code of the Cloister
    Empathy – a priest(ess) must empathise even with the enemy and guide the Eclipse accordingly.
    Secrecy – a priest(ess) must never give away the secrets of the Root outside the Forest. What is deemed secret shall be made known to the Cloister by the Seer and the Prior, or even the Consuls of Loreroot.
    Counsel – a priest(ess) must share his/her advice to those who come to seek it and help guide them accordingly.
    Liturgy – a priest(ess) must conduct the rituals of the Cloister as mentioned within the ritual, regardless of whom is attending or any other needs.
    The Seer
    The Moon and the Sun have revealed themselves to you. None are worthy of judging or deeming what your duty is, which is why you must let the Moon and the Sun guide you down the right path, for your word weighs heavily in the Eclipse.
    Your presence is required for special ceremonies during Solstices and Equinoxes.
    The overruling duty of the Seer, however, is to initiate the other members of the Cloister and supervise them throughout their journey.
    The Sun Dancers
    You bring warmth and light to the Forest, radiating youth and joy. You must dance for us in times of sorrow and need, but dance even more in times of happiness. Spring and Summer fall under your wings and it is your duty to perform ceremonies to praise the Sun and what it brings to the Forest. (Once per week during the mentioned seasons and every Full Moon in the rest of the time)
    Empathy is your overruling duty.
    The Moon Chanters
    Your dim, soothing light ensures that the Forest and its inhabitants are guided down the right path. Your songs keep the forest and its inhabitants safe during the long night – you are needed in times of pain, to keep the Children of the Eclipse bound together and keep hope lit in their hearts. Fall and Winter are under your spell, thus it is your duty to praise them and the Moon. (Once per week during the mentioned seasons and every New Moon in the rest of the time)
    Secrecy is your overruling duty.
    The Code of the Prior
    Balance – a Prior must show balance between the two halves of the Eclipse: maintaining equilibrium between the Sun and the Moon, between Light and Darkness, between the Covenant and the Cloister.
    Diplomacy – a Prior must be diplomatic, as his/her voice weighs in the affairs of Loreroot and in external affairs as well.
    Devotion – a Prior must be devoted to Loreroot and he/she cannot decide to take action against his/her own land, unless it is demonstrated that it is for the good of the Land.
    Stoicism – a Prior’s decisions are irrevocable, thus he/she must stand by his/her word until his/her last breath. Furthermore, a Prior must acknowledge that his/her decision weighs heavily and thus not give his/her judgement lightly.
    The Prior
    The Prior is the leader of the Eclipse; as the Eclipse’s main purpose is to serve the forest, the Prior is elected from the people of the Eclipse, but must have his/her role confirmed by the two Consuls of the Land, or the current leaders of the Land. Under special circumstances, the Prior may be elected without the blessing of the Consuls (such as there are no Consuls alive, etc), however, once the situation is remedied, his/her role must be confirmed by the leaders of the Land.
    The Prior’s main purpose is dictated by his/her Code and, as he/she holds authority over the Eclipse, few are in the position to judge his/her decisions. Thus he/she must show a sense of Justice and Balance and, furthermore, any infringement of the Code must be dealt with by the Consuls and the Judges of Loreroot.
    Within the Eclipse, the Prior’s purpose is to guide as he/she sees fit, but also to initiate and supervise the work of the Omen and of the Seer, who are directly subordinated to him/her. Regardless, the authority of the Prior can be questioned and disputed by the members of the Eclipse, with a rite that shall be mentioned in the Book of Rites.
    The Silent
    Your duty and loyalty lies with the Prior before anyone else – you carry out tasks that concern the fate of the Forest, beyond its boundaries. Like your mission, your shackles are long and loose, yet remember you are accountable to the Prior and to the Consuls, should you forget where your heart and soul truly lie.
    Your Devotion must be unwavering.
    Disciplinary actions (offense by CoE)
    Should it be proven that one of the Eclipse has broken the Code, they shall be judged by the Omen or the Seer, then by the Prior, and finally by the Consuls, varying with the severity of their actions.
    Minor offenses shall be judged by Seer. These include but are not limited to breaking one of the rules in the Code, except for Secrecy. This also refers to a first-time offense of the above-mentioned severity. These offenses shall be dealt with as deemed appropriate, though the offender will not be removed from the alliance.
    Major offenses shall be judged by the Prior together with the Seer. These refer specifically to breaking Secrecy, however are not limited to it. This also refers to repeated breaches of the code, regardless of their severity. The punishment is usually the retirement of the offender’s badge, yet may be more or less severe.
    Capital offenses shall be judged by the Prior together with the Consuls only. This refers mainly to Treason but is not limited to it. Murder or grave injury of any Lorerootian by a member of the Eclipse is considered treason, as well as revealing compromising information to the enemy, regardless of the current diplomatic status (even in times of peace). The Prior and the Consuls have right of life and death over a traitor and if their decision is to spare the offender, then the decision is final and the offender is banished from the lands for eternity.
    The Silent constitute an exception as he/she is only held accountable for his/her actions directly to the Prior and only under extraordinary circumstances will he/she be brought to justice together with the Consuls or the Judges of Loreroot.
    Alt accounts policy:
    I am welcoming alts to join my cause, however I will be unyielding in regards to one issue: no meta-roleplay. You are expected to keep your alts 100% separate, no exceptions under any circumstances. Information that I share with one alt should not be shared with another alt or used by another character other than the one I shared it with. This includes everything, even if I just tell you what I had for breakfast! I know it must be difficult sometimes, but I will make no exceptions. This will be a role-play alliance (mainly), thus avoiding meta-roleplay is of the utmost importance. Breaching of this will result in a prompt boot to the butt and I reserve the right to kick people that breach this rule without notice.
    EDIT: Added Ary's suggestion as mentioned in his post
    EDIT: Updated, considering Granos' suggestions. Added some tl,dr in green text, to highlight some stuff. Hope I didn't miss anything
  15. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Chewett in Who's watching the world cup?   
    Whats the world cup?
  16. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Jubaris in CoE Resurrection - Still possible?   
    I disagree with some of your points.
    The lands are already very open to new members, especially when it comes to citizenship.
    Of what high requirements are you speaking of? I can only speak in the name of Marind Bell, although I'm pretty sure it's relatively the same case with other mainlands as well - it's quite easy to obtain a citizenship, all you need to do is get to know someone, introduce yourself, talk a bit so others know you're alive. If you do all that, you're basically in, unless you have a very different character than the wider system of values of the land/group of people in it.
    I disagree on many levels:
    - Propaganda should not be enforced, players should develop a bit and then make an independent decision where to join. Let's just look at Necrovion, with their clever socializing and creation of image, they managed to get a lot of 'cool' people. Many of them don't really feel like being truely Necrovian (intuitively), no?
    Syrian, the great mp6, helper, very productive member of society, I don't see what's so Necrovion about her (we didn't talk a lot in truth, but I'm talking about the influence/aura of her personality that touched me as well).
    - We don't have people in the first place to inflict propaganda on!
    I agree, but it's not something upon kings to do. We can't create fake reasons to compete in. Well, we can, but it won't be "it". The game, at the moment, lacks strategic points to compete about, except in some kind of prestige "how many adept questers/fighters/researchers you have", etc.
    We are all part of the community, let's work together. I know it's attractive to point fingers at someone, on paper, at the top, and conclude that it is all their fault we're not succeeding, but I think it is a bit surficial.
    There have been ideas like restoring Torch competition in favor of that competitive spirit, let's bring out some new, not that hard to impement/code ideas, suggest things you want to see happening.
    Consider that not all leaders of the lands were chosen to be charismatic visionaires that can make everything out of nothing, some were chosen simply so that their land does not fall into a disadvantage by not having a leader (lack of representative with the Council, lack of monarch tools, etc. = lot's of disadvantages).
    I've been king for some 6-7 months already. Do you realize how little to no requests for roles I've received, even though it is my strong wish to help people on that matter?
    I remember when I was a younger player, getting a mere tag was making you the happiest man in the world. Now nobody cares.
    Do you really think a king can do much when a large part of the realm does not feel like playing the game anymore?
    You have a lot of players that already established their roles, they did not have problems integrating into the society, yet still you don't feel them having fun.
    This is a game, we should do what we feel like doing, focus on that, having fun, not "maintaining" something. There's something very wrong in the perception we have about this site.
    Not all of us have much free time, or are too distracted by RL thoughts to 'slip in' into this wonderful world truely, but let's not encourage dispiritedness, lead by your own example (people), be around, have fun, talk with people, try to picture what would they like to do and see if your interests are similar. Understand that the game will shape per our needs, we will not shape ourselves (completely) as per its needs - this is not something said egoistically, it's how the game evolved up till now.
  17. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lintara in CoE Resurrection - Still possible?   
    @ dst -Well, most of you are correct in your concerns. Dst is right - I might end up banging my head against the wall that others hit. Maybe I'll be strong enough to knock it down, maybe not. Regardless, I'm still willing to try.
    @ Shem - I do not mind talking about why CoE failed in the past. While it is true, if I think back to what dst said, I may end up repeating it, I wish to have knowledge of it so that I can do my best to avoid it. If I don't see the tree in front of me, I cannot hope to steer clear of it.
    @ BFH - Yes, if there is one thing that concerns me a tiny bit at the moment is the number of players around in MD right now. With the risk of being rudely honest, however, I will say that I have found, so far, about 3 players interested in joining my cause. I will not name them just yet. I do not see why some alliances would be allowed to exist with just 3 members when I do not ever see them doing anything related to their role (I may just be online at the wrong time, however) while CoE should be dismissed because of lack of numbers throughout MD.
    Again, I agree with what you said, to an extent. There are few players left and it will be a challenge to gather a large number of players for CoE. Nevertheless, I believe I am more than capable of gathering enough to support the alliance until the player base enlarges.
    As for the "starting wars and plots" part... If I announced all of that publicly, it would defeat the purpose, wouldn't it? 
  18. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Ary Endleg in CoE Resurrection - Still possible?   
    @BFH, considering your #2 point.
    In the spirit of progress shouldn't we let the old vegetative alliances that don't contribute to community in any way to die out in favor of new ones that spark new things to happen?
  19. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from lashtal in CoE Resurrection - Still possible?   
    @ dst -Well, most of you are correct in your concerns. Dst is right - I might end up banging my head against the wall that others hit. Maybe I'll be strong enough to knock it down, maybe not. Regardless, I'm still willing to try.
    @ Shem - I do not mind talking about why CoE failed in the past. While it is true, if I think back to what dst said, I may end up repeating it, I wish to have knowledge of it so that I can do my best to avoid it. If I don't see the tree in front of me, I cannot hope to steer clear of it.
    @ BFH - Yes, if there is one thing that concerns me a tiny bit at the moment is the number of players around in MD right now. With the risk of being rudely honest, however, I will say that I have found, so far, about 3 players interested in joining my cause. I will not name them just yet. I do not see why some alliances would be allowed to exist with just 3 members when I do not ever see them doing anything related to their role (I may just be online at the wrong time, however) while CoE should be dismissed because of lack of numbers throughout MD.
    Again, I agree with what you said, to an extent. There are few players left and it will be a challenge to gather a large number of players for CoE. Nevertheless, I believe I am more than capable of gathering enough to support the alliance until the player base enlarges.
    As for the "starting wars and plots" part... If I announced all of that publicly, it would defeat the purpose, wouldn't it? 
  20. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to dst in CoE Resurrection - Still possible?   
    History has a nasty habit of repeating itself. As well as mistakes. In my experience with MD, people don't really learn from other's mistakes but from their own. If they hit the wall themselves, they will know. If somebody else hits the wall that somebody will be: laughed at/pitied/etc/etc  and soon the reason as to WHY the wall was hit it will forgotten. They will however remember the wall and start whining :D
  21. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lintara in CoE Resurrection - Still possible?   
    No, allow me to clarify this. 
    The first ever alliance I was in was CoE. I worked quite a lot to get in there, and I enjoyed every moment I had there. This is my very first time in the GotR.
    Due to a temporary disagreement with the leadership of the CoE at that moment, I decided on my own will to leave. Citizenship was not available at that point, so I sought a new home, which I found to be the Shattered Illusions. I get mixed feelings about that time, but nevertheless, dst can confirm that I was kicked out because, to paraphrase, to her 'I was just a puppet from the beginning'. I try not to bear grudges (though I would lie to say I am perfectly fine with what dst did, I am not in a position to judge) and try to see the bright sides of those times too.
    That's when I first left the game
    When I returned, I was pretty much ignored by most of my friends in Loreroot, or at least it felt that way. I turned to Marind Bell and was a member of the KoB for a short period of time, before Chewett left it and seeing the people that kept me in Marind go inactive, I went inactive once more and got kicked with the realm-wide alliance-kicking that happened, or so I am told.
    This time, I returned to find friends that I valued in Loreroot. I was a citizen for a short while, but I wanted to do more. I joined the GotR. GotR was a place I always wanted to be in, even before the CoE. However, once CoE was instated, I decided that is where I wanted to be.
    Yes, I was in the CoE. The very first alliance I was in. That is one of the reasons why I want to bring it back, but more are detailed in my "candidate" document, which I hope will be available to the public soon.
    Yes, once more, some things will change. I am not turning this alliance around. I am making small adjustments according to the current state of MD. I am not using an old carcass to try and create something new. However, as the alliance failed in the past, some changes must be in place to ensure its success and growth in the future - or so I believe. But this does not, under any circumstances, mean that I am trying to turn the CoE into something different.
    EDIT: forgot to answer one of Ary's questions. Hope I got them all. :)
  22. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from DARK DEMON in CoE Resurrection - Still possible?   
    No, allow me to clarify this. 
    The first ever alliance I was in was CoE. I worked quite a lot to get in there, and I enjoyed every moment I had there. This is my very first time in the GotR.
    Due to a temporary disagreement with the leadership of the CoE at that moment, I decided on my own will to leave. Citizenship was not available at that point, so I sought a new home, which I found to be the Shattered Illusions. I get mixed feelings about that time, but nevertheless, dst can confirm that I was kicked out because, to paraphrase, to her 'I was just a puppet from the beginning'. I try not to bear grudges (though I would lie to say I am perfectly fine with what dst did, I am not in a position to judge) and try to see the bright sides of those times too.
    That's when I first left the game
    When I returned, I was pretty much ignored by most of my friends in Loreroot, or at least it felt that way. I turned to Marind Bell and was a member of the KoB for a short period of time, before Chewett left it and seeing the people that kept me in Marind go inactive, I went inactive once more and got kicked with the realm-wide alliance-kicking that happened, or so I am told.
    This time, I returned to find friends that I valued in Loreroot. I was a citizen for a short while, but I wanted to do more. I joined the GotR. GotR was a place I always wanted to be in, even before the CoE. However, once CoE was instated, I decided that is where I wanted to be.
    Yes, I was in the CoE. The very first alliance I was in. That is one of the reasons why I want to bring it back, but more are detailed in my "candidate" document, which I hope will be available to the public soon.
    Yes, once more, some things will change. I am not turning this alliance around. I am making small adjustments according to the current state of MD. I am not using an old carcass to try and create something new. However, as the alliance failed in the past, some changes must be in place to ensure its success and growth in the future - or so I believe. But this does not, under any circumstances, mean that I am trying to turn the CoE into something different.
    EDIT: forgot to answer one of Ary's questions. Hope I got them all. :)
  23. Upvote
  24. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Chewett in CoE Resurrection - Still possible?   
    Whats the difference between not trying, for fear or failing, and failing?
    Nothing at all. But in actuality if you dont try, you never have the chance to succeed. By all means follow Phantoms logic, but that is the reason she will never accomplish anything else in MD. She reasons that because she will probably fail, she shouldn't try. This is the attitude that will kill MD. Not people like Aeo trying things.
    For that I salute Aeo. He has my greatest respect.
  25. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Chewett in Tribunal Training Scheme (aka help me get out of stat damage)   
    Due to the low population of the game at the moment and also due to the fact that I idle all the time, it is terribly difficult to progress.
    While I am in no position to make demands, I would like to ask for the help of MD.
    Again, I hope I don't come across as needy or rude, but I figured if there's anyone I may ask for such a service, then it's the people of MD.
    If possible, please confirm if you are willing to help me out. While I could, theoretically, train just with anyone, it would go a lot faster if I had the support of more people.
    The training location will be outside MB Shop, People are free to be around, help each other, set rituals to help and such.
    Anyone want to do some training? No specific rules, just to gather at points and actively do some learning of the combat mechanic. (Maybe even help out with some new changes to it on OMEGA).
    Thank you
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