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Posts posted by Kamisha

  1. It seems that DNA is going to be an important feature in the future and finding people with similar DNA is not yet available completely. You currently have to be completely the same and if that where to hold true your minds would work in a similar way. This is why i am posting this here. I want to see before hand who has a similar DNA strain to everybody else. For those who don't know where to find this it is under your general info and looks like a binary code. Mostly I want to see if anybodies personality type actually corresponds to a particular DNA strain. If you could actually predict with any accuracy if a person is similar to you. Ill be posting mine first and maybe once a week ill look through them and find DNA strains that are 80% percent similar and post them in a list. Maybe you will find a like minded individual. I would just like to experiment with this concept.

    Note: Incomplete strains will be counted as similar for all remaining digits until updated by that player. Please keep this generally clean its already hard enough to sift through a normal forum topic. Update your strain by editing your earlier post and putting in big letters at the top The last date it was edited.


    In game name:

    DNA Strain:

    Myers Briggs type:

    Site for testing this(recommeneded for comparison):

  2. Grido does make a valid point though and I think I understand what he is trying to say. For example lets say I use my main account and make myself an adept of lets say Granos. Now due to an absent thought in a lapse of judgment create an alt. The question is whether or not that alt could be a adept of Granos as well. If I am so far right up to this point it raises another question. If I where to create an alt could that alt be an adept of a different character than the one I am already an adept of.

    I do have to agree with Grido though that this is another type of alt abuse that is inside the bounds of what the rules currently say is acceptable.

  3. Well I think shadowseeker means GM not as a General Manager as mur refers to shoepes. I think Shadow seeker means GM as in Game Master who is a person who has the ability to moderate the game. In this case I think the term that should be used has not been seen in any other game as trials are a idea I have not seen anywhere else. Though moderator would be the closest. Instead of complete power a moderator has a fraction of the power of a GM in order to complete there job.

    Finally the jury is random that has already been chosen in order to reduce bias choices in jury. Then the idea of this being delayed by a single party is a problem. Though in real law in order the other party not responding results in the unresponsive party to win the case undisputed. In fact in Canada if the person you deliver the challenge too does not accept the challenge letter for the case you can drop it at there feet and it is still a challenge. Feiner responding to this would be like opening the letter seeing it saying he will show up then appearing absent at the trial date. Personally I think a date should be set in which the parties must send in things.

    I suggest the 30th in order to give those who have not responded yet a chance to attempt to do so.

  4. I didn't say you did I'm just going to state that if it happens again you might want to pursue it otherwise let it rest. Flairs of anger and foul language is a common and often misinterpreted.

  5. I will say this on this matter you don't want to make it a case so wrong section also considering this I don't this will go anywhere and if it does maybe a day in jail for him. No matter the reasoning I think this is anything but a minor case which wont likely happen again. I find this trivial and almost not worth posting for. I'm not trying to be mean or make a personal attack I am simply stating the obvious.

  6. [quote name='phantasm' date='07 June 2010 - 05:43 AM' timestamp='1275907385' post='61238']
    I really do enjoy how there are people who used GGG to get power or level up their angiens, then once they do jump on the anti-GGG ban wagon. Two thumbs up you guys /endsarcasm

    Ok firstly if this is a hit at me it is only true in a sense. If you would look at my creatures and any rit I use you will not find a single leveled Angien beyond the age requirement to be usable (I think it is around 120 days). You have obviously seen me there obeying the rules. If I count my visits there would be just over 15. Three of them before the GGG was formed and I was walking around idly. Lastly the only reason I have obeyed the rules is because everybody that has a positive win balance hangs out there which is a problem because the only way for myself to gain positive honor at a good rate is to go there where everybody is just idling. The problem with the GGG is instead of an optional choice it has made its self a necessity to everybody. It is not an isolated problem since it can expand to problems beyond that of its own boarders that is why it has to be destructed.

    [quote name='Chewett' date='07 June 2010 - 11:32 AM' timestamp='1275928353' post='61270']
    My reasoning is this, If GGG is hurting MD so much and is so Boring, Then surely it will not take very much effort at all to move people from GGG.

    But, it seems some people would prefere to destroy, then use some of their brains to think of a way to get people from the boring GAME DESTROYING GGG.

    The irony is that 99% of you who are against GGG have used it to gain stats or Wins for your angiens and have everyone forgotten the time when the burst burned achievement came out? how many of you where there then!

    If GGG is that boring and game destroying, Then simply give everyone another solution, It wont take much as its so bad for MD and so boring, So it doesnt even need to be a great idea.

    Surely we should be trying to build things? not destroy some of the only community built things.
    Its happened and failed. There is fight club there was the DOJO Willows Shop. The next thing that always destroys the other is more destructive then the last. This is the hierarchy of how similar things are to the way they where originally intended.
    Willows Shop->DOJO->Fight Club->GGG
    Now in order of development
    1.Willows Shop
    4.Fight Club

    If you have been following me there is a definitive pattern everything deviates from the original intention farther and farther until be have the GGG. The only exception is Fight Club which has a deviation as a step up since burns has tried to build his own way to pull us out of this nose dive. The GGG is only becoming more popular and more destructive as each member finds it and abuses it.
    The problem I guess in full is not that of the GGG but its abusive nature. Though since we cant break the cycle through the members we have to destroy the GGG its self and now.
    We can try to build a new idea but the only way I new idea would become as powerful as the GGG and draw the player is if somehow we could deviate even more.


  7. [quote name='Udgard' date='06 June 2010 - 07:45 PM' timestamp='1275871538' post='61192']
    All rits? Does that include defense rits of people who came there to break the rits as well? (in chaos situations, sometimes "friend" and "foe" is hard to distinguish).

    And.. gorilla group? I think you meant guerrilla, gorilla groups are usually found at zoos. :D

    Noted the gorilla guerrilla difference and fixed it. Part of the reason of the group would be to support the other characters attacking and breaking rits. The GGG is under protection by some players it is only fair that we have out own protection program.

    [quote name='Chewett' date='07 June 2010 - 12:23 AM' timestamp='1275888196' post='61197']
    you seems a little ill informed, If you didnt relise there is already a group :))

    Good Co-ordination guys!

    If there is such a group that already exists I would like to be directed to them.

  8. O.K. I have heard enough complaining and no action. People simply stating why it is going to stay and that somebody is going to have to tear it down. I am offended by the GGG still remaining with all this opposition and of course the supporters. That's why I am going to start a small group in order to take down the GGG. The reason that GGG is so powerful is because people who support it say so openly. So I am going to go out on a leg here and in a way sacrifice my self.

    I hate the GGG and it has to go. Now this is what I propose. The GGG is not protected by the rules of Magic Duel it is only protected by those who support it. Some of the MR's are actually against what they have created. Its a monster really.

    So in order to slay a monster you always need a few people. I want those people who want to take down the GGG send me a PM in the Fourms. From there I plan to set random dates in which the GGG will be under attack. These dates will be only announced to those people. On that day we BREAK ALL RITUALS in the GGG. EVERY LAST ONE. This might lower your reputation it may make you hated but this is the last resort. Believe me even if nobody supports me on this I will eventually do it my self this will just make it easier and more effective. I have warned you of the risk of being hated being clobbered by GGG users where ever you go. If you still want to take care of the GGG despite the result you know what to do.

    Join the GGGOGG (Golden Globe Gazebo Opposition Guerrilla Group)

    Edit: Synced with Personal pages

  9. Ok i just got the final verdict today. The winners where selected by the 3 judges ranking there most favorite and second favorite. The one they choose as there favorite was assigned a total of two points the second favorite was selected and assigned one point.
    The results are as follows:
    Fyrd took first place with 4 points with a ranking of two second places and a first
    Assira the black takes second place with a rank of 3 points with a first and a second placing by the judges.
    Princ finally took third with three points ranked by one judge as a first place.
    The judges personal choices will remain concealed in order to protect them from personally targeted attacks.

    However congratulations to the winners Fryd and Assira the black. As promised Fryd will receive a wish point and Assira will receive 10 silver coins in the following days.

    Would the mods please move this topic to the quest results page.

  10. The main thing to understand is if you have two accounts they are not allowed to associate in any way. The only association between them can be role play and a few people have gotten in trouble for that because they decided they could run there mouth a little too far with there alt. Although mur didn't take his toll on them the community came down hard on him until he decided to just disappear.

  11. These are brain cells right there neurons. There has been (I think in Britain im not exactly sure) where they have injected the cold sore virus into the tumors the result since healthy neurons don't divide and cancerous neurons divide uncontrollably was the tumors stopping from growing since the cold sore virus only kills dividing cell. Anyways its something to look into is things go to worse.
    This is what i could find on it.
    It might be interesting to some other people as well.

  12. sry to sort of hijack this post but I don't think it needs a new thread. I personally think these avy discussions should be sorted in a new personalized heading specific to avys. example: MagicDuel Forums > No Mans Land > Avatars > (topic heading). Its just sort of getting crowded by all the avy responses that it will difficult for new players to navigate.

  13. The cost there is to discourage switching between avys for the reason that the avy us your personality captured. You see my avy to the left here that's me and I defines who I am. Avys can be changed in order to allow players to fix a mistake or find a personification of them self that is more current. If people where allowed to change there avy as often as they choose fit it is no longer a definition of self but preference at the moment.
    Avys are used to be legend builders.
    Example1: Everybody can see Z by his goat avy.
    Example2: Everybody knows Kalazadad by his fat baby avy.
    Example3: Everybody knows jester by his bowing avy.

  14. Upon reading this I have came to a realization. However before I wright anything I am not in anyway related to why this information was released I did not read the above because I wanted to just my curiosity gets the better of me some... OK all of the time.

    This is my realization. Murs expectation is not for us to be bound by ancient lore, but I say we are still bound by lore. Now the very important key word is ancient in this case. Ancient lore is the creation of ideas that control our world though these can be muddled if before the creation. Now I can understand some people asking questions I mean it is human nature right. From almost the beginning of time we have been asking where have we come from where did we start what is the universe and by the way the answer to the ultimate answer is 42 for all of those who have read the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. We dont know where we came from yet we have no definitive answer in RL why should we have one here. Necrocrone, GG, Marnid bell,Lore root these are the first civilizations and still in RL we don't have an answer. What keeps this game unique and truly special is you experience as quoted by mur. Your lore is what happens not what has apparently happened. Your lore is your creation what you do right now defines you and as well defines the worlds history.

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