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Aia del Mana

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Posts posted by Aia del Mana

  1. 19 minutes ago, Chewett said:

    I have looked into the spell and can confirm that the spell will have differing abilities up to level 7 (although practically level 5 will be the one that will offer most value). If you do not meet the level requirements to impersonate someone it will default to yourself.

    Would it be reasonable to assume that one cannot purchase any greater than two levels of this spell from the Wish-Shop - and would require a custom wish to obtain any further levels?

  2. 31 minutes ago, Ungod said:

    weeellll...in the old days, they started out as (normal) trees, you'd drink the potion and see them as they are today, then they'd disappear

    nowadays, they are there in their true form from the beginning, then you drink the potion for help in battling them, then they disappear

    maybe one day we'll have such illusions cast over all sorts of guards/NPCs

    I do not have the artwork for their original forms. If @Muratus del Mur or another doth possess of these illustrations, then I will be able to restore their appearance.

  3. 13 hours ago, Pipstickz said:

    What group/land you represent in your request: No Man's Land
    Amount of Storage wanted (items): 500
    Amount of Storage wanted (creatures): 50
    How much you would pay (weekly) for this: Consumption of some of the resources stored in there, up to 50 units of resource per week. If less than 20 units of resource are consumed in a given week, treasury only accepts deposits, not withdrawals. The treasury could "choose" which resources to consume from a list of weighted preferences of which fenths should be at or near the top.
    Location you would put your treasury: 1_1x-3_1 House of Liquid Dust. Hopefully in the cracked ground to the left of the House, where it looks like two rectangles are meeting. (I've long thought that looked more like an artificial installation than a natural crack in the ground.

    Compet-erative (competitive/cooperative) treasury only available to non-homelanders.

    If this location is chosen, do let me know, so that I may create the clicky as desired.

    There is at least one other location which may be of use in this regard. Mayhap, the Weaponsmith's could offer his hut for such a purpose?

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