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  1. Upvote
    Czez got a reaction from apophys in Alt Liberation   
    [I am posting this on behalf of a friend who because of 'Alt' status cannot even get a forum account!]

    People of MD!

    For too long we have tolerated injustice perpetrated on our brethren! The time has come! End Alt Abuse and Discrimination now! Demand more Rights for Alts!

    Who among us can say he is not an Alt? Who has not been forced into idle mode while another 'Alt' is active?!

    We, concerned Alts of MD, are seeking redress to include the following:

    1. Henceforth, stop using the offensive terminology 'main' !!!

    2. End discrimination in training areas such as GGG. We Alts have long provided public service keeping such areas rich with targets during off-peak hours, and some of us with honor as well! No longer shall we be forced into slavery, hidden in remote locations and abused by a select few!

    3. End abusive practises which give us all a bad name, such as bringing us unto alliances solely to pass Heads and kicking us out with no role! You know who you are!

    Support our cause! Liberation for Alts!

    Alt Liberation Front

    p.s. If you do support this cause, show your solidarity by marking your own PL with 'I AM AN ALT'
  2. Upvote
    Czez got a reaction from Tarquinus in Nominations For Memorials   
    [quote name='awiiya' date='14 August 2009 - 12:53 PM' timestamp='1250279617' post='39393']
    I'm going to go ahead and say no to Lightsage. If there is only one person who can tell me what his role was, then I don't think that qualifies as a broad impact.

    Stormrunner I am considering more. We'll see. I'll contact some people.

    Clearly Lightsage's role was as a bit of a troublemaker. He was a great fighter, and liked to test things, which is what got him banned. He was not, however, malicious. The last few months he really showed another side with Camilla. They had many adventures, pure RP, and he even wrote her poetry. He was always helpful to new players, and spent many hours training me and others in fighting and strategy. I'm sure DST and other friends will have plenty to add. Not that I think Light really was one, but is there some reason not to memorialise villains?

    The circumstances of how people leave oughtn't reflect now on how they played and what they've meant to others in the game.
  3. Upvote
    Czez got a reaction from Watcher in Rp Heads To Other People   
    What's with all the handwringing? It is NOT RP! This is merely a tool that allows you to give any number of your heads to someone, whether they want them or not.
  4. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from dst in Rp Heads To Other People   
    What's with all the handwringing? It is NOT RP! This is merely a tool that allows you to give any number of your heads to someone, whether they want them or not.
  5. Upvote
    Czez got a reaction from Jubaris in Rp Heads To Other People   
    Yes, yes, yes! It is fun. I may look like RP, and there are no creature fights involved, but it is just another tool, like spells. Fighting is not just about who is strongest. HC is fun because of things like strategy and diplomacy. It is interesting to be able to give someone heads they don't want, for example.
  6. Upvote
    Czez got a reaction from Watcher in Rp Heads To Other People   
    Yes, yes, yes! It is fun. I may look like RP, and there are no creature fights involved, but it is just another tool, like spells. Fighting is not just about who is strongest. HC is fun because of things like strategy and diplomacy. It is interesting to be able to give someone heads they don't want, for example.
  7. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from dst in Rp Heads To Other People   
    Yes, yes, yes! It is fun. I may look like RP, and there are no creature fights involved, but it is just another tool, like spells. Fighting is not just about who is strongest. HC is fun because of things like strategy and diplomacy. It is interesting to be able to give someone heads they don't want, for example.
  8. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from Chewett in Rp Heads To Other People   
    Yes, yes, yes! It is fun. I may look like RP, and there are no creature fights involved, but it is just another tool, like spells. Fighting is not just about who is strongest. HC is fun because of things like strategy and diplomacy. It is interesting to be able to give someone heads they don't want, for example.
  9. Upvote
    Czez got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Initiative   
    Claw 3 gives 1333 with maxed principles, right? For me, this is in balance now.
  10. Upvote
    Czez reacted to Jubaris in Savelite Shop [Closed, New Topic Will Be Opened Soon]   
    [size="5"][b][font="Times New Roman"][center]Savelite shop has been created [/center][/font][/b][/size]
    Here, Savelites will offer their services to the realm, in exchange for payments.Main post will be updated whith status of each artist and will be uptaded by avatars that are for sale.
    Artists working fot The Savelite Shop[/b]:

    Artworks from [b]Blackthorn[/b]
    Artworks from [b]Sir Kamil[/b]
    Artworks from [b]Marvolo[/b]
    Graphical Editing skills (example: photoshop) from [b]Blackwood Forest[/b]

    [b][center]Customer is abliged to pay in advance 2 silver coins. Those coins are to be kept by the artist in case that the Customer changes his mind on the avatar.[/center][/b]

    [b][i]artworks of course contain:[/i][/b]
    Custom avatars, Item pictures, artworks for your papers, basically drawings for any opportunity that you need.

    Master Trader of the Church - [b]Sir Kamil[/b]
    post your desires here on topic, and he will contact you to make an agreement, he is dealing with all the barters and collecting payments. He sends you the Finished product. (unless its a creature. that you receve from the owner)

    [b][center]Creatures For Sale:[/center][/b]

    1- [b]Pimped Grassan[/b]. No age or tokens.
    2- 3 [b]Aramors[/b]. 300+ age
    3- 3 [b]Elementals[/b]. 300+age
    4- 5 [b]Chaos Archers[/b]. 300+ age

    For obtaining creatures, contact [b]Sir Kamil[/b].

    FOR SALE:[/size]
  11. Upvote
    Czez got a reaction from Watcher in Initiative   
    Plenty of people have 1k init now without tokens. The few tokens that do boost init are all that give weaker players a chance, and no more than a chance. It does not imply lack of training or effort to need to rely on tokens. Wasn't this their intended purpose, to overcome some of the gross inequity in skills and give another path to a more level playing field?
  12. Upvote
    Czez got a reaction from Watcher in Initiative   
    I should lose against people who put a lot more work and money into their rituals. But you are right there are a handful out there that are uninterestingly dominant. An advantage should not be the same as a guarantee.

    Given what we have, what does nerfing the init tokens get us? Losing 100% of the time to some untokened as well as to tokened rits is not going to feel better. How does that create a more just system and also maintain shop incentives?
  13. Upvote
    Czez got a reaction from Watcher in Initiative   
    It is not a solution if it only addresses balance Within an already elite group of fighters and not for the rest of us.

    I will give an example, because I have one. I consider myself an average player. I have an angien rit I have been working on since the shrine opened, close to a year ago. I train and gind daily, however without the dedication of many. My personal initiative is still shy of 500. I bought tokens from the shop and let them fall randomly on a full barnyard. I was lucky some landed on angien eggs. I have never owned a BP or a rustgold. The angiens finally matured and are awesome! They can challenge some drach rits. But I still lose 90% of the time against elite players, and usually in 0 rounds. Because of a couple of init tokens, I do not lose 100% of the time.
    Do you think that is unfair?

    I always wanted to see something other than tokens, and I still think we should have skills capped the way principles were. The principles cap was effective, imo, and we still have inentive to buy tokens from the shop.
  14. Upvote
    Czez got a reaction from Watcher in Initiative   
    How many rits do you really see with 6 init tokens? What does a balanced system look like to you?
  15. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from dst in Initiative   
    I should lose against people who put a lot more work and money into their rituals. But you are right there are a handful out there that are uninterestingly dominant. An advantage should not be the same as a guarantee.

    Given what we have, what does nerfing the init tokens get us? Losing 100% of the time to some untokened as well as to tokened rits is not going to feel better. How does that create a more just system and also maintain shop incentives?
  16. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from dst in Initiative   
    It is not a solution if it only addresses balance Within an already elite group of fighters and not for the rest of us.

    I will give an example, because I have one. I consider myself an average player. I have an angien rit I have been working on since the shrine opened, close to a year ago. I train and gind daily, however without the dedication of many. My personal initiative is still shy of 500. I bought tokens from the shop and let them fall randomly on a full barnyard. I was lucky some landed on angien eggs. I have never owned a BP or a rustgold. The angiens finally matured and are awesome! They can challenge some drach rits. But I still lose 90% of the time against elite players, and usually in 0 rounds. Because of a couple of init tokens, I do not lose 100% of the time.
    Do you think that is unfair?

    I always wanted to see something other than tokens, and I still think we should have skills capped the way principles were. The principles cap was effective, imo, and we still have inentive to buy tokens from the shop.
  17. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from dst in Initiative   
    How many rits do you really see with 6 init tokens? What does a balanced system look like to you?
  18. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from dst in Initiative   
    Claw 3 gives 1333 with maxed principles, right? For me, this is in balance now.
  19. Upvote
    Czez got a reaction from Jubaris in Initiative   
    Plenty of people have 1k init now without tokens. The few tokens that do boost init are all that give weaker players a chance, and no more than a chance. It does not imply lack of training or effort to need to rely on tokens. Wasn't this their intended purpose, to overcome some of the gross inequity in skills and give another path to a more level playing field?
  20. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from Chewett in Initiative   
    Plenty of people have 1k init now without tokens. The few tokens that do boost init are all that give weaker players a chance, and no more than a chance. It does not imply lack of training or effort to need to rely on tokens. Wasn't this their intended purpose, to overcome some of the gross inequity in skills and give another path to a more level playing field?
  21. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from dst in Initiative   
    Plenty of people have 1k init now without tokens. The few tokens that do boost init are all that give weaker players a chance, and no more than a chance. It does not imply lack of training or effort to need to rely on tokens. Wasn't this their intended purpose, to overcome some of the gross inequity in skills and give another path to a more level playing field?
  22. Upvote
    Czez got a reaction from Watcher in Log Room Suggestions/ Changes/ Ideas   
    In the Creature Transfer Logs, if a creature is traded more than once in a day, only the last transfer is displayed. It would be nice to see each step.

    Spell Logs could be useful.
  23. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from dst in Log Room Suggestions/ Changes/ Ideas   
    In the Creature Transfer Logs, if a creature is traded more than once in a day, only the last transfer is displayed. It would be nice to see each step.

    Spell Logs could be useful.
  24. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from dst in Md Is Boring   
    If we wanted to encourage people to figure out more interesting ways to fight, we would cap skills the same way principles were capped. It is true now that there are people who train constantly and never fight. But I don't see much wrong with that. It is a reason to keep logging in, and setting attainable goals, for people who may not be into conversation or rp, or even finding targets or testing rits. Some just haven't the time, language skill, or interest.

    We don't all play the same game. That's one of the most interesting and unique features of the realm. GGG provides an environment that serves the needs of many people. Eliminating it isn't going to change the way different people enjoy spending their time.
  25. Downvote
    Czez got a reaction from Jester in Goodbye For Ever   
    Tara, say it ain't so.

    The realm is heaps more pleasant and enjoyable with you in it. There should be more room for diversity.
    I hope you'll reconsider and share with us again your humour and creative spirit.
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