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death ray

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  1. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Forum Spam   
    I suppose that this is a needed step for some people, how ever I would like us to review the steps needed to achieve post moderation.

    If we need three warnings to achieve post moderation, shouldn't it be for the same mistake? For instance, if I troll a fat person over and over (ie I berate them for being stupid and explain why but also suggest ways of doing it better) and recieve two warnings, but I get a third warning for posting spam. I don't think that I would need post moderation, at least until I troll the person one more time since spam isn't nearly as bad as trolling fat people.

    So, in conclusion. We need three strikes(for failing to change our ways concerning a certain misbehaviour) in order to be post moderated by failing to listen to the previous warnings.
  2. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Chewett in Forum Spam   
    Over the years we have seen a number of interesting ways spammers have tried to market anti-lol pills and other such medication. But the worst form of spam, is from your own community.

    The main form of it here is when people post useless things so that they can gain more posts (commonly known as posthunting).

    Here is an example of posts that have have been deleted. This selection is only from one user, in the past week.

    "yep as burns put it" - this was on a Q and A thread, this is a pointless addition that doesnt help anyone
    Non appropiate responses to a topic as they dont contribute anything:

    interesting topic,lol

    "that will be hard to buy from ppl" - it doesnt matter how "hard" is it to get, that person was wanting to buy it...
    "mmhhmm thats gonna be hardto buy" - then after i deleted it, he reposted a similar post
    "mhhmm i always wanted lho but way way way too busy now adays >>" - this was a lho recruitment thread, why post saying you didnt want to be one!

    Posts such as these do not further the topic and are unnecessary.

    The user in question has received a 2 week Mod Approval. Moderator approval is when before your post appears to everyone it will have to be approved by a Mod. This is a hideously slow process as we all know the mods dont actually do anything, so can be up to a day before your post is approved

    If you are unsure about a post. Think, does it contribute something? posts like "KILL THE SKILL DAMAGE!!!" followed by a sensible post is allowed if it contributes to the topic. But just "KILL THE SKILL DAMAGE!!!" does not in itself add something different.

    If you are unsure about anything, or want to discuss something with me, feel free to pm me.
  3. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Firsanthalas in Skill Damage   
    I'll say one thing. In my opinion (and it is only that) it seems that people are setting much tougher def rits in general. A lot of people seem concerend with getting losses and especially with tokens, are setting some rather hard def rits. Now this might sound whiny and Im waiting for a barrage of comments like 'you just aren't doing it right', or 'I don't have a problem' but I really do feel that its getting harder and harder to score wins with more mundane creatures and rits. So before you start slagging me off, build a rit with untokened and fairly unlevelled critters and start going around attacking people in general and see how you get on. And I mean attacking people at least, if not more powerful than you are, not picking off weaker prey. Please think in particular of the people that have made the transition from MP4 to MP5. Its these that are generally the most vulnerable and can find it very tough to adjust and get used to it. They very much are small fish in a big sea when they join MP5 ranks.

    In the old days, there were people that would set rits that were much easier to defeat and also would look for losses from time to time. Now, it seems no MP5 wants a loss and that in itself seems contrary to the concept of balance.
  4. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Lazarus in Gameage! (Oneword Story)   

    (what the hell?)
  5. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Lazarus in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    Adam Riddle is just playing his role, hallucinating and doing some things in his imagination, so "destroying" the Howling Gates is very impossible for a man like him. He was sent to jail for two unreasonable reasons;

    1)"Destroying" the Howling Gates, and
    2) Being mentally ill.

    Wow, that was a very brutal crime...

    A hypocrite said that Adam Riddle is a "threat" because of the attempt against the Gates, and her first line of text goes "Peace ignores Adam" (can't remember, I haven't been able to print screen), but what is this? Why bring him to the prison? I told YOU about Adam's character before, but why take it personal? It was very UN-REASONABLE of you. You deserve whatever karma you're in right now.

    I just want to state my side here, I won't reply to this thread anymore.
    And yes I will say this: I am the wrong one.
  6. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Grido in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    By decree of the Queen of Necrovion, Adam Riddle has been sent to prison today for 6 months.

    The reason given for this is; for attempting to destroy the Necrovion Gate and for being mentally ill

    [i]Before anyone starts objecting, i want to point you at the announcement about people using the abilities they have, how they want (paraphrasing)[/i]
  7. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Chewett in Tpbobtittaiaap- East Land Pub   
    i thought the Tribunal lands was a ghost land, i go there from time to time and i never see a soul there not even a shadow.
    (tho it's a great place to hold acult meetings;))
  8. Upvote
    death ray got a reaction from Mya Celestia in Tpbobtittaiaap- East Land Pub   
    i thought the Tribunal lands was a ghost land, i go there from time to time and i never see a soul there not even a shadow.
    (tho it's a great place to hold acult meetings;))
  9. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Elthen Airis in Tpbobtittaiaap- East Land Pub   
    i thought the Tribunal lands was a ghost land, i go there from time to time and i never see a soul there not even a shadow.
    (tho it's a great place to hold acult meetings;))
  10. Upvote
    death ray got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Happy Birthday Glor!   
    happy B-Day to ya,tho you probly don't get many presents since it's so close to X-Mas.(i don't,my folks combine my gifts and then give them to me in between my b day and x mas)
  11. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Pipstickz in Tpbobtittaiaap- East Land Pub   
    i thought the Tribunal lands was a ghost land, i go there from time to time and i never see a soul there not even a shadow.
    (tho it's a great place to hold acult meetings;))
  12. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Aelis in Tpbobtittaiaap- East Land Pub   
    Indeed. Go to the Tribunal pub, it is a great place to have a drink or just chat!

    And a chef would be great. Assira just makes me get drunk, no food at all :/ ( )
  13. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Assira the Black in Tpbobtittaiaap- East Land Pub   
    Greetings Everyone,

    I welcome you all to the pub in Tribunal. If you don't have a place to call home you are more than welcome to the pub.

    If you need a place to hold business meetings, events,performances, or anything else please speak with me so that we can work these things out.

    HELP WANTED: Are you looking for a job or something to do? There are somethings with the Pub that I would like help with. Currently the pub needs a Chef ( I am not a very good cook), someone to play music(songs and other things through video links), performers, and any other thing that you all think may be missing at the east land pub.

    Please post here any comments, thoughts, or ideas.
  14. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Watcher in Tpbobtittaiaap- East Land Pub   
    i thought the Tribunal lands was a ghost land, i go there from time to time and i never see a soul there not even a shadow.
    (tho it's a great place to hold acult meetings;))
  15. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Grido in Happy Birthday, Death Ray!   
    closed because i'm mean and it was almost a week ago
  16. Downvote
    death ray reacted to redneck in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
  17. Downvote
    death ray reacted to redneck in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    i will repay him maybe in a different item idk
  18. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Happy Birthday, Death Ray!   
    Happy Birthday DeathRay!

    and for humor's sake..

    The song is called, "Happy Birthday Death Day"

    Note: This is entirely for humor's sake, not to offend.
  19. Downvote
    death ray reacted to CrazyMike in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    Its good to see that at least Redneck made an "attempt" to apologise.

    Keep in mind that NOT everyone is proficient in expressing themselves in writing.

    I dont see the need to hold a court hearing.

    Redneck does acknowledge that he is at fault (though the lack of humility is off putting), he did try to retrieve the item back for Sparrhawk but was unsuccessful. He did try to pay off with silver coins but Sparrhawk is not interested.

    Points to note:
    1. Redneck is guilty and he doesnt deny it.
    2. Redneck tried to retrieve the item Drachorn Scales back from Lazarus but was unsuccessful.
    3. Redneck tried to compensate with coins but Sparrhawk only interested in an item.

    1. Lazarus willing to return the item back to Redneck (I doubt that would happen)
    2. Sparrhawk willing to take the coins (I doubt that would happen)
    3. Redneck need to find another item for Sparrhawk (most plausible)

    Now, will Redneck get an item that will satisfy Sparrhawk?

    Thats kinda between them now.
  20. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    As for having the least ammount of reputation points, I hold the title and you are not even close to what I have. Or lack of.

    As for rednecks judgement, shall we hold a court hearing?
  21. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Pipstickz in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    There's an edit button. Really, triple post?

    Oh, and if you want +rep, do something constructive to everyone and be generally friendly :/
  22. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Firsanthalas in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    A while ago Redneck accepted an item in payment for artwork he agreed to do. He subsequently sold/traded/gave away the item, but never produced the artwork.
    According to him he did do the artwork, but has not got a scanner and was unable to produce/send the material.
    Bottom line, nothing was ever produced by him and therefore he didn't hold up his end of the bargain.
    Mya and myself both asked him to return the item. I felt that his attitude was less than impressive. He showed no willingness to make any efforts to retrieve the item. It was very much a case of 'I don't have it now'. I will admitt that he offered to pay silver instead, but that is not the point.
    He also offered to make another payment (I won't go into it here right now) which was dubious sounding to say the least.

    Personally I regard this as theft. He took something in good faith and didn't uphold his end of the bargain and didn't return it either. He didn't seem all too bothered about it either imo. I also felt he was quite rude to Mya and myself and this after he had applied to join the Guardians!

    We gave him an opportunity to resolve the situation, but I feel that he has failed to do so.

    I am not expecting anyone to do anything about this as such, but I am posting it here for all to see what he has done.
  23. Downvote
    death ray reacted to redneck in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    shouldnt you let me and sparr figure this pout?? and you keep your own nose in your own buisness cause you dont know what my life is like
  24. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Chewett in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    [quote name='redneck' date='06 December 2009 - 09:03 PM' timestamp='1260133391' post='49315']
    shouldnt you let me and sparr figure this pout?? and you keep your own nose in your own buisness cause you dont know what my life is like

    actually him being the king of Loreroot i think he has every right to "poke his nose" in your business
  25. Downvote
    death ray reacted to redneck in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    just cuz hes king doesnt mean he is everything and he is no different then anyone else
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