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death ray

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  1. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Chewett in Death Ray / Noxids Offensive Comments   
    No this is not tolerated. If i had the ability to ban i would ban him, but i do not. I hope someone reads this and takes action for this is unacceptable
  2. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Asterdai in Death Ray / Noxids Offensive Comments   
    i wouldnt be happy with a comment on my log like that, and its very offensive, it kinda makes me think about having a character named Hitler or smething.. they would be removed.
    The comment holds no RP value what so ever.

    i think the character should be deleted and the main warned.
  3. Upvote
    death ray reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Death Ray / Noxids Offensive Comments   
    Well just for referrence i have D*** ***d in mine. Not the same at all I know but offensive none the less.

    I'm wondering if this is a personal thing (not that that excuses it) or not, and if you have asked him to remove it? Although to be fair considering the comment you probably don't want anything to do with him let alone actually ask him something.

  4. Downvote
    death ray reacted to asryn in Death Ray / Noxids Offensive Comments   
    I agree. A swearword is primarily upsetting to the person whose log they are posted in, and possibly not even that depending on one's sensibilities. Comments such as those are offensive to an entire group of people, and by extension to anyone who cares about people in that group. I have no problem with negative comments in PLs, but I am getting tired of looking at personal logs and stumbling across these sorts of entries. I have already spoken to a different player about a similar matter and forced them to change my own PL, but I am still seeing these comments in other logs. I would like to see MD remain a place where everyone feels welcome, and to me that means not tolerating such language.

    To be fair, I do think using these words as insults is quite common in some communities. I used to hear them all the time when I worked with middle school and high school students. Most of them were not trying to be offensive; they had simply never thought about what those words actually mean and how it might sound to others. So I would favor starting with a warning, complete with an explanation. Should they continue to speak in that fashion after being told how offensive it is, then move on to stronger punishments.

    Edited to Add: I posted this before seeing DR's response. So I will just say thank you for stepping forward and remedying your part of the situation. I still think it would serve MD well to have a policy about this sort of thing, and perhaps someone with the ability to step in and edit logs should it prove necessary.
  5. Downvote
    death ray reacted to pamplemousse in Death Ray / Noxids Offensive Comments   
    Death Ray, I asked you to stop saying that word at GGG the other day. You asked why, and I explained why it was so offensive and why I kept clearing the chat. I'm sorry, but the excuse of your "understanding of that word is diffrent" will not fly, you know exactly what it means.
  6. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Chad in Death Ray / Noxids Offensive Comments   
    Death Ray is one of the most notorious PL spammer out there in the realm, he usually post blank comments on people's PL and often post "#1". PL serves as a place for comments on players, doesn't matter if it's good or bad, doesn't deserve to be a place for spams, although I spam a lot through Adam, I'm hunting them now to erase it, I've post "Miley Cyrus - Panty in the USA" on some of the players PL and I'm deleting it now.

    you give fags a bad name[/quote]

    You're making me believe that you're a Bon Jovi fan.
  7. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Asterdai in Thought This Was Good, So Wanted To Share;   
  8. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Ledah in Death Ray / Noxids Offensive Comments   
    i'll remove it,and i'm sorry you toke offense to my comment but my understanding of that word is diffrent,and i'll take all my PL comments out of every one's pl and reframe from puting any thing in them.
  9. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Ledah in Death Ray / Noxids Offensive Comments   
    well would it be appropriate i held a public meeting and apologized for my actions?
  10. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Death Ray / Noxids Offensive Comments   
    i'll remove it,and i'm sorry you toke offense to my comment but my understanding of that word is diffrent,and i'll take all my PL comments out of every one's pl and reframe from puting any thing in them.
  11. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Watcher in Death Ray / Noxids Offensive Comments   
    well would it be appropriate i held a public meeting and apologized for my actions?
  12. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Watcher in Death Ray / Noxids Offensive Comments   
    i'll remove it,and i'm sorry you toke offense to my comment but my understanding of that word is diffrent,and i'll take all my PL comments out of every one's pl and reframe from puting any thing in them.
  13. Upvote
    death ray got a reaction from Chewett in Death Ray / Noxids Offensive Comments   
    i'll remove it,and i'm sorry you toke offense to my comment but my understanding of that word is diffrent,and i'll take all my PL comments out of every one's pl and reframe from puting any thing in them.
  14. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Chewett in Thought This Was Good, So Wanted To Share;   
  15. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Tarquinus in Thought This Was Good, So Wanted To Share;   
  16. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Peace in Thought This Was Good, So Wanted To Share;   
  17. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Dark Archer Abilities   

    Why not make it so that the Heretics have the option to perform a very low attack (say 1 attack for each level, ie level four would have four attack) And then adjust the values for the Bloodpact aura so that it essentially multiplies the attack value on the Heretic, with an increasing value on the aura at each level of the Bloodpact until a fully leveled Bloodpact would produce the same ritual effect on a maxed Heretic as it used to?

    (By the way, I am an avid supporter of the New Heretic Form, and don't really think we need a new creature to perform this role)
  18. Upvote
    death ray reacted to MRD in MR's Training Grounds   
    I asked Mur for a signpost not too long ago and it is on his list of items to add in game. He is a busy man and will get to it when he can. That should solve a lot of problems
  19. Upvote
    death ray reacted to cryxus in Experimental Quest   
    whoo, he said treasure chest.... alright, here i come mate...
  20. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Lifeline in Challenge To All War Participants!   
    i sadly didnt had time to rehost the challenge. i would have loved to but i am to busy lately.
    since i cant divide the sharpening stone by 2 i gave both Phantom Orchid and Death Ray 10 silver coins each.
    i will probably rehost a similar challenge after xmas hope to see much more participants then!
  21. Upvote
    death ray got a reaction from Rendril in Challenge To All War Participants!   
    ok i got it (tho this doesnt help me none)let the person that attacked you first in the fewest rounds have you're item. (had some one else said this i'd still agree)
  22. Upvote
    death ray got a reaction from Rendril in Challenge To All War Participants!   
    [quote name='Death Bell' date='24 September 2009 - 09:20 PM' timestamp='1253845201' post='42622']
    well fights isnt always about power but smartness also and SS proved it by winning against you.. i think he should get it in fairness. since he was the first..
    and how did ray and him damage you? they have higher inti or had 1 creature with all vitailty that u couldnt kill them in 1 round.
    a Mirror Rit spell was cast, sowhen i attacked i ended up wooping my own butt
  23. Upvote
    death ray got a reaction from Rendril in Challenge To All War Participants!   
    i dont have any complaints, just that i probly stand little chance at wining.BUT it's fair so lets do it!
  24. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Chad in Abuse Of Silence Spell   
    Okay, I got silenced again at the SG this morning by Teufelhunden, I didn't do anything wrong, you can bring back the log. People loves the silence spell, can't blame 'em, I know they won't be punished, I'm just saying.
  25. Upvote
    death ray reacted to Grido in Abuse Of Silence Spell   
    [quote]Don't say that I wasted your time because wasting time is obviously a part of your job, don't blame me for it.[/quote]

    Wasting time is NOT part of my job, i dont appreciate other people wasting my time. So like i said, DONT DO IT.

    Issue is closed.
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