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  1. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to awiiya in Golemus Training Grounds   
    Your experiment was going flawlessly until that post right there were you admit to doing a test.

    Why tell us? There's no point but for you to feel a bit of pride in having "pulled the wool over our eyes." Next time, don't let us even know. It's better that way.

  2. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Pipstickz in Technomage   
    What do you offer that they do not? I mean, they've been doing it longer, so why should we go through you?
  3. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Watcher in Technomage   
    What do you offer that they do not? I mean, they've been doing it longer, so why should we go through you?
  4. Downvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from cutler121 in Technomage   
    What do you offer that they do not? I mean, they've been doing it longer, so why should we go through you?
  5. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Yrthilian in Technomage   
    I didnt say i can offer anything diffrent to them.
    I was more saying i can offer the same as the crafters
    This was a goal i set myself about oh 3 years ago to have this ablity
    and offer it to the public.

    (I notice i got a neg rep for this too strange that to be honest)

    The option is there if people are looking to get items created
    all this really does is give 2 sorces for item creation.
    this is after all what i had been workign towards since i created my character
  6. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Yrthilian in Technomage   
    This is to anounce that as a technomage i have managed to create items
    and would now wish to offer my service to the public.

    [b]NOTE: i am in no way replacing the crafters. That is there main role.[/b]

    I am offering to create some small items for people
    but there are many rules to what can be created.

    Also note just like the crafters it take 1 x WP to create an item.
    yes it will involve the use of materials.

    I will also post whom i am currently creating an item for
    and depending on the itme on the time it teakes to make.
    that will be decided at the time of creation.

    Also to create an item may also cost you a fee.
    also to be agreed to at time of creation.

    Yrthilian Technomage.
  7. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Fenrir Greycloth in Signature Length   
    Really?... do you even need to ask?....
  8. Downvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Junior in Signature Length   
    Really?... do you even need to ask?....
  9. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Sparrhawk in Cupcakes Vs. Muffins!   
    You can't compare these two. They are both on different planes of exsitance.

    It also depends on specifics, Vanilla cupcakes win overall, but chocolate cupcakes get beat by chocolate chip muffins...
  10. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Sparrhawk in Cupcakes Vs. Muffins!   
    Mini marshmellows go with cupcakes but not with muffins
    thus the cupcake is vastly superior!
  11. Downvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from aaront222 in Cupcakes Vs. Muffins!   
    You can't compare these two. They are both on different planes of exsitance.

    It also depends on specifics, Vanilla cupcakes win overall, but chocolate cupcakes get beat by chocolate chip muffins...
  12. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Artwork Colouring   
    Well, did you PM me? No? Okay. Well then. That's your problem, and not mine. The three free users got their Avys coloured for free. Now it costs 1 silver. A reasonable price.
  13. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Life As A Mp5   
    I remember, when I was MP3, people told me "MP4 is harder than MP3, make sure you want to do this", and then they told me the same thing when I was at MP4 "MP5 is harder than MP4, make sure you're prepared" and all I did was shrug and click the button. I did end up spending quite a while thinking I was the weakest and that I was never going to get any stronger, but eventually I realized that nobody is the weakest, and if you try, you can and will get stronger. Besides, fighting is only a part of MD.
  14. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to freelancer in Life As A Mp5   
    I am a mp4 right now, have been for maybe a month. And I have been watching the amount of xp I would get from every fight, and try not to waste xp. But its getting a bit annoying and boring since I try not to use maxed crits or creatures that don’t need xp to fight and defend, or use them as little as possible.

    As you can probably guessed why I do this. Its because I don’t want to go to mp5, and stay as mp4 for as long as I can. I have heard that life as a mp5 is tough in the MD world, and I can see why cuz I have seen mp5s with more than 5000 in every stats…a few have 9k+. While the highest stat I have is maybe around 50. Plus I have heard that most use tokens to fight as well… and the only token I have does not help me at all.

    While I do ok as a mp4, and been learning how to deal with different rits. Im concerned that even with enough knowledge to know how to handle different rits, it would be months or even years before I have the stats to have a chance against other mp5s.

    I know some people with mp5 accounts making alts cuz they think mp5 is boring and they want to have fun as mp3 and mp4, but i dont want to make any alts. So I am wondering whats it like to be a mp5. Whats life like as a new mp5? And i guess as a side question...Can some1 with no tokens even compete against some1 who does with high principals?
  15. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Prince Marvolo in Announcement – Alliance Cleanup   
    Hereby I want to give my reasoning and information according to the Total Cleanup* of the Savelites Church Alliance.

    1. I want to make a whole new fresh start. I think that is understandable and reasonable.

    2. When I became leader, I had sent a PM** to All Savelites, cointaining by ideas, plans for the future, and some things that needed to be enlightened a bit.
    Goldfinger Earthicus left after talking to me. And I Respect and Understand his decision.
    The other Savelites Decided to stay – so I make from that that they were ok with me and my decisions.
    This leads to 3:

    3. I have sent a second PM**, asking all Savelites to make a little project, related to the Church (Etc etc, that doesnt matter right now) and only 1 bothered to respond 1!
    That leads to 4:

    4. What can I possibly do with people who dont even bother to reply to a PM?
    I dont want to blame/accuse/flame (whatever) the Savelites with this. But these are just my observations.
    You dont bother to do something? Then please leave?
    If you are away, Ofc that is possible! But let me know?

    5. I do not WANT to do this, I do not LIKE to do this, I don’t want to be this evil Dictator, kicking everyone, etc etc. But to keep some order and clarity, It is necessary.

    6. I Did discuss this with other people, and based upon their feedback I made my decision.

    *Removing all Members from the Alliance.
    ** All Savelites have read it.

    This topic will be closed, to avoid any forum rants/flamings/etc.
    If anyone has problems with this, send me a forum PM / in game PM

    Any attempts to contact me via threads Will Be Ignored.
    I hope you understand this.

    Removed members can of course come back.
  16. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to druzik in Help Grido Marry Dst!   
    Yup donated over 7 gc ... I will have problems ( it wasn't whole mine )
  17. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Atlas in Help Grido Marry Dst!   
    Yes, you sold Keiths SW and gave Grido those coins along with your coins. Are you proud of that?
  18. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Golemus Training Grounds   
    I remember Akasha saying once that the Libs are allowed because they are part of Liberty's role, which, I suppose, was having lots of alts. I also remember her saying that nobody else could claim such a role and still be in line with the rules. I believe that yrth is simply using the Libs as they were intended.

    Though, Mur may not feel the same way. Why do we have to turn every issue into a flame war? Why can't we just sit back and see if Mur does something about it? If yrth had gone ahead with this training ground, and Mur hadn't liked it, yrth would be punished and life would go on, but instead we just have a bunch of people yelling and making drama. So instead of a possible answer to the GGG, we get this forum thread. Horray.
  19. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Golemus Training Grounds   
    Some questions:

    MP limits?
    Will alts be invited, or main accounts only?
    What happens if a lib gets broken?
    What happens if a person breaks them intentionally?
    What happens if a person breaks another person there?
    Are we allowed to attack each other?
    If you don't like another that is there due to personal reasons, can you switch out with someone else?
  20. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Yrthilian in What Has The Torch Become?   
    Hmm well it would seem people dont understand the system at all do they

    "LR got beaten down for heating"
    There was proff given so this cannot be false.
    there were alts used in that TC at that time to help you win.
    end of.

    Now back to the fact the Golemus keeps winning

    How do we keep winning?
    well we take part and with the current game setup anyone can do it.

    As to the neg point they dont really cont anyways but yes will make it mor difficult
    Chew accuses Golemus of making them in the neg.
    Sorry chew but i can say for sure that was not us.

    UD is easer to keep defended.
    Golemus well we are far way from most lands
    LR got the smack down from the TC long ago and well have been more or less left alone
    Necro well they are closer to one land than the rest

    Comon people look at the system look at how it can be done without CHEATING
    it is not hard and Golemus has shown this to be true with only a few taking part.

    Why dont you just try playing fair an see what happens.
    How about this I challange you all to do better and find the way to win
  21. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Jubaris in Killing In The Name Of......?   
    I wasn't gonna get involved into this, but few things are going to pick my eyes out.

    what's the difference between week-long "death" status of an overpowered item opposed to imprisoning someone to weeks-long status due to personal wishes (with also stripping alliance badge) and not pre-set-game rules, with an overpowered item?

    when me and Sparrhawk made the guild - Rangers of Loreroot, it was disbanded for not consulting with the king first. This quest was (told to me since the quest very started) disliked by Firs, and when this issues reached climax interfering with authority of a Lorerootian king () nothing was done, such as disbanding of a quest. Double standards.

    Firsanthalas, you say killing someone is wrong, since you take away by doing so what a person behind the character done to fulfill the role (is it spending energy or money, unimportant). Well you just proclaimed ownership of everything lorerootian and took away something I worked for over a year (to clear things for those who don't know, it is the Savelites Church), yet that is not punishable and you seek for killing to be?

    realism of both items is nonexistant, it is absurd.

    I ask what's the difference?
    That I don't have sugar friends to complain to everyone about how it is unfair?

    [color="#0000FF"]Princ, you're offtopic. You have a place where to rant about your "issue".
    Don't hijack this thread or I will move your post.

    on the contrary dst, I think it is very on topic. It speaks about the same type of issue that wasn't "maintained" earlier, and this hardly qualifies as a rant. I'm pointing out the contradiction in Firsanthalas' claims in this post, therefore it is ontopic.
  22. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to lightsage in Killing In The Name Of......?   
    "There was an RP event."
    Actually, something happened in the realm and characters where encouraged to interact.
    "The organisers kept it secret."
    You didn't know the murder would occur in advance, so afterward your not responding to it?
    "They were left to run it."
    Just because they ask people to go find the killer or set up a system for the chase doesn't mean you can't do anything.
    "While some people like myself were not happy with what happened, we let it go in the interest of other people's fun and not trying to completely mess up any effort that people did put into it. I may not agree with things and I may not have been happy, but I respected the people involved enough to not try to mess things up for them."
    It'd have been peculiar if you HAD agreed with Mya being killed, that doesn't mean you should just stand on the sideline through. Your second in command (GotR) was murdered and you character just didn't do anything?
    "Now, if I follow your logic, nobody should be allowed to do anything at all without asking me or the others kings first."
    Of course they can... Bringing foreign prisoners into a land seems like something to ask permission for through, especially if you have to ask permission for something as simple as starting a group...
  23. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to lightsage in Killing In The Name Of......?   
    You are the king if you didn't know anything about it, that is your mistake.
  24. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Jubaris in Back Button After Choosing Rit   
    I was wondering if there might ever be a back button implemented after choosing a wrong rit. Currently you have to exit the selection window, and then re-attack. If there was a back button, it would save time, especially with a slow connection. Personally, I think that it's not a 'need', but more of a 'making life easier want'.
  25. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Poppi Chullo in Let's Try To Be Stupid   
    Hmmm.. Stupid stories, let see what should i put here..

    ..Mmmm, probably i will..naah, err ..how about the..tsk tsk tsk i dont think so, well i think i have some stories about..hmm, not that..
    Aaaahh! i know! I must put the...Aaaraaagh! this is tricky..

    I give up! I cant put anything here.. I'm not stupid enough...
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