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  1. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Orlando Gardiner in Time Spent Tracker   
    It could be an option, if Mur actually had NOTHING to do besides eating out of his nose. otherwise, to much work for a bit of fun, where people wont look at a couple of weeks after release..
  2. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to awiiya in Dst   
    Whether or not dst does in fact harass people, I don't know, and don't attempt to make a judgment on. She has never harassed me, but that likely says little about whether she harasses others.

    I think it's incredibly safe to say that dst will not change her ways with a forum post by Fenrir, someone whose opinion I am sure she has little to no respect for. If one truly wanted her to change, a more effective medium would be sending her a private message, or engaging in a mature discussion, to which I've never seen her disregard and be unreasonable of. The only thing involving the entire community does is give dst even more motivation to hate people, and feel attacked. Attacked people turn hostile. This is a fact.

    So, whether or not dst does harass you, there is only one viable option that you have in response to her behavior: ignore her. If you want to take away all of dst's power over you, do not speak to her, of her, or around her. If you want to increase her level harassment, do the opposite: start a forum board about how you wish her to change.

    Fenrir, in my mind by making this forum board you are following the example you suggest dst has laid and causing turmoil and unhappiness in the realm. I think it's time that you take the advice you offered to dst. "Please change your ways." You have good intentions, and that is clear to me and others. I don't consider you a bad person. The reason that no one listens to you is not because you tell the truth, but because you assault others with your opinion. If you truly want dst to change, perhaps setting the tone with a promise to change your ways would do more to avoid conflict, and she would be more willing to take your entreaty as a serious and calm wish for change. At the moment you stand steadfastly assuaging dst as the solitary culprit, while the true issue is both players.

  3. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Fenrir Greycloth Scammer Dont Trade With Him   
    Lol, you would be right. Sorry, I replaced your drachorn with my own because it had more age.

    Actually, I made those promises because I had no intent on keeping them because I thought my end of the bargain would be completed.

    This is all I have to say. I apologise for the deal. I won't be making the same mistake again.

    Orlando, I have been speaking with him via pm. But he feels the need to make a topic.
  4. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Orlando Gardiner in Fenrir Greycloth Scammer Dont Trade With Him   
    That's why people always have to be certain they can give what they offer. you owe him more than just a few tokens Fenrir, I am sorry but he missed a reindrach, he lost a lot of age and has been left with nothing..

    if you truly are sorry for what you've done, and wish to apologies, contact him and work out the problem, but I am afraid that it will cost you dearly, it's now up to you to choose...
  5. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Death Bell in Fenrir Greycloth Scammer Dont Trade With Him   
    what about the 3 promises you made me saying you will give your reindrachorn to cover my losses.. want me to post the pm here?
    and guys this is the tokens he has put on my drachorn
    [claw1] Claw I
    and he says he has put SEVERAL tokens

    EDIT: i am petty sure this is my same gg drachorn, for the one i gave him also had a claw I.
  6. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Death Bell in Fenrir Greycloth Scammer Dont Trade With Him   
    I made a deal with Fenrir to trade my double aged gg drachorn for $40 credits in my account. I told him to give me the $$ first but he said no he has invested $75 in the game now and it will be stupid of him to scam me. So i trusted him and he said I give the drachorn and he will give me the credits. But AFTER giving him the gg drachorn only he states that he needs mur to transfer his credits to me... which he ACCIDENTALLY forgot to tell me before hand.

    but i trusted him and wait and waited and waited... christmas time passed and i wasn't able to buy the redrachorn also, since he didn't pay in time. So he promised me saying he will get me the credits now and he checked with paypal the $$ from his bank has gone and he will give his reindrachorn to me since i missed mine for he didn't pay in time. Its been 3 weeks and still no ctc or $$ on my account. Now he is telling me to take the gg drachorn back and he doesn't need it (it was double aged). So please don't give him the mod position back and please from now on don't trade with him even, if he gives the goods first. For if you trade with him that means he has won scamming me.

    PS: now he saying he has financial problems and can't keep up the deal.. (before he said that paypal said they sent the $$) this shows he has been lieing from the start. He is also slowly trying to change the subject of escaping without giving his reindrachorn. So please don't ever trade with him.

    EDIT: he gave me a ctc now saying after this trade over.. so i thought thats the reindrachorn and took it to see its my gg drachorn with most of its age gone.. wait a loser this fenrir is. Please don't trade with him.
  7. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Fenrir Greycloth Scammer Dont Trade With Him   
    Would you like the email they sent saying they overdrawn my account? Or... what? I returned the drachorn with several tokesns on it as extra. I already apologised.h
  8. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Darigan in Godzilla Vs. King Kong Vs. Chuck Norris   
    I can't vote... where's the "Mr. Rogers in a bloodstained sweater"... guess I have to null my vote then.
  9. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Pointless bickering   
    I do not claim to like Dst's view on this or the way she handles things, nor do I claim to particularly care for how she "hunts people" in the game. (Pardon me, but that isn't playing a role.) So far, all I see is Dst trying to drive people she personally dislikes out of the game. Especially people she openly dislikes.

    I will not argue that she has done good things for the game [i]before[/i] but I am tired of these kinds of things happening and I'm even more tired of not being able to enjoy a game because of certain people that are sad enough to hunt others who want nothing, absolutely [b]nothing[/b] to do with them.

    We were polite when she walked in on us, we cleared the chat and asked if there was anything we could do for her, and for whatever reason that gave her the incentive to invade our privacy by pulling the log of what was cleared in the chat and then, not only that, but making rude comments in the mood panel about it? That is immature and childish on more levels than I can express.

    What did she continue to do? She continued to return to the Tower and pull the logs, even logs of cleared chat that had nothing but innocent mushy junk in them.

    What do we get when we express dislike over this sort of treatment? We get told, "If you don't like it, leave."

    To tell another person to leave the game because of harassment is wrong on more levels than you know, and in most games the person DOING the harassment would have been banned a long time ago. As I have said before, she is a woman with a grudge who is more than a little openly selfish and I want nothing to do with a person with such obviously skewed morals.

    I play the game for only one reason now, and that reason is not nor will ever be for Dst.
  10. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Granos in The Sisterhood   
    Clearly they all just simply need to get back in the kitchen, or perhaps get to knitting sweaters... Anyone else find it odd that only men are the ones crafting anything in MD?

    Or perhaps there needs to be prevalent RP sexism in MD for the sisterhood to really shine...

    Without friction there is no purpose, either you act to create it or react to others...

    Just my two cents...

    Or heres a suggestion given light of the recent restrictions to RP "affection" get in contact with one of the religious groups in MD and have they take a strong stance against anything remotely related to premarital action or whatever it may be you want them to Taboo, there really isnt much limitation to what can be done with this and then you could use the sexism aspect as they will only target women and then perhaps the sisterhood could have an actual purpose working in and out of alliances protecting these targeted and defending their rights and images..

    There are no saints if there are no sinners..
  11. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in The Sisterhood   
    Chastise me all you want but aside from Dst's wet armour competition I haven't seen anyone else come up with any marketing strategies or activities, and they could go to war dressed in bras, I never mentionned dresses...what about Xena warrior princess? Im sure she had some kind of Bra, and what about the character "worth about a pig" in Gladiatress, she bought a Bra from the Gauls.

    Fine, if there is to be no Bra burning then how about blowing up David Lloyd George's hou....I mean what about blowing up the house of one of the king or queens...a hunger strike...chain yourselves to the howling gates...have riot in MDP...

  12. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in The Sisterhood   
    But back on topic, Windy, I have a VERY wonderful suggestion. A suggestion so marvelous, so stupendous, so inspired that not to do it would be a travesty so great as to wipe the very flesh from ths bones of the earth. I suggest, all the women of the sisterhood burn their bras.

  13. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Dst   
    Fenrir, that's like asking Chewett to stop posting on the forums, or asking Peace to stop being...Necro-y. It's what she does, and it's her choice, so unless you have a way to MAKE her do something (ie. give a valid reason other than "dst is mean to people she doesn't like"), you aren't going to get anywhere.
  14. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Dst   
    You keep bringing up your mod demotion, so I'll try and clarify: People complained about you, you're the only one complaining about dst (as far as I know, it's just a guess)

    Second, sarcasm in writing just doesn't work.

    Third, I believe Chewett means that Shoeps doesn't play as actively as before, or maybe just that he isn't GM anymore.
  15. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Dst   
    Pip, I speak the truth so others may see the truth. To change if need be.

    Dst does it out of personal vindication.

    I want DST to stand up, and to change. For her to stop this public hunting of others.

    No one should be subject to her harassment. It isn't right.

    Edit: To those of you who are giving All of these negative remarks? And no reasons given? Do you disagree with what I am saying? Or are you just to immature to see reason?
  16. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Dst   
    Fenrir, I believe you're someone who believes in speaking the truth, as you see it, no matter what others do or say? Why should dst be any different? More importantly, what's to be gained from making this topic?
  17. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Dst   
    For as long as I can remember, dst has been just as much a nuisance to the general MD public as certain other individuals. The names Death Ray, and redneck come to mind. She may not be a nuisance in the same way, but she is still a nuisance none the less. I use the word nuisance as a kind substitute for other words which could be applied.

    I would like to bring to light her constant hunting of "prey". Those she considers weak, stupid, or different. For no other apparent reason other than for her own self satisfaction that she is better than others. Whether or not she is, is up for debate. Not only does she hunt these "prey" she chomps down on their hind quarters until they can do nothing but limp on for months. If they are so lucky as to be able to walk after the initial attacks, she then sinks her teeth into their throats. For instance, her attacks on Shoeps. I do not care what he did, or why she attacks him constantly, but it is not acceptable to see these instances brought up every few weeks when she can't find another prey to attack.

    She made it her life's ambition to see his game life ruined, and unfortunately, it appears as if she succeeded. That may or may not be the case, but the fact remains that her goal was to make Shoeps hated by the general population by making a personal conflict public because she could not win otherwise. Again, unacceptable. He is not the only one she constantly harasses. I have a list of people she makes regular attacks against, and it isn't right.

    Her attitude towards anyone that does anything but tread lightly around her is deplorable. If you so much as argue with her, she will call you a coward. If you so much as win, watch out, for you will be put on her "black list".

    I had recently posted something about her comments of calling an individual a coward on the forum. What happened? She deleted and removed the post because she found it "insulting". As well as threatened to have my warn level increased to the point that I will have a Moderator review everything I post.

    I was also demoted from my job of being a Section Moderator for the CTC Section. The reason being? I closed topics that were inactive, and merging posts without notifying the poster when they were spamming their topic with bumps. Why is this a reason for demotion when I had been faithfully maintaining the most active section in the forum for nearly 8 months?

    I believe dst is once again at hand. The night prior, I was having a heated debate with Dmik King(If forget exactly what the initial topic was about but towards the end Dmik King was claiming I was claiming the Holocaust did not happen... when I wasn't talking about it. Tried clarifying it but he would not listen because he was so angry.) and a few others.

    Dst intervened and started her usual act of trying to prove herself superior to others. I, in no way, claim that I am better, nor worse. When her arguments were being questioned, she resorted to her childish behavior of name calling and dismissing my questions about her arguement as being "stupid".

    And as an attempt to attack me once again, she decided that I was no longer fit to moderate the CTC Section. (I really don't care if I am the CTC Mod or not. It does not bother me.) So, dst and Chewett, notified me several days ago that I was demoted for reasons still unclear.

    I am here to call dst out. Make a valid arguement. Do not spew insults and insinuations. Make valid arguements as to why you seem fit to do this.

    Anyone else is welcome to comment on it, after dst has responded.

    [Mods: Please notice that there isnt a single insulting word, swear word, and this is not a heated response to something she did recently. I let a few days pass before I decided to write this so I could write it without being rash.]
  18. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Dst   
    [quote name='Chewett' date='12 January 2010 - 06:03 PM' timestamp='1263337387' post='52595']
    I purposely didnt post on the forum that we demoted you because i would have thought that would have ruined your reputation more.

    But if you dont mind i shall post why we removed you here and now.

    Here is the story on that front. Then i shall comment on other such things.

    This is directly copied from the post i made in the moderator section about fenrir. With no omissions, the comments made are my own initial ones and are only the first post. I will not post what moderators posted after for it was Chatham House Rules. They can post if they wish to.

    [b]Closing topics without reason:[/b]

    This is about one specific topic. I received a complaint from a user that Fenrir was moderating his topic unfairly. So i investigated and cleared the topic up. here is what i found in that topic.
    After The user bumped the topic, where the last post was around a week old, he posted.

    Now i dont believe there was anything wrong, and it was just a plain bump. Considers some users bump topics daily...
    Then after a different user asked the question and the person who complained replied he posted:
    [Bumps are just plain spam! Something to which you are so adamantly against. They do not do anything besides reactivate dead topics. If anyone wants your creatures, they can use the search function to find it. Should I bump topics just so people can read them over again?][/u]

    I was uneasy with this on multiple levels.
    Firstly he was merely answering a question, something about accepting silver or something (since it wasnt stated in the post)
    Also, in this section, all the closed topics are finished, which would mean it would likely be forgotten.

    Overall, i felt this was just fenrir being a little too officious. But after talking with the user it seems that Fenrir didnt like him because he didnt sell his shade to fenrir.

    When i asked his if this was the case fenrir said it was most not and that he didnt want a "alt abusers shade" and then proceeded to rant about how the user was an alt abuser and it was against his morals.
    Which made me believe that it was more likely he closed it because he didnt like the user.
    [I like him perfectly fine. I was not annoyed that he wouldn't sell it to me, because my offer was to low compared to Eiggers. I did not "rant" about him abusing alts. Infact, I think I made only one comment about it.][/u]

    [b]Reposting Someones WTB offer:[/b]

    He reposted someones entire "WTB several crits" post, and even left the title of the post the same. More than that, he also then edited his post when the original user edited his.
    To me this is something that is just plain rude and not something a Section Mod should do.

    [What? Are you serious? Because I was to lazy to rewrite absolutely everything he wrote? And because my post saying that I wanted the same creatures and to pm me if they didnt like their offer? How is that wrong?]

    [b]Thread Hi-jacking:[/b]

    As a moderator he has deleted such posts, but here he makes them, I removed it but i dont think that moderators should be hijacking threads when he deletes posts of other people that do that.

    [That is another one of your lies with no proof. I rarely ever deleted posts unless it was just spam.]
    [If you wish so badly to have your Mods to have a squeeky clean rep, and not do anything questionable, why is dst still a Mod? She does nothing but attack people.][/u]

    [b]MD Auction:[/b]

    He removed a tonn of posts from it and then posted under it:

    While he has every right to do this, and was probably helping. We all know that any topics that Mur is organising should not be changed in any way. [Was only trying to help keep it clean. I had misread the post Mur later made.]
    Removing posts may also be considered an abuse of power as he may have removed posts from people he didnt like (i didnt check before remerging it) [u][That is not true. In anyway. Infact, most of those people I do not know, let alone dislike.][/u]
    Mur posted two posts above that he was unsure what to do, whether to delete low bids, or something else. From this i would have hoped he would have left it until Mur had decided. [u][If you look at the time stamps of my deletes, you would see that they occured during/before/ or immediately after.][/u]

    As you can see there are the reasons we demoted him, amoung others such as general attutuide[My attitude is a problem...? Again... please look at dst. ], And the investigation into his moderatorship started a couple days *BEFORE* the argument with Dmik in GGG. This investigation was made after several people complained how he was running the section. And i shall just quote one small section of the pm i sent to him.

    "If you wish to see a collection of posts and comments on them, you can ask for them, for it is not fair to know what we have judged you on, But i will ofc remove the names, under Chatham House Rules." [u][Sorry, but this was poorly worded and I took it to mean that you would not tell me what they said.][/u]

    If you want to discuss this. Then as i told you, there are many ways that you can discuss your demotion. But unless you want to make another topic, your demotion is nothing to do with your problem about dst.


    [b]Now lets look at your post[/b]

    What "nuisance" are you referring to? do you mean she does things you dont like? Please be more specific

    How little you know. If you knew anything about this issue you would know that both of them are equally to blame. Dst is angry at shoeps so she berates him. shoeps is angry at dst so he swears at her. Please dont assume that because you dont know what happened, means it doesnt matter. You are taking it massively out of context.

    And, when was the last time you have seen her bitching about Shoeps? Every couple of weeks? have you even been playing the last few months, Shoeps stopped playing so it seems a miracle that she has been attacking him.
    [Try looking at todays Player Logs. Enough said.][/u]

    May i see the list? will you publish it? And again, since you know nothing of Shoeps and dst do not make general comments that show your ignorance of that topic. Find another more apt argument that fits. [u][I actually know quite a bit. As I have had several lengthy chats with Sheops about it.][/u]

    Now im getting worried, im probably going to be on her blacklist because i said its half her fault, you know what? i dont care because she is merely one person. I dislike a few poeple in MD, but since its a GAME they cannot do anything to hurt me. And if you are a insulted by her calling you a "coward" then she has won, and you are letting her have her saticfaction. [u][I was being sarcastic, I am sure you can realise that. I don't care if she called me a coward. Its the fact that she has no idea what Bravery is that annoys me.][/u]

    oh, i see, you mean this post you made? [u][Yes, exactly.][/u]

    It was made on the Topic of what is "sexually explicit". And your post was rude and offtopic. that is why it was deleted. And again, if you had an issue with that, you could have brought it up. Not kept it as "blackmail" material as it seems you have now. [u][How can I bring things up against one of your Mods, when you turn a blind eye to absolutely EVERYTHING THEY DO.] [/u]

    i was there fenrir and your ideas were clouded, and it did seem like you were claiming that, So i am not surprised that Dmik thought you were saying that. Although i hoped you weren't. [u][Not even close. Your memory must be going. We weren't even talking about how the holocaust did or did not happen. We were on a TOTALLY DIFFERENT topic. I commented on Dmiks rude outburst about how he would kick my ass if I even claimed that it didn't happen.][/u]

    As i have said in the pm i sent you, and i will publish it if you wish to portray that i was not crystal clear that if you didnt understand i could send you infomation if you required it. I also did send you what you asked for, but you didnt even bother replying.

    again, i will requote part of the pm i sent you

    [b]"If you wish to see a collection of posts and comments on them, you can ask for them, for it is not fair to know what we have judged you on, But i will ofc remove the names, under Chatham House Rules."[/b]

    You did not ask for them, so if you were unclear then it was your fautl for not asking for them. [u][Because I realised it would not get anywhere. You had your mind set and you would not see the errors of you ways. Everytime I try convincing you of something, you always dismiss it. You made a mistake.][/u]

    And as i said in my pm to you, You can post what you want as long as it complies with the rules, However the lies you have posted need massive corrections.
  19. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Liberty4life in Torch Competition: Tactic For Defending Against Point Farming   
    why would mb be undefeatable, mb always had quality over quantity, and lifeline isnt a dude that have infinite ap and for sure he wont be online all the time during tc, so if he leaves mb, then dang.. others have 2-3h of time to score points, and wot happens when he isnt online? shush, yeah mb has some more great fighters which are able to do job just fine, but thing is they arent undefeatable in combat, so ya see, top fighter doesnt helps that much to turn the tides even in fair game, unlike all other things in md, torch competiton is only one afaik where one man doesnt makes an army

    also chew said same thing as i did in more simple way, now i guess ya understand wot i pointed out

    ailith, me dont swear, swearing is when one says bad things about things other cares about, like god, mom, etc, me just uses dirty and direct speech, and dont ya give me lectures on mine speech and actings, have been mod and admin on many forums and ofc mostly it isnt tolerated since ya are writing and not speaking, so ya can change your words before ya click post button so it cant happen that ya accidently said ugly word but also stupidity is much more less tolerated, when i see somethin isnt good i jump up and yell, and thats exactly wot ya did selling ice to eskimos, that kind of stupidity i hate a lot, ya praise things that help you, as long as ya profit from it or as long as ya may profit from it then better to cover it up, i am sayin that if ya thought a bit ya would see that mb is technically handicapped to insane level in that matter, and still ya are saying its not true, even if all of mb says its true, to hell they are from that land not ya, they know better than ya so then why are ya tryin to sell hot water to public?

    positive stance has no effect if ya dont do things that are required to achieve it, positive stance can only give ya "luck effect" but wont do job instead of ya, if ya have positive feeling that ya will manage to build house oke fine it will help, but if ya start building house from roof, ya will only fail, and if ya try harder again with same approach, again ya will fail, its like tryin to brake wall with head, head will break first, thing ya proposed is same as if somebody wants to form some group but has no idea wot would group do, in this example of mine point is of not well thought idea, its also pointless to defend bad idea just becoz of subjective stand, if it aint too personal, get out of it, do not think that glass of water is full when it contains liquid that covers 60% of its capacity becoz thats exaggerating and overestimating, now let me point it out on this case

    so your idea is that if ya see somebody who is pickin up torches to sack himself for other land and ya want to kill them, now this is nice idea on first look, but that dude can do this, pick up torch and act as one of yours, while he will be spying your positions and say that he is in here only for def, he will also be killing dudes from other 2 lands just to appear unsuspicious, he can also fool ya in same way, and then stab ya in back in key moment, those two are really ugly situations, so why enemy should be allowed to carry same uniform as ya do? citizenship idea would be much better, after all afaik tc is for land competiton not outsiders, its kind of sport (at least i see it that way, i mean teams that are made out of loyalty towards land, and torch reminds me on olympics)...and there is no place for dirty play in sports, competition is to show which land is best, and it should limit dirty play and mercenaries as much as possible, after all rewards go to land treasury and not to "pivot made team plunder chest"

    i love when someone asks me why didnt ya tried to change things if ya see they are goin in wrong way, shish, wot can ya do when 2 out of 15 ppl in smallest md land are only ones that care and then there will be ppl against making things fair like ya are just becoz current situation can help ya score faster, and things that are "goin wrong" are goin wrong only for us, they are helping whole md community that is playin against, have i tried to push up mine guys, i did, did i said publicly about those tc problems, i did every time there was topic about tc, now any better idea on how to fix this technical problem, maybe to went to bucharest and lay on middle on street as sign of strike becoz mur havent balanced tc? lol, get real, its all fine with ppl of mb if situation becomes technically fair and only mur can do it then mb has even chances, and spamming mur isnt solution, if ya dont see something that doesnt means nothin is happening, but really who is counting tries? everyone counts tries as failures, or they dont even see tries and count it as failure of makin even try
  20. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to de la Rey in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    I believe this to be more important than just a "Adam goes to jail then dies" thread. This is about rights, law and monarchy.

    Many things have been said on the matter regarding the imprisonment and death of Adam Riddle. I want to say only a couple of things ( I woke up too late - for solid reasons, I believe), since the situation is almost history... but other problems might appear in the future.

    I saw various pro and contra opinions spreaded all over this three pages thread. Some said a mental illness shouldn`t be treated with the pills of a dungeon and gave as alternative guidance and help. I want to see one character that wishes to play the part of a nurse for ill-minded characters. There`s none, I am sure of that.

    Others say that a crazy guy is no threat. Au contraire, my friends, they are the first in the frontline, the first to be feared, the first who can drive masses insane. One rotten apple is enough to make a foul cart.

    But this is enough, others are experts in piloctomy (splitting hairs, that is), not I. Me says only this: noone drew a code of conduct for the Kings and Queens of MD and noone knows their exact prerogatives. It is my opinion the monarchs are [b]free to ask and to enforce[/b] whatever punishment they wish over specific characters. That is the appanage of a monarch. To do whatever he or she pleases inside his/her own land. They were chosen, they were bestowed with the responsabilities of a monarch, they should have comparative rights. Awiyya`s excerpt is purely theorethical, and there are few monarchs in the known history to have ruled through that specific idea, of being humbler than their subjects.

    Now, since Adam`s action (be it imaginatory or real, RP or not, doesn`t really matter when it comes to the will of a monarch) took place over the Gates of Necrovion, I say Queen Peace [b]was in her own right[/b] and jurisdiction to ask for whatever punishment she felt like. One would say that happened in the No Man`s Land. The name itself points out that none and all have jurisdiction there.

    Adam wasn`t a citizen of no land. Now, that`s exactly why citizenship exists, in my opinion. So that one character can appeal to the monarch of that land and ask for help or clemency. Only then should a debate take place, negotiations between factions, threats, actions, whatever. I believe at some point Mur should force everyone inside MD (one simple option at login) to choose their land, be it even No Man`s Land. Everyone should belong to a place.

    It is wrong to make such problem like the one at hand in this thread (a precedent, nonetheless, that`s why it should be dealt with utmost care and not let fall out of memory) an issue of moral, humanitarian, social, personal or partisan debate, when it is all about law, here. [b]And monarchs make their own laws[/b], until someone else says what is and what is not in the power of a monarch. You hate the laws, bring down the monarch. But bear this in mind: rebellion against the laws is not the same thing as rebellion against the monarch. And when you have no law, anything else is better.
  21. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Burns in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    Haven't you heard the tales of prison?
    People die there all the time, specially when they annoy someone...

    Why would redneck not go and stab you with his toothbrush while you sleep? Why shouldn't fiju stuff a dead rat down your throat and watch you suffocating?
    You know, someone seems to have understood that all your actions are only happening in your mind, but that doesn't means that other people in Arkham Asylum are hallucinating when they kill someone else, it's really as easy as that...

    Most people who log in down there are mp5, therefore they can easily crush you even with one hand tied on their back, and, you know, if i was imprisoned with someone like yourself, i'd crush your skull simply for the sake of silence
  22. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Lazarus in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    Sorry for breaking my word but I can't stand this crap talk anymore for such foolish people who has same reasoning as Peace's.

    See, Adam Riddle is mentally ill and is hallucinating everytime, his actions originates in his [u]mind[/u]. Now here are some of the things that he did in his hallucinations:

    Burned down the Paper Cabin
    Destroyed the Gazebo of Equilibrium
    Cuts down Bob
    Destroyed the Marind Bell Gates
    Killed all the creatures in the Aramory
    Deals xxx amount of damage to the players that are online on the GoE
    Killed some of the players
    Made the Angien's Ferry sink

    and finally, destroys the Howling Gates.

    Now, the first eight deeds are ignored, maybe because they do not accept Adam's roleplay or they might know that Adam is mentally ill. Grido, the Golemus Inquisitor is there if my memory serves good, when Adam apparently destroyed the GoE, nothing was done against him even though he has done it in multiple times, because in their eyes, Adam's (or me Chad) roleplaying is something called a "God moding", every_single_time. God moding way of role playing is always being ignored, unless of course another God moder crossed the line.

    In the most recent case, the Howling Gates, was destroyed by Adam, a mentally illed person, a psychotic, and hallucinates everytime. The first hallucination about the Howling Gates simply goes "Adam riddle destroys the Gate" and Peace says "ADAM!", Adam runs off to destroy yet another building, the Gazebo of Equilibrium. When he came back to the Howling Gates, he destroys it again, and Peace [b]ignores[/b] it, you know why? Because Adam is a God moder, and like what I have said, God moders are always ignored, not unless another God moder interferes, but Peace is not a God moder, she knows Adam's mind state and knows it very well. So, Adam came back and did that destroying thing, you can see it on the attachment, why don't you take a look?

    Now she got pissed off, not Peace, but Irene herself, she crossed the boundaries of role playing and I truly believe she took it personally, 100% of certainty in my mind she did. She imprisoned Adam because he is a "THREAT TO NECROVION" because he is "MENTALLY ILL", now tell me, do you find this reason just fine? And her explanation was mentally illed people should be locked up. Why? Maybe because she ran out of valid reasons and just thought of a very lame excuse. Hmmm that is very convincing, but come on, she should've not pretend that she has her own wisdom, she is very personal and abusive of the powers that has given to her, she DOES NOT deserve her current position, she have won the election just because she is the non-biological daughter of Khalazdad and people voted her for that very reason to continue the dynasty, a very stupid reason of the people who voted her, IF that's their reason.

    At this moment, I don't care anymore what will happen to Adam, because he is dead, I don't really know if he was killed or just died on the Gazebo of Chaos.

    A few quotations:

    [quote]i know this was originally meant as critic, but what can i say: apparently it's what people expected all along. in that case: congratz on consistent roleplay peace [/quote]

    Indeed... Very consistent as I see this will happen again if you pissed Irene off.

    [quote]you moarn about a 'real' punishment for 'RP actions'. the punishment was according to her role, so it is RP punishment for RP actions. yes, it is a very tangible punishment.[/quote]

    Punishment for? Being mentally ill, hallucinating, and a "Threat to Necrovion"? A crazy guy is a threat? Come on, you can do better than that...

    [quote]1. Adam Riddle, and his alts, are a general nuisance to many people

    2. Adam Riddle has lots of alts to play on

    3. Peace is queen. If you could do her job better than her, call for an election and see what happens[/quote]

    Oh, another pretender, once a spammer but now a pretender.

    1. Nuisance? Very well it's true, but maybe for some pathetic and childish people like you Pipstickz.
    2. Oh yeah, I have TONS of alts, but I think 70% of them got banned, and I treat and value my alts as I value my mains, and I wouldn't get this pissed off if Adam is "just" another alt.
    3. Woot woot! I am so gonna wait for that to happen, I'd prefer Jester because he has a plot and activities that he prepared for months, unlike the one who's currently sitting on her toilet bowl.

    If you're gonna use my previous deeds like hacking accounts etc against me, then don't, you'll just look stupid because those are not the issue here, this is about Peace imprisoning Adam for being mentally ill...

    If you take this personally again, Irene, then I am expecting that someday, the badge beside Lazarus' name will be gone. A wonderful badge and alliance that is formed under the Dark Lands of Necrovion that, quite frankly, leads by the undeserving and Queen.
  23. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Nex in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    this is as close as i get to a rant. it's not usually my style, so i aplogize for the lack of practice. i simply don't like that she gets so much one-sided flak for it.

    i wonder if you seriously fail to see this simple fact:
    adam riddle acted according to his role. [b]so did peace[/b].

    you moarn about a 'real' punishment for 'RP actions'. the punishment was according to her role, so it is RP punishment for RP actions. yes, it is a very tangible punishment.
    now, may i ask you: if you think that your RP actions shouldn't cause an according reaction, what are they worth at all? you want your RP to be taken seriously? then be braced for when it is.

    the 'attack' was an insult against necrovion and herself, and a newly risen-to-power queen shouldn't set a precedent that one get's away lightly with such an act.
    she kept her countenance when publicly insulted and saw to it that the incident was made into an example that this was a very bad idea. a fairly good example of realpolitik. of course, a really 'evil' king/queen would have seen to it that there is no such tales-from-the-prison nonsense, but we in MD play nice

    also, does anyone question what peace has done for his role developement? a windfall.

    reality of the crime:[/size]
    it might have been "just in his mind", but we all know that ideas have power within MD. often things that were mere thoughts became very tangible, if you gave them time to gather power. and again, the action got it's relevance from the reaction. that's what seperates fooling around from RP.

    as one representing a land, you can't afford to appear weak, especially since the shades might not be too happy seeing an affront against their land from some twisted human madman unpunished. real or not.

    [quote name='pamplemousse' date='30 December 2009 - 03:03 AM' timestamp='1262138580' post='51378']
    [b]Finally[/b], Kings act like I expect them to![/quote]
    i know this was originally meant as critic, but what can i say: apparently it's what people expected all along. in that case: congratz on consistent roleplay peace

    i don't argue against her choice of wording being highly unfortunate, and the lenght of the sentence might be debatable, nonetheless it's consistent.
  24. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    Necro doesn't mean evil, or crooked.

    Here's a few reasons I see this as justified:

    1. Adam Riddle, and his alts, are a general nuisance to many people

    2. Adam Riddle has lots of alts to play on

    3. Peace is queen. If you could do her job better than her, call for an election and see what happens
  25. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to death ray in Sacrifice Alter Bug?   
    i've had a similar problem as well with gaining temp. stats. i tryed a certain crit. for the temp. stats and and i get nothing for it, i've tryed several times at diffrent alters all give no temp stats. all it get is a errer message that pops up and goes away rather fast.
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