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  1. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Shoe Family   
    You must make a pumpkin carving of an MD character.

    If 4 or less people enter - 1 wp for the winner
    If 5 or 6 people enter - 2 wps for the top 2 (1 each)
    If 7 or more people enter - 3 wps for the top 3 (1 each)

    [b]start:[/b] now
    [b]end:[/b] 23:59 on October 31st

    Place a photo of your pumpkin here. The photo needs to either have you in it or have the letters MD somewhere in it (not added to it after the photo is taken)
    The pumpkin must be lit in the photo, and the photo must be taken in the dark. Extra points for taking the picture in a graveyard.[/b]

    ready...set...get carving!

  2. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from nadrolski in Shoe Family   
    Yeah so... up all night carving this with just my switchblade... I need some carving tools... anyways... here ya go.

    After opening it, gutting it, I blew up Kets avi by like 400%, printed it, then drew it onto the pumpkin, using my paper stencil as a guideline.

    A good 7 hours in from opening it, gutting, and carving.

    Took about another hour to refine it, make it brighter.

    Oh and, yeah, MD is carved into it.

    Tomorrow we'll see about a graveyard photo... it's kind of illegal to go into one after dusk... but screw the rules, it's devils night xD
  3. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Tarquinus in Second Lunar Festival   
    The festival begins today, Day 302. All times are server times.

    [size="4"]Day 1:[/size] Story Telling
    [b]Location:[/b] Maple Road
    [b]Times:[/b] [s]20:00 Day 302[/s] 23:00 Day 302, 06:00 Day 303
    Come and share a story about the joy of Autumn, the rising of our lady moon, or of Loreroot in general!
    [b]Winner:[/b] The best story will win a heavily aged creature.

    [size="4"]Day 2:[/size] White Service
    [b]Location:[/b] Ravenhold, Capital of Loreroot
    [b]Priestess:[/b] Amoran K Kol
    [b]Times:[/b] 20:00 Day 303, 05:00 Day 304
    This is a brief worship service offered to the Goddess of the Moon.

    [size="4"]Day 3:[/size] Red Service
    [b]Location:[/b] Maple Road
    [b]Priestess:[/b] Phantom Orchid
    [b]Times:[/b] Day 304/305 To Be Announced
    This is a worship service where you are encouraged to fight. Blood for the Goddess!

    [size="4"]Day 4[/size]: Writing contest
    [b]Location:[/b] Lore Manor
    [b]Times:[/b] [s]22:00 Day 305[/s] 06:00 Day 306, 17:00 Day 306
    Are you the baddest bard in the land? Got flow? Come show your improv chops in a think-on-your-feet writing contest. Judges will supply topics, and each contestant will have to write on the spur of the moment. One round of the contest will involve using or rhyming with the last word used by the previous contestant.
    [b]Winner:[/b] The winners of these writing contests will receive $5 in MD shop credits.

    [size="4"]Day 5:[/size] Public oaths
    [b]Location:[/b] Wasp's Totem
    [b]Times:[/b] 20:00 Day 306, 06:00 Day 307
    Recent recruits to the Children of the Eclipse will pledge their service to Loreroot and the Sibyl of the Eclipse.

    [size="4"]Day 8:[/size] Tournament
    [b]Location:[/b] Wasp's Totem
    [b]Time:[/b] 20:00 Day 309
    A tournament in which the participants are to use [u]only[/u] Lorerootian creatures (Elementals, Lorerootian Archers, Grasans, Water Daimons, Trees, Knators, Sharptears). Use of any other creatures will result in disqualification.

    Send battle logs to Tarquinus or Amoran.
    [b]Winners:[/b] The winner of the MP5 level of the tournament will receive a wish point. The winners of the MP3 and MP4 levels will receive $5 in MD Shop credits.

    [size="4"]Quests and activities lasting throughout the festival:[/size]

    [b]Fall Themed Art Contest [/b]
    [b]Location:[/b] Amoran K Kol's Quest page.

    The Artwork Quest is finally here! Due to a large number of questions concerning the last artwork quest that was held, I have decided to create a fall-themed artwork quest which will be a part of the Children of the Eclipse's Autumn Festival!

    If you wish to participate in the Quest, please check my quest page for more information. There will also be a post on the forum holding the same information if you are interested.

    [b]Rewards:[/b] The person with the best artwork will receive a wish point. Second place will have a choice between 15 silver or a creature. Third place will receive 5 silver.

    [b]Public Log Scavenger Hunt [/b]
    [b]Location:[/b] Amoran K Kol's Quest page.
    An activity geared toward the younger generation. This activity encourages mp3 and mp4, and even new mp5 to meet other players in the realm. The player is to locate the person whose public log is posted in the quest, write down their name, and strike up a conversation with them. Conversation will not be judged as part of the quest, but it is highly encouraged.
    [b]Winner:[/b] The first to complete the scavenger hunt correctly, or mostly correctly, will receive a wish point. The second may receive coins or a heavily aged creature.

    [b]Mystery Quest - "Who stole Curi's mushroom?!"[/b]

    I, Curiose, have lost a very precious item! My Mushroom God! I was alone… when suddenly, I was attacked! I had passed out, but when I had woken… I found my Mushroom God was gone!! Please help me find the culprit, and my beloved Mushroom! Shroom-Hunters must depict what happened in my state of unconsciousness, as I have received notice that my Mushroom disappeared somewhere within Loreroot…
    [b]Reward[/b]: 1 Wishpoint for first person to return to me my Mushroom.
    [b]Location[/b]: Starting Point- Archives Study Room
    For those who actually find the Mushroom, I would like it if you PM me the answers to what the clues mean. From there, go to whom you think the culprit is and try to convince said person to give it back. I do so very much miss my Mushy-Mush-Mushroom.

    [b]Surprise Mystery Quest[/b]: To be announced.
  4. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from adiomino in Shoe Family   
    If I'm not able to get a pumpkin tomorrow, would I be able to carve something else? Like a watermelon or something?
  5. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Atrumist in Shoe Family   
    Edited previous post, and bumping this cause I want others to enter, I mean come on, it's basically a free wishpoint
  6. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Asterdai in Shoe Family   
    Yeah so... up all night carving this with just my switchblade... I need some carving tools... anyways... here ya go.

    After opening it, gutting it, I blew up Kets avi by like 400%, printed it, then drew it onto the pumpkin, using my paper stencil as a guideline.

    A good 7 hours in from opening it, gutting, and carving.

    Took about another hour to refine it, make it brighter.

    Oh and, yeah, MD is carved into it.

    Tomorrow we'll see about a graveyard photo... it's kind of illegal to go into one after dusk... but screw the rules, it's devils night xD
  7. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Handy Pockets in Shoe Family   
    Yeah so... up all night carving this with just my switchblade... I need some carving tools... anyways... here ya go.

    After opening it, gutting it, I blew up Kets avi by like 400%, printed it, then drew it onto the pumpkin, using my paper stencil as a guideline.

    A good 7 hours in from opening it, gutting, and carving.

    Took about another hour to refine it, make it brighter.

    Oh and, yeah, MD is carved into it.

    Tomorrow we'll see about a graveyard photo... it's kind of illegal to go into one after dusk... but screw the rules, it's devils night xD
  8. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Ivorak in Shoe Family   
    Yeah so... up all night carving this with just my switchblade... I need some carving tools... anyways... here ya go.

    After opening it, gutting it, I blew up Kets avi by like 400%, printed it, then drew it onto the pumpkin, using my paper stencil as a guideline.

    A good 7 hours in from opening it, gutting, and carving.

    Took about another hour to refine it, make it brighter.

    Oh and, yeah, MD is carved into it.

    Tomorrow we'll see about a graveyard photo... it's kind of illegal to go into one after dusk... but screw the rules, it's devils night xD
  9. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Curiose in Story Night Rewards   
    This will be the thread where we [The people who are running Story Night/Sponsoring it] will be posting your rewards.

    However, for this occasion, I am stating a notice here about such reward [which will be edited]:

    Currently, You people will have to wait a couple more days before the posting will be available. There are some things that need to be worked out because we are doing something new from the previous Story Night and the past SN's in general. So, please bear with us. There are kinks, but we are working through said kinks. I apologize in advance that we cannot get to you your prizes sooner, but to keep the integrity, and equality of all of your pieces, we need to work through the kinks, and fix whatever that needs to be fixed.

    As a side note, and as a warning: if I hear anyone complaining about not being able to get your prizes soon enough, I will be happy to void whatever you are getting. We are working as fast as we can, and there is only a small team of us. A little appreciation, and patience would be more than accepted. Yes, we are doing this for you, but I do not want greedy little fingers scratching at my back for something as meager as maybe a few coins because that's all they got*.

    Also, if I find that you happen to be dissatisfied, feel free to complain to me. I will simply tell you that you should have written a better story, and to take whatever comments/criticism you get to learn from. I do not like to be harsh, I do not like to be strict, but if this is what has to be done, then it will be done.

    *Please remember that this is not a quest. This is for people who wish to show off their talent. Some pieces may not even get a prize, hence why we ask our judges to give comments and critiquing.

    hank you for your time and consideration.

  10. Downvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Eon in Newby Player... Almost...   
    Dokutaesu, welcome to the wonderful realm of MD. Enjoy everything there is that it offers. Read and learn everything you can, and you will have an advantage over the ones that haven't... which is probably more than people might think. As to a referrer code, that means that you become their adept. Basically, being an adept means you learn from the person that you are an adept of (your mentor). You can change who you are the adept of in game at any time.
  11. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Deatznce0 in Newby Player... Almost...   
    Dokutaesu, welcome to the wonderful realm of MD. Enjoy everything there is that it offers. Read and learn everything you can, and you will have an advantage over the ones that haven't... which is probably more than people might think. As to a referrer code, that means that you become their adept. Basically, being an adept means you learn from the person that you are an adept of (your mentor). You can change who you are the adept of in game at any time.
  12. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Faith and Mercy in Mr Squiggle   
    A poem - Please read slowly and with all the commas, and stops. Read it with feelings(for some reason, poems make sense that way).
    I wanted to participate in this contest, but im still new to this game (8 days) - so, this is pretty much all that i know about MD - sorry if i get some things wrong, im still a mp3 myself - so i dont know much.. and i dont do poetry at all- this is like my 2nd poem in my whole life... But here, enjoy.

    [center]MD Noob[/center]

    I was born in paper cabin,
    Who is sorta like my mother.
    Live help is like my father,
    Who taught me to be strong.

    I ask a bunch of questions,
    And then forget the answers.
    I fight all day to win,
    And now my honor stinks.
    And every elder, asks - "What for?"
    I proudly say!
    "At least my Aramor is level 4!"

    And many many days i was exploring,
    The awesomeness of MD Story.
    And with each try to solve a quest,
    I have sent more than 50 different help requests.

    I role play like I'm tough,
    But fight, hoping on luck.

    Oh when, oh when - will i be mp4!?
    And they shall call me noob No more!
    But that day, is yet to come.

    And to my fellow noobs I say!
    "How dare you, fall into despair!
    This realm is yet to see us rise,
    We are its future and its life!
    For we are free in all our choices.
    Now raise your voices, - strive towards your dream,
    Whether it's to become - good King, or Queen,
    Or maybe an evil ruler of Necroveen.
    Be strong in spirit, and stand your ground -
    One day you'll understand this realm.
  13. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Neno Veliki in Grotesque Ritual Of Self Oblivion   
    Wow... I still don't see what the big freaking deal is. Kyphis, you were at mp3 for a year. Seriously, everyone should leave people alone, if they want to be mp3 their whole time, it's their choice, not yours to make for them. Me, I'm capped, I'm still MP3. I personally could care less if I got attacked every 3 seconds at mp5 and lost. I'd find ways to not get losses. But I like where I am, and will continue to be mp3 for as long as I want, not when someone else says I should.
  14. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    Rask you are being very open about your intent which is good, but as Curiose says there is no real indication you are deserving of Kingship. Not upholding the Dynasty is the only real argument you have posed against Jester, but that isn't a good enough reason to overthrow him.

    Jester you arn't being open at all and state all this time you have been fixing what the dynasty broke but again arnt being open about how or why. You want opinions, but your chosen Queen wants the topic shut down.

    Pamplemousse here you are speaking about 'the people' and hubris when you are the one royal power (unofficial or not) who has had no public voting associated with you.

    Peace gave the crown to the next in line as voted by the people rather than a personal choice and seems almost berrated for that here.

    At this moment in time, for me, Rask doesn't make a great statement but then nor do the current royalty.

  15. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    Firs and Lifeline both use alts to hold alliances
    Yrth uses his alts to give WPs
    Don't we have enough alts in kingship already? >>
  16. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Pipstickz in Happy Birthday Mrd And Udgard!   
    Happy birthday, guys!

    I can totally imagine what would happen if MRD and Udgard had to share an account...Udga(M)rd? Or maybe MRuDgard? Anyways, it'd be all like "I think we should go kick butt!" "Well, I think we should go make items n' stuff...I have an axe, you'd better listen to me" "That axe is made out of wood. You don't know how to use steel" "I thought you wouldn't notice " "*throws Fred*" "Ow, we're in the same body!" "Meh." ">:[" ">:["

  17. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Metal Bunny in Lllllaaaaaagggggg   
    I haz no lag. I can haz fun at other people's expense? Or it 2 cruel?
  18. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from BFH in Md On Toplists   
    Most of them have add/join/register along the top or left side:
    http://www.afreegaming.com/ >> http://www.afreegaming.com/register.php
    http://www.gamesites99.com/ >> http://www.gamesites99.com/join.aspx
    http://www.gamesites100.net/ >> http://www.gamesites100.net/join
    http://www.gamesites101.com/ >> http://www.gamesites101.com/add/
    http://www.gamesites200.com/ >> http://www.gamesites200.com/join.shtml
    http://www.gamesitestop100.com/ >> http://www.gamesitestop100.com/join
    http://www.gamessiteslist.com/ >> http://www.gamessiteslist.com/register.php
    http://www.gametopsites.com/ >> http://www.gametopsites.com/index.php?a=join
    http://www.jagtoplist.com/ >> http://www.jagtoplist.com/add
    http://www.mmorpgtoplist.com/ >> http://www.mmorpgtoplist.com/add.php
    http://www.top100arena.com/ >> http://www.top100arena.com/signup.asp
    http://www.topfreegameservers.com/ >> http://www.topfreegameservers.com/Add
    http://topg.org/ >> http://topg.org/add
    http://www.topgamesites.org/ >> http://www.topgamesites.org/index.php?a=join
    http://www.xtremetop100.com/ >> http://www.xtremetop100.com/add.php
    http://gamingtop.org/ >> http://gamingtop.org/index.php?view=register
    http://topofgames.com/gamingsites/ >> http://topofgames.com/index.php?register
    http://mmorpgspider.com >> http://mmorpgspider.com/index.php?a=join

    Unsure for these:
    http://us.bigpoint.com >> http://devlounge.bigpoint.com/
    http://www.gamezone.com/ >> http://www.gamezone.com/misc/submit.htm and/or http://www.gamezone.com/misc/advertise.htm

    These ones I did not find an add site link:

    And these are special links:
    http://www.top100gaming.com/ >> When trying to join, results in error.
    http://www.webpointstopsites.com/ >> Can join this to add your browser game rating site/s.

    If anyone else wants to look through them, feel free
  19. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from nadrolski in Music   

    Still my favorite song ever.
  20. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Magnus X in What Tree Are You?   
    Willow/Bull But yeah... one thing I disagree with is: They have excellent taste, and have a flair for classy elegance in fashion and home décor.

    Ha... my fashion = board shorts and loose fitting Tshirt, hardly classy/elegant xD And about home decor, I think I might be colour blind xD
  21. Downvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Asterdai in Terrible News!   
    Hmmm... it doesn't appear to be the same tomato... I think this one's a stand in... this calls for an investigation!
  22. Downvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Asterdai in Terrible News!   
    *gasps* This is horrible!
  23. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Terrible News!   
    Hmmm... it doesn't appear to be the same tomato... I think this one's a stand in... this calls for an investigation!
  24. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Terrible News!   
    *gasps* This is horrible!
  25. Downvote
    Yoshi reacted to Firsanthalas in Discussion   
    Pip, you are a spanner. You love spouting off. Off you go and do something constructive for a change instead of taking pot shots when it suits you.
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