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Elthen Airis

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  1. Upvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in My Beef With MD.   
    Seeing the good in a certain situation is a hard thing to do. There is _always_ a positive and negative side of things happening. I've wondered why people in internet are so negative lately, i guess they are just representing what's happening in real life actually. Real life is harsh, demanding, there's load of crap going on, but what the hell, we are after all living in this world for one reason or another and we might just deal a bit better if we respect the others' opinion and try to make them see the good sides of things.

    Why am i relating RL to MD? Well, it's because every character in MD is partly you in RL. There are indeed just a handful of people who could really forget about who they are in RL and roleplay another role in this realm. At least, that's what i think.

    I'm playing other games as well, not browser ones, but RPGs, FPSs and such and i must say most of the people there, today, are just as negative. They blame others for their mistakes, they say you are noob no matter how hard you try, etc. They also never listen when you have something to say. Well, reckon and name for yourselves how many people out there in RL can you really _talk_ to? I bet they aren't much.

    Well, now switch the picture to MD. Is it really that different? The social part of this realm is exactly what makes this game so unique. The mechanics are interesting, true, but are the creatures really what you are in here for? Yeah, they make a nice addition to your experience and such, but that's definitely not the main thing for MD.

    As for people, there would be always bad and good. How would you deal with those people in RL? I personally avoid talking to negative people. I simply don't fancy it. I know all about the crap that's going on every day and i'm so sick and tired of hearing about problems that i just don't want to talk about it at all.

    So, as a conclusion, if someone doesn't like this place then he should obviously leave if he can't take it and this is disturbing his inner self. That's the easy way. The other way is to try and make a change. Stand up for your ideas and thoughts. I like that Curiose is speaking up her mind, that's good. But that's also not enough. With whining you can't make a change. You have to make an example for the others to follow. Maybe just one person will follow, maybe two, or even more, but even if it's one then you have made a change for good and you should be happy about it.

    Elthen Airis
  2. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to Burns in tip about aged creatures   
    Quite obviously such developments are necessary, because people get rich and strong very fast and forget to do anything for the community on the way.

    Undoubtedly you consider yourself very active, with all that being online and grinding away the day. But how many quests have you created? How many events managed? How often did you do something to move the realm?

    Some people spend a lot of time with MD and create something interesting and worthwhile, not just their own stats. These should get rewarded for their continued effort, and not just the people who spend a whole lot of time with their stats and alts. And beyond doubt, rewarding age promotes this cause very well. For example, Metal Bunny has done the most exquisite quests you could find, Awii writes brilliant stories, Tarquinus does poems and event management. A whole lot of time the server can't track because they are not even online when working for MD. People spend weeks with hardly any online time, and still do a lot more than all the grinders together. These get their share of the pie with age rewards.
  3. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to Menhir in My Beef With MD.   
    I´m young too, not very active in the way of being someone in the realm, not interested (yet). I see the freedom wich comes with MD and the burden wich comes with this freedom. I think I understand Mur in nearly all his comments, posts and actions even if I don´t know him personally - being someone who tries not to judge too much even if he is "god of MD". For myself MD is a mirror of RL, maybe the brighter shade of reality, the other side of the coin, the picture behind the curtain. Some of the so called "bad" personalities might be the little ones out there, maybe, maybe not and some of the quiet ones are possible real "deep waters" with nothing to hide even if they play this role in MD, because they know what they are, they don´t need a playground to prove something to themselfs any longer. I think I can see this, read this out of word, I have a very deep intuition ...

    I´d like to change the real world, but guess what I realised it changes itself through time I just have to tune into "her" speed to see the changing. MD is no exception in this case, how could it, the principles are working everywhere. There is no good or bad, not in MD nor in RL, not for me. So I let the bad ones play their roles and the good ones too, knowing that they might need it for themselfs to learn something or the only reason why they exist in this realm is that others learn something from them, both ways are mostly active, as I understand it.

    I understand your point of view totally Curiose and on the other side I just see a principle as it works always so perfectly that nothing will change it. Everything changes always and nothing will change this. With this in mind I see that your post cannot change something like you would love to see, it´s not working like this - but it will work in another way, slower like a single puzzle one out of thousands.

    For me there is a feeling wich one could describe as joy while I observe these unchangable principles working all the time - but on the other side I feel totally human with all my feelings and mostly stupid thoughts. I`m still trying to accept those two sides inside of myself. MD is not important - important is what we learn from it, from ourselfs being in it, acting in it, being hurt in it, feeling good in it. Our experiences are the key to the "everything is possible" - MD is just a mirror not more not less.

    My 2 cents.

    All the best

  4. Upvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from dst in My Beef With MD.   
    Wisely said, Phantom Orchid.

    Well, Pamplemousse. I knew her a bit and i must say she was a very intriguing person i liked in the game. I believe what has happened was when i wasn't around or well if it was when i was around i haven't taken part in it, cause i haven't understood the whole situation. What my experience with her was, is that she was a nice, talkative and creative person.

    Fenrir... Well, he has quite some history about breaking "rules" and such, so one more wouldn't make such a difference, i guess. I mean he's been to jail, as far as i remember more than once. Obviously sending him back there again wouldn't change much.

    As for dst. I've had some personal experience with dst and i must say i understand her ways. Well, let's say a bit, so it doesn't sound that distracting. Now, Mur has given her something i could easily call even a _job_ and that is to hunt down people who go against _certain_ rules. She likes it and i dare say she does it quite well. We all know that the so called "cyber sex" has it's bad sides and if seen by the wrong people the whole realm will get in trouble. Even Mur explained that.(just mentioning it, cause i think that's what you were referring to) So, if she's a bit harsh and straightforward in her ways of dealing with such matters, well i think we can all deal with it for the better. I mean, seriously, cyber sex sucks. I don't get why people do it... Or maybe i'm oldfashioned...

    I reckon people quite well accept things as they are. It's just that they wouldn't like to speak about it, because they are not sure of the consequences. All the people that were involved in those matters you spoke about are well aware of what happened and i'm sure they've taken a side and know it well. Now, not everyone is so open as to speak their mind, because there are, after all, people that can scold them, if you get what i mean.

    There are of course more matters to discuss about the system that guides the game, but that's something i'd rather not bring up right now.
  5. Upvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Seigheart in Account deletion   
    Quite straightforward. Is there a way to delete accounts or is it a work in progress?

    P.S. I didn't find another thread with this question so i made a new one.
  6. Downvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Seigheart in My Beef With MD.   
    Wisely said, Phantom Orchid.

    Well, Pamplemousse. I knew her a bit and i must say she was a very intriguing person i liked in the game. I believe what has happened was when i wasn't around or well if it was when i was around i haven't taken part in it, cause i haven't understood the whole situation. What my experience with her was, is that she was a nice, talkative and creative person.

    Fenrir... Well, he has quite some history about breaking "rules" and such, so one more wouldn't make such a difference, i guess. I mean he's been to jail, as far as i remember more than once. Obviously sending him back there again wouldn't change much.

    As for dst. I've had some personal experience with dst and i must say i understand her ways. Well, let's say a bit, so it doesn't sound that distracting. Now, Mur has given her something i could easily call even a _job_ and that is to hunt down people who go against _certain_ rules. She likes it and i dare say she does it quite well. We all know that the so called "cyber sex" has it's bad sides and if seen by the wrong people the whole realm will get in trouble. Even Mur explained that.(just mentioning it, cause i think that's what you were referring to) So, if she's a bit harsh and straightforward in her ways of dealing with such matters, well i think we can all deal with it for the better. I mean, seriously, cyber sex sucks. I don't get why people do it... Or maybe i'm oldfashioned...

    I reckon people quite well accept things as they are. It's just that they wouldn't like to speak about it, because they are not sure of the consequences. All the people that were involved in those matters you spoke about are well aware of what happened and i'm sure they've taken a side and know it well. Now, not everyone is so open as to speak their mind, because there are, after all, people that can scold them, if you get what i mean.

    There are of course more matters to discuss about the system that guides the game, but that's something i'd rather not bring up right now.
  7. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to Phantom Orchid in My Beef With MD.   
    This realm is made up of all kinds... for better and for worse.

    As a dreamer once recently discovered, the balance is there - but it needs shifting/adjustment sometimes. How will -you- incorporate- what you perceive to be happening in this realm into your character's actions? Use your imagination, for it may be your greatest ally in the battle against vindictiveness.

    My advice - take account of those you care about (or hate, or are indifferent to - whatever suits your character) and actualize your dreams.

    And, don't let other people's crap stick to you...

    And know this: that action is, and will forever be, the antidote for despair.
  8. Upvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Esmaralda in My Beef With MD.   
    Seeing the good in a certain situation is a hard thing to do. There is _always_ a positive and negative side of things happening. I've wondered why people in internet are so negative lately, i guess they are just representing what's happening in real life actually. Real life is harsh, demanding, there's load of crap going on, but what the hell, we are after all living in this world for one reason or another and we might just deal a bit better if we respect the others' opinion and try to make them see the good sides of things.

    Why am i relating RL to MD? Well, it's because every character in MD is partly you in RL. There are indeed just a handful of people who could really forget about who they are in RL and roleplay another role in this realm. At least, that's what i think.

    I'm playing other games as well, not browser ones, but RPGs, FPSs and such and i must say most of the people there, today, are just as negative. They blame others for their mistakes, they say you are noob no matter how hard you try, etc. They also never listen when you have something to say. Well, reckon and name for yourselves how many people out there in RL can you really _talk_ to? I bet they aren't much.

    Well, now switch the picture to MD. Is it really that different? The social part of this realm is exactly what makes this game so unique. The mechanics are interesting, true, but are the creatures really what you are in here for? Yeah, they make a nice addition to your experience and such, but that's definitely not the main thing for MD.

    As for people, there would be always bad and good. How would you deal with those people in RL? I personally avoid talking to negative people. I simply don't fancy it. I know all about the crap that's going on every day and i'm so sick and tired of hearing about problems that i just don't want to talk about it at all.

    So, as a conclusion, if someone doesn't like this place then he should obviously leave if he can't take it and this is disturbing his inner self. That's the easy way. The other way is to try and make a change. Stand up for your ideas and thoughts. I like that Curiose is speaking up her mind, that's good. But that's also not enough. With whining you can't make a change. You have to make an example for the others to follow. Maybe just one person will follow, maybe two, or even more, but even if it's one then you have made a change for good and you should be happy about it.

    Elthen Airis
  9. Downvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to dst in Selling Again   
    Coins or credits as well?
    Also...I only want the morph. So if you're not selling it, please don't make me waste my time.
  10. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to Pomegranate in Pom's Art ♥ Box   
    [quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1301974332' post='81869']
    [color="#2e8b57"][i]WOW these are incredible!!!! I would love to use some of your drawings, I'll get in touch with you a bit later about what Im looking for.
    <---- Insanely jealous of your talent. [/i][/color]

    [color="#483D8B"]All I really ask is that you provide credit towards me and would like to see the end result of what your creativity gave birth to! [/color]
    [color="#483D8B"]Not sure if that's what you are asking about though. Currently, I'[/color][color="#483D8B"]m very busy and am only accepting paid commissions. [/color]

    [color="#483D8B"]You don't have to be jealous though, practice makes perfect!! I always encourage anyone that if they really like something, to try and go after it.
    [quote name='CrazyMike' timestamp='1301969462' post='81860']
    Artist in the house......

    Love the drawings.

    Curious, can you draw male characters?

    Not that i'm complaining coz your gals are HOTTTT!


    [color="#483D8B"]I'm glad you like my drawings! The top three drawings are male characters. The 2nd top one shows more of the guy's body then the others though.[/color]

    [color="#483D8B"]But OK, here's some more male drawings that I've done. Plus other misc stuff.[/color]







  11. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to dragonrider7 in Looking for a specific avatar   
    Got some free time today.....tried drawing one......feel free to edit this and use it ...
  12. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to Peace in Tribunal Citizen's   
    Elthen Airis for sure.

    I am uncertain about Mourn, but he is usually around in the Tribunal pub.
  13. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in My Claim   
    The lands foundations are un-inspectable, as, is, your, claim.

    Message from:
    The Anarchy Faction
  14. Upvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Xcercses in Thought i'd share   
    Well, i found this funny when i was voting for MD this evening. Quite a good timing and it also brought up some memories of a quest that was created quite a long time ago, about the captchas in the sites. Was really hilarious! So, yes, the summer vacation ends soon and that's quite sad, but what the hell, the people at school/university/conservatory/etc. are also fun!

  15. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to Tarquinus in WTT Roleplay   
    [quote name='Elthen Airis' timestamp='1314709293' post='91057']
    I would gladly participate in this endeavor, though it's not very clear what you would do when you find people that actually RP.
    To me this is a question of common sense. I am always in-character unless the conversation involves out-of-game matters, which generally don't interest me. If politeness is a question, I will speak (in parentheses). Usually I will move away from regions where lots of RL-type stuff is being discussed. I play roleplaying games because I like to roleplay - I can talk about mundane stuff in lots of other places.

    After a while, you get a sense of who roleplays seriously and who does not. I sometimes have fun pretending not to understand characters who reference such things as MP3 players; but on the flip side, I have been known to ridicule people who completely ignore the 'reality' of the MD setting, be it by casting spells with asterisks, dictating changes to the scene displayed, etc. MagicDuel is a rich setting in many ways, and I don't have much patience for people who won't engage it. Lots of people don't know Grasans come from Loreroot, but they're willing to be cybernetic half-vampire chaos wizards who can fly. With the introduction of more and more items in MD, there is less and less excuse for roleplaying stuff that isn't reflected in the game - you can get drunk now, poisoned, and even lynched (if you're a fugitive).

    And I echo Poe - whatever else, have fun.
  16. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to Shadowseeker in Looking for a specific avatar   
    Both have a cylindrical hat, and a cane.

    STF's is the luxurious, gentleman's version, ravenstrider's more of the poor scholar's.
  17. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to Maebius in A little tour, of sorts....   
    (edits to add post-scripted comments below)

    For those curious minds, young and old, I have finally put the finishing touches on that little Quest you've possibly gotten tired of hearing me chatter on about recently.

    [b]Beginning at the Marble Dale Park[/b], you should see it in the Signpost clickie there.
    Of course, with all the other notes stuck to that sign, I'd recommend you "[s]Search behind the Sign[/s]" now Click on the Signpost for the particular scribblings I left there and look at the "[b]A Little Tour of Sorts...[/b]" document there.

    [color=#0000ff]It begins simple with a riddle.[/color]
    [color=#008000]It ends with victorious battles[/color]!

    While being fairly newbie friendly, I do hope that it appeals to all the folks of the Realm, with it's various challenges. Mind Power 3 can complete it, with a little help and some minor knowledge of Heat.

    There is a Wishpoint up for grabs, to be determined by vote and lottery from among those who complete the quest within the first month. (starting from the date the first person finishes, the names within 30 days will be listed below. So "First" is not necessary, but not slacking off is recommended).Particularly good answers to a certain phase of the quest, regarding Principle Scenes, will have an extra name added to the hat, to slightly increase your odds.

    A number of Runners up will receive Angiens of various ages, supplied by myself, Queen Kets, and a generous sponsor.

    [color=#ff0000][u][b]The Prize lottery will end Friday, October 14th, at 23:59 server time.[/b][/u][/color]

    I would also ask participants to avoid using Alts to help complete some sections of this quest, as that defeats the spirit of the challenges. I'd recommend keeping this limited to your Main character only, please.

    Let the Tour begin!

    PS: If bugs or errors or other strange-ness discovered, I am willing to put up silver, crits, and other compensation for the problematic points pointed out. Contact me to discuss such details as needed.
    As my first attempt at quest-making, any feedback, both friendly and flaming, is appreciated.

    There are a good number of folks in the final stages, but Plenty of time to start it and still be eligible for the WP Lottery.

    [i]PPS: Mighty Pirate has completed the quest in its entirety, and has been awarded a Cup of Aromatic Tea, for his help in testing and bug-hunting (as well as still being eligible for the WP lottery as he was not given any help)[/i]. Thanks again!

    [i][b](Maebius)[/b][/i] has Completed the Quest on Mon, 6 Sep 2011

    [i][b]Mighty Pirate[/b][/i] has Completed the Quest on Tue, 06 Sep 2011
    [b]Nimrodel[/b] has Completed the Quest on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 1
    [b]Living Puppet[/b] has Completed the Quest on Tue, 13 Sep 2011
    [b]Vasilemacel[/b] has Completed the Quest on Wed, 14 Sep 2011
    [b]AmberRune[/b] has Completed the Quest on Thu, 15 Sep 2011
    [b]Guillak[/b] has Completed the Quest on Tue, 20 Sep 2011
    [b]duxie[/b] has Completed the Quest on Tue, 20 Sep 2011
    [b]Passant the weak[/b] has Completed the Quest on Wed, 21 Sep 2011
    [b]Tipu[/b] has Completed the Quest on Sun, 25 Sep 2011
    [b]Elthen Airis[/b] has Completed the Quest on Wed, 28 Sep 2011
    [s][b]Gort Hedera[/b] [/s]has Completed the Quest on Fri, 30 Sep 2011
    [b]Master Of Magic[/b] has Completed the Quest on Sun, 02 Oct 2011
    [b]Esmaralda[/b] has Completed the Quest on Mon, 03 Oct 2011
    [b]Princess Katt[/b] has Completed the Quest on Tue, 04 Oct 2011
    [b]Soothing Sands[/b] has Completed the Quest on Wed, 05 Oct 2011
    [b]Duke of Malfi[/b] has Completed the Quest on Wed, 05 Oct 2011
    [b]shaded[/b] has Completed the Quest on Sat, 08 Oct 2011
    [b]Innos[/b] has Completed the Quest on Thu, 13 Oct 2011
    [b]Falronn[/b] has Completed the Quest on Thu, 13 Oct 2011
    [b]Jolla[/b] has Completed the Quest on Thu, 13 Oct 2011
    [b]darkraptor[/b] has Completed the Quest on Fri, 14 Oct 2011
    [b]Ghunny The Beast[/b] has Completed the Quest on Fri, 14 Oct 2011
  18. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Do you wish to become a Knight or Priestess?   
    The Eclipse is currently recruiting Knights, Priests, or Priestesses. If you have an interest in the Children of the Eclipse, reply to this thread and I will PM you instructions in game or in the forum regarding recruitment.

    To join the Eclipse, we wish our to-be members to be knowledgeable in the alliance structure. Please read this topic:
    [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6619-children-of-the-eclipse-information-update/"][u]Children of the Eclipse Information Thread[/u][/url]

    -Knight of the Half Moon
    -Knight of the Full Moon

    If you have any questions regarding recruitment, Amoran K Kol and Tarquinus will be stationed at either the Hidden Exit, Maple Road, Ravenhold, or The Marble Dale Park.

    Please note that the Eclipse does not exclusively accept fighters as knights. We also accept people who are willing to learn about battle, who wish to become knights for that reason.

    -Amoran Kalamanira Kol,
    Sybil of the Eclipse.
  19. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to dst in Cyber sex strikes again   
    Oh yes! In case you were wandering if it is still happening, I have the answer. It is.

    I have the chat. The culprits? Our dear Innocence and apparently a noob (in case it's not an alt).
    Where? In the good ol' MDA. Maintenance Access Stairs to be more exact.

    And the Announcement with the rules changing:

    Ann. 1260 - [2010-01-10 00:24:30 - Alpha 9]
    Rule change
    As from now, due to the existance of a dedicated private place where you can talk anything you want, sexual explicit chats (more "types" pending to be added) will no longer be tolerated anywhere else in MD. This means that if anyone catches you talking such things anywhere, labirint, remote places, not to mention public locations, you can get baned for it. There are a lot of kids playing and reading your ..things.. this can't be allowed anymore. Thank you for understanding.

    Mods, please, close the topic. I just wanted to make this public because I will escalate the issue to higher management.
  20. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to Muratus del Mur in Necrovion Rebels And Jesters Penalty Points   
    The rebel system just got implemented as you know, and also as you already know it was implemented as a response to the recent conflict.
    Aysun raised a real problem, how could a king be dethroned without risking to be considered a traitor...so you go my answer now.

    I have no intention of dethronening Jester, but also no intention of letting things go out of control.

    Anyone wishing to become rebels should do so on their own. For the record, i manually placed Aysun and Pample as Necrovion rebels, but thats it. I am not convinced that my decision was enrirely fair (to apply a new rule retroactively) but its done. Consider it a favor if you like it better that way. I will not create other rebels, you now have the way to do it yourself. This comes in reply to Tarqs and Rasks request to become rebels too.

    Regarding Jester
    Penalty points do jot mean a king will not benefit from my support, whoever that king is, untill his points run out. Also my support ends with the kingship and switches when king changes. However, if a king shows me disrespect or no intention of protecting his remaining penalty points, I will remove that king. You forget this is no democracy.

    Jester gets minus one for recovering items lost. King items were transfered from pample back to the king.
    He loses an other point for cummulated bad language and offenses against other players.

    Two points left, I hope they will be well guarded and that they will vanish over time...or at least they wont get wasted over the same conflict.
  21. Downvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Ravenstrider in Md Awards 2010 - Nominations   
    Best Spell Caster

    Champion Fighter

    Helper of the Year (Grido can't be nominated)
    Well from my humble opinion that would be Burns.

    Most Addicted

    Pre-eminent Role Player
    Zleiphneir. I just love his RP, hehe.

    Prime Quest (best quest)
    Well, i didn't take part in it, but there was this wonderful quest of Awiiya with the tree which talked in his language. We had to write our names in his language. Wonderful one, definitely worth the nomination!

    Last, but not least. Good luck to all nominated!

  22. Upvote
    Elthen Airis got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Md Awards 2010 - Nominations   
    Best Spell Caster

    Champion Fighter

    Helper of the Year (Grido can't be nominated)
    Well from my humble opinion that would be Burns.

    Most Addicted

    Pre-eminent Role Player
    Zleiphneir. I just love his RP, hehe.

    Prime Quest (best quest)
    Well, i didn't take part in it, but there was this wonderful quest of Awiiya with the tree which talked in his language. We had to write our names in his language. Wonderful one, definitely worth the nomination!

    Last, but not least. Good luck to all nominated!

  23. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to Curiose in Story Night Rewards   
    Once more, my apologies for the delay but here are the rewards:

    [b]7 - Annonomous : Joker/Credits [Please come to me in regards of which you would prefer.]
    7 - Atrumist : 10 Credits
    6 - Adiomino : Pimp
    5 - Stonebiter : 10 Silver
    4 - Sunfire : 5 Credits
    2 - Tipu : 5 Silver
    1 - Pashweetie : No Prize[/b]

    Thank you all for your time and patience. Please collect your rewards in a timely manner.
  24. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to Atrumist in Story Night Rewards   
    Congratulations to all participants, sincerely I think that prices have no value here. The essence of creations and its expressive variations are the peak thing.

    Looking forward to next Story Night.
  25. Upvote
    Elthen Airis reacted to VonUngernSternberg in Mr Squiggle   
    Yesterday night this cork was a Chewett. He even talked to me...


    Now I'm not so sure, but I'll post it the same.

    Ops...I forgot the brand...here it is

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