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Sephirah Caelum

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  1. Upvote
    Sephirah Caelum reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Personal Heads Accusation From Wolfs   
    I am putting this here so that it is public. I asked him to do this himself but for some reason he refused - but I won't be called a cheat nor a liar. A young player called wolfs came to me today and accused me of cheating in the heads contest. He then proceeded to PM me the same thing over and over and over again - calling me a liar.

    In addition to this he tells me that he heard this at the dojo/SG, that other players are accusing me of cheating. He has very broken english and hasn't really explained himself but the accusation appears to be as follows:

    I am cheating somehow, namely by working in a group with the other contenders in MP4 and only attacking weak players and that I should be ashamed of myself. In addition to that because of this I'm being accused of being the reason for making players leave and that all veterans are greedy and he has been warned about this. He demanded "proof" that I have been attacking all the players including those involved in heads to "prove" I have not been cheating. I explained that he needed to take into account days past and bursts and sent him the logs I had, but apparently that was me thinking him a fool. His only evidence of his many and varied accusations are people in the dojo talking about it and apparently he has been keeping an eye on me today somehow. I have all accusatory messages should anyone doubt this - I am not doing it lightly, just as the accusation is not light.

    I have not had ANY help from anyone in this contest.
    I have not used any bugs in this contest.
    I have attacked every single player involved in this contest either in the first or second leg.
    I have been attacking anyone and everyone friend of foe, newbie or vet - including Nadrolski whose stats are over ten times mine.

    I would like anyone who believes I am cheating, have been unfair or am lying about not cheating to come foward and say so in public because if you really believe it is true then you should have no problem doing that and I expect you have decent reasons and/or evidence for making such a claim against me. I'm being open and honest, I expect anyone else to be. I have tried for the past hour to talk to wolfs but he is adamant I have done something wrong, and his saying people in the dojo/SG have been saying this troubles me.

  2. Downvote
    Sephirah Caelum reacted to That Other Guy in Mining Guild   
    [quote name='Ratsplat' date='10 August 2010 - 08:42 PM' timestamp='1281487347' post='65694']
    There should be a mining guild, or some way to mine, to go along with the recently added woodcutting guild and woodcutting/resource gathering.

    Forest like areas wouldnt be very good to mine in, though places like golemus, necrovion, and hopefully the underground tunnels under MB (since my role puts me in that area).

    You would be able to mine different types of ore of course, maybe fossils, lost equipment... anything youd think you can find in a chunk of rock. This stuff would be used to make equipment, enhance your creatures, stat boosts, etc...

    Its nice that you are trying to come up with ideas in regards to the new "feature". But seriously use some common sense and at least give Mur some credit. This is just one of the very basics that will be made (DUH). At least Pamplemousse did come up with something outside of the box as an expansion to thing that would there, IE: advance alchemy.
  3. Upvote
    Sephirah Caelum reacted to Mya Celestia in Woodcutters   
    [color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]I would like to extend a hand of friendship to the newest citizens of Loreroot. If you need any help, please don't hesitate to ask. You've been given a new opportunity with a new feature. It can be exciting and scary. I know you'll pull it together.

    P.S. Please don't be offended if I call you woodticks by mistake. Where I'm from that's what woodcutters are called. It's a endearment here. My dad has been one for decades [/font][/color]
  4. Upvote
    Sephirah Caelum reacted to Necromancer Mortis in Woodcutters   
    [quote name='Yrthilian' date='11 August 2010 - 03:28 PM' timestamp='1281536904' post='65769']
    Well i knew this was going to happen as i said before

    now a new feature is going to be spoiled by people sticking their nose in places they should not.
    The fact that this guild was just dumped in a land and no organisation was put in plave make this a very messy idea
    the fact that even some memeber of that new guild are posiable filled with player alts is also another matter.

    I also wonder at the fact that the members are also all England location players this is unusuale even to me
    since i have not ever seen any organisation in game all from the same location this hints at alts to me.
    But that is just me i suppose.

    See now things are going to be made worse over a new feature that has just been released without organising
    some sort of proper setup. I really think this could have been done in a much better way. The guild setup how ever
    the guild decided i dont care about it is foolish to think that all memebr have equal say as they cant it is not in the
    game mechanics to allow for that. someone is leader in the guild and they have more ablity that the rest it is as simple
    as that. the leader can decide on a whim to kick memeber and well nothing you could do about it.

    So yeah there is a structure in the allaince ether way. But better to be one that is agreed dont you think
    or is this another players wanting to control the new features again and green will win out once again.

    The fact still remain the guild is located in LR so under the current game setting that meen the guild IS
    LR and thoes player are citizens and have to abide by thoes rules. In order for any guild to mine the resorces of a land
    they need to be a member or have a contractual agreement with the leaders of that land and run under the rules of said land
    it does not matter if they like it or not. When the guild was said to be based in LR that basic rule was well known so
    any one applying to that guild knows the rules and what was comming.

    So now i have said my bit i am sure neg rep will follow and more moaning and complaining and
    oh the wonderful you hate me and i wont talk because you are winning the argument crap.

    We are currently sorting out a management system, and i would ask you all to have some patience, we have been established less than a day, plz give us some time. Don't expect miracles, we are as new to this new feature as everyone else. It seems everyone expects us to be brilliant and while we will try i think you should give us at least a week before judging

    And as for this supposition of alts i would like to say that this is insubstantial suposition and that nationality is not proof or even grounds for such supposition
  5. Upvote
    Sephirah Caelum reacted to Firsanthalas in Woodcutters   
    I just want to make something clear here. I am in no way trying to interfere with the work of the guild and how they manage the resources they harvest. How they do that and what they do with them will be their business as far as I understand the idea of the guild. I may make a request at times (which will be a request and nothing more). But I am concerned that the guild operates properly and is not held up in doing its work due to internal squabbling or politics. As I said earlier, it is part of Loreroot and therefore there are wider implications to the land. But we are not talking about the function of the guild here. As Yrth said, there has to be a leader, at least mechanically. Remember, the Guardians of the Root have two leaders, but one still has to occupy the top spot so to speak. And there needs to be considerations to invites into the alliance. Currently anyone can simply invite a mate in with a higher loyalty and they can boot everyone else out. Letting things drag on could be bad and that was and is my concern. That is all.
  6. Upvote
    Sephirah Caelum reacted to Yrthilian in Woodcutters   
    Well i knew this was going to happen as i said before

    now a new feature is going to be spoiled by people sticking their nose in places they should not.
    The fact that this guild was just dumped in a land and no organisation was put in plave make this a very messy idea
    the fact that even some memeber of that new guild are posiable filled with player alts is also another matter.

    I also wonder at the fact that the members are also all England location players this is unusuale even to me
    since i have not ever seen any organisation in game all from the same location this hints at alts to me.
    But that is just me i suppose.

    See now things are going to be made worse over a new feature that has just been released without organising
    some sort of proper setup. I really think this could have been done in a much better way. The guild setup how ever
    the guild decided i dont care about it is foolish to think that all memebr have equal say as they cant it is not in the
    game mechanics to allow for that. someone is leader in the guild and they have more ablity that the rest it is as simple
    as that. the leader can decide on a whim to kick memeber and well nothing you could do about it.

    So yeah there is a structure in the allaince ether way. But better to be one that is agreed dont you think
    or is this another players wanting to control the new features again and green will win out once again.

    The fact still remain the guild is located in LR so under the current game setting that meen the guild IS
    LR and thoes player are citizens and have to abide by thoes rules. In order for any guild to mine the resorces of a land
    they need to be a member or have a contractual agreement with the leaders of that land and run under the rules of said land
    it does not matter if they like it or not. When the guild was said to be based in LR that basic rule was well known so
    any one applying to that guild knows the rules and what was comming.

    So now i have said my bit i am sure neg rep will follow and more moaning and complaining and
    oh the wonderful you hate me and i wont talk because you are winning the argument crap.
  7. Upvote
    Sephirah Caelum reacted to That Other Guy in Idea For Resource-Based Guild   
    [quote][2010-08-02 22:43:27 - Stage 10]
    A new type of items will be seen in the realm in the next days. "consumable" items such as candies will be given out for testing, feel free to do whatever you liek with them and discuss possible use of such items. Right now they give a "sugarlevel" skill just for the test but they could do anything almost. DO NOT TRADE CONSUMABLE ITEMS YET, they are out just for testing and i will remove them later, or do unwanted changes to them. Consumable items will vanish when used. They will also appear different in the inventory. Item creating items are also out for testing, this time a candy box that is giving candies, but more to come. Once the features will be ready, enhanced items will be given out for good to players that deserve them. Ailith is helping me plan their names and usage so talk to her if you have ideas that could be used.[/quote]

    I'm not too sure on how good people are at basic logic, but this more or less all ties in together. I am rather surprised that A vet like Pamplemousse would be taking such a route rather than contact the person(s) who have actually been working in regards to this ([u]Yes to spell it out:[/u] Item usage and resource guilds are tied in together!) [b][i]*GASP*[/i][/b]

    Maybe I am looking too deeply into this but to me this just seems like the common sense regard into this [i]"new feature"[/i] that is being used for personal PR reasons to hog some glory.

    [u][b]Common Sense:[/b][/u] 0 // [b][u]Powermonging:[/u][/b] 1

    Just my opinion.
  8. Upvote
    Sephirah Caelum reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Idea For Resource-Based Guild   
    [quote name='pamplemousse' date='10 August 2010 - 09:01 PM' timestamp='1281470462' post='65668']
    I appreciate your opinion, but as I stated, this was merely a suggestion, an idea, not a request for power or a shining path to glory. I had no idea when I posted this that anyone else was working on a similar idea. It is my opinion that MD is a community where people can share thoughts and suggestions in a public forum, such as this, and collaborate on any number of plans to create something interesting and worthwhile. Thank you for your candor.

    I think considering your role, the fact that you are MP6 and the items you have already acquired via various means it is understandable and perfectly clear why that other guy has said what he said, you would definitely and obviously gain power out of something like this especially by being the one to suggest it should it get implimented (which as a very basic idea its pretty obvious it would probably be on the cards). Not that I mind, but pretending you won't to save face and disparage a post is just silly. In addition to that, it does seem strange for you as a well known and active vet to claim you had no idea anyone else was working on Guild Plans and Ideas that might be like this when there is clearly a very recent announcement saying otherwise and a thread stating it is being worked on with the addition of the word "alchemy" - or should we assume you just didnt understand what has been going on? I find it odd you didn't reply to Ailith in this post which only makes it seem stranger, and kind of disrespectful all in all.

    Seeing as it hasn't been requested, if you really didn't know and thought guilds weren't already set and wanted to discuss possible guild ideas, this wouldn't be a thread all about your guild idea and what you hope gets implimented but more about what everyone's ideas are and what they might hope for. Just my op.

  9. Upvote
    Sephirah Caelum got a reaction from Sharazhad in Happy Birthday Sharazhad!   
    [color="#FF00FF"]Happy Birthday Sharazhad !!!![/color]
  10. Downvote
    Sephirah Caelum got a reaction from Sasha Lilias in Recruitment Flier   
    Name: [size="3"][i]Sephirah Caelum[/i][/size]

    MP-Class: [size="3"][i]MP4[/i][/size]

    Age: [size="3"][i]124 active days[/i][/size]

    Main Principle:[size="3"][i]Transposition[/i][/size]

    Reason for applying:[size="3"][i] As maid, I could be helpful taking care of The Tribunal.[/i][/size]
  11. Upvote
    Sephirah Caelum got a reaction from phantasm in Recruitment Flier   
    Name: [size="3"][i]Sephirah Caelum[/i][/size]

    MP-Class: [size="3"][i]MP4[/i][/size]

    Age: [size="3"][i]124 active days[/i][/size]

    Main Principle:[size="3"][i]Transposition[/i][/size]

    Reason for applying:[size="3"][i] As maid, I could be helpful taking care of The Tribunal.[/i][/size]
  12. Upvote
    Sephirah Caelum got a reaction from phantasm in Shadow's Quest   
    Ok, this is my plan:

    Since we can't see where the Shadow stays when isn't possessing someone, we can only wait the next victim.
    After discover victim, we should carry she/he to the underground, to the place that receives the sunlight next to the Gazebo of Chaos, and imobilize the person bellow the sunlight, with a rope, or chain or a straitjacket. This way will have a halo of light around the possessed and below her/him, will stay the shadow. By one hand the shadow will stay stronger at the circle, the sun's light is responsable for make the shadow stronger, but at other hand it will be concetrated and in full presence.

    In front of the victim will stay Phantasm into the darkness locked inside a cage with a magnifying glass on his hand, the cage will stay close to the light halo just enough to let his hands at the light when stretched.

    Alone with the possessed and with the magnifying, Phantasm will concentre part of the sun light into a point and points it to the shadow, this point of light won't give strength to the shadow but only pain, and this way will weaken the shadow and let it very stressed.

    I noted that the shadow stay tied to the victim until the person be able to release itself or be released by someone or something. Being the one who is harming the shadow and the only person around, makes Phantasm the only target to the anger of the shadow. With the arm in the light will be easier to the shadow reaches Phantasm and, if I'm not wrong, complete darkness can weaken the shadow so the darkness around the light halo could prevent the shade to escape for another place. Doing this Phantasm will untie the shadow from the victim.

    Once the shadow reaches Phantasm, will have a moment before he be completely possessed, with this he hides inside the cage away of the light and warns about his success.

    With the warning people will come to release the victim, they will also cover the cage with a dark and heavy piece of cloth and carry to the Gazebo of Chaos. In complete darkness Phantasm will be able to defeat his own shadow ... I hope.

  13. Upvote
    Sephirah Caelum got a reaction from Windy in The Sisterhood   
    [font="Arial Black"][color="#FF00FF"]Sephirah Caelum is a sister!!![/color][/font]
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