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Sasha Lilias

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Posts posted by Sasha Lilias

  1. pouch_with_6_dice.png                                                                                                                                                                                                      pouch_with_6_dice.png


    Welcome to the MagicDuel lottery!




    How to play!


    - Buy entry of 1sc per "ticket".


    - Then choose 6 numbers between 1 and 6


    - Pay silver to *Sasha Lilias* and message her your numbers.


    - Look out for the announcement of the numbers rolled each Sunday.


    - Check to see if your numbers match...


    - Collect your winnings!





    Winning numbers!


    Winning numbers must be in the the exact order they are produced.




    *Sasha Lilias* throws 6 dice and gets 3,5,4, 2, 2, 3


    Player A's numbers -  3,5,4,2,2,3 = Win!

    Player B's numbers - 3,2,4,2,5,3 = Lose!


    Players must get all 6 numbers correct and in order to win.







    1 Winner: The lucky winner shall receive the full pot of silver! And a choice of one other reward from myself!


    2 Winners: Split reward of the silver. 1st player to hand in winning ticket (message me) will get first choice of extra reward.


    More than 2 winners: Equal shares of total pot.






    Allow for one wrong number - 1sc


    Player A's numbers -  3,5,4,2,2,6 = Win!

    Player B's numbers - 3,2,4,2,5,3 = Lose!


    Allow for two wrong numbers - 2sc


    Player A's numbers -  3,5,4,2,1,6 = Win!

    Player B's numbers - 3,2,4,2,5,3 = Lose!


    Allow for three wrong numbers - 5sc


    Player A's numbers -  3,5,4,5,1,2 = Win!

    Player B's numbers - 3,2,4,2,5,3 = Lose!


    Premium ticket! 


    Get only two correct numbers in a row!


    Player A's numbers -  3,5,2,6,6,1 = Win!

    Player B's numbers - 3,2,4,2,5,3 = Lose!




    Extras will apply for all bought tickets.




    ~ Sasha Lilias, Ghost of Fortune.



    The Small Print


    - Entries will not be accepted after 00:00ST Saturday evenings and will begin 00:00ST Sunday.


    - Should more than one person win, the pot shall be split evenly between the winners.


    - If the coins cannot be split evenly between players then the excess coins shall roll over to the next draw.


    - Players can choose to keep previous tickets for free or pay to change them for the next draw.


    - If no players win then all coins, tickets and extras shall roll over to the next draw. (You play until someone wins!)


    - 5 tickets max per player. (Only 1 premium per player)


    - Alts are allowed however:


    ~ Entry fee must be paid from the account the ticket is for.

    ~ Winnings may only go to the account holding the ticket.

    ~ Tickets will counted per player, not per account.


    The odds of winning are as follows:


    Basic tickets: 1 / 46,656

    Basic + 1 extra:  1 / 7,776

    Basic + 2 extras: 1 / 1,296

    Basic +3: 1 / 1 / 396


    Premium: 1 / 36



    - Entering this means you accept that you are not  guaranteed to win and that this is a form of gambling.

    Please remember to gamble responsibly.

    pouch_with_6_dice.png                                                                                                                                                                                                    pouch_with_6_dice.png

  2. I am looking to exchange a GG Drachorn for the following items.


    • 100 x Water
    • 100 x Unidentified Herbs
    • 100 x Toxic herbs
    • 100 x Lumber
    • 100 x Wiiya (or 10 x Wiiya bubbles)
    • 50 x Sand
    • 50 x Timless Dust

    The first to offer all of the above will receive the drachorn.


    I will not be accepting any less of any item but should you wish to offer more of any item, you may do so. If you don't have all the items required, shop around a bit if you wish to place an offer.


    Bidding will end with first valid offer.




    Edit: Could the topic title please be renamed to "Trading for resources" please. Thank you.

  3. Name: *Sasha Lilias*

    ID: 148016

    Some ideas I've had:


     Knator's claw 

     -Looks like one of those creatures broke a nail. Oh dear.


    Flower petals

    - A little pouch filled with pretty little petals.


    Walking stick

    - A nicely carved walking stick but a little too short for you to use...


    Reed hat

    - Woven from reeds it makes a nice little hat to wear, even if it does look a little silly...


    Pouch of charms

    - A silk bag containing hand carved charms made from bone.


    Sun lotion

    - A lotion created using grasan fat. Said to ward off sunburn...and most living things as well.


    Silver faucet

    - A tap. Probably broken off by a careless adventurer...


    Fishing gnome

    - A sweet little garden gnome with rosy cheeks and a little fishing rod.


    Singing gnome

    - A diva garden gnome in the making! Sports a fancy hairdo and a shiny microphone.


    Sleeping gnome

    - A tired little garden gnome. Look like gardening wore him out!


    Plain gnome

    - A simple garden gnome. As boring as the owner.


     Dismembered gnome

    -A garden gnome for the slightly more twisted. Comes with limbs pre-separated for easy placement.


    Murf gnome

    - A blue garden gnome with white pants and hat. Completely original in design...


    Book of pressed butterflies.

    - Someone took flower pressing to the next level...Lots of pretty colours though.


    Wooden stool

    -A wooden stool. You can sit on it, stand on it, hit people with it...the possibilities are endless!


    Children's detective set

    - Whoever said you're too old to play dress-up was wrong! Everything you need to be the next Sherlock Holmes!


    Pinhole camera

    - A Golemus inventor claims that this device can capture images of people. How fascinating!


    Perfume bottle

    - A nice perfume bottle made from glass. Now all you need is something to put in it!


    Golden locket

    - A beautifully crafted locket in which there is space to hold a picture of your loved one(s).


    Fluffy scarf

    - Made from 0% cotton and 100% plant fibre, this scarf is as fluffy as wire wool! (Caution: May cause irritation.)


    Taser schematics 1

    - Blueprints "borrowed" from the Golemus lab. Doesn't seem to show all the steps.


    Taser schematics 2

    - Blueprints "borrowed" from the Golemus lab. Doesn't seem to show all the steps.


    Taser schematics 3

    - Blueprints "borrowed" from the Golemus lab. Doesn't seem to show all the steps.


    Taser schematics 4

    - Blueprints "borrowed" from the Golemus lab. Doesn't seem to show all the steps.


    Taser schematics 5

    - Blueprints "borrowed" from the Golemus lab. Doesn't seem to show all the steps.


    Candy sculpture

    - A little Christmas sculpture made from candy! Rather sticky to touch...


    Fat sculpture

    - A sculpture made from grasan fat. Seems to have melted slightly and is now deformed...


    Stone sculpture

    - A little desk sized sculpture made from chiselled stone. Could be used as a paper weight.


    Glass sculpture

    - Glass expertly crafted into an abstract shape. What could you possibly do with it?


    Chess set

    -  A nice little chess set. Annoyingly it seems to be missing two pieces... 




    some are ok, i had to remove some not because they are not good but because they will be unusable in the form i will need them

  4. It does make me laugh how two of the biggest depleters/hoarders feel the need to justify their actions...




    Really? Greed is not good? How about greed for life, greed for knowledge, greed for love?  Are those bad as well?


    And you just hit the puddle with the stick by quoting the Bible: No one is an atheist :P.


    Ok, your  :Drole is one of giving. Who made you in charge to dictate the others'  roles? Maybe No one's role is one of a hoarder.


    How ignorant is this, sorry?


    1) Any of form of greed is not good. (Read what Aeo put above so I don't need to repeat)


    2) I am atheist, it means nothing though.


    3) I am not dictating. I am trying to enforce because of my role. Doesn't it make sense that I'd be against it?


    Read before you bite.


    As for your reply No One, I'll reply to all that tomorrow when I have time.

  5. I agree with a majority of your post although I still don't see the need for hoarding and depleting when the things you're about haven't actually been implemented yet. It's purely down to greed.


    As for:

    And no sasha, you couldn't forever throw toadspeak because that's considered as LHO spell, burning it out on someone because of your frustration for example without good reason is bad thing, as LHO you should know that. (however throwing it here and there for giggles and not to "harm" anyone on purpose is okay I guess)


    Also, please don't bring religion into this, thankies.


    1) I use toadspeak as an example of something that is in the game, something I have access to (whether it be through LHO or spellstones), this doesn't mean I'm going to use it. Purely an example. 


    2) I bring only a fraction of religion as to help solidify that greed is bad, not just something that I am "making it up to be". I could quote from Buddhism if you like? Or even general philosophy on the subject? The seven deadly sins just jumped to mind as a proof for "moral standing".


    ah yes... hmm.. 

    lets put it this way... war is a form of population control that happens naturally (out of greed, hate, etc)

    depletion, is a form of resource distribution control , that happens naturally (out of greed, envy, etc)


    if i fail to present my philosophical point in this, i could elaborate.


    more elaborated:

    - as a player...i don't really understand the point of depletion, its cruel and frustrating

    - as a land leader/quest creator, i hate it, i would fight strongly to prevent it

    - as ..well..me... i see its crucial play in the overall dynamics of md world..such a post being one of them too.


    what will be done, probably

    a more powerful method to prevent depletion by well organised groups. Why? simply to balance group efforts with individual efforts. Its easy for a single person to deplete, should be a group effort to prevent it. A fight between ones will to do something and others ability to get organized and fight it. 


    Please don't see this as "It's pointless and why are we even able to deplete?"


    I understand fully that it is part of the game dynamics, but that doesn't mean it has to be tolerated does it? Just recently, DD experienced frustration with a "game dynamic". He didn't sit back and take it, he and his friends fought against it as they thought it was wrong. (Sorry to use you as an example DD!)


    At the end of the day this whole subject comes down to personal opinion, which is fine! But I severely dislike greed and this what I see depletion as (usually due to the fact the one's depleting are the ones hoarding...). So I will do what I see fit to prevent it.



    what will be done, probably

    a more powerful method to prevent depletion by well organised groups. Why? simply to balance group efforts with individual efforts. Its easy for a single person to deplete, should be a group effort to prevent it. A fight between ones will to do something and others ability to get organized and fight it. 


    As I said:  "A revolution begins with one."

  6. A lot of moralism in your post, Sasha, when the action of resource depletion is simply another part of the game. I find it hard to see how right and wrong plays a part in this issue (at least here on the forum).  


    That said, I look forward to seeing some creative "punishments" enacted.


    It is a part of the game, yes, I agree. That doesn't mean that it is something you must do? I could forever throw toadspeak or silver tongue, movelock or attack lock at people just because I have the ability to and it's "part of the game". Does that make it correct? Something that should be tolerated?


    This isn't so much about the morals of the act, but more the morals of the actions the player takes.


    Greed is not a good thing. In fact in the bible it is one of the "Seven deadly sins". Whether it be in a game or in real life, I will never see greed or selfishness as a "good" thing. 


    My role is one of giving. To judge others how I see fit and to then reward them if I deem them worthy. As such I (and my character) are very much against greed.


    Seems only fitting I should judge the fortune of the bad as well as the good...

  7. I wander around daily, silently watching resources and those gathering them. On each of these days I see a "usual culprit" depleting resources. This baffles me as I think to myself "Why do it?"


    Firstly let's look at a few announcements: 


    [spoiler]Ann. 1923 - [2011-07-12 23:29:56 - Stage 10] - Permalink - 
    Resource regeneration delay when depleted
    Resources will have a regeneration period if they drop to zero. During this period they will grow by fractions and you won't be able to gather them till they reach at least one full resource point. This means that whenever a location gets completely deplete of a resource, it will take about 3 days for that resource to start increasing again. Remember, the bigger the source is the faster it will grow. why? "greed control, sabotaje opportunities, efficiency planning".[/spoiler]

    [spoiler]Ann. 1585 - [2010-08-10 05:32:37 - Stage 10] - Permalink - 
    Resource items don't transfer like normal items. You can give them to others, even take them by ITC codes, but they will group together. For example if player A has 15 wood and player B has 30 wood, player A can only send his entire amount of wood , not fractions, to player B. After the transfer, player B will have 45 wood, undividable! The amount of resources of one type comes written in front of the resource name.[/spoiler]


    So, firstly, as we can see above, depleting resources actually prevents effective gathering. So you're hindering, not helping, yourself. You'll actually be able to collect more if you allow the area time to regenerate it's "stock". But...


    Why don't we allow this?


    It's simple. Greed.


    Certain players feel the need to harvest all resources for themselves and hoard them.It's almost becoming a competition of stealing the last resource for yourself. In fact, today, this was said to me and it honestly made me shake my head: "and how do you think that I gathered my 20k+ herbs ? by letting other get them ? if I stop getting herbs ... someone else will"


    Is this what it's come down to? A competition? "Grab it before someone else does"? 


    This brings me to my second point:


    What's wrong with giving others a fair chance?


    Is it that hard to push aside greed for a second and think "Ok. So I have (for example) 20k herbs. Perhaps I can sit back a bit and let others collect."? Would it be so wrong to allow someone to spend some of their time collecting those resources, gaining some extra stats, rather than spending their silver on it? 

    I once had someone say to me "I am not a hoarder"...they said holding over 1k of memory stones. Now, as we all can read, resources can't be split down into bundles and I can't imagine many people buying 1k of memory stones...can you?


    If we stood back for a second and realised that greed doesn't have to rule us, that we are a community and can quite easily act as one, then people could be a bit happier. (I mean this in a general aspect of greed, not just resource hoarding.)


    Depleting resources lowers the regeneration time by 3 days, whereas I'm sure if you wait one extra day there will be 2/2 resources again? Yes, so someone else may take that one, but you're more likely to get on one of the ones that regenerates daily rather than the meagre one that regenerates every 3 days? Depleting a resource lowers the chances for anyone to grab it's type. 




    It infuriates me, watching people deplete a resource and then to have the audacity to hoard it for themselves!

    I would understand it far more if they actually sold or even gave their resources away (yes I know, "Give it away?!", how dare I suggest such a thing?) But they don't. They rack up hundreds and thousands of a particular resource for what reason? Currently the only item that needs s huge amount of resources to create it is the sandcastle. Even then sand is a byproduct, not a major resource.




    Hate me for this if you wish; call me ignorant, deluded, foolish, negative rep me, kill me, teleport me somewhere...blah blah. 


    Do as you please.


    As from now on, however, I will be placing my own "punishment" on those that I find depleting. And, yes, you may say "What's she gonna do? HAHAH!", but the fact is:


    It's more than what the rest of you are doing.


    A revolution starts with one.


    Let's see what your fortune grants you.



    (End rant)

  8. So, to take this in a slightly different direction, I present to you first a "map" of MD (or so it was labeled in my media library), and also a map of MD as it was a few years ago, when the east was only partly open. The map was made entirely from memory at the time, and included a full map of the laberynth, which is blacked out in this version of the image. (feel free to remove it if it's *too* big of a spoiler)








    Good lord...you really are bored aren't you!?  :))

  9. Ghost of fortune


    A ghost said to have died with 

    inconceivable wealth. Prove your

    worth and she may just impart

    some of that wealth upon you...




    You awake to find a young girl talking to, what seems to be, empty air.


    You look around, confused, wondering how you got here. Where even is "here"?

    You stand up, brush yourself off and make your way towards the girl, looking around the area with confused eyes.


    As you walk closer towards the girl you realise there is a faint mist in the air before her. 

    Intrigued, you step a little closer, now only a few feet away. With bewildered eyes, you realise that she wasn't talking to the air after all! For before her...is a woman. 


    You scratch your head with confusion, Only seconds ago there was no one there. But now? Well now there, although a little hazy, stands a woman. You snap out of your confusion as your hear their voices, talking to one another:


    "So...what exactly is a "Ghost of fortune" and how do you "prove your worth"? I mean...who are you to even judge my worth?!"


    "Well, my dear. I am a ghost... one that brings fortune."


    You hear her let out a little soothing laugh and the girl speaks with annoyance.


    "Be serious! Don't treat me like a child!"


    The woman chuckles


    " I watch, I learn and I set goals in my mind, for those I see potential in. If I feel they complete said goal...I reward them."


    She smiles,


    "You ask who am I to judge them? I am no one but myself.Which is why I do not force my views upon others, nor do I expect them to feel the same way as I do.

    As an individual I may judge someone how I see fit."


    "We all do this, every day of our lives. You, myself...that person there..."


    You look behind you as she gestures your way. 

    Seeing no one there you suddenly realise she was pointing at you, your cheeks becoming crimson as you realise.


    The woman continues.


    "We judge others and choose how we act towards them upon those judgements. The only difference to what I do is that I reward them when they meet or surpass the goal I set for them; whether they know what the goal is or not."


    The girl stands up, firmly grasping a teddy in one hand.


    "But that doesn't help me! If I want something then what do need to do?! Why can't you just give me something if you've got so much?!"


    You see the ghostly woman shake her head.


    "Some times you must find out your own wishes before you can hope for them to come true."


    You watch as the woman holds out her hands, mist from her form slowly reaching out towards them.

    A few seconds later the mist settles and you see a thick tome held open before her.


    "Although, with that said, not all wishes are made to come true..."


    The woman strokes the pages of the books before looking at the girl once more.


    "But you said you were going to give me a gift?!"


    The little girl shouts indignantly. 


    "Life is the only gift you need. Cling to it and do not let it go. For when it's gone...you will not realise what you have lost."


    You hear the girl begin her protest but, before a full word leaves her lips, tendrils of mist fly from the open tome.

    Your eyes widen in horror as you watch them pierce into the girls chest. Without hesitation you run forward, arms reached out to try and save the child but, before you can reach her, there is a blinding flash of light! 



    Blinded you yelp, covering your eyes to try and protect them.


    Seconds pass before the light dies down. Cautiously you move your arms a little and open your eyes.

    Realising the light has faded completely you put your arms back down by your side and look around the area for the girl, but she's no where to be seen?


    That's when you hear the voice behind you...


    "Hello dear."


    You turn around to see the ghostly woman stood before you.


    "Welcome to what some call 'Limbo'."


    Your eyes widen again and she grins,


    "It's time to get you home."




    Edit: Forgot about the "RP" rules on forum. Shall edit when I have time, to abide this rule.

  10. i am also not certain if this should be feature or not..... i'll observe this discussion for now.


    Tag value will be determined by how much time you spent keeping it active, and there will also be other ways to increase its score...so question is..should someone that had such a tag, hard enough to get, be granted a chance to turn it into a role or not...at least thats how i see it for now


    I think Mur perhaps means keeping it active through illusion, so your points would only increase whilst maintaining that specific illusion.


    I may be wrong though, so please do correct if I am!



    In my opinion though:


    Illusion: Nounan instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience.


    An illusion is temporary, an "instance", not something that is permanent. If you plan on turning an illusion into a permanent role then make it extremely hard. Make it so the illusion must be maintained for an extraordinarily long time. That way it is no longer an illusion, it will have become a reality.

  11. It has not been said that this "award" cannot be bought, but then it hasn't been said how this achievement can be obtained other than significant "666" related achievements.


    As it says;


    Ann. 3282 - [2015-01-07 15:01:33 - Stage 12] - Permalink - Posted By Chewett 

    No one have been given the Mark of the Beast achievement for harvesting 6666 flowers ingame by giving them one by one to dst [ref]. Significant 666 related achievements can be posted in the Extreme MagicDuel thread for review. Just because someone has achieved the achievement through one specific method does not mean we will grant it for doing the same thing.


    From what I see there is no set way of obtaining the achievement. So how the award is given is left open to be decided by those with the power.


    Though I doubt buying one lot items to get 666 will meet the standards. Perhaps buying 666 of all resources? That would take a bit more effort...







    Underground doesn't once connect with Golemus.


    It reaches the waterline perhaps, but not the actual land. It actually connects to NML; consider it "steps" leading up just away from under the bridge.


    However, I believe this is very much offtopic to what DD wishes people to discuss here. Perhaps move to another forum subsection if you wish to talk about the land's in general and their connection.



  13. He's been moved up to Neurology now and they're going to see what sort of tumour it is. He had another fit earlier this afternoon but is resting well for now.


    Thank you for your wishes guys. Although we may not know each other personally...it means a lot.


    This why we're a "family".


    Will let you know more when we find out.  :(

  14. On Tuesday morning a very close friend (like a brother to me) was rushed into hospital after having a fit in his room. He later had two more episodes of fitting and tests showed a large mass in his brain. Doctors are speculating that it is likely to be a tumour, though we are currently awaiting for him to go up the Neurology department.


    Some of you may know him as he also used to play the game when he lived with me; Chris AKA "Mcvities Shadow". 


    This is a very tough time for both of us as neither of us have anyone else close to us in family terms, so I am going to be spending near all my time with him from now until we are certain what it is and depending on how he is coping.


    This is not me leaving MD, far from it, all quests will continue running and I will do my best to get on as much as possible..but family first.


    I apologise if I have been rash with any in the last few days...but this hasn't helped. I'm sorry.






    I didn't had a bad experiance with the tutorial. But it might be just me, one of the 10%


    I am sad to see MD strugling. Maybe because I am relatively new to MD I can compromise with the changes. But there will be the elitist old timers, they are always present in every game.

    I wish I had joined MD while it was in it's prime. :(


    Oh and for the old ones. Don't go "Back in the old days..." on new players  :P


    You know, back in the old days we weren't so old...


    Don't worry Mur, players will keep splitting themselves into elite vet groups just like they did before.


    Don't worry. We'll have the Elite Vets, VetsNoob VetsOldies and Noobs. That gives you quite a range of groups to work your way through. ;)  

  16. Commenting purely on the morality of giving favours:


    I myself have asked for a few favours, in exchange for something. Usually this is granted, which of course makes me happy, makes me think "Great! I can further my role in MD a bit more, have a bit more influence and actually help others more than I could before!".


    For example:


    Trading Mur's leash for DS to be revived: I had many hopes for this and had hoped that the guild itself could be filled with all sorts of various roles to do with travelling, as that is essentially what the DS is meant for, especially with how things have progressed now!

    You could have cartographers, viscosity experimenters, item charters, all sorts! 


    The tome of solidified mist:  Was to not only further my role as a character but to also help persuade others to role play more, especially during death. Making revivals more of a "community thing" again. Dark Demon can testify for the fact of RP purposes.


    All these were not just for my own personal delight. They both encompass helping others and, at the same time, furthering my role.


    So, my views are; so long as it fits within boundaries such as role, personal abilities, confinements of the game, etc and is not purely for greed or selfish reasons, favours are a good thing in moderation. It keeps a spark alive. No doubt most of us will have had a favour in the form of something. If not? Well, there's still time!



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