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  1. Upvote
    Lania reacted to gonzalocsdf95 in are saying?   
    Some will say that I always drawing archers, my answer is that I have a soft spot for them   :D  :D  :D  :D
  2. Upvote
    Lania reacted to gonzalocsdf95 in are saying?   
    I had long without showing something else (printer problems), but has now been fixed and will be showing some more drawings  :D
  3. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Ary Endleg in Mur(phy)'s law of MD   
    Strange that such topic haven't been opened so far. Here it goes.
    The shortest way always requires more AP.
    Teamwork is essential, it gives you somebody to put a blame on.
    Player traces lead both ways, you will usually go the wrong way, into the viscosity.
    Locate spell doesn't work on person you need to find.
    The thing you need can't be obtained, when you don't need it's easily obtainable.
    No matter which way you are heading it's always into the viscosity.
    When you're feeling social, everybody is idle.
    For every atempt to do something there is an equal and opposite forum criticism.
    If enough data is collected Dst can prove anything.
    The tough part of being a leader is that people don't know what they want but they know what they don't want.
    Stealing information is called research.
    The perfect person for any job, usually public one, will show up day after possition was filled by somebody else.
    Every chat conversation, PM, anno and forum post which can be misunderstood, will be.
    The only people you can win against in combat are always in sanctuary.
    There is always a way to accomplish anything, it usually doesn't work.
    Success happens when outcome is unimportant, failure always occurs in life and death situations.
    Viscosity is not neutral.
    Shared items that are supposed to work together can't be carried that way.
    If you need council urgently, take a nap for a week or so. If matter is barely of any significane reply will come in 5 minutes.
    When you need help from LHO, your question will be assigned to an idle one.
    If you go to grab a shared item, somebody took it before you.
    Accurate regen timer, isn't.
    Friendly poke, isn't.
    Shared items, aren't.
    Lock spells, don't.
    Only players that give positive honor can't be attacked.
    When you feel like fighting, it's DOT.
    If you need to gather some resources and if you somehow got the tool to do it, they are already deplated.
    The good tokens won't work because you have picked one wrong principle.
    In MD something will always get bugged out of the blue. Usually when you least expect it and can't afford it.
    Exotic creature you always wanted is put on sale only after you have spend your coins on stuff you didn't wanted in first place.
    If you are winning in auction, somebody will outbid you by 1 silver in last moment or you will be 1 silver short to outbid the other person.
    If you mail council with super important and long mail, due to technical reasons mail won't ever reach them and your copy will be lost.
    The only time Dst is watching is when you do something bad and never when somebody does something bad to you.
    Effort and time needed to do and fix things are always inversly proportional to effort and time Chew can invest.
    MD will always critcally break when Mur and Chew aren't there to fix it.
    Game notifications always glitch into an endless loop of annoyance.
    Land weapons, aren't.
    You are always 1 AP short for moving to next scene.
    Free stuff, aren't.
    When it's about free credits you are always 1 cent short from buying the thing you really want in shop.
    If you are doing very well in a WP quest, somebody else is doing even better.
    If you think you're about to win the quest, you're mistaken.
    If other player has only one freeze it will always freeze your drach, your antifreezes will fail no matter what.
    If you have max number of freezes you will freeze everything except the creature that matters.
    Basically you are always short of something by 1, be it resource or stats.
    If you are selling it's always underpriced, if you are buying it's always overpriced.
    If you can misclick, you will.
    The first place you go to harvest resources is always deplated.
    Lifesteal is a contradiction, ele and daimon always die, drach always remains standing. Same goes with aimed hit.
    Each time you pray heat to your protector erolin device ends in 499 (or 249 for MP4s).
    About to cast a spell? Your heat is at 299.
    Each time you use your maxed combo ritual you are just asking for a disaster to happen.
    Need one more win to upgrade your creature? There is nobody you can win against and nobody wants to cooperate to help you. There is nobody left to fight. DOT is about to start.
    Finally you have everything ready to upgrade your creature? Just before you click upgrade your def will go random, that creature will be placed in random ritual and lose 1 mil heat.
    Spells wear off when you least expect them.
    If you cast a spell, eight minute spells last seven, if others cast them on you, they last nine.
    There is at least one achievement you won't ever be able to get.
    When you finally find training or RP partner, the next day that person goes inactive.
    Tea always gets cold right before you need it.
    Candies always melt right before you're to use them.
    All your issues will be resolved right when they no longer carry any importance.
    You will always burst right before your regen timer resets.
    People that you need regarding something are always in locations unreachable for you.
    When sacrificing useless creatures you will most likely misclick and say farwell to your windy or tainty.
    Target multiple never hits creatures that you want it to hit and always hit creats you prayed won't be hit, at least not that often or at least not in round 0.
    When you get some kind of reward, it's always what you don't need or not enough of what you do.
    You will always mess it up in last part of quest.
    There are the best kind of creatures for any fight, you won't ever have them.
    Irreproducable bugs will always happen to you and never to somebody else.
    When concerning kill and ressurct items, other person always has one more than you can handle.
    New player, isn't.
    You're not invincible, grinders and Dst take note.
    You've been logging in every day for past 4 years since you started playing and you're about to appear on active vets list? Tough luck because some fossil just came back out of blue. If your name is Amber, then 5 fossils.
    If Everyone is blaming you then there is No one to blame.
    edit 2:
    If somebody has access to MB buckets, he will inevitably take MDA ones. You guessed it 1 minute before you arrive all will be gone. Not that it matters because water is by some magic already depleted for whole week.
    Guess where you won't find skull.
    Every attempt to implement new game feature will result in it being stopped and delayed indefinitely or it will just fail to work.
  4. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday   
    Happy birthday! :D
  5. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday   
    Happy birthday on the double! :)
  6. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Bday Azull   
    Happy, happy birthday! :)
    Have a fun and memorable day!
  7. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Ary Endleg in The FCC and Net Neutrality: #StoptheSlowLane   
    As much as I know FCC is being forced to do so due to court decision that they have no right to enforce it. American politics are trying each year to subdue internet one way or another, it's embaressing.
  8. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in happy birthday Eagle Eye   
    Happy birthday, you sweet soul! :D
  9. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Nimrodel in The Onyx Bible-Results   
    Now that the Quest is over, Here is the list of winners and what they recieved:
    First place: dst - 1 Drachorn Melodic Charm, Choice of 1 crit from *Shemhazaj*'s inventory, 1 anni aramour, and 1 item - 'Kyuubi Figurine'
    Second Place - AmberRune - 1 Wishpoint, Choice of 1 crit from *Nimrodel*'s inventory, 1 anni aramour and 1 item - 'Kyuubi Figurine'
    Third Place - *Eara Meraia* -  1 wishpoint, 5g, 1 anni aramour, 1 item - 'Kyuubi Figurine'
    Fourth Place - *Clock Master* - 15g
    Special Mention: Lania - 2 gold, 1 anni aramour, choice of three spell stones from my inventory.
    *Burns* was rewarded with a anniversary aramour for his excellent coding skills.
    Special thanks to darkraptor for coding for one of the puzzles and Aelis for testing the quest and helping clear off many bugs.
    Videos: created using powtoons.
    Pictures- Witch Hunter Robin - Shuko Murase
    Music: Naruto Shippuden - Yasuharu Takanashi
    Important note (forgot to mention during the quest) - The winners 1-2 in this quest will not be able to participate in the next 2 RICA Quests. Winners 3-4 will not be able to participate in the next 1 RICA quest. 
    For those who want to know the story behind the scenes:
    After reading your reports, RICA conducted an extensive investigation regarding the conduct of its members. It was discovered that the real Ms. Tsukihime was already murdered and an impostor was put in her place in order to destroy the Onyx Bible. Who murdered Ms. Tsukihime and how is still a mystery. RICA is conducting in depth investigation regarding that. Any news about it, the retrievers shall be informed.
    Madam Mystique was arrested for leading the underground drug Market. Regretingly we have to inform that she has absconded. While RICA is on a search, any news regarding her whereabouts will be appreciated. Lippendorf and the blue caterpillar suspect that she is on a run to find out more about the real Ms. Tsukihime's death. Apparently they were really close.
    The shards of the Onyx Bible have been put together and it has been reconstructed. It now rests in a safe place.[/spoiler]
  10. Downvote
    Lania got a reaction from Rophs in Birthday Popularity Contest!   
    Maybe Burns should give it to Gljivoje. He probably needs it more than Tipu. (Sorry Tipu, but that's my opinion)
  11. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Sir Blut in The Never Repeating Word Challenge   
    Oh well. 
    Edit: The "power" was not with you on this one. 
  12. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from nadrolski in Happy Birthday   
    And a double happy birthday from me to you Nad and Clockmaster! :D
  13. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday   
    And a double happy birthday from me to you Nad and Clockmaster! :D
  14. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Ungod in The Never Repeating Word Challenge   
    Oh well. 
    Edit: The "power" was not with you on this one. 
  15. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Kyphis the Bard in 9th Birthday Quest - The Birthday Cake   
    Due to poor planning* my cake collapsed when removed from the baking dish. Aside from that it went pretty well. Photos soon.

    The cake consists of, from bottom to top:
    A 100% Vegan chocolate cake (hahaha, it may seem pointeless considering the other segments of cake, but it is seriously the most delicious thing I have ever tasted)
    Homemade Honeycomb (softcrack)
    Blackforest Cheesecake
    Homemade Jam (mixed berries, mostly raspberry)
    Cherries, to write out "9"
    Cherry Sauce thickened to be a Jelly Glaze.
    To accompany, my wife also made a 6 layer jelly (she actually made quite a few, one dish for everyone and the giant one to be hacked apart with the cake)
    Between the five of us we consumed all but the last pieces in 30 minutes :P
    Poor planning: I was using the pan my wife uses for cakes, instead of the dish that I normally use. I neglected to plan for getting the cake out of the dish after assembly, as my dish does not have any issues no matter the cake size. My wife just laughed at me when my mistake was realized. It was still delicious though.
  16. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Blackthorn in WTS Custom Avatars / Items   
    Female Dancer...http://storenow.net/my/?f=be8eeaa9b1625871a02bb475ce8fbfcc
    SOLD...to Assira the Black... who inspired this drawing
  17. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from John Constantine in Happy B-day Sunfire!   
    Happy Birthday, Sunny Spark! May your drinks be many and good and may you always get what you need! :)
  18. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy B-day Sunfire!   
    Happy Birthday, Sunny Spark! May your drinks be many and good and may you always get what you need! :)
  19. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Blackthorn in MB Quest 1 : "MD Meme Contest"   
  20. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Jubaris in MB Quest 1 : "MD Meme Contest"   
  21. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Ungod in MB Quest 1 : "MD Meme Contest"   
  22. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Chewett in Negative Reputation Spamming   
    You have the ability to give both positive and negative reputation on this forum. This is to be purely used to indicate your approval or disapproval of ideas and posts.

    It should not be used as a petty weapon against someone. Reputation spamming is the repeated downvoting of a persons posts systematically.

    MRAlyon has been warned against doing this, but continued to do so. I am exceptionally disappointed that he has continued to spam members on the forum just because he dislikes them. He even went as far to read the warnings and requests for the reasons of his reputation spamming. A LHO should know better than this and to act better but he did not and this is poor

    Hopefully from this we will be able to move forward as a community and accept that these petty squabbles do not help MD. Reputation is an arbitrary number and if you think reducing the value make you feel better than you are a very petty person.
  23. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Menhir in WOW   
  24. Downvote
    Lania got a reaction from Curiose in Temrael, a role-playing game for French-speaking players   
    Only one question from me. Would the developers of Temrael be happy if you would advertise Magicduel on their forum or in the space of their game?
  25. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Sir Blut in Temrael, a role-playing game for French-speaking players   
    Only one question from me. Would the developers of Temrael be happy if you would advertise Magicduel on their forum or in the space of their game?
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