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  1. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Sir Blut in MD 10th Birthday Quest - Day 7 - Carve a Path   
    Well, I said I should give carving a shot and here it is: icon Bob for Established housing scene. Carved in someone's favorite soap (sorry mom...)
    Back story: Stakeout for people in the house to fall asleep -> in awesome silence creep around the bathroom cabinet -> target the victim -> abduct the victim -> get job done - point of no return.  (murder tool in the picture)
  2. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Esmaralda in MD 10th Birthday Quest - Day 7 - Carve a Path   
    Well, I said I should give carving a shot and here it is: icon Bob for Established housing scene. Carved in someone's favorite soap (sorry mom...)
    Back story: Stakeout for people in the house to fall asleep -> in awesome silence creep around the bathroom cabinet -> target the victim -> abduct the victim -> get job done - point of no return.  (murder tool in the picture)
  3. Upvote
    Lania reacted to dst in MD 10th Birthday Quest -Day 7 MD Cake   
    Pomegranate seeds honey cake


    10 aromatic herbs
    10 water
    1 Pomegranate seeds
    1 Honey Lollipop
    1 Bag of maggoty flour
    1 Muled Wine
    3 Chocolate covered grasshopper

    Creating the cake:

    step 1 - pour the flour in the bowl
    step 2 - add  8 water and start mixing
    step 3 - add the aromatic herbs one by one
    step 4 - drink some wine while letting the mix breath
    step 5 - lick the lollypop
    step 6 - mix the water with the lollypop
    step 7 - wait for lollypop to melt
    step 8 - heat the water and honey until it becomes thick
    step 9 - add the thick honey to the cake mix
    step 10 - add the seeds to the cake mix
    step 11 - pour cake mix into the cake form
    step 12 - bake the cake
    step 13 - take the cake out and let it cool
    step 14 - decorate the cake with the grasshoppers
    step 15 - serve the cake
  4. Upvote
    Lania reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in MD 10th Birthday Quest -Day 7 MD Cake   
    Deceptive Hyper Cake
    Simple cake that will give you a super fused energy rush for birthday madness.
    5 unidentified plants
    10 water
    10 tea leaves
    5 fat
    1 winderwild egg
    5 sugared newt

    1 red candy
    1 wax beads
    1 string

    Candle mix:
    step 1 - melt red candy
    step 2 - melt wax beads
    step 3 - mix red sticky stuff with melted wax
    step 4 - pour mixture into candle shaper
    step 5 - place string sticking out of setting mixture
    step 6 - wait 1 hour
    step 7 - remove candle

    Cake mix:
    step 1 - shake the newts and collect the sugar
    step 2 - revive newts and let them escape
    step 3 - soak tea leaves in water and boil
    Step 4 - strain caffeine infused water
    step 5 - grind unidentified herbs into flour
    step 6 - mix flour, caffeine water, sugar and fat
    step 7 - break winderwild egg into mixture and whisk
    step 8 - pour mixture into baking tin
    step 9 - bake for 40 minutes
    step 10 - remove from oven
    step 11 - place candle on cake

  5. Upvote
    Lania reacted to dst in MD 10th Birthday Quest - Day 7 Design your Cake   
    My cake:

    And since the wish is not so visible I'll write it here: May you add a second zero to that number!
    And as usual, better view here:
  6. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Assira the Black in MD 10th Birthday Quest -Day 7 MD Cake   
    Assira 's Rum Cake
    2 blue candies
    2 red candies
    bottle of rum
    3 unidentified plants
    1 aromatic herb
    Heat the pan
    crush blue candies, add one unidentified plant and heat to make blue icing
    crush red candies and heat to make red syrup
    Mix red syrup, rum, unidentified plants, and aromatic herb.
    bake cake
    tap cake out of baking pan
    let cool
    coat top of cake with blue icing.
    Cut and serve
  7. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Nimrodel in MD 10th Birthday Quest -Day 7 MD Cake   
    Here's my recipe for an Upside down cake, commonly made with pineapples. HEre we'll be using bushies: 
    2 bushies
    3 rainbow candies
    2 sticky goop
    3 unidentified plants
    1 aromatic herb
    3 water
    Heat the pan
    Seed the bushies
    Crush candies
    Melt crushed candies with water
    Pour rainbow caramel into pan.
    Slice bushies and add them to the pan slightly dipping into caramel.
    Mix aromatic herbs, unidentified plants, sticky goop and water in a bowl.
    Pour over the candied bushies.
    Bake for 40 minutes.
    Invert the cake and cut into slices
  8. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Kaya in MD 10th Birthday Quest -Day 7 MD Cake   
    Here is my recipe for a very good bushy pie. It's a bit more difficult to make than normal cake, but once you taste it more than worth the trouble!
    Bushy pie

    2 Bushies
    1 Aromatic herbs
    2 Sticky goop
    1 Rainbow candy
    2 Unidentified plants
    2 Water

    The filling:
    Put the bushies, together with the herbs and the goop in a pan with just enough water to keep them covered and put them on a medium fire. While stirring allow the bushies to boil for roughly two minutes. Take the filling from the fire and let the it cool down. The filing should thicken as it cools down, if the filling becomes too thick, you can add some more water, if it remains too thin you should allow it to boil for a little longer.

    The crust:
    Now turn on the oven to let it warm up. Meanwhile take some grains and grind them to a nice floor. Now crush the rainbow candy and mix it together with the floor and the remainder of the water to a dry dough. Use about 3/4th of the dough to cover the bottom and sides of the cake form.

    Now poor the filling in the crust. Create long stripes from the remainder of the dough and weave them into a lattice on top of the pie. Put the cake in the oven and allow it to bake for about 45 minutes. Once the crust colours a golden brown take the pie out of the oven. Allow the pie to cool down before serving.
    (Ingame name is Samon. If wanted I could turn this into a cauldron compatible recipe :)  )
  9. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Myth in MD 10th Birthday Quest - Day 8 - Design a Deadly Weapon   
    Using my endless skills with Paint, I present to you, The Silent Killer.

    The upper part is a speaker, the middle is a chip containing information, and the bottom serves 2 purposes I’ll clear out a bit later. Its size is a few millimeters across. Water proof. Shock proof. EM shock proof. (because technology allows it :p)
    This weapon is not designed for the battlefield. It’s an assassination method as cruel as I could come up with. It requires lots of time, observation and preparation.
    Essentially, you observe your victim for as long as it takes to figure out what and who they hate most. When you have this information, you have that who is hated most by the target record themselves while speaking of everything the target hates the most. This information goes on the chip. Now, you have the weapon prepared.
    Next step is to wait for your target to be unaware. Catch them asleep and make sure they don’t wake up while you work your magic, or simply knock them out cold and work your way from there. After they’re in the mentioned position, carefully insert the device inside the ear, as close as possible to the earlobe. The legs will allow you to insert the object deep enough as to remain there, while the speaker makes it undetectable due to its skin like surface. The legs serve another purpose: they tap in to the electromagnetic field of the body and sustain the device for as long as there is such a field to tap into = for as long as your target lives. Insert into both ears for good measure.
    Now, you observe. Once they wake up, marvel at the maddening effect of hearing your most hated thoughts and dire regrets from the person you loathe the most. Eventually, self mutilation will occur. Suicide is what this will end in. The gore depends solely on your victim’s state of being, but I doubt it will be too pretty, whoever the target. If, however, death does not occur, you will have at least turned your target into a non person - at least mentally, they will die eventually.
    Refreshing… :D
    (edited for extra detail)
  10. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Rophs in Happy Birthday Rophs   
    Happy birthday, impertinent acorn. :P
  11. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Nimrodel in Queen of Sheba wants!   
    Here it is. Can't make the face so I just covered it up and liked it more like this. The mystery of Sheeba's beauty. :P
  12. Upvote
    Lania reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Queen of Sheba wants!   
  13. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Ungod in Queen of Sheba wants!   
    Here it is. Can't make the face so I just covered it up and liked it more like this. The mystery of Sheeba's beauty. :P
  14. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Lintara in Queen of Sheba wants!   
    Here it is. Can't make the face so I just covered it up and liked it more like this. The mystery of Sheeba's beauty. :P
  15. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Queen of Sheba wants!   
    Here it is. Can't make the face so I just covered it up and liked it more like this. The mystery of Sheeba's beauty. :P
  16. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Myth in Queen of Sheba wants!   
    Here it is. Can't make the face so I just covered it up and liked it more like this. The mystery of Sheeba's beauty. :P
  17. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Aeoshattr in Queen of Sheba wants!   
    Here it is. Can't make the face so I just covered it up and liked it more like this. The mystery of Sheeba's beauty. :P
  18. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from dst in Queen of Sheba wants!   
    Here it is. Can't make the face so I just covered it up and liked it more like this. The mystery of Sheeba's beauty. :P
  19. Upvote
    Lania reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Queen of Sheba wants!   
  20. Upvote
    Lania reacted to dst in Queen of Sheba wants!   
    My poem for the queen:
    Queeny queeny on the throne
    Why don't you leave us alone?
    You are classy, you are beauty
    But you lack the sense of duty!

    Oh our queen of true sky blue,
    What should we do now with you?
    We could serve you, we could please you
    But I'm afraid you'll cut us through!

    Queeny queeny  of the sky
    Go ahead and eat some pie!
    It will make you fat and happy
    So you will be a lot less snappy!

    Queeny queeny of the sea
    We love you to a degree.
    If you want us to love you more,
    Go and marry a wild boar!
  21. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Aeoshattr in Queen of Sheba wants!   
    My poem:
    The most elaborate of eyes,
    Poised and glazed with moist mysteries;
    A look itself shall be your prize
    As she tells you rich histories.
    Oh, beautiful, savage kind Queen!
    Won't you make our courage pale
    When for bravery you are keen?
    Under your feet we'll be a trail.
  22. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday Rophs   
    Happy birthday, impertinent acorn. :P
  23. Upvote
    Lania reacted to dst in MD 10th Birthday Quest - Day 7 - Carve a Path   
    Since I cannot upload files to MD's forum, I can only leave you a link for now and hopefully tomorrow I can find a better way.
    So...this is what I have been working on:
    This is the best I could do:


  24. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Sasha Lilias in MD 10th Birthday Quest - Day 7 - Carve a Path   
    Well, I said I should give carving a shot and here it is: icon Bob for Established housing scene. Carved in someone's favorite soap (sorry mom...)
    Back story: Stakeout for people in the house to fall asleep -> in awesome silence creep around the bathroom cabinet -> target the victim -> abduct the victim -> get job done - point of no return.  (murder tool in the picture)
  25. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from gonzalocsdf95 in Can you see my hounds?   
    Here it is. 
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