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  1. Upvote
    Lania reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in MD 10th Birthday Quest - Day 7 Design your Cake   
    EE I'm not 100% sure what you are asking for with this quest and the requirements about photos, signs etc, so can you let me know if I need to add anything to this, ta.



  2. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Assira the Black in MD 10th Birthday Quest - Day 7 Design your Cake   
    My cake



    Right view

    Left view



  3. Upvote
    Lania reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Over Excitement   
    Hurry, Hurry, Hurry  http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/forum/235-md-birthday-contests/
    We are in the 48 hour count down people! Its coming soon to a screen near you, the grand, the small, the irreverent, the magnanimous, the creepy, the funny, its all there in less than 2 days! Oh yes, Birthday excitement has got me in its grip and I'm not afraid to yell it.
    Lets give it up to our back-curtain ops Chew and BFH. Our Day hosts Sasha, Nim, Rophs, Dark Demon, Eagle Eye, Phantasm, Rikstar and Blackshade Rider. and who can forget the game owner himself, Mr Mur.
    Oh yes, I'm excited, and with good reason. Have you SEEN the level of madness about to sweep itself shamelessly into your head and shake you all about?
    If you think what you see on the forum is good, just wait til your character wakes up and has a cake stuffed in its mouth while its teleported into oblivion with a thousand squabbling party goers! Sounds like kidnap? It IS kidnap, and what could be more terrifyingly exciting than being kidnapped by your mates for a party? Worried you'll get tied to a lamp post with your pants down? I would be! You might be! It's all on the cards in MD this Bifday.
    Now lets be honest people, we have some fuel on this fire with the prize bundles pounding their way into our reality, and what a prize bundle it has become, and its only growing! Just yesterday, a winged messenger squawked in my ear to UPGRADE! my prize bundles! and with 10 quests already set, that's no small feat! There are darklings, morphs, tainteds, items, wps, and the quests out there range from roleplay to craft to battle, there's definitely something for everyone.
    Some quests from all us quest builders are already running, so get your flat caps on and have at them! and if you haven't made a quest yet? what are you waiting for!
    ....and if you're as excited as I am? Post here and let it all out!
  4. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Valoryn in MD 10th Birthday - Day 7 - Treasure Hunt   
    And so, I decided to get my hands dirty and make the first hesitant steps into the world of quest making. As an attempt to contribute to the celebrations of the 10th MD Birthday, I have prepared a small treasure hunt.
    It consists of eleven clues, which are scattered all over the place save the first one that will be posted in this topic in due time. Each clue will point, directly or indirectly, at the location (scene) of the next clue until the last one that will lead to the final treasure.

    The quest is entirely based on scripted clickables that can be found in No Man's Land, Marind Bell, Loreroot, Golemus, Necrovion, the East and the Archives.

    It's a race. It may not matter when you will begin the hunt**, but it does matter how long it will take you from beginning to end. The fastest one wins.

    Requirements: Only one account per player – no alts are allowed.
    How to start: Post your account name on this topic.
    (It's not required for participation, but it can give a good understanding on how much interest there is on the quest)

    First clue:
    "My shallow hills are the faces of kings.
    My horizon is always near.
    My music sends men to the grave.
    My absence sends men to work.
    Find what I am, then follow the wind to find me."

    Password: TreasureHunt (Very original, I know :P ) - To be used on every clickable throughout the quest.

    Duration: The quest will run from Day 7 00:00 ST to the end of Day 10.

    First Place: Wish Point and Ann.Aramor (from Chewett and BFH) + picks first a spellstone*
    Second Place: Morph (from Chewett and BFH) + picks second a spellstone*
    Third Place: 1 Gold Coin and a Send to GoE spellstone (from Chewett and BFH) + takes the last spellstone*
    *Spellstones from my collection that are provided as rewards: Mirrorritual, Silvertongue, Locate
    All participants that finish the quest will also be rewarded.
    More sponsors are welcome.
    **In case of a tie (same amount of time spent from beginning to end), the starting time will be taken into account to determine the winners. And this is how the rewards are distributed at the moment. Once the quest is finished and I have the results in my possession, I will work together with the Day Host and the Administrators should a tie actually happen.
    For any questions, concerns, problems, this topic and my in-game and forum mailboxes are open. Feedback is also welcome.
    Edited to add rewards.
    Edited again to add first clue and password.
    And edited a third time to update the quest duration.
  5. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from gonzalocsdf95 in Can you see my hounds?   
    Here it is. 
  6. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Assira the Black in MD 10th Ann. Dance Contest   
    At the Hall of the Great Sun a dance contest will be held April 19th at 20mdst. Participants will sign up by posting their name and id to this forum topic.
    If enough people have signed up, teams of two will be assigned.
    If there are not many people who sign up, then it will be solo performances.
    Sign ups end Friday 17th and you will be messaged who your partner is (if there is one).
    Do not share who your partners are.
    If there is an odd number of people, then a substitute will be found.
    You may have props (items) used in your dance but it has to be in your inventory to use it.
    Arrive on time, if you are late to your performance or do not show. Then you forfeit the contest.
    Scoring will be based upon a scale of 1 to 10. 1 = you did not arrive and forfeited or broke the rules and 10 = you (& your partner) did really well and showed that the two of you put thought into it.
    Judges will send me their scores and it will be added up. Which ever person/team receives the highest score gets 1st place to 3rd place.
    1st Place: Darkling and Anni (from Chewett),1 rp item, 1 g,and 5 silver
    2nd Place: Mutated Drach(From Chewett), 1rp item, 1g and gets 3 silver each
    3rd Place: Morph (from Chewett),1g, and 1rp item
    Minor rewards for all participants too
    (The above rewards are based on solo performances.)
    Most Amusing: WP and an aramor
    Most Skillful: WP and an aramor
    The awards are separate from the Places.
    Nim: Sponsors 3 Gold (Its division amongst the reward places will be decided when sign up phase has ended)
     Chewett is sponsoring this event
    Rp items and silver will be from my inventory.
    Rules being: No alts, can only dance once, must have a partner (unless solo performance are chosen by default then if you do not show up or late to your time frame you forfeit the contest), and a dance is limited to 10 minutes (it can be less but do not go over the 10 minute mark).
    In case of a tie... Then if I have enough silver and rp items, it will go to the teams that tied for those positions (so if two teams tie for first then all four people will get the first place reward). If I do not have the rewards available then there will have to be a tie breaker of some sort.
    Will be announced once scores and places are announced.
    I strongly suggest that you arrive early and everybody is invited to watch.
    -Assira the Black and the rest of the Masks of the Mist. Thank you Chewett.
  7. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Sir Blut in MD 10th Birthday Quest - Day 7 - Carve a Path   
    Well, I said I should give carving a shot and here it is: icon Bob for Established housing scene. Carved in someone's favorite soap (sorry mom...)
    Back story: Stakeout for people in the house to fall asleep -> in awesome silence creep around the bathroom cabinet -> target the victim -> abduct the victim -> get job done - point of no return.  (murder tool in the picture)
  8. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Eagle Eye in Can you see my hounds?   
    This my entry
    Giving a gift to his King
    [attachment=4577:1.jpg] [attachment=4578:2.jpg] [attachment=4579:3.jpg][attachment=4580:4.jpg]
  9. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Aeoshattr in Can you see my hounds?   
    First 3 pictures, all before inking.
    Can I just somehow hide the thing's paws?!? 
    It appears I am unable to draw claws... >.<
    EDIT: Multiple edits because it seems I'm also unable to properly upload the [I HAVE A POTTY MOUTH] pictures in the right order. I give up. You guys figure it out.
    Posted final versions of pictures.
    FINAL  Pre-highlight
    FINAL Highlight/ink
  10. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Assira the Black in MD 10th Birthday Quest - Day 7 - Carve a Path   
    Kneading eraser and tooth pic

    My camera did not like focusing on it
  11. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Assira the Black in Can you see my hounds?   
    Here it is. 
  12. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Nimrodel in Queen of Sheba wants!   
    Yes! YES!! Nimmy will be the Queen of Sheba for one day and demand for certain objects ranging from items to photoshop pictures to hand drawn art to poetry to haiku to a lot of things :D
    Winner of each random event will be given a small reward ranging from silver to an item from my inventory to a crit etc etc and the winner of maximum random events will get something special! ;)
    Date of the event is 15th of April Whole day excluding the time when Miq will be hosting the Combat tourney.
    Individual tasks will have individual rewards which I will be giving out from my inventory. Apart from that, here are the bonus rewards:
    Any Person Winning 3 or more than 3 events: one anni crit
    Any person winning 7 or more than 7 events: Anni Crit + Jewel of Sheba (unusable unique item.)
    Any person Winning 10 or more than 10 events (if more than ten events are held): Anni crit + Aged Rustgold + Jewel of Sheba Item.
    Any person winning all The Events: Anni crit + Aged Rustgold + Jewel of sheba Item + Wishpoint.
    I'll be giving out the wishpoint from my own stock :)
    More sponsors are also welcome. :D
    Task 1 - Recite a poem fit for royal halls - 9.30am - winner:dst (1g). Aeoshattr was given 5s.
    Task 2 - Collect exactly 5 flowers and give a bouquet to the queen. 10.38 - winner: no winners
    Task 3 - make a fresh cup of tea right in front of the queen. 11.45. winner: no winners
    Task 4 - Tell a romantic story to the Queen of Sheba. 12.50. Winners: Aeoshattr (Black Rose)
    Task 5 - Devise a way to torture Miq. 14.10 Winner: Aeoshatter (2g)
    Task 6 - Draw a Picture of what you think Queen of Sheba looks like. The most creative picture wins. 14.16 Ends at 18.16 ST Winner : Zleiphnier (3g, Nimrodel's Autograph), 2nd place - Lania (Mechanical Heart)
    Task 7 - Bake a Fresh cake right infront of the queen and serve it to the Queen. Quickest one wins. Winner : Lania (1 gold)
    Task 8 - Get 20 wins on a freshly recruited aramor. Winner: Aeoshattr. (1 Toadspeak stone)
    Task 9 - Photoshop a creature and post it in the forum. Winner: Zleiphneir (8 shaped odd rock)
    Task 10 - Recite a Haiku 5,7,5 In the praise of the Queen. Original only. Winner Aeoshattr (1g). Complimentary rewards to sasha (rose petals in a satchel), Zleiphneir (sac of drachorn dung) and Miq (Jade clover)
    Task 11 - Decipher the cipher. Winner : Clock master a(1g)
    Task 12 - Get a PL entry from one member of each active alliance. IF they have already entered it in your PL, Ask them to refresh it. Time till the quest - 12am. First one to do it wins.
  13. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Witty in Deranged Parade Play   
    This is a play, created spontaneously! Each of the  characters will say/RP something, in a previously given order, until they create a story. Every participant has 10 turns to use.       April 22nd, 16:00 ST    There are given characters: -the bloodthirsty (killer) rabbit -the cemetery (Suggestion: one could RP things that may happen in a cemetery environment: noises, movement of things, etc...,) -taken -the life-sucking mosquito -the lovable dog which also has a second head, which is that of a cat (how do they get along?) -lots of ghouls (to be RPd by a person, as a whole) -master of deranged ceremonies -twin-headed lawyer  -mutant rat wearing a bauta venetian mask  -worn party costume in middle-life crisis -knife-juggling jester -pirate walking tree with human feet For I want this quest (and whatever I do, generally) to be as fair as possible, I will make a scoring scale, so each participant can get points based on some clear criteria.
    Scoring starts from 0, and every participant's performance gets 1 point for using each turn, and the following get a 1-10 points grading.
    creativity  relating their RP to the other's aka team work  
    Final scores:
    Cemetery with an average of 18,66 --- Mirus
    Dogcat with an average of 17,66 --- Aethon
    Mosquito with an average of 16.66 --- Zleiph
    Twinheaded Lawyer with an average of 16 --- Draconas
    Congratulations!! Contact me for your rewards!
    There were three judges, who gave separate scores for each character. Participants can ask me for details.
    First place - Anniversary Aramor + 3GC
    Second Place - Anniversary Aramor +2GC
    Third Place - 1 GC
    *This has originally been created by TheRichMerchant, but applied and turned into a contest by me.
  14. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Blackshade Rider in Hell Hounds Rewind...........   
    Details: This quest is a remake of it original quest and is different in every way. nothing is the same and nor are the pass words the same. This quest will be like a scavenger hunt. If you have read my short story (how the hounds came about((http://magicduel.inv...ounds/?p=160922)) then you know of its journal pages. To start this quest off I will be scattering 5 of the missing pages from the journal around the lands of the east and MD archives land, and necrovion loreroot , golemus, ect.. You will need an open mind along with  patience for this quest. There are basically 5 stages to this quest. With each page you look for you will need a secret word that you will use at a specific location to view the page hidden at that location. I will message you the words. Then you will need to unjumbled the word, {exmpl}(apple.....plpae). Each word will be different.  Once you get to the 5th page however it will be different. for the 5th page it will be a riddle and you must solve the riddle. To view the page.. The answer to the riddle is the password for the 6th page.((( Sharing info about what the secret words are or what the answer to the riddle is or the locations to the pages is and will be cheating and therefor will have you banned from this quest and your prize stripped.)))
    How to start: You will need to post  Post ITT your player ID to start/ also player name.. then i will send you the first password you must unscramble and then your scavenger hunt will begin. after you found the first page message me and ill will send the second and so on 
    Duration: this quest begins on the 16th of April and will go on till the last md bday the 23rd
    ​Requirements:  *only one account per player, All mindpower levels are welcome..
    Rewards: €
    1st.. Wp\morph  ( their choice) { 1st place also gets a 10th anniversary Aramor}
    2nd. wp\morph (whichever is left)
    4th 10sc
    5th. 5sc.
    All participants get rewarded 
    Was going to be 6 pages but don't have the time so went back to 5 so it can all be done in time. nothing else has changed
    Thank you
    - Rider
  15. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Assira the Black in Can you see my hounds?   
    My submissions

  16. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Aeoshattr in Can you see my hounds?   
    Here it is. 
  17. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Neno Veliki in Can you see my hounds?   
    Here it is. 
  18. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from lashtal in Can you see my hounds?   
    Here it is. 
  19. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Sir Blut in Can you see my hounds?   
    Here it is. 
  20. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Ungod in Can you see my hounds?   
    Here it is. 
  21. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Myth in Can you see my hounds?   
    Here it is. 
  22. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Can you see my hounds?   
    Here it is. 
  23. Upvote
    Lania reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Can you see my hounds?   
    I presume the hand is for authenticity purposes? Hopefully my scribblings sort that :) - Z



  24. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Esmaralda in MD 10th Birthday Quest - Day 7 - Carve a Path   
    Well, I said I should give carving a shot and here it is: icon Bob for Established housing scene. Carved in someone's favorite soap (sorry mom...)
    Back story: Stakeout for people in the house to fall asleep -> in awesome silence creep around the bathroom cabinet -> target the victim -> abduct the victim -> get job done - point of no return.  (murder tool in the picture)
  25. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from (Zl-eye-f)-nea in MD 10th Birthday Quest - Day 7 - Carve a Path   
    Don't give it another thought and thanks! ^^
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