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  1. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Yrthilian in Diposing Yrthilian As King Of Golemus Golemicarum   
    Ah YIM wars,

    they always come out dont they.
    I beleve thoes that need them are weak and have no
    other reasion to use them other than to prove they
    are weak.

    This i could have done a long time ago to prove argument and to bring
    this to the front but i am one who does not beleve in useing out of game
    thing for ingame issues.

    Grido I asked you why you did not do as you said you would.
    your responce was one in the same.
    Freindship. 1. in RL so i had to ignore that
    2 Friendship to pamps in game character wise.

    Since Pamps chose to be on the side of the enemy this ment you decided to take
    the side of the enemy and do nothing to interfear. Yes peace dictated terms of
    returning the allaince to me but with a price.

    Yes for other reasion i chose not to agree to the terms. As thoes terms would
    meen steping down from defending the land i love. Someof my choices may have been
    bad some i truly belive to be corect. As you prove my point in such.

    I will not nor will i ever step down as king i do not run a hide.

    Yes the allaince has been taken and abused by the enemy and i will reveng that
    The paroina you speak of. Well as you staed RL stuff interfeard with ingame stuff
    when in essence it should not have but it did because you didnt want the hassel of it.

    If an advise stated they will not help because they are friends of the enemy. what should
    i do sit there and allow the enemy to have such a powerfull tool/ally withing my own ranks.
    you have taken all of this way to persionaly and in such use RL and YIM to make your points.

    Well you can argue all you want and complain all you want. Golemus is a land i hold dear to me
    what i have doen is no more worse than anyother have done in the realm. BUT at least i roleplay it
    and react as such that my character would do. Do you prefer i take the action i did and make it
    public before you come back online.

    Below is the PM sent to Grido

    Declaration from the King of Golemus to Grido

    This scroll is to inform you that you have been
    band from entering the land of Golemus by Order
    of the king

    This desision was not made litely. But this was
    decided as your loyalties do not lie with Golemus
    and its allainces. During time of war you decided
    you friendship with some of the enemies showed you
    cannot be trusted to help defend the land or its

    There for I have decided you are no longer welcome
    in the land of Golemus and are now outcast from the

    This order has been carried out by
    Yrthilian King of Golemus
    The Golemus technomage.

    This again is an ingame message NOT YIM nor form attackes.
    I Believe if my people had issues as to my choices they would come
    to me and speak of it as they have always been welcome to do so
    and i have always listened.

    If they do not come to me with it beeing an issue then
    i would have to beleve there is no issue.

    I care for Golemus the land and the allaince.
    I have always listend when spoke to on matters and on
    how peole wish to have things. But i am not going to say
    all my choices were corect but i stand by them.

    This backer if they wish to speak let them speak but have the B***S
    to do it. For if you want me seat as you seem to want then be brave
    and stop playing behind orther ans useing them a puppets.
  2. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Grido in Diposing Yrthilian As King Of Golemus Golemicarum   
    [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Earlier today Yrthilian had my entire access to Golemus removed, including my spell to get there due to not taking over Sentinals before the battle due to friendship.[/font]

    [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]short yim convo with him;[/font]

    [font="Verdana, sans-serif"][spoiler]Yrthilian: Check you PM when you are online please. The action was taken i beleve for good reasion. Sorry[/font]

    [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Grido: the £$%^! i got that spell and access before getting second in command![/font]

    [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Yrthilian: I know but actions need to be taken[/font]

    [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Yrthilian: to safe guard Golemus and well you showed your loyalties to the enemy[/font]

    [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Grido: because my rl friendship means more to me than a game?!?[/font]

    [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Yrthilian: you said in game friendship was your reason too[/font]

    [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Grido: you said you wanted a role play reason[/font]

    [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Grido: so i said that one[/font]

    [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Yrthilian: i have to use what you said was as reasion in game[/font]

    [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Grido: if i knew you were gonna do this i woulda used a proper reason[/font]

    [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Grido: like a "the plans i had tried to achieve failed to go to fruition"[/font]

    [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]Grido: you will regret this[/spoiler][/font]

    [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]I wish for him, as ruler of Golemus Golemicarum to be diposed in favor of another person. A powerful backer, who isn’t me and speaks for himself below. [/font]

    [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]I do not have a lot of reasons, but they are very good reasons. [/font]

    [font="Verdana, sans-serif"]He is unworthy as king for he acts with poor judgement in the past. From attacking without full backing against the Sentinals, to in pure vengeance, giving a one hour deadline to Peace to give back the GG alliance, which wasn't possible to make, due to rl work for her.[/font]

    [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]He is unworthy as king for he acts without consideration for his people. If he truly wanted the alliance back, he would have given a longer time frame of, say 24 hours. [/size][/font][/color]

    [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]He stated the threat to her 4 days previous, and she responded that the alliance would be given back to the land after the battle, just not to him. [/size][/font][/color]

    [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]And what is better for the land? The land getting an alliance back, or the king getting a puppet to control? A good king would choose for his people and his land, a dictator would choose for more consolidated power.[/size][/font][/color]

    [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]If he as king was so considerate of his people, then I think he should have tried to keep the war that Jester was just talking about, outside his own borders. By directly invading him, all promise for diplomacy was flushed away and it made his people look like the real enemies, while in fact they were suffering for being forced to leave their homes and invade. Some of which were friends.[/size][/font][/color]

    [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]He is unworthy as king for he is now acting without legitimacy and without loyal support from those who are acting for the good of the people. A king suspicious of his second in command is nothing but paranoid and quite frankly, crazy. A king so paranoid he would allow for his allies, the knights of the bell, to enslave the necrovions, just to have a better chance at winning a war. [/size][/font][/color]

    [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]*Powerful backer*: [/size][/font][/color]

    [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]I will remain hidden for now. But let me make this clear. Yrthilian, for all the reasons stated above and for many more secret reasons, has proved to me in my own eyes that he is unworthy as a king. Support me or Grido and I promise you, the people of GG will no longer suffer. [/size][/font][/color]

    [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]No more shall they be faced with the hard choice of having to fight friends or desert their army.[/size][/font][/color]

    [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]No more shall they be faced with calls to war they do not agree with. [/size][/font][/color]

    [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]No more shall they be faced with a man enthralled with his desire for power, even willing to destroy a legendary man’s soul, a loved man’s soul, his good human and innocent part even, just to regain control over his alliance. Was this cube not given to Yrthilian in the promise of good behavior and safe keeping? Instead the madman destroys it and enslaves the last part left, increasing the suffering.[/size][/font][/color]

    [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]And for what? To continue a war that has been lost already?[/size][/font][/color]

    [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]A just king would have seen his mistake and would not have allowed the unjust behavior of capturing prince Marvolo. How was this man an enemy?[/size][/font][/color]

    [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]A just king would not have said to liberty that taking slaves from necrovion would be allowed. How is this a righteous pre-emptive war?[/size][/font][/color]

    [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]A just king would not play with his loyal subordinates and then sever ties so easily, under the guise of it being for the good of the land. I could have believed that after the words of Jester, a pre-emptive war, might have been justified. But such unjust treatment of innocents, own subordinates and even allowing the taking of slaves, that is not the behavior of a good king.[/size][/font][/color]

    [color="#000000"][font="Verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"]This king is no longer king in my eyes. This man is a dictator and has to be overthrown![/size][/font][/color]
  3. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Yrthilian in Gg Alliance Returned   
    [quote name='Watcher' date='10 October 2009 - 03:44 AM' timestamp='1255142674' post='44228']
    Finally, Yrthilian is still playing a martyr while [u]simultaneously[/u] threatening Burns, Metal Bunny, and Grido's control over the military.

    well look who makes statment he know nothing of
    you say i am threatening Burns, Metal Bunny, and Grido's
    over control of the allaince.

    How little you really know as i said to pip.
    dont comment unless you have fact or at least know what you
    are talking about.

    A note on Wodin.

    Since the changes were made to stop multi accounts logging in yes wodin became neglected
    I fully admit to this and i also admit to the papers beeing out of date.
    How may can say the can play to RPC's at once and run them well

    The was much to be changed and thoes i spoke of it to know the truth
    This happened before other actions could be done. This was unfortunate.
    All i can say is what has happened has happened.
    Things are going forward and thnigs will change as they should.
  4. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Yrthilian in Gg Alliance Returned   
    [quote name='Watcher' date='09 October 2009 - 06:42 AM' timestamp='1255066957' post='44121']
    Congratulations on keeping your crown of tinsel and tin foil.
    I can think of none more worthy.
    All hail Yrthilian, Hollow King on the Throne of Dust.

    ah someone i see who is bitter

    Well say as you wish abd what you like
    For i know what is true
  5. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Watcher in Gg Alliance Returned   
    Pipstickz, for all his flaws, has succinctly stated exactly what needed to be said to you, Yrthilian.

    In this case, his skimming has pulled out all the pertinent information from yet another rambling and nigh incoherent post. You, a man whose crown was not only far too much of a burden to bear, and which was undeserved from the beginning, seek little else than to regain what small measure power you believe you once held.

    You clearly have a fetish tending towards a necromantic flavor, playing with and pretending that men who were far greater than you, men who were true leaders and who could unite not only their own lands but bring those from others to them, are your friends or personal advisors. Their souls have long since left this world and what ghastly and ghoulish things you do to their bodies, while claiming it as some sordid, deserved right, is deplorable and sickening.

    You claim you are doing what is best for Golemus Golemicarum? You insult the land you claim to love by your mere presence.
    The worst that Grido, Metal Bunny, and Burns have done is far better than what you could ever hope to accomplish. These men are true leaders and know how to care for a land and an alliance that you poison and twist with your unadulterated selfishness. Every time you whimper pitifully about how unfairly you were treated and call them "trators," you only earn them more respect, for they "betrayed" naught but a bloated and useless figurehead who knows he will never measure up to the greater men who have come before him and in whose faded shadows he will forever find himself.

    Congratulations on keeping your crown of tinsel and tin foil.
    I can think of none more worthy.
    All hail Yrthilian, Hollow King on the Throne of Dust.
  6. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Yrthilian in Gg Alliance Returned   
    [quote name='Pipstickz' date='09 October 2009 - 04:50 AM' timestamp='1255060241' post='44114']
    I don't read. I skim. If you want lazy people to raed your posts, post smaller :/

    Then dont comment unless you understand.
    DONT marke post neg if you have not read them properly.

    for you lack the information and there for make assumptions
  7. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Pipstickz in Gg Alliance Returned   
    I don't use rep, why are you even bringing it up?

    And I was responding to things I read. If you're just going to say "GG alliance is run by traitors, but I suppose that's alright now", why even say it at all?
  8. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Pipstickz in Gg Alliance Returned   
    I don't read. I skim. If you want lazy people to raed your posts, post smaller :/
  9. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Yrthilian in Gg Alliance Returned   
    [quote name='Pipstickz' date='09 October 2009 - 04:26 AM' timestamp='1255058818' post='44111']
    Yrth, there's a difference between giving GG to Grido, MB and Burns, and giving Khal to Lib. Lib is not part of Necro, nor will he help Khal grow at all. Grido, MB and Burns ARE part of GG (whether you like it or not), and they don't need access to prove it. They WILL help the GG alliance grow, and if you wouldn't let your pride get in the way like this, you COULD all work together, providing they agree to it. They have the GG alliance. Good. One less thing to worry about. Of course, you apparently won't rest until you have all your power back, so I really doubt that you'll even think to work with those who you SAY betrayed you, but are, in fact, helping your land grow.

    Good job as king :/

    Another thing, Wodin's not a real character any more, so why keep him?

    Read my post again as you obviously didnt read it properly.
    if you did you would understand what was said.
  10. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Yrthilian in Gg Alliance Returned   
    Well now that i am back and now that i have
    had time to think and to measure up things.

    Peace Give the allaince to the trators (from my point of View)
    and from the out come of the war. The choice to take the allaince
    was done and i beleve planed before the war. (again my opinion)
    This does not really matter. What has happened has happened.

    For peace to ask for Khal the Whites soul. Well that is another matter
    now. Since you decided to give the allaince to 2 trators why should i not
    return the favour and give Khals soul to Lib? (note i will not do this)
    This would be the same as what Peace has done yet again. Since i now know
    that the new leader are looking to kill Wodin.

    Well I can see this playing out in many ways. We all know that the new leaders
    of the allaince will never invite me back into the allaince as they know i could
    just retake it. So for now we are at a stale mate on that matter. But also the
    allaince will end up operating outside of Golemus unless we can come to an agreement
    of some sort. But as King and as Yrthilian i cannot allow trators into the land.
    So we will end up in a catch 22 situation.

    The allaince will also operater in fear/paranoia of the members they do let in.
    for anyone of them could also invite me into the allaince and then i could take over
    again. So this would meen the new leader of the allaince would have to be 100% sure
    that would not happen. Well you cant be 100% sure can you?

    Well for the moment at least I am speaking with Burns on this matter
    and yes i have been extended an invite to be head secintest of Golemus.
    But not as part of the allaince. This is a gracious offer. But in essence i already
    am in that position.

    So now what do we do?
    Since both Grido and MB have already stated they are not takening the vote as defeat
    this shows they have no intencion in coperation with myself as king of Golemus
    and are taking control of the allaince with the help from Peace. Something they could
    not have done by them selfs.

    Now we are at a point of knowing you will not trust me and i wont trust you
    So how is this going to help Golemus and its people?
    I beleve it will not and there for there is going to be a weeker land because of the few
    that say they now have issues when this was not stated before and dont use the fear of
    exile crap as it was obvious you didnt realise i could do it in the first place.

    SO Grido, MB, Burns were do we go from here?
  11. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Pipstickz in Gg Alliance Returned   
    Yrth, there's a difference between giving GG to Grido, MB and Burns, and giving Khal to Lib. Lib is not part of Necro, nor will he help Khal grow at all. Grido, MB and Burns ARE part of GG (whether you like it or not), and they don't need access to prove it. They WILL help the GG alliance grow, and if you wouldn't let your pride get in the way like this, you COULD all work together, providing they agree to it. They have the GG alliance. Good. One less thing to worry about. Of course, you apparently won't rest until you have all your power back, so I really doubt that you'll even think to work with those who you SAY betrayed you, but are, in fact, helping your land grow.

    Good job as king :/

    Another thing, Wodin's not a real character any more, so why keep him?
  12. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Prince Marvolo in Necrovions coat of arms   
    After scrambling up some words and suggestions here, I came up with this.
  13. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Kaya in Necrovions coat of arms   
    Inspired by Hedge I tried playing a bit with the triangle and the spiral, and here it is:
    [attachment=3622:Necro CoA.jpg]
    I pointed the triangle downwards as a reverence to both the elements earth and water and the darker down side.
    The white circle is the border between inner and outer Necrovion
    The spiral continues outside the triangle and outside the black circle like Necrovions influence reaches outside Necrovion.

    Also inspired by the tear shape Idea I made it into the shape of a tear:
    [attachment=3623:Necro CoA 0.2.jpg]
    This does greatly alter it's symbolic meaning, but can easily be combined with a mask to get a greater symbol.

    I think they would make s nice coat of arms when combined with a mask.

    Also the first time I tried to save it it ended up like this:
    [attachment=3624:Necro CoA.png]
    Not sure what it means, I thought it does look kind of interesting though.
  14. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Metal Bunny in Legal Basis of GG   
    Due to a slump in the world of university debating, and a thankful end to my internship, I have some free time left and I wish to sharpen my mind.

    I figured that my sense of philosphy, law, logic, ethics, economics, psychology, pragmatism, social interaction, the state, legitimacy, trias (or maybe four... mmmh) politica, etc... could use some practice.
    I also figured that because we have no king anymore who does not enforce rules, nor are his rules actually existent, as there is no legitimate basis for it.
    This leaves room for only the in-game rules and the in-game judiciary, executive and legislative branch of murness leave a lot of ambiguity and are based on an intuitive sense of fairness - of only a few people.
    Don't get me wrong, we do the same thing as well, as we superimposed the rules and the way we govern this alliance.
    Also, don't get me wrong, I don't think there is something fundamentally wrong so far, as with so few people, there is no pressing need for this thinking about things such as checks and balances, etc.

    It's just that I want to practice, breathe some life into this forum and basically create something new in MD which could also be handy for some weird emergency later on or something.

    So.. let's write/give thoughts about
    1) Constitution (and everything that implies)
    2) Branches of government
    3) Checks and balances (actually, this is in everything already, if we do it right.)

    A warning though, I do intend to use this as practice for my university debating career, so while you may give suggestions, improvements or questions, I myself will go very deep with my analysis and reasoning as well as possible implications and consequences, while treating both real world (because we still interact as humans) and MD issues. And when I say I'll go deep with my reasoning, I mean, I'll go deep as a prisoner who's getting desperate.

    Also, jokes

    So yeah.. let's try constitution first? If we got something nice, then I'll put it in a new forum without typo's and crap, just regard this as the notepad.
  15. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to xrieg in WTS Reindrach x2   
    if you could post reserve price that could save some server space. is there any or you are waiting for offers you like and no deadline set?
  16. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Rumi in WTS Reindrach x2   
    [quote name='xrieg' timestamp='1327597417' post='102517']if you could post reserve price that could save some server space. is there any or you are waiting for offers you like and no deadline set?[/quote]

    None of these offers are adequate and the deadline for a deal is the end of GC gathering season. Afterwards, they will remain available for sale or trade, but I won't give them up easily.
  17. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Yrthilian in citizenship granting item   
    i got a suggestin regarding this.
    Why not have the main alliance
    have an interfave to allow them to accept citizens.
    Give the ablity so that only the alliance leader can grant citizenship
    but let the page be seen by all alliance members.

    That way citizenship can be granted if the alliance wish to grant it
    It makes the land alliances more involved in the land
  18. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Guillak in Whisper in chat   
    I don't know to what extent this would be [un]feasible:

    Currently, when you need to tell something private to someone that stands just in front of you:[list]
    [*]you send a PM;
    [*]if you're courageous or you don't want to wait until the person receives the PM notification, you *whisper to the person*/*hand a scroll to the person* (which is strange because you generally don't put a 10-words long message down in writing if the person being spoken to is just before you. Unless you've-been-on-MD-too-much).

    How about gaining a bit interactivity by whispering directly in chat? It would be nice if you could chat privately with someone, while the others would either not see anything, or a simple automatic chat line like those you see when passing items etc.

    This could be a nice addition to the advanced chat features in the MD shop, just like the [color=#4b0082]gossip feature[/color]. For instance, if I type:
    <insert whisper command and recipient here> <my message>

    ... recipient would see (grayish?):
    <my name here> whispers: <message>

    ... while all others would only see (grayish?):
    <my name here> whispers to <recipient>

    This would allow ghosts to whisper scary things to their victims too ...
  19. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Krioni in A "kingslayer" medal was awarded ?   
    I wanted to go ahead and toss my own opinion on the matter and in the "testing" in general debate. Even if no one cares ^^

    I agree a lot with Mya, I was upset at first at the content of the announcement, but I reasoned and told myself that medals on their own shouldn't be seen as a reward, but as a sign to what type of person is wearing the medal, as well as what they have done. Seeing it that way, I was much less upset, because I could see the kingslayer for what it was. This person, through some action or mission, participated in testing, breaking, or "slaying" a king, though we may not know the details. Same goes for other medals. I see a Boss Head Competition medal and I know this person fights a lot, or has spent enough time studying the combat system to truly understand it and win in fierce competition. This can apply to any medal. That conclusion made me far less upset about the matter.

    Secondly, on testing. Honestly, whenever I am in any situation where I feel tested, or in a trying situation for myself, I try and see two things. One, if I react in some way I did not predict, I would try and learn more about myself through the situation. Why did I react that way? Do I think it right or wrong? Can I improve? Second, if I realize I am being tested, I like to try and use the situation to learn about the tester. As Socrates would say, if an action, being tested, is being performed upon me in a certain way, then there is someone who is acting and performing that testing upon me in that certain way. I like to find what that "way" is, and see if it tells me something about the tester as a person.

    My opinions ^^
  20. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Yrthilian in Multipage Bug/Issue   
    I keep getting the you have opened multipal pages
    when i am moving around MD.
    I am now getting this every few min as where i used to get it once a day
    It is extreamly anoying.

    I dont have any other windows open in my browser
    I have this happining in FF, IE, Crome, Safari
    So i guess this is not a browser issue

    I dont even have anyother tabs open in the browser or other windows
    This is making the game unplayable if i have to keep dealing with this issue
  21. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Prince Marvolo in Shattered Illusions takeover - reasoning   
    [quote]It took me a looong time to decide weather or not this thread deserves an answer. It doesn't but on the other hand maybe it's time to clear some things and enlighten you a bit once and for all.

    Let's start with a bit of history: Shattered was created for me. I didn't "work/plan/etc" to have it. To me it was "perfectly perpendicular" (as we say in RO aka it didn't matter) if I had an ally or not. My goals were different by the time I got SI. So, because Si was created for me I became Role Leader. I guess you all know what that means. If not then maybe you should check the announcements (hint: look for DS and simplyzero). --fail no 1 for former CoE members[/quote]

    I know what a Role Leader is.

    [quote]SI is a bug testers/game mechanics alliance. I know things that few know and I dare to say I am very good at doing my job. You underestimated my intelligence and my potential. --fail no 2 for former CoE members[/quote]

    Indeed, I underestimated you.

    [quote]You are willing to trade SI for CoE. And you were "kind" enough to give me a hint on how to achieve that. The answer to this needs to be elaborated a bit.
    First: you underestimated my friendship and loyalty. I would have NEVER EVER asked Eon to give SoS back to pipstickz so I can get SI back and you can trade for CoE. I would have simply moved to SoS and waited for your next move about SI. When I would have gotten bored by SoS see my first paragraph and you will understand what I would have done.
    Second: I would never ever help Loreroot even if that means that I will lose some things especially if it comes in the form of a blackmail. NEVER EVER try to blackmail me because it will never work. NEVER EVER try to squeeze my hand like that. --fail no. 3 for former CoE members[/quote]

    Concerning CoE: I see it as a crossroad, with a couple of paths I could have taken. And all paths are covered in mist.
    I chose one, it was a grab in the dark, and I knew it was a risky thing to do.
    Sitting idly though, wouldn’t have helped more.

    [quote]I showed you what I am made of. I am not a whiner and a beggar. I took the matter into my own hands and ALONE I handled it (ok, not completely alone since Eon morally supported me all the way and I have to thank him for that). I got my ally back through my own powers. I didn't make forum posts complaining about the issue. I never came to any of you asking/demanding/begging for my ally back.
    And with all the above, you all screamed bug abuse and other **** like that. You should be ashamed. You're like the young dog that barks at the passing cars showing how brave it is but when it gets hit by one it starts crying[/quote]

    Yes, you indeed showed me what you are made of.
    I never started shouting ‘bug abuse’ and other *** like that.
    Of course it popped up in my mind, and I discussed it with some people. But this was because we had no idea how this all was happening. We were only trying to find out what happened, for one can not know everything.
    Others may have called you names, but I was merely trying to find out what happened.

    [quote]If you were noble and moral as you pretend, instead of whining and screaming and probably go to Mur/Council (to report me that I used bugs) you could have simply talked to me and asked me. You preferred to go to 3rd sources. I was the most reliable sources but I guess you are not brave enough to face me. Strength and Honor? I say BS. You have no idea what strength and honor are. You're weak and you are cowards. So don't come to be telling you know more about it then I do.[/quote]

    I asked Mur if he returned your alliance, because we did not know what happened, and because I know you are a role leader. Council? No. I also never said to Mur that you used bugs. I explained what happened, and I got my reply.
    I did not ask you directly, for I thought you were going to respond in a not so nice way. You would indeed be the best source to go to, but I thought you wouldn’t have liked talking to me then. A misjudge maybe, but mistakes happen.
    And when did I tell you I know more about it than you - I know that, and even more so now.

    There happened things, that I thought were not a good thing, and I started a topic to explain my thought about it, is that forbidden?
    There is a difference between voicing an opinion and whining, although it may seem like a thin line.
    I always try to understand others when facing a disagreement, and I ask others to try to understand my reasoning too.

    I’m not a wall to talk to. Nor am I perfect.
    I misjudged and I made mistakes. Afterwards, I tried to voice my opinion upon a matter that bothered me.
  22. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Prince Marvolo in Illusions and Alliance status   
    I want to explain my thoughts about this, in a manner that I hope will make sense.

    I see the illusions, as a dam that broke, water is flooding out, and we are on the wrong side of the dam.
    People on the right side of the dam, tell us to swim up towards the dam, through the rushing water, and get to dry land. Telling us it’s possible to get up there.

    Swimming makes you survive, yes. And swimming up a river is doable, and will teach you things.
    But swimming up a flood, is insanity.
    And when you almost reach that dam, someone will just open another little hole, to make us flush away back to where we started.

    While some people tell us to swim, for it is a way to beat water, I would suggest fixing the dam.
    I think that is the more constructive way to deal with the problem.

    I know I will always have people disagreeing with this. There will always be people upon that dam.
    But illusions should be a cloak, not a tank to make you practically invulnerable.
  23. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Tipu in GC Gathering Season Argument thread   
    [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1327030639' post='101310']
    The way I see it, since shop resets are usually free, but take a while to get, Eon is paying 30 gold to get something that is usually free, just faster: I say let him.

    Though I don't really know how shop resets are given out most of the time, since I've only reset the shop once, and have never had no resets available.

    No thats not the point uhm...if u know my language i would have explained u better.

    Ever wonder why its called Free Mmorpg when u can put cash to purchase permanent powers. I will give u an Example :
    Example :

    Lets say MD started 2012 jan ..three players joins Pip , Tipu & COTS
    So when we joined we had 2 shop resets as default and only creature available is Armor.
    Now Cots wants to kick ur butts so he uses both the shop resets to token all his Armors. (left with zero resets)
    And Pip have used only 1 shop rest and tokens his armors .U now left with 1 shop resets.(left with 1 resets)
    And Tipu he doesn't use the shop at all and goes for stacking Free credits. (left with 2 resets )
    So ranking in Jan 2012: 1 Cots , 2 PIP and 3 Tipu.

    June 2012 : The MD have introduced Pimp Garsans( powerful than Armors ) as their new creatures.
    Cots HO LA LA LA.....cos' now he doesn't have any tokens left for his Pimp. (left with zero resets)
    Mean while Pip take this advantage and use his other remaining shop reset to tokens his Pimp. (left with zero resets)
    elsewhere Tipu still haven't used his tokens and stacked a good amount of free credits (left with 2 resets)
    So ranking in June 2012 : 1 Pip (cos of tokened pimp) 2 Cots and 3 Tipu

    Dec 2012 : The MD intro. Rusty (powerful than both pimp and armors )
    CotS Ho LA LA LA ...(Left with zero resets )
    Pip HO LA LA LA ....( Left with Zero resets )
    where else Tipu MUHAHAHA....(Left with 2 resets )
    So ranking for Dec 1 Tipu ( he uses all his free credits + buy credits to token his rusty) 2 Pip and 3 Cots.

    This is the basic hidden truth in all the Free games shop. This is never written anywhere or told as the numbers supporter for th game will drop thats bad for the game. Also this give the newb a good chance to outsmart the vets. Lets say someone joining in Aug 2012 (in the above example). He got two shop resets with rusty. Thats how the Game developers balances the realm with Vets and noobs and doesn't allow any single group to continue dominate tha game.

    Yeah shop resets r free but remember whoever wins this auction will have 6 shop resets in total and others with 4 resets
    so when a extra resets happens he will have 7 and others 5. So he still has the upper hand.

    In other online games we have set value above which no one can cross ..just say like 1000US $. This means no matter what.. no players can buy shop items once he reaches this valve. But in MD we got no limits just like ur stats hehe...so Shop resets r the only limits we have..
    It is actually ok since only one guy will win this but why me against this is co's ....if we allow this to happen now Demon king will start putting 'shopresets in tombola events.... then as a rewards for metal torture .....then as gift for whomever he sees fit ....cos' he can.... U know Demon king hehe...

    Even i could collect 35 gc with credits and buy 2 shop resets so why still call it as " FREE Browser game" ah ????...
    There should be a limit ...for everything ...remember for some $$$ is an unlimited resource .....hehe.
  24. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Prince Marvolo in Illusions and Alliance status   
    There seems to be something tricky about mixing Illusions with kicking someone from the alliance.

    Someone is in an iIllusion, and get's kicked.
    When the illusion is reset, the settings of the player are put back to the settings before the illusion (in this case, also before the kick)
    This means, that said player is returned into the alliance, even when recieved a kick.

    I discussed this with Mur, and he told me this should be discussed with more people.

    Mur believes the 'bug' here, is not being able to kick a person when in an illusion, otherwise the change is futile.

    [b]Should it be possible? Should it be fixed? How would it be fixed?[/b]

    My personal opinion, is that illusion reset should not be able to interfere with alliance status.
    Not being able to kick someone in an illusion, I think, makes it much too overpowered.
    It is a cloak, yes. But you can still punch someone who wears a cloak right? (Maybe I've got to re-test that in RL, but I'm pretty sure it works )

    Thank you for your time, and please leave your thoughts about it
  25. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Jubaris in A "kingslayer" medal was awarded ?   
    I agree that certain moral standards should be applied, like you say Sharazhad, but there are few "variables"...

    Mur is doing it for his personal benefit? What kind of benefit? Cognition? Isn't it the same benefit as the student that researches human behavior you mentioned?

    Bottom line is, this is Mur's game, and he made it clear on various occasions and on the very site that this is an unconventional "game". He is not making the game to make YOU relaxed, and wherever you go, you will be someone's "pawn" in one way or another. When clicking a youtube video, you are someone's "pawn" in achieving higher views number, for example... It's a relative subject.

    The problem is when you damage people in a way, then you need to explore the whole situation. Ok, you list psychological experience issues in MD - what, this game has potential to make conflicts between people?! That is what every community has in itself.

    This is a game that is supposed to bring experience to people (and experience of those people to the game, meaning Mur). Conflicts are IMPORTANT part of experience.
    If Mur encouraged certain conflict-making, then it is his decision to do so - it is your decision to accept it or not, to conclude is this the last line that couldn't be crossed or not quite yet?

    There is a certain inconvenience when you take Mur's decision to high standard and get offended when he thinks differently than you. He is not perfect nor best of us all, and this was supposed to be a community of intellectual independent people, that know how to avoid identity "mass-production" that is so frequent in reality, yet there are many people here, experienced too, that take Mur's words for granted and use it as some kind of axiom, and eventually get shocked that one of those is contradicting to their own logic - then mental chaos emerges! x)
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