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The Day of New Beginnings

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The Day of New Beginnings

Location: Wreath-Weaver Garden

Date and Time:  Day 205 (25th April) at 19:00 Server Time onwards

Attendees are invited to bring flowers as offerings to the Wreath-Weaver as well as their own stories, poems, music or art based around what has made them happy within the last year or their hopes for the 15th year.

After a brief ceremony, the attendees will be invited to offer the flowers they have brought (if they wish) to the Wreath-Weaver. There will then be a period of celebration where the attendees share their contributions, in a relaxed but respectful gathering.

Main rewards are an anniversary creature each for the most notable contribution in all four categories (story, poem, music, art).

There may also be an anniversary creature or suitable rewards for particular notable contributions to the event in general. 

There will also be a unique item, 15th Anniversary Eastern Laureate, a special pin which will be awarded to the competitor who has made the most relevant and significant contribution to the event as a whole.

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Four day reminder on this, be sure to bring something to contribute by way of submissions in the following categories:





The theme is what made you happy in MD in the last year or your hopes for the future in the 15th year :)

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The event was lovely, thank you very much to all for taking part in honouring the past and hoping for the future

Here is the ceremony and artistic contributions tidied up, the raw chat log is hidden at the end of the post:

The ceremony, tidied for easier reading:



Ailith walks before the Wreath-Weaver and faces her friends
Ailith smiles warmly
Before the Wreath-Weaver we stand, hopeful and in celebration of the realm’s Anniversary and our time within it.
Pause for a moment and think of all the people you have encountered through the years you have been here. Whether friend or foe, present or long gone, recall their names and smile.
For it is they that have helped shape you, me and the realm. Their whispers echo silently in every scene that we now pass through.
Recall, now, ones who are lost and think of them not in mourning but in joyful gratitude.
Ailith pauses to smile again
I will speak a name of one who is gone but not forgotten by me, and I urge you each to say a name also:
*nods to everyone and smiles* Tremir
Ailith urges all to speak a name
redneck:Handy Pockets
Aelis:Passant the weak
Aelis:Emerald Arcanix
redneck:Death Ray *winks*

Ailith: *nods and smiles warmly* Thank you

This realm is much more than just the numbers you hold on your profile or what kind of creatures you have collected. Your words and actions shape the reality of everyone who encounters you.

Just as those who have gone have shaped our time and the realm itself, I would like you to consider how your own words and actions will benefit your fellow MagicDuel citizens in the fifteenth year.

Who will you be? What will you do to make the realm better? Will you rest on your laurels of the past or work harder now to build a better future?

Small actions from everyone build a stronger wall than letting one or two manage all the work.

For the sake of MD past and MD to come, I challenge you to choose something this year that you never thought you could do to contribute and do it.

Ailith smiles warmly to Chewett
Chewett will now say some words about a beloved ancient who contributed a great deal to this realm:
:Ailith nods to Chewett

Chewett bows
Many years ago, MD Script was being touted at the latest way of changing the realm. It was an exciting time.
This allowed people to place all sorts of quests and information on clickables around the realm
It led to a great number of clickable quests being created, much contention to make sure you were following the "right" clickable quests were occuring.
Regularly you would end up accidentally starting a secondary quest while trying to complete the one you started.
During this time Cutler and another spent a rather insane amount of time coding clickies.
This ended up with their efforts eventually being so eventensive that they were removed by Mur.
He banned their two works and bestowed on them medals and much praise.
For those that did not see it, Cutlers Astral plane was extensive and beautiful
It added tens of "new" scenes into MD which all had their own quests and secrets
Many a person first visited Necrovion via this astral plane.
He cared about his players, even helping others craft quests in his astral plane.
Cutler sadly passed away a a few years after his achievements, but his family got in contact to tell us the news.
His old avatar now lies as a statue in the hall inside.
I will not forget him, and I visit him every hear on the anniversary.
I miss him, and in times of anger I try to remember that I help in MD to help.
Many years ago, a friend in MD sent me their favourite poem.
I still have it because it makes me smile when I read it.
Two of its lines, I feel encompass what I try and be in MagicDuel
I will read them now

GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
To me, Cutler himself embodied these two sentiments and I attempt to live as close to them as I can
I will hold a moment of silence, for friends no longer here.

Chewett: *bows to Ailith* Thank you
Ailith: *smiles warmly to Chewett* Thank you, very much, for your words.. and for paying such tribute to Cutler

Ailith looks at all and smiles
I would like to invite you all to sacrifice a flower to the wreath-weaver and express a hope for this new year.
Ailith: *offers a flower to the wreath-weaver* I hope that my sacrifice will bring forth many new challenges in writing and art so that my counterpart in the other realm can contribute more to this one.
Miq places some flowers for cutler
Chewett places his flowers for cutler
Ailith urges all to express a hope
lashtal places a nightshade flower
Aelis adds flowers to the wreath-weaver
Steno places a flower for the wreath-weaver
Trola placed flower
Lazarus places a black rose to the weaver
Chewett:I hope that I will be better than I have been last year.
Ungod: *lays a flower in front of the wreath-weaver* I hope this year will see new faces in MD, as the passing of generations is what keeps memory alive
Tissy places his flowers to the weaver
Sunfire places a flower and whispers a few words
Aia: *places a bunch of irises* I hope that many of our lost shall return.
Sunfire: I hope we remain worthy of the legacy you have left us

Ailith: *smiles warmly to all again and curtsies* We will not forget, and we will honour in hope
Thank you all
Ailith nods and smiles, urging further hopes if any wish to express them
Ailith:Thus concludes the ceremony, may I ask if any have contributions?


Contribution 1: Ungod: Story



Ungod: Alright. This story is written by Yasunari Kawabata, and is called "Faces"

From the age of six or seven until she was fourteen or fifteen, she didnothing but cry on stage. Back then, the audience would often cry, too.
The idea that the audience would always cry if she cried was the firstview she had of her own life. To her, people’s faces all looked as if theywould cry if they saw her on stage.
Since there was not a single face thatshe did not understand, the world to her seemed to be a readily com­prehensible face.
Anyway, at the age of sixteen, she gave birth to a child.
“It doesn’t look a thing like me. It’s not my child. I’ll have nothing todo with it,” the child’s father said.“It doesn’t look at all like me, either,” the young woman said. “But itis my child.”
Her daughter’s face was the first she could not understand. Youmight say that her life as a child-actress was ruined when she gave birthto this girl, for then she realized that there was a great moat between thestage at the theater, where she cried and made the audience cry, and theworld of reality.
When she looked into that moat, she saw that it waspitch-black. Countless incomprehensible faces, like that of her ownchild, appeared in the darkness.
She left the child’s father somewhere on the road.
Then, as the years passed, she began to think that the child’s face re­sembled that of the man she had left
Eventually, her daughter’s performances began to make audiencescry, just as her own had done when she was young.She parted with her child, too, somewhere on the road.
Later, she began to think that her daughter’s face resembled her own.
Over ten years later, the young woman finally came upon her own fa­ther, an itinerant actor, at a country theater. There she learned of hermother’s whereabouts.
She went to her mother. As soon as she took one look, she cried out.Sobbing, she clung to her mother. The woman saw her own mother forthe first time in her life. And, for the first time ever, she truly cried.
The face of the daughter she had left on the road was an exact replicaof her own mother’s face. Just as the woman had not looked like her ownmother, she and her own child had not looked alike.
But grandmotherand granddaughter were precise duplicates of each other.
As the woman cried on her mother’s breast, she realized that she *had* trulv been crying when she was a child-actress.
Now, her heart like that of a pilgrim, the woman wentback to the groups of itinerant performers to find her daughter and thegirl’s father and tell them about the faces.

Ungod bows.


Contribution 2: lashtal and Aelis: Music



lashtal:I\'d say a few words...
Aelis: *nods and smiles* Alright.

lashtal:This song is a collaboration between me and that talented musician you know as Aelis...
Its title is "tosse secca e umore nero"
Which means "dry cough and bad mood"
Definitely not a summer hit... But well...

We never met in person.
But we exchanged countless messages and raw versions of what we\'re about to share
So, horns up for mr Aelis: bass guitar
And run away from lashtal: sitar

Aelis:... and mr. lashtal: everything else!
Including the whole idea and general awesomeness

lashtal: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18dTBg_IaFxBSRiZbKw1qNOHzNpm_ey05/view

Aelis:Well, the song is quite lengthy. So I\'ll just add a few comments:
I suggested we share this song for this event because it all happened due to we meeting here in MD.
The whole thing happened via ingame PMs, which is pretty amazing if you think about it.
And it tells much about the power of this "game".
I think this kind of connection is what really matters in the end. I\'m really happy to have met lashtal and a lot of you -- be it recent friends and also old ones.
I\'m under the impression that the sense of community is very strong in the realm these days. I can only hope this continues for a long time!

lashtal nods in agreement

Aelis:People often refer to the old days as the golden era of MD or something like that, but I must say that I\'m really happy with the state of things and personally feel it\'s been the best days in my MD career in a long time.

(further discussion is on the raw script regarding use of voice and integration into MD)


Contribution 3: Steno: Poem



Steno:"Memory's Blindness (and Our Own) "


In that one word,
it embodies all of the memories
and stipulations of whimsicalness
and naїvete for our younger selves.

Yet, in later life, we are beholden
to a strange affinity for all
things from childhood

We always wish that, at the present,
we had as good a time now,
as we did back then..

Weirdly enough,
we always remember the past
with fondness and longing..

Yet the future brings upon
anxiety and fearful expectations.
If this is so, why do we worry about the past?

In enough time it will be only fond memories.
So why does the human race act as if it sees
all that there is to view?It must be blind.

For, if memories are always good,
yet predictions always bad;
why dwell? The future and the present,
will, in time, float past us, as we travel to the source.

The giant river of time’s current makes all times past
at some time. We always look fondly on what has gone.
So why worry, remember, as every memory is a happy thought.

Steno bows


Contribution 4: Ungod: Poem



Ungod:hmm..i have a short poem, since the story I read wasn\'t mine

Where are you? I asked, and the wind
grabbed my words and ran, the thief.
The sun was setting, the sun was setting.
I looked through the green blades
of the tranquil plains,
disturbing frogs and crickets.
I thought I heard a giggle;
I looked behind the willow,
I searched behind the waterfall.
The sun was setting.
I gathered shells and listened to their voices.
I gathered acorns and set them standing.
The sun was setting, the sun was setting.
Where are you? I heard, and stood up.

Ungod bows


Contribution 5: Tissy: Poem



Tissy: it's an ancient Chinese poem that I love. in translation it lost much of its feel. but I'd like to know how you think of it

In this house on this day last year a pink face vied.
In beauty with the pink peach blossom side by side.
I do not know today where the pink face has gone,
In vernal breeze still smile pink peach blossoms full blown.


Raw Chat Log:



[25/04/20 21:11] :Ailith walks before the Wreath-Weaver and faces her friends
[25/04/20 21:11] :Ailith smiles warmly
[25/04/20 21:11] Ailith:Before the Wreath-Weaver we stand, hopeful and in celebration of the realm’s Anniversary and our time within it.
[25/04/20 21:12] Ailith:Pause for a moment and think of all the people you have encountered through the years you have been here. Whether friend or foe, present or long gone, recall their names and smile.
[25/04/20 21:12] Ailith:For it is they that have helped shape you, me and the realm. Their whispers echo silently in every scene that we now pass through.
[25/04/20 21:12] Ailith:Recall, now, ones who are lost and think of them not in mourning but in joyful gratitude.
[25/04/20 21:13] :Ailith pauses to smile again
[25/04/20 21:13] Ailith:I will speak a name of one who is gone but not forgotten by me, and I urge you each to say a name also:
[25/04/20 21:13] Ailith: *nods to everyone and smiles* Tremir
[25/04/20 21:13] :Ailith urges all to speak a name
[25/04/20 21:14] Sunfire:Lania
[25/04/20 21:14] Ungod:Asthir&Lania
[25/04/20 21:14] redneck:Cless
[25/04/20 21:14] Chewett:Cutler
[25/04/20 21:14] lashtal:Peace
[25/04/20 21:14] Steno:Jonn
[25/04/20 21:15] Chewett:Grido
[25/04/20 21:15] Ailith:Gargant
[25/04/20 21:15] lashtal:Brulant
[25/04/20 21:15] redneck:Handy Pockets
[25/04/20 21:15] Sunfire:Guillak
[25/04/20 21:15] Aelis:Pamplemousse
[25/04/20 21:15] Steno:DeVilDiCe
[25/04/20 21:15] Aelis:Brulant
[25/04/20 21:15] Ungod:Conc
[25/04/20 21:15] Aelis:Awiiya
[25/04/20 21:15] Aelis:Passant the weak
[25/04/20 21:15] Aelis:Guillak
[25/04/20 21:16] Ailith: *nods and smiles warmly* Thank you
[25/04/20 21:16] Sunfire:Shemhazaj
[25/04/20 21:16] Aelis:Emerald Arcanix
[25/04/20 21:16] redneck:Death Ray *winks*
[25/04/20 21:16] Ungod:Rikstar
[25/04/20 21:16] Ailith:This realm is much more than just the numbers you hold on your profile or what kind of creatures you have collected. Your words and actions shape the reality of everyone who encounters you.
[25/04/20 21:16] Aia:Tarquinus
[25/04/20 21:16] lashtal:Maebius
[25/04/20 21:16] Ailith:Just as those who have gone have shaped our time and the realm itself, I would like you to consider how your own words and actions will benefit your fellow MagicDuel citizens in the fifteenth year.
[25/04/20 21:17] Tissy:dst?
[25/04/20 21:17] Ailith:Who will you be? What will you do to make the realm better? Will you rest on your laurels of the past or work harder now to build a better future?
[25/04/20 21:17] Ailith:Small actions from everyone build a stronger wall than letting one or two manage all the work.
[25/04/20 21:17] Ailith:For the sake of MD past and MD to come, I challenge you to choose something this year that you never thought you could do to contribute and do it.

[25/04/20 21:18] :Ailith smiles warmly to Chewett
[25/04/20 21:18] Ailith:Chewett will now say some words about a beloved ancient who contributed a great deal to this realm:
[25/04/20 21:18] :Ailith nods to Chewett

[25/04/20 21:18] :Chewett bows
[25/04/20 21:19] Chewett:Many years ago, MD Script was being touted at the latest way of changing the realm. It was an exciting time.
[25/04/20 21:19] Chewett:This allowed people to place all sorts of quests and information on clickables around the realm
[25/04/20 21:20] Chewett:It led to a great number of clickable quests being created, much contention to make sure you were following the "right" clickable quests were occuring.
[25/04/20 21:20] Chewett:Regularly you would end up accidentally starting a secondary quest while trying to complete the one you started.
[25/04/20 21:21] Chewett:During this time Cutler and another spent a rather insane amount of time coding clickies.
[25/04/20 21:21] Chewett:This ended up with their efforts eventually being so eventensive that they were removed by Mur.
[25/04/20 21:22] Chewett:He banned their two works and bestowed on them medals and much praise.
[25/04/20 21:22] Chewett:For those that did not see it, Cutlers Astral plane was extensive and beautiful
[25/04/20 21:23] Chewett:It added tens of "new" scenes into MD which all had their own quests and secrets
[25/04/20 21:23] Chewett:Many a person first visited Necrovion via this astral plane.
[25/04/20 21:24] Chewett:He cared about his players, even helping others craft quests in his astral plane.
[25/04/20 21:24] Chewett:Cutler sadly passed away a a few years after his achievements, but his family got in contact to tell us the news.
[25/04/20 21:24] Chewett:His old avatar now lies as a statue in the hall inside.
[25/04/20 21:25] Chewett:I will not forget him, and I visit him every hear on the anniversary.
[25/04/20 21:25] Chewett:I miss him, and in times of anger I try to remember that I help in MD to help.
[25/04/20 21:26] Chewett:Many years ago, a friend in MD sent me their favourite poem.
[25/04/20 21:26] Chewett:I still have it because it makes me smile when I read it.
[25/04/20 21:27] Chewett:Two of its lines, I feel encompass what I try and be in MagicDuel
[25/04/20 21:27] Chewett:I will read them now
[25/04/20 21:27] Chewett:GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
[25/04/20 21:27] Chewett:As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
[25/04/20 21:27] Chewett:...
[25/04/20 21:27] Chewett:Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter,
[25/04/20 21:27] Chewett:, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
[25/04/20 21:27] Chewett:...
[25/04/20 21:28] Chewett:To me, Cutler himself embodied these two sentiments and I attempt to live as close to them as I can
[25/04/20 21:28] Chewett:I will hold a moment of silence, for friends no longer here.
[25/04/20 21:29] Chewett: *bows to Ailith* Thank you
[25/04/20 21:29] Ailith: *smiles warmly to Chewett* Thank you, very much, for your words.. and for paying such tribute to Cutler
[25/04/20 21:29] :Miq places some flowers for cutler
[25/04/20 21:29] :Ailith looks at all and smiles
[25/04/20 21:30] Ailith:I would like to invite you all to sacrifice a flower to the wreath-weaver and express a hope for this new year.
[25/04/20 21:30] Ailith: *offers a flower to the wreath-weaver* I hope that my sacrifice will bring forth many new challenges in writing and art so that my counterpart in the other realm can contribute more to this one.
[25/04/20 21:30] :Chewett places his flowers for cutler
[25/04/20 21:30] :Ailith urges all to express a hope
[25/04/20 21:31] :lashtal places a nightshade flower
[25/04/20 21:31] :Aelis adds flowers to the wreath-weaver
[25/04/20 21:31] :Steno places a flower for the wreath-weaver
[25/04/20 21:31] :Trola placed flower
[25/04/20 21:31] :Lazarus places a black rose to the weaver
[25/04/20 21:31] Chewett:I hope that I will be better than I have been last year.
[25/04/20 21:32] Ungod: *lays a flower in front of the wreath-weaver* I hope this year will see new faces in MD, as the passing of generations is what keeps memory alive
[25/04/20 21:32] :Tissy places his flowers to the weaver
[25/04/20 21:32] :Sunfire places a flower and whispers a few words
[25/04/20 21:33] Aia: *places a bunch of irises* I hope that many of our lost shall return.
[25/04/20 21:33] Ailith: *smiles warmly to all again and curtsies* We will not forget, and we will honour in hope
[25/04/20 21:34] Ailith:Thank you all
[25/04/20 21:34] Sunfire:I hope we remain worthy of the legacy you have lefr us
[25/04/20 21:34] :Ailith nods and smiles, urging further hopes if any wish to express them

[25/04/20 21:35] Ailith:Thus concludes the ceremony, may I ask if any have contributions?
[25/04/20 21:36] Ungod:I have a story, as I said, not MD-related.
[25/04/20 21:37] :redneck places flowers upon the wreath
[25/04/20 21:37] Ailith:Ungod, if you think it is fitting, I would like to hear it *looks around* if all are in agreement
[25/04/20 21:38] :Steno nods, paases Ailith a note
[25/04/20 21:38] :Jotun IronFrost waves
[25/04/20 21:38] :Chewett nods
[25/04/20 21:38] lashtal:Please, go for it
[25/04/20 21:38] Ailith: *smiles to Ungod* please continue

[25/04/20 21:38] Ungod:Alright. This story is written by Yasunari Kawabata, andis called \'\'Faces\'\'
[25/04/20 21:39] Ungod:It\'s rather short, so I think I\'ll say it in its entirety.
[25/04/20 21:39] lashtal: (genious)
[25/04/20 21:39] Ungod:From the age of six or seven until she was fourteen or fifteen, she didnothing but cry on stage. Back then, the audience would often cry, too.
[25/04/20 21:39] Ungod:The idea that the audience would always cry if she cried was the firstview she had of her own life. To her, people’s faces all looked as if theywould cry if they saw her on stage.
[25/04/20 21:40] Ungod:Since there was not a single face thatshe did not understand, the world to her seemed to be a readily com­prehensible face.
[25/04/20 21:40] Ungod:Anyway, at the age of sixteen, she gave birth to a child.
[25/04/20 21:40] Ungod:“It doesn’t look a thing like me. It’s not my child. I’ll have nothing todo with it,” the child’s father said.“It doesn’t look at all like me, either,” the young woman said. “But itis my child.”
[25/04/20 21:41] Ungod:Her daughter’s face was the first she could not understand. Youmight say that her life as a child-actress was ruined when she gave birthto this girl, for then she realized that there was a great moa
[25/04/20 21:41] Ungod:moat between thestage at the theater, where she cried and made the audience cry, and theworld of reality.
[25/04/20 21:42] Ungod:When she looked into that moat, she saw that it waspitch-black. Countless incomprehensible faces, like that of her ownchild, appeared in the darkness.
[25/04/20 21:42] Ungod:She left the child’s father somewhere on the road.
[25/04/20 21:43] Ungod:Then, as the years passed, she began to think that the child’s face re­sembled that of the man she had left
[25/04/20 21:43] Ungod:Eventually, her daughter’s performances began to make audiencescry, just as her own had done when she was young.She parted with her child, too, somewhere on the road.
[25/04/20 21:43] Ungod:Later, she began to think that her daughter’s face resembled her own.
[25/04/20 21:43] Ungod: (1/3 remaining)
[25/04/20 21:44] Ungod:Over ten years later, the young woman finally came upon her own fa­ther, an itinerant actor, at a country theater. There she learned of hermother’s whereabouts.
[25/04/20 21:44] Ungod:She went to her mother. As soon as she took one look, she cried out.Sobbing, she clung to her mother. The woman saw her own mother forthe first time in her life. And, for the first time ever,
[25/04/20 21:44] Ungod:she truly cried.
[25/04/20 21:44] Ungod:The face of the daughter she had left on the road was an exact replicaof her own mother’s face. Just as the woman had not looked like her ownmother, she and her own child had not looked alike.
[25/04/20 21:45] Ungod:But grandmotherand granddaughter were precise duplicates of each other.
[25/04/20 21:45] Ungod:As the woman cried on her mother’s breast, she realized that she *had* trulv been crying when she was a child-actress.
[25/04/20 21:45] Ungod:Now, her heart like that of a pilgrim, the woman wentback to the groups of itinerant performers to find her daughter and thegirl’s father and tell them about the faces.
[25/04/20 21:46] :Ungod bows.
[25/04/20 21:46] :lashtal claps
[25/04/20 21:46] Ungod: (for those interested, it\'s Yasunari Kawabata, Palm of the hand stories)
[25/04/20 21:46] Ailith: *smiles warmly and applauds* That is beautiful
[25/04/20 21:46] Ungod: (not many that i liked there, but this one is good)
[25/04/20 21:49] Ailith: *whispers* are there any others with contributions?
[25/04/20 21:49] Zetsuei:Greetings all
[25/04/20 21:49] lashtal:Greetings Zetsuei
[25/04/20 21:49] Ailith: *smiles warmly to Zetsuei* Greetings
[25/04/20 21:50] Aelis:Hello, Zetsuei
[25/04/20 21:50] Zetsuei:whyd ya say it twice
[25/04/20 21:50] Aelis:Steno, you said you have a contribution?
[25/04/20 21:50] Zetsuei:oh wait a minute
[25/04/20 21:50] Aelis:Aelith said it once
[25/04/20 21:50] :Aelis chuckles
[25/04/20 21:51] :Ailith chuckles
[25/04/20 21:51] Zetsuei:yeah eyes blended a little
[25/04/20 21:51] Ailith: *looks at Steno* do you wish to speak with a contribution?
[25/04/20 21:52] Steno: *considers* I wish to wait for Aelis and lashtal
[25/04/20 21:53] Aelis:lashtal, do you have it ready?
[25/04/20 21:53] Ailith: *nods and looks at the two* are either ready to speak?
[25/04/20 21:53] lashtal:I\'d say a few words...
[25/04/20 21:54] Ailith: *nods and smiles to lashtal* please do
[25/04/20 21:54] Aelis: *nods and smiles* Alright.

[25/04/20 21:54] lashtal:This song is a collaboration between me and that talented musician you know as Aelis...
[25/04/20 21:54] lashtal:Its title is "tosse secca e umore nero"
[25/04/20 21:55] lashtal:Which mean "dry cough and bad mood"
[25/04/20 21:55] lashtal:Definitely not a summer hit... But well...
[25/04/20 21:55] :Ungod laughs
[25/04/20 21:56] lashtal:We never met in person.
[25/04/20 21:56] lashtal:But we exchanged countless messages and raw versions of what we\'re about to share
[25/04/20 21:57] lashtal:So, horns up for mr Aelis: bass guitar
[25/04/20 21:57] lashtal:And run away from lashtal: sitar
[25/04/20 21:57] Aelis:... and mr. lashtal: everything else!
[25/04/20 21:57] Aelis:Including the whole idea and general awesomeness
[25/04/20 21:57] lashtal:https://drive.google.com/file/d/18dTBg_IaFxBSRiZbKw1qNOHzNpm_ey05/view
[25/04/20 21:58] Ledah:What did I miss?
[25/04/20 21:59] :Ailith listens in awe
[25/04/20 21:59] Steno: *gives massive thumbs-up* Nice underlay and chord progression!
[25/04/20 22:00] Aelis:Well, the song is quite lengthy. So I\'ll just add a few comments:
[25/04/20 22:01] Aelis:I suggested we share this song for this event because it all happened due to we meeting here in MD.
[25/04/20 22:01] Aelis:The whole thing happened via ingame PMs, which is pretty amazing if you think about it.
[25/04/20 22:01] :Ailith smiles
[25/04/20 22:01] Aelis:And it tells much about the power of this "game".
[25/04/20 22:03] Aelis:I think this kind of connection is what really matters in the end. I\'m really happy to have met lashtal and a lot of you -- be it recent friends and also old ones.
[25/04/20 22:03] Aelis:I\'m under the impression that the sense of community is very strong in the realm these days. I can only hope this continues for a long time!
[25/04/20 22:04] :lashtal nods in agreement
[25/04/20 22:04] Steno:This should be inserted at Plains of Liberty, as you enter the East
[25/04/20 22:04] Aelis:People often refer to the old days as the golden era of MD or something like that, but I must say that I\'m really happy with the state of things and personally feel it\'s been the best days in my MD
[25/04/20 22:04] Ungod:It0s an awesome track, but i was expecting voices as well :D
[25/04/20 22:04] Aelis:...in a long time.
[25/04/20 22:05] Aelis:oops: ...in my MD carrer in a long time*
[25/04/20 22:05] lashtal:I believe we\'re both against voices...
[25/04/20 22:05] Aelis: (career*, damn :P)
[25/04/20 22:05] :Ailith nods in agreement with Aelis
[25/04/20 22:05] Aelis:We are! *laughs*
[25/04/20 22:05] Ungod:why?
[25/04/20 22:06] lashtal:They can distract from music...
[25/04/20 22:06] Steno:Words become language-binding and distract from what the notes themselves communicate
[25/04/20 22:06] lashtal:You nailed it Steno.
[25/04/20 22:06] Aelis: *nods* Indeed
[25/04/20 22:06] lashtal:I could never find better words
[25/04/20 22:07] Ungod:hmm...but is it healthy to listen to tracks that talk of bad moods and coughing?:D
[25/04/20 22:07] Aelis:So, there you have it. This song is an intimate part of myself (ourselves, I believe) . We wanted to share it with you.
[25/04/20 22:07] Ungod:maybe some hint of hope at the end...a few lines, maybe :))
[25/04/20 22:07] lashtal:Definitely not, they make you run to Necrovion and hide behind a tree
[25/04/20 22:07] Ungod:It\'s very well-done.
[25/04/20 22:08] Steno:as part of outro?
[25/04/20 22:08] Ailith:Thank you so much! Both of you, for sharing this with us this evening
[25/04/20 22:08] :Ailith remains in awe
[25/04/20 22:08] Steno:I would be very interested to see this put into a scene. Since it was borne of this realm, should it not stay in this realm for perpetuity?
[25/04/20 22:08] Steno: (with consent from collaborators?)
[25/04/20 22:09] Ungod:it\'s kinda heavy
[25/04/20 22:09] Ungod:i think the sounds in MD are, like graphics, set on minimum...
[25/04/20 22:09] Ailith:Perhaps then just a few bars
[25/04/20 22:09] Steno:Yeah, trimmed down. but does my point make sense?
[25/04/20 22:09] Ailith:It would be lovely to see it intergrated somehow
[25/04/20 22:09] Ungod:that would work, but it\'d take much of the impact of the piece...i\'m for it, though
[25/04/20 22:10] lashtal:A bit too heavy I\'m afraid... (Huge file) ... but a few bars, why not?
[25/04/20 22:10] Aelis:I\'d be honored.
[25/04/20 22:10] lashtal:Same here.
[25/04/20 22:10] Ailith:You two are far too talented *chuckles*
[25/04/20 22:10] Demonic God: *yawns* hello everyone
[25/04/20 22:10] Demonic God:what did I miss?
[25/04/20 22:10] Steno:Yet another way, the game made by the players, would be indeed, made by the players
[25/04/20 22:11] :Ailith smiles warmly to DG
[25/04/20 22:11] Ailith:Do any have another contribution to the evening?
[25/04/20 22:11] Ailith:Don\'t worry DG I will post our evening on the forum, so you can see what you have missed
[25/04/20 22:12] Steno:I guess I\'ll contribute something (It pales in comparison to what we just witnessed. I should have gone first! XP)
[25/04/20 22:12] Ungod: (ye, always go first!)
[25/04/20 22:12] Ailith:Thank you Steno (don\'t compare stuff, all contributions are valued)

[25/04/20 22:13] Steno:"Memory\'s Blindness (and Our Own) "
[25/04/20 22:13] Steno:Childhood.
[25/04/20 22:13] Steno:In that one word, // it embodies all of the memories // and stipulations of whimsicalness
[25/04/20 22:14] Steno:and naїvete for our younger selves. // Yet, in later life, we are beholden // to a strange affinity for all // things from childhood
[25/04/20 22:14] Steno:We always wish that, at the present, // we had as good a time now, // as we did back then..
[25/04/20 22:15] Steno:Weirdly enough, //we always remember the past // with fondness and longing..
[25/04/20 22:15] Steno:Yet the future brings upon // anxiety and fearful expectations. // If this is so, why do we worry about the past?
[25/04/20 22:15] Steno:In enough time it will be only fond memories.
[25/04/20 22:15] Steno:So why does the human race act as if it seesall that there is to view?It must be blind.
[25/04/20 22:16] Steno:*sees // all
[25/04/20 22:16] Steno:For, if memories are always good, // yet predictions always bad; // why dwell? The future and the present,// will, in time, float past us, as we travel to the source.
[25/04/20 22:16] Steno:The giant river of time’s current makes all times past
[25/04/20 22:17] Steno:at some time. We always look fondly on what has gone.
[25/04/20 22:17] Steno:Sso why worry, remember, as every memory is a happy thought.
[25/04/20 22:18] Steno:>the "//" is a line break<. They don\'t all make sense to me know, but the time stamp on this poem is right after I stopped playing Md the first time.
[25/04/20 22:18] :Steno bows
[25/04/20 22:18] :Ungod claps
[25/04/20 22:18] :lashtal claps
[25/04/20 22:18] :Ailith smiles warmly and applauds
[25/04/20 22:18] Ungod:a whimsical and optimistic vibe - called Steno
[25/04/20 22:19] Aelis:I find it somehow very fitting for this event, Steno :)
[25/04/20 22:19] Ailith:Indeed so
[25/04/20 22:19] Steno:I picked it because of Ailith\'s call to action earlier, as well as Chewett\'s words. Let us remember, that this too, shall pass. As all things do, but what *doesn\'t* pass is the impact we have on
[25/04/20 22:19] Steno:others
[25/04/20 22:20] :Ailith nods
[25/04/20 22:20] Steno:Many of us have taken long breaks from MD, and sometimes we hear "we it isn\'t what it used to be". Get over it, NOTHING is. You can honor more what you experience through further commitment than
[25/04/20 22:20] Aelis:Indeed.
[25/04/20 22:20] Steno:the honor you give it through sulliness.
[25/04/20 22:21] Aelis:I agree wholeheartedly.
[25/04/20 22:21] Ailith:As do I
[25/04/20 22:21] Steno:To think, that something like months and months of coding by Mur and Chewett could make something as grand as this, a grand thread, connecting people around the world. Stop and consider that.
[25/04/20 22:21] Aelis: (can I just say that this is my favorite moment in the whole birthday?)
[25/04/20 22:21] Steno:People have written the equivalents of small books about this world and its meanings within the K documents and their comments on self.
[25/04/20 22:21] lashtal:My 2%? MD is much better now than it used to be.
[25/04/20 22:22] Aelis: (and definitely one of my favorite in all these years)
[25/04/20 22:22] Aelis: (thank you, Ailith)
[25/04/20 22:22] Ailith: *smiles and nods to lashtal* I agree
[25/04/20 22:22] Steno: *high-fives Ailith* This were indeed amazing. (ending rant now)
[25/04/20 22:22] Ailith: (you are welcome Aelis)
[25/04/20 22:23] Ailith:I am glad you liked it
[25/04/20 22:23] Ailith: *looks around and smiles* If none have a piece prepared, I would love to hear your favourite anecdotes of MD
[25/04/20 22:24] Ungod:hmm..i have a short poem, since the story I read wasn\'t mine
[25/04/20 22:25] Ailith:Oh that sounds good! please tell it
[25/04/20 22:25] Ungod:Where are you? I asked, and the wind/grabbed my words and ran, the thief.
[25/04/20 22:25] Ungod:The sun was setting, the sun was setting./I looked through the green blades/of the tranquil plains,
[25/04/20 22:26] Ungod:disturbing frogs and crickets./I thought I heard a giggle;
[25/04/20 22:26] Ungod:I looked behind the willow,/I searched behind the waterfall./The sun was setting.
[25/04/20 22:26] Ungod:I gathered shells and listened to their voices./I gathered acorns and set them standing.
[25/04/20 22:26] Ungod:The sun was setting, the sun was setting./Where are you? I heard, and stood up.
[25/04/20 22:27] Ungod:This is the poem of a lonesome character in a somewhat abandoned MD :)))
[25/04/20 22:27] Ungod:but there\'s hope!
[25/04/20 22:28] :Ungod bows
[25/04/20 22:28] Ungod: (poem ended at \'\'stood up\'\')
[25/04/20 22:28] :Aelis claps
[25/04/20 22:28] Aelis:There is hope!
[25/04/20 22:28] :Ailith smiles and applauds
[25/04/20 22:28] :lashtal claps
[25/04/20 22:29] Ailith:There is always hope *smiles*
[25/04/20 22:30] Ailith:If none have any further contributions, then I invite you now to talk and enjoy the evening together
[25/04/20 22:30] Tissy:may I
[25/04/20 22:31] Ailith:Of course!
[25/04/20 22:31] Ailith:*smiles at Tissy Please do
[25/04/20 22:31] Tissy:it\'s an ancient Chinese poem that I love. in translation it lost much of it\'s feel. but I\'d like to know how you think of it
[25/04/20 22:31] :Ailith smiles

[25/04/20 22:32] Tissy:In this house on this day last year a pink face vied.
[25/04/20 22:33] Tissy:In beauty with the pink peach blossom side by side.
[25/04/20 22:33] Tissy:I do not know today where the pink face has gone,
[25/04/20 22:33] Tissy:In vernal breeze still smile pink peach blossoms full blown.
[25/04/20 22:33] Tissy:lame translation...
[25/04/20 22:34] Ailith:It\'s beautiful
[25/04/20 22:34] Ungod:It\'s fitting.
[25/04/20 22:35] Tissy:it\'s saying every year we see flowers in spring, but some one disappear, for temporary, or for long
[25/04/20 22:35] Tissy:hope to see you next year
[25/04/20 22:36] Tissy:and hope you could also see me next year
[25/04/20 22:36] Ailith:I hope so as well
[25/04/20 22:37] Steno: (Tissy look! Another quest! hahahaha)
[25/04/20 22:37] Tissy:NOOOO
[25/04/20 22:37] :Ailith laughs
[25/04/20 22:37] lashtal:Thanks Tissy, a delicate poem.
[25/04/20 22:38] Tissy:I\'m glad you like it
[25/04/20 22:39] Ailith: *Invites everyone to talk and enjoy the evening* Thank you so much for attending, and for making these days so wonderful
[25/04/20 22:40] Ailith:If any have more contributions, of course feel free.
[25/04/20 22:40] :Ungod thanks the host
[25/04/20 22:45] :Steno posts his live-stream of Remembrance day in memery
[25/04/20 22:45] :Aelis chuckles
[25/04/20 22:46] Aelis:I have to make a meme like: 1. I see Steno posts a new meme. 2. I hit like
[25/04/20 22:46] Aelis:No template for that one though
[25/04/20 22:46] Ailith:I just did that Aelis *laughs* like i mean not meme
[25/04/20 22:48] Ailith:I will take the recording a little later in case of any later contributions
[25/04/20 22:49] Steno: *nods* Thank you Aelis. I do think this event should be added to the history of the realm.
[25/04/20 22:50] Sunfire:If i may ask a question, who helped you become you the most inhere
[25/04/20 22:50] Ailith:I seriously have to change my name... *laughs*
[25/04/20 22:51] Steno:Dang it! I really thought I read the right person, sorry!
[25/04/20 22:51] :Steno smiles apologetically to Ailith
[25/04/20 22:51] Aelis:hahahahaha
[25/04/20 22:51] Aelis:Do we have a doctor in the realm?
[25/04/20 22:52] Aelis:Some people are in dire need of glasses
[25/04/20 22:52] :Aelis chuckles
[25/04/20 22:52] :Steno looks for Aia, finds she\'s asleep or at work
[25/04/20 22:52] Sunfire:I only have Sun-glasses
[25/04/20 22:53] Steno:I\'m a little disappointed that lashtal, you didn\'t catch Dan?!
[25/04/20 22:53] lashtal:It\'s trapped *can\'t help but laugh*
[25/04/20 22:53] lashtal:He\'s, better...
[25/04/20 22:57] :Steno laughs
[25/04/20 22:57] Trola:jump links doesn\'t work where he\'s at?
[25/04/20 22:57] Sunfire:Ebil
[25/04/20 22:57] Ailith: (pardon me, just eating was cooking dinner while event was on XD)
[25/04/20 22:58] lashtal:They do, but since he didn\'t use it I supposed he was waiting for me...
[25/04/20 22:59] lashtal:I\'ll visit him once the jump link vanishes
[25/04/20 22:59] Steno: *does best general ackbar voice* it\'s a trap!
[25/04/20 23:03] Ailith: *chuckles* (omg so much better now XD)
[25/04/20 23:06] Steno:anyone have a picture of dan\'s avatar?
[25/04/20 23:07] Ailith:Give lashtal a camera *chuckles*
[25/04/20 23:07] Aelis:I can get it real quick, wait a sec
[25/04/20 23:07] Tissy:Where is he recently?
[25/04/20 23:07] Steno: (send it to me please, so I can submit to MD and friends)
[25/04/20 23:07] lashtal:Tunnel of War
[25/04/20 23:08] Tissy:Good hidden place
[25/04/20 23:08] Tissy:Though I never get the answer cereectly
[25/04/20 23:09] Tissy:Now I could even recite the riddle.
[25/04/20 23:12] Aelis: (sent)
[25/04/20 23:12] :[Spell] whatwasthat



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On review of the rewards, I would like to announce the following:

As none of the contributions were technically written specifically for the event within the criteria specified in the initial post, and that there were fewer than anticipated, I will not be awarding an Anniversary creature for each of the categories.

However, I retain the right to award further rewards based on entries of note as also specified above given that it was the few who stepped forward to contribute that made the evening so special.


lashtal and Aelis:

15th Anniversary Eastern Laureate

And a gold coin each (paid 28/04/2020 at Deathmarrow)

This is in recognition for the sheer effort it has taken to put such a piece of music together. All in MD and through PMs. This shows not only dedication to their art form but also the sheer commitment and honest work it has taken to put such a lengthy and complex piece of work together in game. I had no idea this existed before they contributed last night, but I will never forget it now.

In addition, a recommendation:

@Muratus del Mur  @Chewett

I think given that this was a purely in game production, and the sound is quite unique and fitting for MagicDuel, could you please consider agreeing to add a few bars of it to a scene of lashtal and Aelis's choice?



5 Silver coins (paid 28/04/2020 at Deathmarrow)

For contributing such a poignant and relevant poem written by your own hand, it really resonated with how people were feeling after the ceremony. Good choice.



4 Silver coins and the item "Snowdrop Seed" (paid 28/04/2020 at Deathmarrow)

You presented two pieces, one story written by another and an MD poem written by your hand. I appreciated both and, just as I have stated in Steno's feedback, they resonated with the feeling of the evening.  As you were gracious enough to provide two contributions, I am also rewarding an item from my own inventory which I think fits the mood of your contributions.



3 Silver Coins (paid 28/04/2020 at Deathmarrow)

Your contribution was not MD based, but in fitting exactly with the evening. It was very beautiful and a fitting note to end the evening on. 


Again, I would like to say a very big thank you to all who contributed to both the ceremony and the recitations afterwards. It was a lovely evening, and I hope to hold it again next year.

All coins are awarded from my own pocket, and the laureate item will be requested from Chewett after the end of the anniversary.

Edited by Clair de Lune
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