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Rophs Crew: Diplomat

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For Rophs's crew he will need a Diplomat to negotiate with whomever his ship of seafaring sailors might meet. This contest serves the purpose of choosing a diplomat.


Stages of the Contest:

  1. Nominations
  2. Eliminations
  3. Election
  4. Results

Nominations: A player may nominate themselves as a candidate for being the Diplomat of Rophs's Ship. To nominate yourself post ITT indicating of your nomination.


Eliminations: Players (nominees and others) will vote on candidates to be ELIMINATED from the pool of potential candidates.  If a nominee votes to eliminate another nominee their vote must be public. A player may vote to remove any amount of nominees. Elimination elections will continue to be held until half the original number of nominees remain.


Election: Players (nominees and others) Will vote on one final nominee to become the Diplomat. Whichever nominee receives the most votes will become the diplomat.


Results: I will announce the diplomat.



Edited by Rophs
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The four nominees are:

  • Aeoshattr
  • Kamisha
  • Assira the Black
  • Ars Alchemy

Currently we are electing WHO TO REMOVE.

If you are a nominee post ITT who you are voting to remove, all others send me a Forum PM.


Voting for this round ends on Sep 2 at 23:59:59 ST.

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Why me specifically?

Presently you are the least active on the forums. So I see it only logical that I start there and move forward. Nothing is stopping you from attempting to vote me out or any of the other people present.

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