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Is there anyway to take this out of game or change it? Many times I have seen myself winning then I retreated thus losing the fight. Today it came down to myself having one creature left and the other had a Grasan. I would of won but the game decided I had to retreat??? That makes no sense. Can someone maybe break it down more for me? Maybe I am missing a key element.


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A 'Retreat' is a soft loss that is you retreat when you lose but the difference between the damage you do and your opponent does is less then or equal to 85%. If its more then that then you get a 'Defeated' but this only applies in MP4 and above. See the 'Balancing fights' tutorial for more detailed information. You can find it on the left hand side of your screen near the bottom with 'How to play' and 'Understanding the fighting system'.

Edit- Should be less then or equal to 85%

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If I understand retreats occur when a fight has gone on too many rounds (unsure of how many) Esentially, if you were to continue fighting one person would win and the other would be decimated, but like a battlefield, there is only so much to human/creature endurance.

I don't mind the retreats, usually I am on the short end of an ass kicking and instead of having all my creats dead, I still have one or two, and while they do not log a win, they do get experience.

This usually seems to happen when you battle someone who is close to evenly matched with you. It's a stalemate. The sun has gone down and you live to fight another day. I don't think it's really all that awful.

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I do in fact totally agree with you but when it comes to me actually going to win, it should let me and not make me retreat. It should make them retreat with me reaping all of the exp not the person who was going to lose.

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You still get exp for your creatures when you retreat as long as they don't die in battle. So its actually better for you to have a timed battle rather then a fight to the death since if you hadn't retreated you would have died because you were already losing the battle if you retreated in the first place. If you retreated it means your opponent got a win but not a victorious. When the battle times out and the damage you have both done to each other is equal or none then the person whose creatures have the most vitality win. If you attack someone whose creatures are all dead you will also get a retreat.

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