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Mb: The Glowing Red Gem

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I was sleeping in a peaceful garden when I had very strange dream.. I can no longer recall the details of the dream itself but I still am haunted by the one detail about I do recall. A dark figure placed into my hand a glowing red gem and whispered with a raspy almost metallic like voice the name Jenkins.. I awoke in the garden to find the very same stone from my dream grasped in my hand. At first I could not tell whether this was a good or bad omen... I pondered to myself walking around the world "What did the figure mean by Jenkins, am I supposed to find Jenkins and bring him this gem..."--just as I was reaching Marind Bell's land I noticed I was being followed by a curious creature--A purple bear... At first I chose to ignore it as it seemed to be just another harmless creature of this realm.. I'm still not sure why but ignoring the Bear seemed to make it get violent, and naturally I prepared to defend myself with my trusty swords yet upon striking the bear it merely passed right through it as if there was nothing there... In that instant millions of things flowed through my mind, the main thing being "Am I going mad again?". Then it struck me, I had never felt such pain in my entire life, yet there were not visible wounds almost as if the bear we're attacking my very soul. Without even thinking I fled from the bear... I ran for hours but it seemed not matter where I went the bear would find me yet no matter whom I would plead to for help against this foul beast they simply thought I was daft and claimed that there was no bear... I soon realized that the bear only started to chase me after awakening with that gem.. I immediately took the gem out of my pack and tossed it as far as my arms could throw and the bear disappeared. I was so realized to finally be free of that purple beast I decided to head to Windy's Pub for a drink when all the sudden I felt an odd weight in my pocket; It was the gem! I tossed thew gem away again and again and no matter where or how far I threw it it would always return. Still being haunted by the bear I took out my sword and shattered the gem. Thinking I was finally free I started on my way again. I made my way to the pub only to find the gem back on my person whole again! I could hear the bear roaring in the distance.. Knowing that I had not much time before it caught up to me again I did what any rational person would have, I got drunk. Out habit I paid for each drink in full as I never like to leave a tab never knowing when I might get struck down; I paid for my drink with the Gem perhaps out not realizing what I was doing or divine inspiration. I sat at the bar awaiting for the gem to return and get mauled once again by the fiendish bear, but to no avail... I was free, for some reason the stone never returned..

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[quote name='stormrunner' post='16799' date='Sep 16 2008, 04:08 PM']is the gem I shattered that was bugging wind, the red gem your talking about[/quote]

Oh it will come back.. It always does.. :rolleyes: I already tried to shatter it and it reformed..

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='DarkElfMage' post='17277' date='Sep 24 2008, 09:22 PM']haha, That's the gem, I shoved into Stormrunners mouth to destroy it... XD[/quote]

It is still out there.. If you know where to look... One who is seeking excitement would probably be its new owner...

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[quote name='sanguinious' post='17930' date='Oct 5 2008, 03:13 PM']but think about it, the bear needs the gem, somehow give it to him if it ever returns to your pocket[/quote]

Perhaps if you happen upon it you can try.. If only we knew where it was..

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