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Comments, Complaints, Suggestions about RPC


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Answers to you questions:

To start off, this is a list of observances, feelings and ideas from a group of people who have been feeling marginalised and annoyed at some of the recent events in MD lately. There is no particular order of severity or importance here.

Some RPCs don’t seem to do a lot if any roleplaying. Indeed, some are very rarely around (idle doesn’t count as being around). While many of the RPCs that fall into this category are indeed hard working and contribute a lot to the game, they are NOT ROLEPLAYING much. If they are doing too many projects it is taking them away from the roleplaying aspect of the game. Perhaps they should not be working on so much at any one time? Perhaps they should have a recognised assistant (perhaps a PWR position). Or maybe, they shouldn’t be RPCs, but hold some other title like Game Design Team Member?

[b]Answer : Normaly there should be just PWR roles no RPC, but the RPC abilities can’t be trusted to any person. The RPC activity is not that important their responsibility is.[/b] [/color]

RPC Activity
It seems that many RPCs have the same kind of hours of play. Again, being idle doesn’t count here. The RPC list should really always have a few active RPCs at any time.
This is a regular picture for some people playing. This is not having a go at any RPCs. It is merely to show the lack of RPCs at certain times of the day.
Why cant RPCs be chosen with a mind to the hours of the day they will be active? (See image att.)

Answer: RPC’s where not chosen from the same timezone or because they were seen when Mur was online. It may be because of the advertisement, targeted more time on the States, the result being seen like more users from the same timezone.[/b][/color]

A list of PWRs would be nice. Something like the RPC list.

Answer: Making a list of PWR will mean to different them to much from regular players and i don;’t wanna PWRS to be like an other lvl of RPC. They are a transit stage between regular and rpc and actually the ideal stage.[/b][/color]


How are rewards chosen? It seems that some of the rewards given are not given on merit. Why is it that people, who have been bad seem to be rewarded? Why are bad roleplayers and godmodders rewarded? Why are people rewarded simply for being in the right place at the right time? Some people will never be there. Are they to be punished for this?

[color="#000080"][b]Answer:Without names i can’t answer to that.[/b][/color]


What is good roleplaying? Many people will have different interpretations on this. Some people like to have magical powers and abilities, or be innately magical. Some don’t. Some people seem to think that they can launch fireballs from their backside and imprison other people in magical ice cages. Often on a whim, or because they just have to trump everyone else. Some people have to just be better at something than others, even if the other person is really dedicated or geared towards something. Doesn’t matter, I’m better at it than you bud.
Let’s just say that good roleplaying is playing in such a way as to not diminish the actions and roles of the people around you.
For every action there is entitled to be an equal and opposite reaction. You cannot lash out at another and then just refute and rebut any reaction they have to your actions.

[color="#000080"][b]Answer: Good roleplaying is that type of role playing that requires minimum amount of fabulations . It does not matter how many ** you put or how much you spam the chat it matters how well integrated u are with your presumed role and how u managed to use ur limited abilities to support that role without inventing ridiculous abilities. This is also a criteria for rewarding players.[/b][/color]


Why is it that some people feel that the players that have been playing a long time don’t deserve anything? Does loyalty to the game and the community count for nothing at all? Nowadays it doesn’t even seem to garner respect from younger players. You’re just deadwood. You’ve been playing the game for ages and look at you, you’re a nobody, who cares what you think.


Answer: That impression might be personal. Loyalty to the game reflected by active days and gathered achievements was always something to increase reputation and notoriety. And because of that it also increases enemies on other sides. [/b][/color]

Personality Clash
Yes there are people that don’t get on in the game. But equally there are people who contribute a lot. While you may not like them why cant you recognise that they do contribute to the game? Why not reward them or help them?


PPL that help are usually noticed. If they help n some secret dark corner of their home lab and they just show it to friends i can’t know to reward them. There are a lot that do a lot of things but some things have greater impact then the others. [/b][/color]

Die Hard Vs Casual

Does anyone think about the casual gamer? Are they just a nice distraction from time to time? There doesn’t seem to be much in the game geared towards the casual gamer, who doesn’t know a lot of people or have a lot of time to spend playing.

[color="#000080"][b]Answer: This is not a game for pp that just want a weekend relaxation. The beginning of the game is one of the things that filter out bored and frustrated ppl from reaching later stages and that makes the game very uncomercial but i am willing to pay that price.[/b][/color]

The Have’s and the Have Nots

Does anyone feel that the game is dividing into groups of people. That there is a top tier of people, who are rewarded, while there is little or nothing for the masses? It isn’t being said that people don’t deserve rewards, but what about the rest? Why not try to spread the love instead of having the same people all the time.
There also seems to be an attitude that you aren’t worth listening to or are just jealous and petty because you aren’t an RPC or whatever. This is insulting and juvenile. On the subject of juvenile, maybe the RPCs should look at some of their bickering on the forums and in game. They are not working as a team and not setting very good examples for other people (This is meant as an overall and casual observance, not pointing fingers at individuals).

[color="#000080"][b]Answer: U can’t have a book that talks about masses of ppl and name each one of them. Some of them need to be main characters even if they do not deserve it all the time. They are not picked based on personal favours and there are many other characters that deserve to be RPC but are not. Regardless how many ppl will be promoted to RPC there will always be other ppl to complain about. It’s not a race to become RPC they are just ike pivots in a constantly changing community. [/b][/color]

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Ok As Akasha knows as we spoke on this matter.
Now some of you feel that this does not matter and that
speaking about the issues you all have about stuff happing
within the realm.

I spoke with Akasha as i feel that this DOES matter and they we need to
speak and resolve the issues people have with game happining.
I dont meen to have a big moan about such and such and that
such and such cant role play.

I have read the answers and yes i can see that some will have issues with them
and feel they may not be answeres to the questions.

Remember no examples were given here and there for they cannot be cated upon.

So i will give some of what i beleve will be examples.

For the RPC issue.
Some of the player promoted are not beleved by others to deserv this role.
reasions that have been given is that they are mates with others that recently got prometed and are beeing given the position because of this.

For the roleplayeing issue.
There many forums of roleplaying.
I beleve the main issue here is that many are trying to do diffrent aspects.
and some that (Sorry to keep useing it) got promoted did roleplay as other
though they should to be given that position.

Also role playing is an experience for all to share ideas and to interact.
but most of what has happened is that sectons have been made and they
will not make any effort to interact out side there little circle.

I wil not name name as that will come across as trying to stir the S**T.

I know from speaking with some layers they feel that they are just ignored
so it is through speaking with Akasha that this topic has come up so if you
have issues speak of them here but do not flame player becaue you think it
will get them into trouble.

try giving example without anming player i know it is hard but please try.

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Oh, just adding something: if you need to contact me, and you can't get in near me because the gates are closed, then ask for it. Golemus is my land affliation and actualy we all should stay there, in our land affiliation. You can gain access everywhere if you know how.That's why u have my location. You need to pm me? you know how. And yes, my role involves a lab, and yes, i was staying there at nights, because i was using the Lab, BUT again , that has nothing to do with MY role, and of course i am inactive and i should be removed from the RPC list? right?

PS: sorry for the sarcasm.. but i just feel i need to shout it now.

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Just a few personal responses for the queries:

[i]RPC = ROLE PLAYING Character.[/i]

I agree that the name RPC is deceptive to how this game actually categorieses RPCs. However, all members on that list are fully capable of role play and do do it. Some more than others, but, Akasha is correct, there are responsibilities that take precident in order for you to better enjoy this game. All the same....I may be an RPC now, but I have always found if you take the time to interact, you are interacted with - and i think thats an important thing to take note of.

[i]RPC Activity[/i]

It isn't just the RPCs that have hours of play. I can often be found awake at times when few others are, and when I say few others I mean players in general. The hours of play are in fact a blanket with few playing in the other hours. Many of us have jobs etc, we have to have them to afford the internet to be here, therefore we cannot be awake all the time. Even so...I find even if I am awake for 12 hours of the day- I am taunted for 5 minutes of idleness, and in fact this sort of relates to the first question too, role play is not the only thing that rpcs are there for.


To me, every single player who makes an effort is a PWR :P so my list would be exhaustive. I know thats not the answer you want, but it's the one im giving you.


I don't really know what to say to that...but...what i could say is...maybe the "bad rpers" and "god modders" did something else you arn't aware of that didn't involve RP but affected the game in a great and positive way that most wont be able to see to credit them for.

[i]"On the subject of juvenile, maybe the RPCs should look at some of their bickering on the forums and in game. They are not working as a team and not setting very good examples for other people"[/i]

I suppose it does depend on what you mean by bickering, your version of bickering could be my version of a publically heated debate necessary for something. Team wise, Im not sure you could comment unless you are actually in the team seeing how it operates, I dunno.

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I have one thing to add about roleplay. There's tons of things you can say about good and bad roleplay, lots of things I've still to discover, but there is one golden rule:

Your character is NOT you!

In the worst case scenario for your character he/she/it will die (and not get resurrected/become undead). That might actually also be your most glorious and memorable roleplaying event, only if your character were you, you probably wouldn't appreciate it.
And now to derail this topic: lets start betting when my character'll die :P

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well often times when i'm idle, i'm still working on things, so i hope none of you think i don't enjoy having my role. i do very much so and think everyone who puts efforts in their roles deserves to be rpc too and that would be great in a way but then again how many RPC can we really have

also i never log out i figure being idle people will leave me messages if they need me when i have to go sleep or run errands or take care of my grams ([i]see i don't get to work a normal job IRL i stay home and work while im playing the game i make jewelry and other things with chain maille just like my character cause i cant go out of the house to do a normal job taking care of my grams who will be 80 in a few days is mu job[/i])
this does mean i am afk a lot and for that im sorry but thats also why i dont log out so if you need me you can message me and i can respond asap

sadly i find it a bit embarrassing that some people can only find ways to complain or not be happy for others rather than bitching about someone getting promoted ask your self and them "hey what can i do to get my role noticed so i can be RPC?" or "what did you do to get RPC?" but also remember with these roles comes responsibility so akasha might be idle from being in the lab(aka working on things for the game) i may be in my shop (aka working on quests for people who want items or wps or docs) as are all the other RPCs working on things behind the scenes...

that being said we should be working to keep new people in the game longer and to keep the old ones from leaving when someone does not get along

above all else we should try to remember everyone on the other side of that screen is a real live breathing person if you would not talk to them like you are in the game face to face them maybe you need to stop a second and ask what kind of role are you really trying to play/live

my 2c

The Metal Mage

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One of the things you guys keep on saying is that Akasha is always idle in her lab, from what I see, she is absolutely very rarely in this... "lab". I have had many discussions with her in the GoE, out in the open, and even got to know her player a bit.

What I see here is jealousy. And envy. There may be a few RPCs that abuse their role, so what? Let the other RPCs deal with it and have it figured out within their own group. Becoming RPC, or even PWR is something that doesn't happen over night! It takes time, dedication, and labourous work.

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From my experience in other realms, I can say with confidence that this is not a problem unique to MD. It is a problem of perception and I have yet to see it solved. Once a player reaches a level where they have the responsibility of keeping the game running, two things happen.

First, the game gets a little less fun for them, because they now have a job to do. It's not their fault, it's just the nature of the beast. What used to be "Oh! I can't wait to sign in and see what will happen next." becomes "Oh man, I have to sign in and read the pile of ranting PMs and work on that list of tasks."

Next, people see the player's new role and begin demanding things (often impossible things) from them. People notice when each RPC player is active or not, when before, they barely noticed when a player was online. Then they complain about the job that is being done in a PM and ask for more personal attention. But theses same people will complain when an RPC goes idle or stays offline for a day to catch up on the very tasks they have demanded of them.

This in turn makes the game less fun for the RPCs and it feeds into itself.

That's why I personally think this system of rotating RPC characters every few months is a fantastic thing. Let people rest a bit in between times of great responsibility.

It won't cure the problem of people complaining... because that's what humans do. We are such whiners. But it's certainly the best attempt at alleviating the problem that I've seen in many years of online (and table top - yes, I'm that old) roleplay.

Short version of above postzilla: The RPCs that are cut out for it and have the stomach for it, are doing the best they can. The others will be replaced in the next round or promotion-demotion. Be nice to them.

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[quote]Some RPCs don’t seem to do a lot if any roleplaying. Indeed, some are very rarely around (idle doesn’t count as being around). While many of the RPCs that fall into this category are indeed hard working and contribute a lot to the game, they are NOT ROLEPLAYING much. If they are doing too many projects it is taking them away from the roleplaying aspect of the game. Perhaps they should not be working on so much at any one time? Perhaps they should have a recognised assistant (perhaps a PWR position). Or maybe, they shouldn’t be RPCs, but hold some other title like Game Design Team Member?[/quote]

This depends entirely on your definition of 'Role Playing Character'. Each RPC has a role based on their previous performance in the realm and as well as this their shared role of responsibility: to provide players with quests and rewards, to provide a role model in their behaviour and treatment of others, to observe and take note of particularly unsociable or merit worthy behaviour and actions and so on.

For example, Ailith has always based her existance on helping others and supporting and listening to others. Since becoming Keeper of the Peace, she has helped resolve a number of player vs player problems, but as this involves confidentiality, only a small number of players can appreciate this aspect of her role. Ailith has a Silver Coin Quest as well as a Spell Document Quest running, both of which have been proved popular.. these again will go unnoticed as they are solved and continued in PM. In accordance to the nature of her role, she has become MP6 Protector and intends to stay that way, the results of this will become apparent soon.

I am working on wishpoint quests, teaching adepts, helping players in general as well as fulfilling the other aspects of RPC responsibility. I roleplay, but to me roleplay is not spending all my time here chatting about random things at GoE, but to roleplay in interactions connected to my role and in the way I deal with all players. Your definition may be different, but the joy of MD is that we are all individuals, with our own thoughts and opinions.

On a personal note, if you see Ailith idle at GoE or anywhere else, it means I am either sleeping or at work.

[quote]First, the game gets a little less fun for them, because they now have a job to do. It's not their fault, it's just the nature of the beast. What used to be "Oh! I can't wait to sign in and see what will happen next." becomes "Oh man, I have to sign in and read the pile of ranting PMs and work on that list of tasks."[/quote]

With regards to what I think when I log in.. I am sorry Dark Trial, but you do not speak for me there.

The 'fun' I get from MD is in helping others, and I would never complain about the work I do.

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you also gotta think when RPCs and players go idle, often they have other bussiness, like me, i've barely been around this week, because of schoolwork (i know im not a RPC, but still ;) the point is valid).

Also i have stories to write for future events that may take place, i have things to draw up, and while im doing this i like to train at GoE, so i idle there while im doing other things... i think it's the smart thing to do if you're even remotely interested in that kind of thing.

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[quote]Answer: Good roleplaying is that type of role playing that requires minimum amount of fabulations . It does not matter how many ** you put or how much you spam the chat it matters how well integrated u are with your presumed role and how u managed to use ur limited abilities to support that role without inventing [b]ridiculous abilities[/b]. This is also a criteria for rewarding players.[/quote]
I agree!

[quote]sadly i find it a bit embarrassing that some people can only find ways to complain or not be happy for others rather than bitching about someone getting promoted ask your self and them "hey what can i do to get my role noticed so i can be RPC?" or "what did you do to get RPC?" but also remember with these roles comes responsibility so akasha might be idle from being in the lab(aka working on things for the game) i may be in my shop (aka working on quests for people who want items or wps or docs) as are all the other RPCs working on things behind the scenes...[/quote]
Sadly, this is the case with many people. Sometimes they are not patient and want to be RPCs just as soon as (not)possible. They did not realize that there are those who roleplayed as well as they are for a longer period of time yet has not been promoted. But they only see it as not being fair to them only, instead of understanding that RPC selection process has a lot of thing to consider, and there always has to be a certain limit on the number of RPCs.

[quote]I roleplay, but to me roleplay is not spending all my time here chatting about random things at GoE, but to roleplay in interactions connected to my role and in the way I deal with all players. Your definition may be different, but the joy of MD is that we are all individuals, with our own thoughts and opinions.[/quote]
DItto this again. You hit the hammer right on the spot, Ailith. Role-playing is [b]playing your ROLE[/b], doing what your character would do. It is not limited to doing a bunch of * * actions all day in the GoE, yet some people seem to confuse this and say that RPCs that doesn't regularly do * * actions as not playing their role.

I do hope this topic will open the eyes of more people..

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[quote name='Udgard' post='29391' date='Apr 25 2009, 12:31 AM']DItto this again. You hit the hammer right on the spot, Ailith. Role-playing is [b]playing your ROLE[/b], doing what your character would do. It is not limited to doing a bunch of * * actions all day in the GoE, yet some people seem to confuse this and say that RPCs that doesn't regularly do * * actions as not playing their role.

I do hope this topic will open the eyes of more people..[/quote]

I got to agree there. For example, my role is not only based around drachorns, but my character is also kind of a mad scientist. And thats what i represent in the game, im not necessary talking about drachorns all the time. Tell me, when did someone have a normal conversation with me ;)? And i do not use *'s to talk like that. I just talk, and thats what comes out :)

Edited by Braiton
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Interestingly enough, I am a different kind of roleplayer. You see, whereas some say that stats and stuff are not necessarily RP stuff (and I understand how you see that), these things are integrated into the game/realm.
The way I play, is the way I have been playing, as of today according to the active veteran list, for 500 days.

When I talk about stats or stats from creatures or such things, people find it not very roleplay like and I have heard rumours about people not liking that, they think I should roleplay more and give my stats a more vague description of my so called inner strength and wisdom, with subjective ways of measurement which simply allows for more confusion.

I say to thee, who ever told you that roleplay shouldn't be integrated to the game? Who with the right authority and justness of mind told you that all roleplay should look, feel and be exactly like some sort of LARP festival?
To me, this feels dead wrong, if you want to LARP, then join some LARP group somewhere.

When I play around, make jokes, talk about fighting or philosophy or other things, trust me, I am roleplaying 9 out of 10 times. Because I find that talking about storymode, stats, calling it a pm instead of a scroll, is simply the way normal roleplaying has integrated with the game for me.

So.. simply said, stats etc, and me not caring about obvious futile attempts to try and eat me, is simply my version of roleplaying.

I'm not saying I am correct, or that you are deadwrong in everything. I am simply saying that I roleplay in a different manner, and seeing as how I come end-June, start of July, will be RPC for 1 year, I think that it is at the very least, not bad nor wrong.

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[quote]Interestingly enough, I am a different kind of roleplayer. You see, whereas some say that stats and stuff are not necessarily RP stuff (and I understand how you see that), these things are integrated into the game/realm.[/quote]

I agree here again. In fact I believe that it should be a strong part of RP. If someone wants to RP as a super-powerful warrior, they may! But as long as their in-game stats supports that. That is what it means to role-play according to your character's real condition, and not god-modding. It is much worse to see players who RP ridiculous amount of combat prowes when their stats do not support that.

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There also seems to be an attitude that you aren’t worth listening to or are just jealous and petty because you aren’t an RPC or whatever. This is insulting and juvenile. On the subject of juvenile, maybe the RPCs should look at some of their bickering on the forums and in game. They are not working as a team and not setting very good examples for other people (This is meant as an overall and casual observance, not pointing fingers at individuals).

I myself cannot agree more with this statement. There have been occasions where I, a nobody, directly addresses an RPC or LHO and the RPC or LHO either completely disregards my question or tells me it is a pointless discussion.. Why? Because I'm not a fellow RPC or LHO? Just because I do not have a label upon me, seperating me from the rest of the masses, it does not make me any less of a person, does it?

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Ok every single person in the real counts and many more than are RPCs or have special roles deserve them so who ever is dismissing anyone as a nobody is a fool ...
every single person in this game has and continues to help form it into what it is and will become ...

so let us all remember to show some bit of respect for each other

the golden rule as it were

cause like ti or not karma is a bitch and will bite you in the ass

Treat people NICE !

my 2c

The Metal Mage

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