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Info on Landmarks of Golem


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Greetings. I got a Live Help Request from a new player wanting to know what Mt Kell~eth was and the sign post by it. I have not been on GG since the Illusion test.

Is there an area I can go to research on your lands historical landmarks?
Thank you for you timely response to this message.

Live Help Operator

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Sage, for the moment there is no location for this research on Golemus land marks.
If you require information just ask me and i will get you the information you are looking for.

But i will also state it will take time to get this information and how acuret that information is
i can not vouch for. But i will do my best. I am currently looking at researching Golemus even
further and i may create a research group for this.

But all in all just ask me and i will find out


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