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Quests/Puzzle/Spoken Words- please help


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So far the only quest I've managed to complete was the one that opens the underground passage, and that was only because the note in the paper cabin looked similar to the shape of the number-ball thing, and even then there weren't any clear instructions on what I was even supposed to be aiming for[fortunately I was really bored and had time to figure it out through trial and error]. There's a hundred things I can click that allow you to "speak a phrase" that it says is given by an NPC, but so far I haven't even FOUND an NPC, just items and signs. Are those supposed to contain these phrases? Are signs the only NPCs in the game?
Also, I'm sure some of these items will become useful later in the game[as some already have] but is there anyway to tell when other than just constantly clicking the same things again and again? Is there any sort of online list describing at least general quests and puzzles for each level/age? I'm sorry for so many questions, and I have no objection to solving puzzles on my own or anything, but I'm finding it pretty frustrating that there's very little in-game info even hinting at what is an isn't a puzzle, or at which puzzles are currently available to me so that I don't keep wasting my time trying to get at things I'm at the wrong level for.

Thank you all for reading this, and like I said, I don't want anyone to give me any secrets that I should earn on my own, but it would just make playing the game so much more enjoyable if I had a better idea of what I'm supposed to be doing in it[other than killing people, that is, which is always fun>:-D]. I'm MP3, by the way, and have finished the story as far as I can go until my hundredth kill.

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actually, part of the fun is to find your quests ;-)

there are only two major integrated quests and a few puzzles, but those are totally easy, the better quests are set by RPCs, who also have the ability of giving information to the clickable objects and set words that will activate them, so go and find a player who's got a dot in front of and after his/her name [like .Kragel. or .Udgard. or .Grido.], they have a quest-page and set riddles there :)

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Alright, thank you! That's actually very helpful, 'cause all this time I thought the words for the objects would be found in-game. >:-/ Just wish it would've made it clearer that those are player-set quests. I knew that players could make quests, but had no idea they used the general objects in the game. [sorry for the ignorance, but the style of this game is very unique, and completely new to me. I hate to criticize such a wonderful work of freeware, but I think something this original really needs more in-depth guides on the site].

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that's what we are there for, LHOs do it officially, a whole lot of others help privately ;-)

you'd make a lot of chatting obsolete if the intregated guides were complete, or let alone correct LOL

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something'll always come in and take you by surprise mate :) not to mention rules change in such a dynamic atmosphere, it may take some getting accustomed to, if you ever need help or advice, mate, dont be afraid to ask

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you are not alone
i was already MP4 before i learned how to activate quests from RPCs
and even then, i haven't finished one!

the quests and puzzles are filters

hopefully, Mur can amass many of us smart and patient ppl so we can rule the world, lol

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