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Beter Worked Out Creature Idea.

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Well, I picked this thing from the bestairy part of the forum, tought it would come in handy.

Action points 40
Value points 6000
Sacrificed vitality 1500
Exploring Points 20

(Creature's Name) The puppeteer

Targets: (random, multi, etc..) one
Abilities: (damage, lifesteal, etc..) weak illusion
Actions of this unit are performed on enemy targets

Special Influences: makes the enemies unit be controlled by you, wich means you use their abilities and do damage to them.


this one is just starting to know how to manipulate, so it only has the possibility to make the enemie player hurt himself, when succeeding. when halfy succeeding he is making the enemie incappeable of fighting. when missing, the enemie enrages for 5% extra of his base values .

Vital Energy first level around
Regeneration don't know what this is for.
Defence none, for he must be completly focused on his enemie.
Initiative high, but I don't know the exact values, he must be strong of will, so around 20?
Attack no attacking power, this creature doesen't fight himself, he lets others do the dirty work for him.
Power don't actually know what this is for.

Requirements for next level:

Experience 20.000 exp.
Won battles 45
Age 15

Upgrade costs:

Action points 70
Value points 11000
Sacrificed vitality 3000
Exploring Points 20


(Creature's Name) Shimmering Illusionist

Targets: (random, multi, etc..) 2
Abilities: (damage, lifesteal, etc..) Progressing Illision
Actions of this unit are performed on enemy targets

Special Influences: makes the enemies unit be controlled by you, wich means you use their abilities and do damage to them.


This one starts to know better how to manipulate his enemy, making him able to target more by just sheer concentration. he can manipulate now up to 2 different creatures. the odds have changed now however. now with the chance that they even use their abilities in your favour, attacking their allies and or defending you or what ever. how ever trough this feeling, they get a higher chance to get enraged, 15%. and for 10 procent that they will hurt themself.

Vital Energy second level around
Regeneration don't know what this is for.
Defence none, for he must be completly focused on his enemie.
Initiative high, but I don't know the exact values, he must be strong of will, so around 30?
Attack no attacking power, this creature doesen't fight himself, he lets others do the dirty work for him.
Power don't actually know what this is for.

Requirements for next level:

Experience 70.000 exp.
Won battles 130
Age 45

Upgrade costs:

Action points 75
Value points 18.000
Sacrificed vitality 5.000
Exploring Points 20

afther second level:

Creature's Name) Nightshade illusionist.

Targets: (random, multi, etc..) 3 random creatures, making one his living shield.
Abilities: (damage, lifesteal, etc..) perfect illusion
Actions of this unit are performed on enemy targets

Special Influences: makes the enemies unit be controlled by you, wich means you us them to do damage to themself


this stage has several possibilities. one will be for 20% chance his life shield, making it still possible to attack. the other two will do as explained in state 2, or do as told, or hurt randomly or enrage, only with the oppertunity of getting cought in the web for the second round making them hurt themself and not fight. but being not able to me trapped in the illusion for several rounds.


Vital Energy first level around
Defence none, for he must be completly focused on his enemie.
Initiative high, but I don't know the exact values, he must be strong of will, so around 30?
Attack no attacking power, this creature doesen't fight himself, he lets others do the dirty work for him.
Power don't actually know what this is for.

Requirements for next level:

Experience maxed level
Won battles maxed level
Age 50

Upgrade costs:

I DID lose a part when adding it here. it was the second level of the creature, going to add it back now, so have a look at that one.

Edited by Orlando Gardiner
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have added a second level. first you had the puppeteer and directly the nightshade illusionist. that was to strong, have added another creature in the middle. much stronger than the first, yet not as strong as the nightshade.

take a look at it.

also one small request, can anyone make a good looking avatar for this? I will tell what I think it should look like,. but not much of an artist myself..

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