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Riddle-Poems Contest!


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Ok guys, I just had a lot of fun with Asterdai and a few others at Marble Dale Park doing spontaneous Riddle-Poems! I've had so much fun actually that I'll organize a contest and I might even award some coins or creats to the top entry/entries, if I have any left after Mur's auction :P

Riddle-poems are very easy - check this link provided by Asterdai http://catb.org/esr/riddle-poems.html
Also, check out our log from tonight (captured page by page manually by me, so it's missing the intro and probably a line or two here and there, but there are some very good examples included)

[spoiler]Totenkopf: A breath indrawn
Totenkopf: Keep flying on
Totenkopf: Pass it around
Totenkopf: Until it's gone
Asterdai: thats really good, damn
Asterdai: ohh!
Asterdai: a umm nightshade ciggerette?
Totenkopf: spot on mate :)
Asterdai: i shoulda guessed thatd be your one!"
Totenkopf: the wacky tobacky muse :)
Asterdai: really nice poem/riddle though
Asterdai: spot on what the task was about
Totenkopf: thanks, i'm a quick learner :)
Totenkopf: your turn
Asterdai: um
Asterdai: a small fruit
Asterdai: um thats it
: Asterdai sniggers
Asterdai: no no let me think
Totenkopf: really, that's all you can come up with after proposing the game? :P
Totenkopf: "a small fruit" :)
Asterdai: hehe
Asterdai: i can help give, and i can take away
Totenkopf: something that would match the rhythm, at least in my inner ear, would be "a small fruit/colour of blue"
Totenkopf: umm cash moneyz?
Asterdai: to a child i wouldnt give him this to play
Totenkopf: pillage/plunder?
Asterdai: ok start again sorry
Asterdai: i shimmer like the candle of the world
Asterdai: i dont get too hot or cold
Asterdai: store me away or have me on show
Totenkopf: vanilla ice ice diamonds? :)))
Asterdai: Gee im old
Asterdai: (nearly :P)
Asterdai: this is really hard
Asterdai: the answer was gold
Asterdai: but dont worry i dont think i could have even got it
Totenkopf: it would prolly help if there were more of us :)
Asterdai: im not so sure *chuckles*
Totenkopf: and the rhyme was a freudian slip i bet!
Asterdai: i curl my long finger into your skin
Asterdai: in persue of the pleasure held within
Asterdai: What am i?
Totenkopf: errr a leech?
Asterdai: the skin bit is metaphorical
Totenkopf: righto
Asterdai: well its corkscrew
Asterdai: but it sounded dodgy
Totenkopf: i wanted to say oil drill
Totenkopf: ok my turn
Asterdai: that would have been great
Totenkopf: i am greener than the sea
Totenkopf: all your dreams come out through me
Totenkopf: sugar, come and set me free!
Asterdai: green tea?
Totenkopf: nope
: Asterdai sticks out his tongue
Totenkopf: but you're not far away :)
Asterdai: nightshade tea?
: Asterdai chuckles
Totenkopf: nope
Totenkopf: but you're almost there
: No one passed Lorerootian Longbow to Zleiphneir
Asterdai: absinthe?
Totenkopf: oooh, the plot thickens!
Totenkopf: yaaay, hurray for absinthe! :))
Asterdai: is that the answer?
Asterdai: http://catb.org/esr/riddle-poems.html
Asterdai: if anyone else wants to try
Totenkopf: yep
Asterdai: comfort the dog, but not in this smelly mess
Asterdai: thats my one
Asterdai: 6 letters
Totenkopf: i would say "caress" but i really hope that's not the answer :P
Asterdai: um it might not be a word your used to (allways forget not everyones english, you all speak so well)
Asterdai: ill do another line
Totenkopf: yeah, let's all do one line *takes out a gold coin and tries to roll it*
Asterdai: gold to the trees, food for the flies
Totenkopf: manure!
: Asterdai grins
Asterdai: not quite, it is related to a way you comfort a dog
Asterdai: cow pat!
Totenkopf: wot?
Asterdai: *stops some droppings near the sign* we only get goats here
Asterdai: *and looks at
Asterdai: hmm i didnt think that you wouldnt know the word, sorry
Asterdai: yourgood at this
Asterdai: im not so good *grins*
Totenkopf: ha, my first though was "z snoring while ledah does his thing with a squirrel hole on bob"
Asterdai: to what!?
Ailith: O.o
: Ailith giggles
Asterdai: *chuckles* i think im getting the wrong end of the stick
Totenkopf: to "gold to the trees, food for the flies", as i kind of imagine flies will sit on you if you sleep in the great outdoors
Asterdai: not if i can help it * wafts his hand about* though you do get some pesky misquitos around
Totenkopf: yeah, i kind of have a tendency to go on really wild tangents
Asterdai: 'ok well
Asterdai: http://catb.org/esr/riddle-poems.html
Totenkopf: right let me try one
Asterdai: ailith do you want to have a go?
Asterdai: mine have been rubbish, but i dont care
: Asterdai grins
Totenkopf: or yeah, maybe the nice eastern lady in the corner would like a go at it :)
Totenkopf: no rush silent, rapt audience, think about it while i whip up one more
Totenkopf: sweat is dripping on your skin
Totenkopf: there he is, that thoughtful grin
Totenkopf: will he discover that last edit?
Totenkopf: does every debit have a credit?!
Asterdai: um paranoia?
Totenkopf: niet
Death Ray: <----?
Asterdai: niet?
Totenkopf: err obj...what-the-beep is that?
Totenkopf: yeah, that's "no" in russian :))
Asterdai: is this a person?
Totenkopf: yes
Asterdai: the Taxman!
Totenkopf: close enough, i was thinking auditor, but "the Taxman!" has waaay more zing to it! :))
: Asterdai smiles
Asterdai: death built by life, hidden in a shell, i wont go to hell
Totenkopf: (at the training for my first ACCA exam, the teacher noticed we were not really paying attention and told us to at least remember that "every debit has a credit")
Totenkopf: gun powder? or explosives of some sort?
Asterdai: (i dont get it)
Asterdai: nope, i like this one i made up, no clues
Asterdai: *smiles* if you get it,ill give you a silver
Asterdai: is open to anyone
Totenkopf: (it was the first out of many exams for entry to the UK-based Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, and she told us like the most basic rule of accounting, that every debit has a credit :) ))
Asterdai: (i dont get it)
Asterdai: nope, i like this one i made up, no clues
Asterdai: *smiles* if you get it,ill give you a silver
Asterdai: is open to anyone
Totenkopf: (it was the first out of many exams for entry to the UK-based Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, and she told us like the most basic rule of accounting, that every debit has a credit :) ))
Asterdai: (i dont understand what the phrase means!)
Totenkopf: (oh, mmkay, you know how in uk, like the rest of europe we generally use the double-entry accounting system? that means whatever you book on debit you must also book on another account on credit)
Totenkopf: ok, so umm...cloned chikin?
Asterdai: (ok... so that you know both things that are affected, and keep a log of both?)
Phear Wolf: the answer is not pearl, is it?
Asterdai: death built by life, hidden in a shell, i wont go to hell
Totenkopf: (yeah, pretty much, that's why when looking at a balance sheet the total should be zero without your profit/loss, because you have the same amount of total assets/liabilities)
Asterdai: *shakes his head* good guess though!
Asterdai: not terribly close
Asterdai: (ok, so its about putting ALL the information down, and remembering too?)
Totenkopf: diesel, cause you buy it from a shell gas station? :P
Asterdai: *chuckles* ok lets forget that one
Asterdai: Phear Wolf, would you like to make a riddle up?
Phear Wolf: shure, give me a minute...
Asterdai: yay!
Phear Wolf: does it have to rhime?
Curiose: Ello, Asterdai.
Totenkopf: (umm yeah somewhat, it's kind of a way to double-check for errors, so if your "debits do not equal your credits", there's an error in your accounting)
Phear Wolf: Jaco, you should only attack idles
Phear Wolf: I am bright like the sun, but age darkens my skin. And only when I am naked people really want me
Phear Wolf: what am I?
Asterdai: banana?
Phear Wolf: no silver for this one, I`m afraid =P
Curiose: Silver?
Phear Wolf: damn, was it that easy?
Totenkopf: oooh good try aster
Phear Wolf: was eating a banana now lol
Curiose: Oh..
Curiose: Never mind, I thought the answer was silver.
Curiose: May I give it a try~?
Asterdai: *grins* iw as really good, i mean mine i cant even understand
Asterdai: sure!
Asterdai: http://catb.org/esr/riddle-poems.html
Curiose: My face is all knowing; my hands tell the future. What am I?
Asterdai: clock
Curiose: Yes.
Asterdai: oh
Phear Wolf: thought of that to =)
Asterdai: pretty cool though, if you made it up
Curiose: Thank you. : 3
Curiose: I'm not too good at creating riddles, honestly.
Curiose: I have a neck; a mouth, but no head. what am I?
Asterdai: trumpet?
Curiose: Nope/
xenno: A CRAB!
Totenkopf: vacuum cleaner?
Asterdai: hehe nice answer xenno
Totenkopf: oh crap i missed capturing some of it :)
Curiose: No.
xenno: ha those things creep me out
Asterdai: worm
Curiose: Wait, allow me to modiffy it.
Totenkopf: shower?
Asterdai: leech
xenno: a guitar?
Curiose: I have a neck; a mouth, but no head. You touch me, and I become weak.
Asterdai: http://catb.org/esr/riddle-poems.html
xenno: wow now i have no clue..
Asterdai: hehe
Phear Wolf: damn, that is a hard one
Asterdai: bottle of alcohol
Asterdai: ciggerette
xenno: good one but y would touching it make it weak??
Asterdai: no, it touches "me" and i get sick
Asterdai: Curiose?
xenno: HA HAHA! nice
Curiose: Arg. sorry my bad
Curiose: Stupid computer...
Curiose: And Asterdai, your guess is quite close.
xenno: i think ur alcohol answer was good. i never would have thaught about that
Curiose: I'd have to say you're scary close if you just analyze your answer.
Asterdai: bottle of poisen/ acid
Curiose: Nope.
Totenkopf: an EXPENSIVE bottle of alcohol? :P
Curiose: Analyze your answer.
Curiose: Pfft no.
Curiose: You're all so very close, but so far..
Curiose: Shall I just say it?
xenno: bottle of soda?
Curiose: Nope..
xenno: i hate when my soda losses fizz..
Asterdai: i dont think you should say it
Asterdai: keep ituntil someone gets it
Asterdai: i have
Curiose: Hehe. Alright.
Curiose: Alright.
Asterdai: death built by life, hidden in a shell, i wont go to hell
Totenkopf: ok my turn
Asterdai: sorry, yes its totenkopfs turn
Totenkopf: yeah and that one was up already
Totenkopf: I carry you with me
Totenkopf: Wherever I wander
Totenkopf: I feed you with power
Totenkopf: My work you don't squander
Asterdai: Hair?
Curiose: The Sun?
xenno: a laptop?
Totenkopf: nope
Totenkopf: yep xenno :)
Curiose: A heart...
xenno: WHOOO!!!!
Curiose: ... Wow.
Asterdai: hehe thats awesome
Phear Wolf: may I go again?
Phear Wolf: couldn`t even think of an answer lol
Totenkopf: go go go
Totenkopf: aster and i have been doing this by ourselves for too long
Phear Wolf: kids may want to eat me, but I travel far away. sometimes I hide myself, only to later show my face
Phear Wolf: what am I?
Totenkopf: shrooms!
Curiose: icecream?
Asterdai: the moon?
Phear Wolf: hahaha, no ^^
Asterdai: sorrydidnt read the eat me bit
Phear Wolf: damn, asterdai you are too good...
Totenkopf: ooooh yeah, but kids don't like green cheese!
Asterdai: hehe
Curiose: .. Wait, kids want to eat the moon?
: Asterdai chuckles
xenno: wow that was a good one
Phear Wolf: when I was a kid I believed the moon was made of cheese
Totenkopf: what, you didn't want to when you were growing up?!
Curiose: ... oh.
xenno: i heard it was peanut butter...but thaught it debateable
Phear Wolf: all cartoons told me that, and I believed the cartoon fully
Asterdai: imagine how fat you would be if you ate the moon
Phear Wolf: you would take its place on the sky
xenno: hmm..if u were on the moon and u ate it, would u then be the moon?
Totenkopf: and how would the russians paint it red and the americans write coca-cola on it, if you did?
xenno: HA!
Asterdai: (LOL xenno)
Phear Wolf: they would have to pay to me, hahaha
xenno: if the moon was made of anything id want it to be chinese noodles...
Totenkopf: good choice
Totenkopf: i'd go with phad thai
Asterdai: yeah i agree
Phear Wolf: like, that t-shirt with "place for rental"
xenno: yeah but it would be super hard to land on..
Curiose: I want it to be curry---
Asterdai: but if you landedon itto eat it, youd get swallowed up
Asterdai: *land on it to eat it
xenno: yeah
Totenkopf: mmm red jungle curry with crispy duck!!!
Phear Wolf: I would go with omelet
Curiose: was just thinking pad thai!
Phear Wolf: I so looove omelet
Wolfs: =_=.
Asterdai: mushroom omelette?
xenno: what!!! omelet! not sunny side up?..lol
Kahn: hello
Phear Wolf: humm, musrooms on th omelet
Phear Wolf: okay, a moon of magicmagic mushrooms omelet then =P
xenno: ketchup lakes?
Asterdai: heheh sorry what were you all saying, you loved Mushroom omlette?
Kahn: yup
xenno: nice...
Kahn: i dont like mushrooms
Totenkopf: SHOUTS: *takes a defiant stance* my god eats your god and gets all trippy and then pukes him back!
AeonWolfX: wolfs.
: Asterdai watches curiose chuckling
Curiose: ... *took her God and hid it away.* :c
xenno: ha! trippy! i wonder if u can trip on the moon
Kahn: you can
Phear Wolf: a mushroom omelet god!!!
Totenkopf: you sure can - look at michael jackson
Curiose: of course!
Curiose: His believers ended up breaking him.
Totenkopf: wait, don't tell me, it's a duality thing
Curiose: duality?
Totenkopf: and partaking of his corpse, of course
Totenkopf: yeah, like the death-life, good-evil, father-trickster kind of stuff
Curiose: :c Nu.. His believers were so pushy and angry at him because he was just a wee little mushroom [and you know how hard it is for a shroom shroom], that they accidentally stepped on him.
Curiose: So.. now he's smited everyone but me.
xenno: soo...
xenno: no more riddles?
Curiose: I can think of one..
Phear Wolf: yes, the mushroom omelet made us all forget the riddles
Asterdai: i think its my turn
Totenkopf: and then they ate him, just the middle bit at least, right?
xenno: soo...
xenno: no more riddles?
Curiose: I can think of one..
Phear Wolf: yes, the mushroom omelet made us all forget the riddles
Asterdai: i think its my turn
Totenkopf: and then they ate him, just the middle bit at least, right?
Asterdai: ihavent thought of one yet
Phear Wolf: gogogo Asterdai
Phear Wolf: `ll get yours for getting mine
Curiose: Nah.. they just broke him.
: wolf pounces phear wolf
AeonWolfX: Would either of the wolves care to battle?
wolf: umm sure
Totenkopf: ok i have one
xenno: thanks jaco, i need the losses
Totenkopf: The moon is devoured
Totenkopf: By blinding white fury
wolf: you wanna attack or me?
Totenkopf: The sickness envelops
Totenkopf: Stay home, have a curry!
xenno: o_O
xenno: im lost..
Asterdai: i dont get yours toten
xenno: me either aster
Totenkopf: ok, let me add a couple of extra hints
Asterdai: pizza
Asterdai: ?
wolf: carrots?
Totenkopf: The merriment echoes
xenno: carrot pizza?
xenno: lol
xenno: jk
: Phear Wolf enters back in the park bleeding
wolf: what happened to you?
Curiose: Cheese..
Totenkopf: The end of year beckons
Phear Wolf: *grins at wolf* those damn lore guards...
Asterdai: snow!
Totenkopf: The moon is devoured
Totenkopf: By blinding white fury
Totenkopf: The sickness envelops
Totenkopf: Stay home, have a curry!
wolf: *smiles* i already got past those,have the scars to prove it
Asterdai: snowstorm
Totenkopf: The merriment echoes
Totenkopf: The end of year beckons
Phear Wolf: but this time I got 93%
Totenkopf: yep, that's the thought
Asterdai: acold
Totenkopf: i was thinking blizzard
Phear Wolf: next time they are doen
Asterdai: wooo i feel all chilly now
xenno: nice one, i get it now
wolf: *smiles* ill take your word for it
wolf: so you up for a fight?
: Asterdai tugs his waistcoat around him
Phear Wolf: anyways, how are you, friend wolf?
Curiose: I have one.. but I think it may be bad. :c
Totenkopf: kick 'em in the nuts phear wolf! :)
Curiose: Wait, never mind I can fix it.
wolf: *smiles* good,im crusing for a brusing
Asterdai: fire away Curiose
Phear Wolf: *evil grin* shure am, these scratches are nothing
Totenkopf: come to mp5, there's bruisin' a-plenty
Phear Wolf: *shivers as he takes the half-human form* just call the start
: wolf tries tackling phear wolf
Curiose: I expell all inner daemons, but I hurt more than I help. What am I?
xenno: im off yall..thanx for the brain exercise!
Totenkopf: umm, fasting?
Curiose: Nope.
: wolf trips a bit but manages to latch onto phear leg with his jaws
Totenkopf: umm, fasting?
Curiose: Nope.
Asterdai: ciggerette?
Asterdai: nicotin?
Curiose: Nope.
: Phear Wolf moves his other leg and aimes for wolf`s torso
Curiose: Also, any answers for my previous riddle?
Asterdai: drugs?
Asterdai: what was it again?
Curiose: Nope/
Curiose: Which?
Totenkopf: shrink?[/spoiler]

EDIT: Since probably not everyone has the patience to go through all of the above, or want to find the answers on their own, i'll paste just the riddle-poems from the above separately, for your convenience:

1. Totenkopf: A breath indrawn
Totenkopf: Keep flying on
Totenkopf: Pass it around
Totenkopf: Until it's gone

2. Asterdai: i can help give, and i can take away
Asterdai: to a child i wouldnt give him this to play

3. Asterdai: i shimmer like the candle of the world
Asterdai: i dont get too hot or cold
Asterdai: store me away or have me on show
Asterdai: Gee im old

4. Asterdai: i curl my long finger into your skin
Asterdai: in persue of the pleasure held within

5. Totenkopf: i am greener than the sea
Totenkopf: all your dreams come out through me
Totenkopf: sugar, come and set me free!

6. Asterdai: comfort the dog, but not in this smelly mess
Asterdai: gold to the trees, food for the flies

7. Totenkopf: sweat is dripping on your skin
Totenkopf: there he is, that thoughtful grin
Totenkopf: will he discover that last edit?
Totenkopf: does every debit have a credit?!

8. Asterdai: death built by life, hidden in a shell, i wont go to hell

9. Phear Wolf: I am bright like the sun, but age darkens my skin. And only when I am naked people really want me

10. Curiose: My face is all knowing; my hands tell the future. What am I?

11. Curiose: I have a neck; a mouth, but no head. You touch me, and I become weak.

12. Totenkopf: I carry you with me
Totenkopf: Wherever I wander
Totenkopf: I feed you with power
Totenkopf: My work you don't squander

13. Phear Wolf: kids may want to eat me, but I travel far away. sometimes I hide myself, only to later show my face

14. Totenkopf: The moon is devoured
Totenkopf: By blinding white fury
Totenkopf: The sickness envelops
Totenkopf: Stay home, have a curry!
and after nobody got it i added the following:
Totenkopf: The merriment echoes
Totenkopf: The end of year beckons

15. Curiose: I expell all inner daemons, but I hurt more than I help.

Edited by Totenkopf
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[spoiler]mighty organ, throbbing with juice
pounding fast, always in use
women might think of love when they see it
savage rites: beat it - eat it.[/spoiler]

it's quite trashy and lives less from artistry than from blatant innuendos.
[size="1"]obviously it's [i]not[/i] what you'll likely think at first[/size]

i guess at least those drunken vikings would have liked it :P

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[quote name='Nex' date='13 August 2010 - 11:19 AM' timestamp='1281673189' post='66011']
[spoiler]mighty organ, throbbing with juice
pounding fast, always in use
women might think of love when they see it
savage rites: beat it - eat it.[/spoiler]

it's quite trashy and lives less from artistry than from blatant innuendos.
[size="1"]obviously it's [i]not[/i] what you'll likely think at first[/size]

i guess at least those drunken vikings would have liked it :P
Answering the above:

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[spoiler]I am often traveled,

Whether it be around, in, or on me.

Even after my raging moments,

People still continue to use me.[/spoiler]

Im not exactly the best poetry person, but i can come up with things thatll cause you to think.

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[quote name='Nex' date='13 August 2010 - 07:19 AM' timestamp='1281673189' post='66011']
[spoiler]mighty organ, throbbing with juice
pounding fast, always in use
women might think of love when they see it
savage rites: beat it - eat it.[/spoiler]

it's quite trashy and lives less from artistry than from blatant innuendos.
[size="1"]obviously it's [i]not[/i] what you'll likely think at first[/size]

i guess at least those drunken vikings would have liked it :)

Ooh, that's a good one, I like it! :P

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thanks ;) here's another one:

something with which you shouldn't be toying,
but which, in the end, you might be enjoying

it comes with a tool of eternal binding
it's born from conditions reasoning-blinding

now there's no way back, no appeasing
"you gotta buy 'the whole set', no more leasing!"


@ udgard: good! right on :)

i'm not really good at actually [i]solving[/i] riddles, but i'll give it a try:

1. Totenkopf: A breath indrawn
Totenkopf: Keep flying on
Totenkopf: Pass it around
Totenkopf: Until it's gone
[spoiler]a blunt ;) nice one![/spoiler]

8. Asterdai: death built by life, hidden in a shell, i wont go to hell
[spoiler]most likely completely off: ...nuclear warfare?
(death built by life -> people building nukes to kill people
hidden in a shell, i wont go to hell -> nuclear fallout shelter)[/spoiler]

14. Totenkopf: The moon is devoured
Totenkopf: By blinding white fury
Totenkopf: The sickness envelops
Totenkopf: Stay home, have a curry!
Totenkopf: The merriment echoes
Totenkopf: The end of year beckons

15. Curiose: I expell all inner daemons, but I hurt more than I help.
[spoiler]i'd say alcohol[/spoiler]

Use me daily; spill your sap.
Wordlessly, I'll take your crap.
[spoiler]a toilet?[/spoiler]

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I enjoy poetry very much and you can often see poems I leave behind in MagicDuel, in various places. Here are just two that I am more fond of, but whether they are good or not, that is up to you.

[font="Palatino Linotype"][center](Hallway in the Eastern Lands)
Empty chambers with hallowed halls
The silent air doth befall
To stalk a quiet shadowed floor
and enter through the blackened door
But yet even dawn’s first light
Will not reach this empty sight
Of the room without a life
A silent hall free from strife[/center][/font]

[font="Palatino Linotype"][center](Whisper Alley)
Here the wind plays a song
Through the branches of trees
Teaching the land right from wrong
Through the tune of an Autumn breeze[/center][/font]

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[quote name='The Great Wanderer' date='15 August 2010 - 07:53 PM' timestamp='1281898387' post='66241']
I enjoy poetry very much and you can often see poems I leave behind in MagicDuel, in various places. Here are just two that I am more fond of, but whether they are good or not, that is up to you.

[font="Palatino Linotype"][center](Hallway in the Eastern Lands)
Empty chambers with hallowed halls
The silent air doth befall
To stalk a quiet shadowed floor
and enter through the blackened door
But yet even dawn’s first light
Will not reach this empty sight
Of the room without a life
A silent hall free from strife[/center][/font]

[font="Palatino Linotype"][center](Whisper Alley)
Here the wind plays a song
Through the branches of trees
Teaching the land right from wrong
Through the tune of an Autumn breeze[/center][/font]

Did you write these yourself?

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@ Nex - correct.

[quote name='Mr Mystery' date='14 August 2010 - 05:20 AM' timestamp='1281781204' post='66124']
High in the sky,
I hold many,but none

Middle of the mediums
I hold both, but alike.

Low on the earth,
I hold none, but many

What are we?


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[quote name='Nex' date='14 August 2010 - 02:45 AM' timestamp='1281743123' post='66098']
thanks :D here's another one:

something with which you shouldn't be toying,
but which, in the end, you might be enjoying

it comes with a tool of eternal binding
it's born from conditions reasoning-blinding

now there's no way back, no appeasing
"you gotta buy 'the whole set', no more leasing!"
is it a drug? :D

i'm not really good at actually [i]solving[/i] riddles, but i'll give it a try:

1. Totenkopf: A breath indrawn
Totenkopf: Keep flying on
Totenkopf: Pass it around
Totenkopf: Until it's gone
[spoiler]a blunt :P nice one![/spoiler]

14. Totenkopf: The moon is devoured
Totenkopf: By blinding white fury
Totenkopf: The sickness envelops
Totenkopf: Stay home, have a curry!
Totenkopf: The merriment echoes
Totenkopf: The end of year beckons

first one's correct, second one not :))

let's try a new one:

I am what craves every red-blooded man
I live everywhere, including Japan
My whole you cherish, my product the same
Mur even wants me to be in the game

Edited by Totenkopf
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