Yrthilian Posted September 8, 2010 Report Posted September 8, 2010 (edited) Hello all as some of you know i started my quest on the teaching of the Principals I waited untill not to use to forum to post this quest as i wanted to see how many would look at the ingame system and notice the quest was up. Below is on my Quest page and my persional page. [center]Teaching the Principles of Magic Quest As you can guess from the title I am looking for people to write up from a teaching point of view the Principles of Magic. This quest will be a long running quest as there are many principals. This quest will also be done in 10 sections. Each quest will have 1 WP to be rewarded. The outline of the quest is to write up a paper from a teacher’s point of view. To be written as if you were going to be teaching a class of students the Principles. You may take part in all papers or just one depending on how you may feel. You may talk amongst yourself and help each other remember there are 10 WP’s in total on the line so working as a group is also welcome. I would like to see argument of how and why the principal may work. Remember that what you put forward is all theory but the best or most logical one will win. It would be good to see comparable examples or discussions for the principals. You may write up each principal paper and have them linking to each other for references if you wish. It would also be good to see references to other research of the principals in the papers. I will give 2 weeks to each principal (yes I said this will be a long running quest). If I do not receive enough submitted works or the works that are submitted are considered of too poor a quality then the WP’s will not be rewarded. Only 1 submission of work is acceptable per player. You may email the papers to me @ yrthilian (at) Gmail (dot) Com or send an in game pm. ALL emails or PM must contain the Quest name + Principal name. Each paper needs to me at least 400 words but the more the better without repeating yourself to much. This quest is subject to change if I find any form of cheating. NO [u][b]ALTS[/b][/u] allowed if this is found to have happened That player will be not be allowed to take part in the other parts of the quest and will be marked as such. [b]So to start of the first paper it will be done on the Principle of Cyclicity Started 25/08/2010[/b] [i]This part is finished as of today[/i] [b]Second and third Principal to be submitted is Principle of Balance and Element Principle This is 2 papers to be submitted as i will be away for the month. Starting 08/09/2010 (NOTE: since i am away this give 1 month to submit the principal papers This part is finished[/b] The Forth Principal to be submitted is Principle of Enthropy Started 09/10/10 This quest will be open for 2 weeks. [/b] [i]This part is finished as of today[/i] [color="#FF0000"] The Fifth Principal to be submitted is Principle of Imagination Started 09/11/10 This quest will be open for 2 weeks.[/color] Good luck all and have fun [b]Fyrd Argentus asked me a question[/b] There is a question in my mind after reading your quest whether you are asking for a theoretical treatment of the principles, drawing from the larger universe, or whether you are asking for an analytical treatment of how the principles are implemented in the realm of MD (tokens and storyline etc.) [b]Answer[/b] It can be from ether point of view both are valid. It would be nice to see both point of view added. As that is part of teaching to be able to use real life examples and In game mechanics or theories to show a point of how the principles may work [b]Sharazhad reminded me to use start date.[/b] [b]Z pointed out i had not included format for PM or email[/b][/center] ******************************************************************************************** Now to update the above quest as the first part finished today There was a total of 6 entries (not grat to be hinest but it is a start at least. They were all intresting to read and gave a good incite to how some people see the principals some exmples were intresting to say the least. I was sorry to see that most kept to the minium word count was hoping to see a bit more and have a really good layout. But hey I did it this was for a reasion and that was to see how creative some people got. I am pleased to anounce though that the winner of this part of the quest is Sharazhad They layout was good and the information was well refrenced. Good job I will make a nother post to an example of what i was looking for and Sharazhad was the closed to it and gave the most words in this quest. ************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** This is a sample of what i was looking to see from people submitting their papers on the teaching of principals This document is just over 1K words and has refrence to other materials within MD [color="#800080"][center][b]Principle of Cyclicity[/b][/center] The Principals are something we all strive to understand, they present many challenges and yet hold so much information that we as of yet cannot understand. So in this class I will try to put to you my current understanding of the principles. There are as far as we know 10 principals or at least 10 that we have observed that is to say that there may not be only 10 of these principals. We are limited by how we must give everything a title or meaning but in doing this we limit what we know and what we understand. The first principle I will speak of today is the Principal of Cyclicity. This is by far one of the easer but yet one of the hardest principals to understand. What is this principal and how does it affect us? Well in life we see it around us all the time even if we do not realise it at first. The principal of Cyclicity is a principal of cycles. It is the cycle of the day and night, the sun and the moon, Life and death. There are many more elements that are affected by this principal. I am sure you can think of many examples. To master the Principal of Cyclicity is both easy and difficult. You first need to understand it beginning and the end of the cycle you wish to manipulate. This principal is also in a way a balanced principal for it has a beginning, middle and an end. But many do not see or understand this. It is the beginning and the end that keep the balance. From the works of Lady Akasha from her quest to discover the book of principals I give you the following extract. (Note in RL the author of the writing is Mur) Material based on the principal can be found in the [url="http://md-archives.com/"]Archives[/url] [center][i][b]Principle of Cyclicity[/b][/i][/center] [i]Each event could either take part having a certain shape, having its own cycle, repeating itself after time, or could either be part of another superior event that has its own cycle. [/i] [i]Events like daily routine, or the changing of the seasons, or the shifting of the planet's Poles, or even the world itself are all cyclic events. Symbolic, all events occur on the shape of a circle, two opposites intertwining, just like a snake, biting its own tail. The cycles actually represent a Balance either between the consumption of energy and it’s (re)generation, ether between different evolutionary steps. [/i] [i]In the Principle Hierarchy, this Principle reigns over others, but is also inferior to some, making it very difficult to precisely reveal its importance. It exists absolutely in every event that could have an opposite, for its role is that of creating and maintaining the Balance. [/i] [i]Due to its repetitive nature, it can cover very long periods of time, or can even part from existence, due to the fact that the Principle can apply to that too, for even existence has an opposite, even if it is abstract and hard to understand. [/i] [i]The Principle takes many shapes. For example, a simple thing like cutting a thing in equal halves, and then halving those, and so on to infinity, even if it doesn't look like it, applies to this Principle. Also, the perpetuation of a species, through never-ending cycles of deaths and births, or even in the evolution of science, that at one point causes its own downfall are cycles of the same Principle. In a battle, the Principle occurs when defence follows the attack, or when a series of attacks are released in order to weaken the adversary. Many forms of consumption or energy reloading can happen in only one cycle. But if one action (cycle) is modified in such a way in which it could cover more cycles, the result would be colossal in energy.[/i] With the information that was discovered by Akasha we all begin to discover different possibilities within the realm we are now part of. The realm has many cycles within its own cycle. The realm of Magicduel has many beginning and many endings as you discovered from your time in the realm. From a new life coming into MD to its ending be it a long life or a short one some we don’t even notice other we do. One of the most notable cycles for the principal is the cycle of Quests they have a begging and an end. The energy put into creating a quest to the energy put into completing a quest this is how a cycle can be observed. Most just take part or create such quest without thinking of the principal they may be applying to what they are doing. From my own time within this realm I have come to meet many people and have out live many more. But each one is a cycle within them self’s for we all started at one point and we all will end at another. We just don’t know our ending just yet. Each cycle is also like a cog within a very large machine for we all have our own way of understanding but ultimately we will all come to the same conclusion if we are around long enough. If you remember the MD of old back when I was considered a young man there was much we didn’t have then that we have today. For each item or idea we have now has come from the ending of something else to create a balance within this large realm of a machine. The principal of Cyclicity is a vast system in its self, one would have to spend a lifetime trying to understand it, but one also must understand they will never fully grasp what this principal really is for if we did that would be the end. In my life I have only glimpsed what this principal mean to me for I am sure it will mean something else to you. For each person will have a different view to the next but that is the cycle of things to see things from a different view and to adapt to a new understanding. That is one of the true forms of this principal it is not a constant but an every evolving system of cycles. I would like to thank you for attending this class of the Principal of Cyclicity and I hope to see you for the other classes. I wish you all good luck in your own research and for the better understanding of the principals and how they may affect the lives around you. I would also encourage you to speak with other of the realm and get their views you may find out things you may never have realised but please do share your thoughts with other and myself I am always happy to listen. [/color] **************************************************************************************************************************************************** Edited November 9, 2010 by Yrthilian Kyphis the Bard and Watcher 1 1
Yrthilian Posted October 9, 2010 Author Report Posted October 9, 2010 (edited) Ok i am back and i have finaly got through the next lot of entries for the principals. So the winners for the last two principals are as follows [b]Shadowseeker[/b] Congrats The Next principal in the quest is [color="#FF0000"]Principle of Imagination[/color] Edited November 9, 2010 by Yrthilian
MoM Posted August 2, 2011 Report Posted August 2, 2011 so I take it that you have not given out a prize for imagination yet?
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