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Name And Crest Research


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This is not really a quest, not really a contest - this is a question for people who want to help me to find something. Some did a very good job on Mur´s contest once and hopefully someone will help me, too.

I am trying to find a specified crest referring to the name [color="#0000FF"]Filipovic (Filipovic´)[/color]. I have already found one, but I heard rumors of it it should be a false one. (i will not tell how it looks yet, not to influence you)

As well, I try to find everything (pics included) referring to the name Filipovic from Bosnia.

I might be not the richest player, but I will pay you for your effort.

The most useful information will be payed by me anyhow, i will step in contact with you therefore in public.

I am looking forward for helping hands. Good luck people.

Cheers Blackwood

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I have already written it above. It is all from the bosnian area, maybe reaching from or into croatia or serbia.
All I can give you in addition it a town called "brcko" or the local region called "donja skakava". Nothing [b]AFTER [/b]1950 is of interest for me, means 1950, 1949, etc.
Thank you for trying!

Edited by Blackwoodforest
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Figure I can throw some help too :)

Brcko District in Bosnia is an interesting region, not part of either Republic of Srpska nor the Federation of BiH, it has Serb, Croat and Muslim population (Muslims as Serbs and Croats who accepted Turkish life for privileges during the long occupation)

as part of Bosnia, it was a long time occupied zone of Turkish Empire (you shouldn't look into the time before that ;) other than royal and noble dynasties, people of that region often changed their surnames, based on their father's name... for example, random name, Mihajlo Aksentijevic had a son named Aca, and Aca took his father's name as a surname and became Aca Mihajlovic, so most probable results are in latest centuries... of course it is hard to find ancestors before that period in any case :D)

as far as I know about Blackwood, he has Croat origins, and Croatia was part of Austrian Empire, they certainly hide nicely preserved archives, the question is are there some of the data on the internet.

So look for either Turkish, either Austrian analogies, for periods of 19th and beginning of the 20th century.

Later on, Yugoslavia is established with Serbian dynasty after first World War, but many data was lost in the bombing of Belgrade during World War II in 1941 by the Germans, so the question is how much you can find there...
Later on Communists came, but Blackwood said he doesn't care about 1950s+

[b]edit: [/b] detail I forgot to mention is that Bosnia was also part of Austrian Empire as an occupation zone to maintain order in the province from 1878 (de facto owner), passing 1908 when they announce the annex of Bosnia (de jure owner :D) all up to 1918 till the liberation from Serbian and ally forces.
So Austrian records would be the best one to look up to, along with the remains of Yugoslavian ones, I'm just not sure about the importance of Brcko as a region back then (as a District it came to be after the civil war in Yugoslavia 1991-1995)

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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[url="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000WD9UVU?ie=UTF8&tag=ounainhi-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B000WD9UVU"]A book that may be relevant.[/url]

[url="http://www.linkpendium.com/genealogy/USA/sur/surc-F/surc-Fil/sur-Filipovic/"]Bunch of links.[/url]
[url="http://www.surnamedb.com/Surname/Filipovic"]1st link[/url] says: "It derives from the word 'philippos', a compound made up of two elements 'philein' meaning 'to love', and 'hippos', a horse, hence ' lover of horses'." Unfortunately, the scroll image at the bottom of the page of this link is useless. It's a generated image; I can get Testing to show on it as a name.
[url="http://www.worldcat.org/search?qt=hot_subject&q=su%3AFilipovic"]3rd link[/url] of the bunch has a list of books written by Filipovic members. Zlata Filipovic's diary [url="http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0oG76fPYZxMEN0AiuZXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTBzcDZoMGhnBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNDUEY29sbwNhYzIEdnRpZAM-/SIG=143jtccj4/EXP=1285403471/**http%3a//www.morgan.k12.ga.us/MCHS/teachers/katie.anderson/Microsoft%2520Word%2520-%2520Class%2520Assignments.pdf"]seems to be required reading[/url] in a school somewhere. ^_^
[url="http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/ancestorsearchresults.asp?standardize=N&last_name=Filipovic"]7th link[/url] has a bunch of Filipovics; one of which is Ivan Filipovic, born June 24, 1823 in Velika Kopanica, a place about 30 miles from Brcko, across the border in Croatia. Family unknown or not listed. There are other Filipovics farther away, including a second Ivan born in 1931 who had no kids.
[url="http://go.footnote.com/results.php?kbid=1308&s_surname=Filipovic"]10th link[/url] leads to 2 pages of holocaust-era German reports with a mention of Ivan Filipovic. Obviously the #2 guy, a young teen at the time. Maybe he had no kids because he died... There are also a [url="http://www.footnote.com/search.php?kbid=1308&s_surname=Filipovic&nav=4276520300&id=231979309"]bunch of captured documents[/url] with camp inmate records, containing several other Filipovics.

A Croatian camp system, [url="http://www.krajinaforce.com/dokumenti/jasenovac_revision.html"]Jasenovac, was for a time, run by Fr. Filipovic-Majstorovic, a Catholic priest who admitted to killing “40,000 Serbs with his own hands.”[/url] About 700, 000 people were killed there.

Incidentally, Google Maps tells me that Donja Skakava is in Finland. :P


Anyway, I have found [b]3[/b] different relevant crests.

[url="http://www.croatians.com/family%20heraldry%20page%202.html"]Here is a link[/url] for a Croatian Filipovic crest. Unfortunately you can only see the thumbnail. This is probably the one you are looking for.

Here's [url="http://www.houseofnames.com/Filipovich-family-crest"]the crest for Filipovich of Italian origin[/url]:
(ignore the helmet and flourish; that's standard. The important part is just the shield and the feathers above the helmet.)

Now here is the [url="http://www.heraldry.ws/f/index3.html"]Polish crest for Filipowicz[/url]:
[img]http://www.heraldry.ws/jpg/pobog.jpg[/img] big size: [url]http://www.heraldry.ws/html/filipowicz-poland.html[/url]

[url="http://www.4crests.com/name-family-crest-coat-arms-f.html"]This site[/url] claims to have the Filipowicz and Filipov coats of arms, but does not show them. It does, however, show the Italian one [url="http://www.4crests.com/filippo-family-crest-coat-arms.html"]for Filippo and similar names[/url]:
There seems to be an alternate design up for [url="http://www.4crests.com/filippi-family-crest-coat-arms.html"]Filippi[/url], though it is really the same crest:

[url="http://search.swyrich.com/searchresults.asp?licensee=8605&Surname=Filipovich&text2.x=0&text2.y=0&searchType=coa"]This site[/url] supports the Italian one.
And [url="http://www.freecoatsofarms.com/coatsofarms/catalogdata/471.html"]this site[/url] supports the Polish one. :P

[url="http://www.heraldry.co.uk/nametemplate.php?showname=Filipovic&regionsearch=Croatia%20/%20Serbia"]This site[/url] claims to have your coat of arms; it also links the name to Serbia and Croatia.
[url="http://www.guitarmasterclass.net/guitar_forum/index.php?showtopic=18452&st=0&p=241017&#entry241017"]4crests warns[/url] someone: "Some websites will make one up that looks generic from a region that your name is from and claim it to be your name."

(There's a mention of an Emir Filipovic [url="http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/ba-yu.html"]here[/url], faculty at the University of Sarajevo, studying coats of arms, in fact... Is he anybody you know? :P )

In my search, I found an unknown coat of arms that kind of freaked me out: [url]http://akromer.republika.pl/samson.gif[/url]

Also, [url="http://www.houseofnames.com/Mur-family-crest/?sId=856E6843-9B1B-4D88-8809-D7DEE7B3E400"][size="5"]MUR FAMILY CREST[/size][/url]. They're French, traced to Leonor de Mur, 1566. Alternate surnames include: Lemur. :P

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