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Steadfast Steno

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First off, I think it might be handy ot have just a list of promoters in the forums, because then you know that the links will work. Also, could someone add the banner/buttons for ALL of the links that are provided in-game below the links? The links don't work for me personally, in IE or FF, so I just use the buttons/banners, I have a few links I'd post below the topic as well, maybe a new forum (level below Category, in my forum's language) for like "Spread the Word!" Or something to that effect. and then, maybe a Stat thing that would count the number of outgoing hits a day to each site, and incoming from each site, posted here (many of the sites do this FOR you, but it'd still be handy to view it here). Thanks for your time.

News Update Everybody! Jonn has joined the ranks with me and he will now start to monitor 9 other sites as I continue to give updates on magicduel's standings on the regular 9. Thanks so much JONN!

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Mur, here's my list, (mod.s please don't delete, this is for Mur, I just don't want to message it)

http://www.xtremetop100.com/mmorpg-&-mpog*done and added* Steno

muonline.top-site.pl (not sure, nabbed from an old game I used to play, maybe pl is wrong, but try it anyway) *done*nvm


top50.com/pl (here it is again, that pl thing, same as muonline status)

gamesites200.com*Mur already done* Jonn

mmosite.com (very, very good, professional-quality web-site, and gets semi-decent hits every day)*server there was broken* Jonn

mpog100.com(not sure about .com part. they have at least 4 branches of mpog, don't ask me why. :P )*done and added* Jonn




(and I think)mpog50.com

mpogd.com*done by someone else, not added, I don't think*

That should be enough. don't you think ;)Jonn

mmorpg100.com*done and added* banner program $6 a month Jonn

apexgaming.com done, and will be added to list

dnsstuff.com not set-up yet

Best-RPG done, not sure if I added or someone else did, but I can't find login info, if i did it

pbbgwarp.com *done, not added* Jonn

topwebgames.com [done, not added

I will register for the 5 sites on here that I'm not already registered as, and take your description from top Game Listings and register the game for these.

Posted: 2/1/08 edited: 2/5/08 for official partners etc.2/17: apexwebfinally up, DeVildedice suggest dnnstuff.com 2/18:found best-rpg.com

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Update as of today: IN OUT

Top 100 Game Sites #50 (barely made it on first page!): 320 15

MMORPG and MPOG list #40 (up from 42 yesterday, I didn't list): 300 18

MMORPG 150 #21 (Same): 230 9 Same

TopListings! #1 Again!!!!!: (Voting is done by votes from IPs coming

from site, and Votes from IPs not coming from site) 239 20 ??

Free MMORPG #34, (same): 120 19 Same

The Best Game Sites #7! Again! (same as yesterday) 357 42 Same

E-Items #37 (same): (total votes, not hits) --145-- Same

Top Game Sites #16: 165 26 Same

XTremeTop100 (not on record yet)

Apexwebgaming(Not on record yet, added 2/17)

GTOP100 (Not on record yet, added 2/20)

TopGameSites.net (Not on record yet, added 2/18)

EternalGameList (Not on Record yet, added 3/7(?))

Games-Top100 (Not on Record yet, added 2/7(?))

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Week #1 (that I've recorded)

Okay, first of Weekly posts:

(sites will be listed in order here by number and henceforth only named by numbers)

Rank # | Votes/Incom. Hits | outgoing hits/other votes | rank change

1. Top 100 Game Sites: 41 | 435 | 31 | Up 9

2. MMORPG & MOPG top list: 33 | 423 | 25 | Up 7

3. MMORPG 150: 20 | 290 | 15 | Up 1

4. Top Game Listings MMORPGs: 1 | 300 | 36 | Same

5. Top MMORPG Sites/Free MMORPGs: 32 | 165 | 25 | Up 2

6. Top Game Sites: 7 | 490 | 51 | Same

7. E-Items: 34 | 140 | Unk., | Up 3 (1,649 votes for MD were today, but the 20th, we had 3,019, good job guys!)

8. TGS: 12 (out of only 38 :P) | 296 | 34 | Up 4

9: XTremeTop100 (added on 2/5/08) Check 4th monitoring week.

10. ApexWebGaming Check 5th week of monitoring

7 Note: Weekly voting was 14,795.

Overall change average: Rankings up 3.25 since yesterday

Overall rankings average: 22.5 Since yesterday

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2nd week of monitoring!

Rank # | Votes/Incom. Hits | outgoing hits/other votes | rank change

1: 31 | 147 | 21 | Up TEN

2: 24 | 54 | 8 | Up NINE

3: 20 | 464 | 40 | Same

4: 1 | 228 | 42 | Same

5: 20 | 13 | 2 | Up TWELVE

6: 5 | 49 | 2 | Up TWO

7: 36 | 133 | Unk. | Down TWO! (today's votes: 1609. weekly: 10028)

8: 8 | 63 | 6 | Up SIX

Note on 4: The ranking has been first since the first time I checked, about three days before this string's posting

Overall Weekly Rank Change: 5 1/8 or 5.125

Overall Rankings Average: 18 1/8 or 18.125

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Speaking of promotions...

Most of the sites we are encouraged to vote on are for MMORPG's or other PC games. Since this is a PBBG you may wish to have the players vote on sites that are strictly devoted to PBBG's too. As far as I know, there are only two:



Relating to PBBG Warp, don't get turned off by the low numbers, the total number of votes is divided by a high number in order to keep the vote "score" lower and easier to rate.

BTW, as far as accurately rating a game, I'm very much against the voting system because they do not portray the best games, but only the games with the most active voters. But for promoting a game they work well.

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3rd week of monitoring!

Rank # | Votes/Incom. Hits | outgoing hits/other votes | rank change

1: 29 | 566| 86 | Up TWO

2: 22 | 458 | 53 | Up TWO

3: 18 | 650 | 55 | Up TWO Again!

4: 1 | 433 | 81 | Same

5: 18 | 192 | 56 | Up TWO yet again

6: This site is now defunct and does not exist any longer

7: 35 | 190 | Unk. | Up ONE (today's votes: 2402, weekly: 12,769)

8: 8 | 484 | 49 | Same, but a lot more outgoing hits to magicduel from here that total earlier.

9: 85 | 484 | 49 | First week of monitoring (this is now XtremeTop100.com)

Overall Weekly Rate Change: 1.286

Overall Rankings Average: 27

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4th week of monitoring!

Rank # | Votes/Incom. Hits | outgoing hits/other votes | rank change

1: 27 | 906 | 119 | Up TWO!

2: 23 | 783 | 102 | Down ONE!!!

3: 17 | 208 | 82 | Up ONE!

4: 1 | 600 | 126 | Same

5: 19 | 342 | 118 | Down ONE!!!

6: This site is now defunct and does not exist any longer

7: 31 | 175 | Unk. | Up FOUR!!!! (today's votes: 2370, 11831)

8: 8 | 872 | 95 | Same

9: 61 | 77 | 31 | Up FOURTEEN!!!!!

Overall Weekly Rate Change: 2.375

Overall Rankings Average: 23.375

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Okay, we have a whole host of new partners that I have yet to set up,(I will also have to check to see if MagicDuel already includes them, they include:

topwebgames.com(no magicduel)*have ads*^suggested by Whane the whip^submitted, done

toprpggames.comtyped in wrong

topgamesites.net (we have top-game-sites.com)*ads* addeddone

gtop100.com*ads*(have MD)addeddone

oz-games200.com(have MD)*ads* done

directoryofgames.com(No MD)*ads*

gamesites100.net(No MD)*no ads*

mpogtop.com (No MD) *no ads*

topfreegameservers.com (No MD)*no ads*

phpgamesnetwork^suggested bydunk3r^*ads* done Jonn


bigpoint ^suggested by Soverign King^

*If someone could help me out and check to see if each of these sites already has MagicDuel, please, do, I'd be very grateful.*

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Okay, here is the list of voting sites that have MagicDuel added to. They may or may not be monitored, if you, personally, would like to assist me with this project by selecting a group of voting sites to monitor, please, pm me. This does not include all of the sites, that are on the website, or in-game. This is just the list as I know it and as I have personally contributed to it.

  1. XTremeTop100 *added a while ago, maybe 2/4?*
  2. MuOnline *added 2/6* (this one, I can't translate to find the vote link, but please, write and review anyway)
  3. Crimsongames200.com*added2/4* not on in-game or official list, but Manu knows about it
  4. mpog100.com (this takes you to stats, you'll have to vote yourself)
  5. MMORPG100.com*added 2/4*
  6. ApexWebGaming.com*submitted 2/8, added 2/16. my personal favorite. the site isn't very recent, but still :P*
  7. mpogd.com*added 1/4*

to be continued tomorrow 2/20

EDIT BY CHEWETT: changed the html a bit where the url tag had a foreign entity inside it corrupting the code

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5th week of monitoring!

Rank # | Votes/Incom. Hits | Outgoing Hits/Other Votes | Rank Change

1. 27 | 1246 | 160 | Same

2. 23 | 1109 | 147 | Same

3. 16 | 373 | 106 | Up ONE!

4. 1 | 761 | 159 | Same

5. 18 | 496 | 188 | Up ONE!

6. This site is now defunct and does not exist any longer

7. 32 | 184 | Unk. | Down ONE

8. 8 | 1244 | 129 | Same

9. 57 | 147 | 51 | Up FOUR!

10. 27 | 198 | 77 | First week of monitoring (Apex) *

Overall Weekly Rate Change: 0.5556

Overall Rankings Average: 23.2222

* Note on #10: It was added about 2 weeks ago to site, but only accepted about 1.5 weeks ago. Not enough to monitor, I thought. :P But here's what the rankings were for the week before 236!!! | 201 | 80. The last number is outgoing hits here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey i just went though the voting and was briefing though them and noticed that some of them you couldn't even find MD at all on them. Just a thought here but maybe you should take the ones that need more votes and rearrange them to the top of the list. And maybe make a special spot for the number one sites at the end. Label it Number 1 sites or something... I know some people dont like spending what is about 20 minutes now voting, so they are most likely to pick the top 5 or so on the board which is why i suggest taking the ones that need the votes and put them higher up. Another way to get people to vote(and i've seen this on other sites) is instead of having the same incentive for all bump up the one's you could use more votes for up a lil. Just an opinion. Please dont shoot me later lol

And for incentives it could be like a 200 heat bonus or something. or like .04 instead of .02. Just some fruit for thought.

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I think the phrase is "food for thought". I know, first off, I don't control the in-game stuff. I basically manage them, make sure that they stay active so they don't get deleted. And do ranking, which, by the way, the 7th week of monitoring is NOt missing, I have it, I just want to keep the week's info in order, so I'm waiting for Jonn to email me his info from the 6th week. :) And, also, that would require almost weekly, and/or biweekly updates to game, and honestly, sorry man. but I think I'd personally rather Mur make additions to the game and/or corrections than change the bonus or the order of the partners.

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  • 1 month later...

Name | Rank # | Votes/Incom. Hits | Outgoing Hits/Other Votes | Rank Change

Top100pcgamesites = 3rd

gamesitestop100 = 34th ; 1273 ; 167

gamez100 = 10th ; 1272 ; 289

topgamelisting = 1st ; 754 ; 206

best-rpg = 14th ; 624 ; 98

top50.onrpg = 40th ; 1248 ; 0

top-game-sites = 12th ; 1277 ; 117

rpg.sg = 6th ; 140 ; N/A

mmorpg100 = 55th ; 582 ; 428

apexwebgaming = 24th ; 2162 ; N/A

gtop100 = 40th ; 924 ; 313

topgamesites = 50th ; 425 ; 504

eternalgamelist = 5th ; 574 ; 98

games-top100 = 7th ; 1142 ; 76

browsermmorg = 1st ; 30 ; 5

crimsongames200 = 7th ;

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  • 1 year later...

This was a great idea if you ask me. So what if someone from the advertisers will start doing this again?
Also: we need someone we can report the broken links and other problems with the voting system. Currently, I, personally, have no idea who to report to.

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Maybe you should look [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/4775-suspicious-link/page__view__findpost__p__38319__fromsearch__1"]here[/url].

Are you not the one who is always telling others that they should search the forums for questions that have already been answered?

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Sorry to inform you but I know that topic.
I am asking for an official announcement. Similar with the one that is already in place on the voting page(shall I post is here so you'll see what I mean?)
So please stop looking for the thorn in the...porridge.
Btw: next time when you'll just spam the topics I will delete the posts. I will not bother replying to you since replaying is a privilege that not all have.

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