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WTS Resources

Hedge Munos

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I've really no use of these resources, so I'm sellin' them. I'll probably sell to the first offers, as long as they are acceptable; this isn't an auction, really.

'Ere they are:

[s]Aromatic Herbs[/s]

1 Flowers

4 Tea Leaves

[s]Timeless Dust[/s]

1 Toxic Plants

5 Unidentified Plants


I also have some my alternate account would sell...

1 Aromatic Herbs

1 Tea Leaves

[s]2 Toxic Plants[/s]

1 Unidentified Plants


Will update if I obtain more,


Edited by Hedge Munos
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I think Timeless Dust goes for 2 silver, so I sell both of them to you for 2 silvers if you're interested. If I'm wrong on the price, please alert me (with evidence if you can), and I'll consider selling it to you at a lower price.

UPDATE: I've received offers (1 silver for Timeless Dust, 1 for flowers), and it appears that these offers were made before you made that post Maebius. I'll be accepting them...


Edited by Hedge Munos
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