Brulant Posted November 19, 2011 Report Posted November 19, 2011 (edited) For some time now, my fellow Necrovian researchers and I have been discussing theories that relate to how the principles interact with one another. Over time, that discussion moved partially on to just generally about magic. This topic is a summary of my theories from that closed discussion. I wanted to make them available to the public because I think that a couple of the theories are pretty interesting, and I know a few of you appreciate such things. I will not be posting the theories that other people came up with because I do not have their permission. Each separate post of mine will have it's own log box. They're fairly long and occasionally get pretty dense. The theories are obviously not completely filled in yet, but they're getting there. Read it all. I think it's worth it. - B - [hr] [log General Principle Interaction and Teleportation as An Example] I'm just going to speak in general for a moment, and then give an example for teleportation. So if you just want my example, skip down. [color=#0000cd]General:[/color] I personally, and quite strongly, believe that every single last little action in the world, both the real world and our Realm, can be explained by any and all of the principles in pretty much any combination. Why? Because those 10 Principles of Magic are simply Laws of the Universe. A principle is a fundamental Truth; a principle is a Law. Almost every Law is derived from another Law and is used to explain yet even more Laws (I'm making a very important distinction between Law and Theory). Every Law can be used to describe some part of any behavior. Every Law can be applied to anything. So what are the Laws that we have taken as our own in our Realm? 1) All things turn in cycles and true immortality is not linear. 2) All things have a counterpart and exist with that counterpart balance. 3) All things can be divided down into their most basic components. 4) All things are created to die. 5) Death itself has a counterpart and must be balanced. 6) We define our own limits. 7) Perception is comprised of Detail, but in the end all things are One. 8) All things have an identity that allows the unchangeable to be changed and the lifeless to live. 9) All things are relative; Good and evil, light or dark, color and colorless. They are just words. 10) Nothing contains everything. 11) Some of the best kept secrets are right under your nose. (I split and combined Darkness and Light into three Laws.) There are much more to all of these Laws than what I have stated. Like with any Law. But, those suffice fairly well as a quick and dirty way to explain them. The importance in our choice of the Principles, our Laws, is we, supposedly, should understand those Laws better than all of the others. The Principles we pick are supposed to define us. Let me use myself as an example. It's no secret that my favorite principle is Transposition. I love it. I think it's the most powerful principle and allows for the most adaptation and creation. Understanding an identity, being able to really know what the heart of something is, gives you complete power over it. Because once you know it, you can manipulate it. That's the basic fundamental idea of Transposition; Understand then Manipulate. However, it can be spiraled out and extrapolated to mean a whole amalgamation of things. Transposition is a principle that plays extraordinarily well with others. It's always easier to work with things if you can understand the identity of the situation. But, I'm going to stop there and not prattle on about Transposition for too long. Back to what I was saying. The better we understand each Law the more inclined we are to use it in an explanation of a phenomenon. Me being me, I always think of Transposition first. I know that a lot of people reach quickly for Imagination, which I also often include. But. We don't need to. We chose what we do because it's comfortable. I'm pretty sure that you could come up with some "crazy" explanation for teleportation that only includes Balance, Light, and Cyclicity. Why do I say crazy? Because that'd be a massive stretch of the mind for people who aren't comfortable with those Principles. I know that I'm not. The better you know a Law the more inclined you are to use it. [color=#008000]So, what are Brulant's Laws?[/color] 1) Every Law contains and relies upon other Laws. 2) The more comfortable we are with a Law, the more often we will use it to explain the world around us. Now, let me get to my [color=#ff0000]Example:[/color] Principles used: Imagination + Transposition, Entropy, Darkness, Element, Transposition + Cyclicity + Time, Syntropy + Light (Balance is also appeased here), Time + Transposition. Oh my, that's a lot isn't it? Well, I think it'll be a fun explanation. And it demonstrates how I like to use Transposition in combos! Win win. [i]Imagination and Transposition [/i]both simultaneously capture and contain my own identity while separating it cleanly and clearly from the rest of the world's identities. Taking my newly packaged identity, I then begin to give in to the natural urge of [i]Entropy [/i]and allow my identity to decay and fade away into the [i]Darkness[/i]. Now, my identity is not dead, but free. At this point my identity has changed Elements, or what I refer to as an [i]Elemental State[/i]. Every action or event contains an identity and all identities are [i]Elements [/i]by nature of existing. All I have done thus far is remove myself from wherever I was. The first step is accomplished! Now I have to get to wherever my end destination is. As I said earlier, all events contain identities (Are you keeping track of how many Principles that involves?). And, as we know thanks to [i]Cyclicity[/i], all events come in cycles; cycles of [i]Time [/i]and cycles of space. At this point, my identity has changed. But, I can remember my old identity thanks to [i]Transposition [/i]and I can remember the [i]Times [/i]when it wasn't decayed in the [i]Darkness[/i]. I can find a [i]Cycle [/i]somewhere in [i]Time[/i] where I was both not decayed in [i]Darkness [/i]and at my destination. We're getting close! Now, we also know that [i]Entropy [/i]and [i]Syntropy [/i]move in [i]Cycles [/i](still keeping track?) so while my mind is engaged in [i]Cyclicity [/i]it should also be able to reverse the [i]Entropy [/i]spiral and begin returning me to [i]Balance [/i](which I also naturally want to be at) which involves invoking some measure of [i]Light[/i] to return my decayed form to a corporeal form. As I'm doing this I have to focus on regaining the same identity I had when I started the teleportation, which means some [i]Transposition[/i], and I have to make sure that I'm not returning to the [i]Time [/i]that I was focusing on earlier when I was searching for the correct [i]Cycle[/i]. I must make sure that I return to the present [i]Time, [/i]preferably exactly when I first left as I don't want to be stuck in limbo for years on end. After all of that, I think I would be from my starting location to my ending location. So, how many Principles were in play at the same time there? And I think I also appeased my own Laws. [/log] [log General Forces and Frictions of Magic Theory] Any physics student in the world knows that [quote] for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, [/quote] Which can also be stated as [quote] for every [b]force [/b]there is an equal and opposite force. [/quote] In many/nearly all real world cases where you have forward movement/force you have static friction to overcome and kinetic friction to keep ahead of. If you want to accelerate your forward force has to be greater than kinetic friction. If your forward force and kinetic friction are equal, you have constant speed. [color=#0000ff]General Forces and Frictions of Magic Theory:[/color] What is magic if not a force? Those same laws of physics apply in equal measure to Magic. When we cast a spell we overcome static friction to bend reality, which the reason why I think we need the heat in the first place - to overcome reality's static friction, but… what's our kinetic friction? I'm going to call it Magical Friction - the force that opposes the force of the spell. So, can spells be extended by a constant stream of energy? Can you provide more energy than the resistant force and "accelerate" the spell? A few things to think about. [/log] [log Forces in More Detail - An Explanation of the General Theory] Reality exerts no force naturally until acted upon by an outside force. As stated by yet another familiar physics law [quote] An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion until acted upon by an outside force [/quote] I think it's safe to assume that Reality is an 'object' at rest. Yes, it has movings parts but Reality itself isn't going anywhere anytime soon. So, that would make Magic the outside force, the imposed thought, that exerts pressure on Reality. When we impose the thought Reality doesn't want to budge. Once the thought is imposed, Reality is like a rubber band; it wants to snap back to how it was. The tension of that rubber band is Magical Friction. [color=#ff0000]Summary So Far:[/color] Reality has inertia. We cast the spell Heat overcomes static friction. The spell runs while (something, more Heat?) resists Magical Friction. Then, after the (something) is removed, unopposed Magical Friction snaps Reality back to how it was. Magical Friction only exists while there is forward motion. Magical Friction is just Reality not wanting to change. [/log] [log Tying The Principles Back In] In my head, I've been constructing what is known as a Force Diagram. A Force Diagram is something that you draw in physics to help you visualize all of the forces that will be acting upon an object. [color=#ff0000]In Magic's case[/color]: Object = Reality Fstaticreality = The natural force that you must overcome in order to affect the world. Reality tends to stay the same unless acted upon by an outside force. This is Reality's inertia. Fmagicalfriction = The opposing force that wants Reality to remain as it was, I call it Magical Friction, or, the force that doesn't want us to use magic. I believe it was likened akin to a rubber band in earlier posts. F"something" = The force fueling the spell. Maybe heat, maybe not. Maybe can be increased to "accelerate" a spell, maybe not. Fheat = The heat used to overcome Fstaticreality. [attachment=3343:u2l2c1.gif] (click on the image to make it a little bigger) As you might be able to guess, it looks like all of the forces have an equal and opposite force. When you have an equal force, you're supposed to put hash marks or something, but I didn't feel like doing that. Take my word for it; they're equal. When all forces on the X-axis are equal, the object moves at a constant speed. If one force outweighs another, then you have acceleration in that direction. That's why I talk about "accelerating" a spell. There are NO Y-axis forces on my diagram, but I suspect that there should be. In normal physics, they're usually "Normal" force, the force of the planet pushing up, and gravity. So, that's what I've been visualizing. You may have noticed that there really isn't room for any of the principles in that diagram; leading me wonder where they fit in. I looked back at my earlier "lecture" and my Laws helped me find where they go. [color=#008000]Review Brulant's Laws:[/color] 1) Every Law contains and relies upon other Laws. 2) The more comfortable we are with a Law, the more often we will use it to explain the world around us. In physics, whenever we conduct an experiment, we tinker with one of the laws to see what it does to the other ones. This is summed by my [color=#008000]First Law[/color]. I said in my earlier lecture that [color=#0000ff]"those 10 Principles of Magic are simply Laws of the Universe"[/color] or Laws of Reality. We use them to describe Reality, or, in other words, to describe the Object that we're affecting. That fits in perfectly with what we already know of the principles; when we impose a thought on the Realm, we do so by affecting the principles that we're most familiar with ([color=#006400]Second Law[/color]). So, the "object" in that Force Diagram could be a wheel, a box, a pulley, a barrel, or whatever else you want it to be. Reality takes whatever shape we define it as with our Principles. [color=#800080]Why does that matter to the Force Diagram?[/color] Every object handles the forces that we apply to it in different ways. Some forms are more efficient than others, but, again, only if you understand them. For example, most people would assume that you could roll a wheel down a hill faster than you could a box. But, if you were a champion box flipper and had no idea what this "rolling" thing people were talking about, the opposite would be true. [color=#ff0000]To sum up:[/color] The Interaction of Principles happens inside of the "object" that we affect with the forces of our spells. We choose the Reality that we want to work our force through. [/log] [log Q&A in the DQ] [20/11/11 02:05] [b]Brulant:[/b]Hello, Krioni. [20/11/11 02:05] [b]Brulant:[/b]And Pothos! This is where you got to. [20/11/11 02:12] [b]Krioni:[/b]Hello Brulant [20/11/11 02:15] [b]Brulant:[/b]I hear that you're studying magic. [20/11/11 02:16] [b]Krioni:[/b] *[i]closes book[/i]* Well, as much as I can I think. I read what I could find in the Archives. [20/11/11 02:16] [b]Krioni:[/b]Trying to figure out what to do next. [20/11/11 02:16] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]smiles[/i]* The Archives are a good start. [20/11/11 02:16] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]leans comfortably up against the wall[/i]* What have you learned so far? [20/11/11 02:17] [b]Krioni:[/b]Well, it seems the majority of what magic is is some sort of netherly cloud, not really defined. What can be defined are these Principles. [20/11/11 02:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]But the principles themselves can be contradictory to each other. I know I don [20/11/11 02:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]Don't comprehend all of it. [20/11/11 02:18] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]smiles broadly[/i]* I believe I may be able to help you, if you don't mind a bit of reading. [20/11/11 02:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]I love reading. [20/11/11 02:18] [b]Brulant:[/b]I myself just concluded enough research to feel comfortable in creating a few new theories. [20/11/11 02:19] [b]Brulant:[/b] [[url=""]Forum link[/url]] [20/11/11 02:19] [b]Krioni:[/b]I saw what you had written, though I haven't read it all yet *[i]begins reading[/i]* [20/11/11 02:22] [b]Krioni:[/b]So to make sure I understand correctly, Laws are derived from what the Principles are, right? [20/11/11 02:23] [b]Krioni:[/b]Neat teleportation example. [20/11/11 02:24] [b]Brulant:[/b]Sorry, I spaced out. *[i]shakes his head to clear it[/i]* [20/11/11 02:24] [b]Brulant:[/b]The Laws, as I put them, are summarized principles. [20/11/11 02:24] [b]Krioni:[/b] *[i]smiles[/i]* no problem. [20/11/11 02:24] [b]Brulant:[/b]Since the Principles define this Realm and, by extension, Magic. [20/11/11 02:25] [b]Brulant:[/b]They are the "laws" of Magic. [20/11/11 02:25] [b]Krioni:[/b]Right. More of what they are instead of just a name. [20/11/11 02:25] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b]Hello Krioni. [20/11/11 02:26] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b]Greetings Sir Brulant. [20/11/11 02:26] [b]:[/b][i]Amoran K Kol blinks.[/i] [20/11/11 02:26] [b]Krioni:[/b]Hello! I don't believe we have properly met. [20/11/11 02:26] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b]A..ah . Brulant. [20/11/11 02:26] [b]:[/b][i]Amoran K Kol chuckles.[/i] [20/11/11 02:26] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b]No we have not, not formally. [20/11/11 02:27] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b]I am Amoran Kalamanira Kol, I am the Sibyl of the Eclipse. *[i]smiles[/i]* And you, friend? [20/11/11 02:27] [b]Krioni:[/b]Well, I am Krioni *[i]smiles[/i]* [20/11/11 02:27] [b]Krioni:[/b]Not much more, not much less, still learning. [20/11/11 02:28] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b] *[i]furrows her brow and goes quiet, turning to Brulant.[/i]* Pardon me if I interrupted a conversation. Word had reached that magic was being discussed here. [20/11/11 02:28] [b]Krioni:[/b]In a way. I have grown curious on the subject and exhausted the Archive, so I am reading Brulant's theories on the subject. [20/11/11 02:33] [b]:[/b][i]Krioni finishes reading[/i] [20/11/11 02:34] [b]Krioni:[/b] *[i]thinks for a moment[/i]* I believe I understand, though in a way that the more I understand, the more I realize I don't. [20/11/11 02:35] [b]Krioni:[/b]I think about a simple example and say "Oh, here is the combination and theory in how it acts* and then realize that each of those combinations could be even more complex. [20/11/11 02:36] [b]Krioni:[/b]What if the action of a spell has distinct start and end, acceleration and deceleration. Than the F-something is then the acceleration. [20/11/11 02:37] [b]Krioni:[/b]The spell runs its course at the speed desired and slows via the Magic Friction to Reality's natural resting point. Except that point is ([i]hopefully[/i]) where the caster desired. [20/11/11 03:16] [b]Brulant:[/b]Acceleration is something tricky that we're not sure is possible. [20/11/11 03:17] [b]Brulant:[/b]Acceleration is the change of speed over time, and who's to say that spell speed can be increased? [20/11/11 03:17] [b]Krioni:[/b]Well, when I think about it, lets say I want to heal someone. [20/11/11 03:17] [b]Brulant:[/b]Then again, who's to say it can't? [20/11/11 03:17] [b]Krioni:[/b]And lets talk Magic acceleration, much like you talk magic friciton. [20/11/11 03:17] [b]Krioni:[/b]*friction [20/11/11 03:18] [b]Brulant:[/b]Alright. You have piqued my interest. *[i]smiles[/i]* [20/11/11 03:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]Let us in this case assume the person would naturally heal over time. [20/11/11 03:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]But I want them healed now. [20/11/11 03:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]I want to shift them to that reality where they are healed, though reality is already slowly turning to that existence. [20/11/11 03:19] [b]Krioni:[/b]So I apply a force to displace them to that position faster. I apply a force. I accelerate them. [20/11/11 03:19] [b]Brulant:[/b]Ahha! See, you've said it yourself. [20/11/11 03:19] [b]Brulant:[/b]You are accelerating the _person_ [20/11/11 03:19] [b]Brulant:[/b]Not the spell. [20/11/11 03:19] [b]Krioni:[/b]Oh [20/11/11 03:20] [b]Krioni:[/b]I misspoke them, I meant to say the spell itself is the force. [20/11/11 03:20] [b]Krioni:[/b]*then [20/11/11 03:20] [b]Brulant:[/b]But your force itself isn't changing. Just the person. [20/11/11 03:20] [b]Krioni:[/b]But, what would happen if you could accelerate the spell? An interesting question. *[i]thinks[/i]* [20/11/11 03:21] [b]Krioni:[/b]Wait, what do you mean my force isn't changing? [20/11/11 03:21] [b]Brulant:[/b]You are applying a constant magical force to that person. [20/11/11 03:23] [b]Brulant:[/b]Which is defined by the amount of Reality's static friction that you must overcome. [20/11/11 03:24] [b]Krioni:[/b]So can you not just apply enough force to overcome that static friction. [20/11/11 03:25] [b]Brulant:[/b]This is where I'm not able to concretely tie things in with my theory yet. I've talked about them, but am not confident in saying this is how it is. [20/11/11 03:25] [b]Krioni:[/b]Hmm, but how would you do it. How can you apply more force to someone else without displacing yourself? How do you anchor yourself? [20/11/11 03:25] [b]Brulant:[/b]Whenever we cast a spell, it costs heat, yes? [20/11/11 03:26] [b]Krioni:[/b]I assume, that is what I have read. [20/11/11 03:26] [b]Brulant:[/b]You don't need anchoring, you're not applying force to yourself. *[i]winks[/i]* [20/11/11 03:26] [b]Brulant:[/b]Or even through yourself, really. Reality fills in the opposing forces. [20/11/11 03:26] [b]Brulant:[/b]That heat allows our spell to overcome Reality's static friction. [20/11/11 03:27] [b]Brulant:[/b]Is what I am assuming. [20/11/11 03:27] [b]Brulant:[/b]Then, another force, which could be heat but might not be, is the actual force of our spell. [20/11/11 03:27] [b]Brulant:[/b]F"something" [20/11/11 03:27] [b]Brulant:[/b]Which I think we could call Fmagic to make things easier. [20/11/11 03:28] [b]Brulant:[/b]Fheat is _always_ equal to Fstaticreality. [20/11/11 03:28] [b]Krioni:[/b]So our principles and the spell structure the direction, the heat allows us to overcome the Reality static friction, and then the F-something actually is the force that begins the acceleration. [20/11/11 03:28] [b]Brulant:[/b]But there is no acceleration, you see. Not of the spell. [20/11/11 03:29] [b]Brulant:[/b]If Fmagic was GREATER than Fmagicalfriction, then the spell would speed up. [20/11/11 03:29] [b]Krioni:[/b]Not of the spell, but of the object through reality. [20/11/11 03:29] [b]Brulant:[/b]It depends what type of spell you're casting. [20/11/11 03:30] [b]Brulant:[/b]For instance; a movelock spell. There we twisting reality to imprison someone. [20/11/11 03:30] [b]Brulant:[/b]I wonder if we could create spells with heat upkeeps to keep the force running… hmm. [20/11/11 03:31] [b]Brulant:[/b]Things only decelerate or stop if the backwards force is greater than the forwards force. [20/11/11 03:31] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]is muttering to himself now[/i]* So our forward force, the Fmagic, must suddenly disappear… but why I wonder... [20/11/11 03:31] [b]Krioni:[/b]So there is a reality that says x object can move y speed. We want to change the reality state of x to where y is zero. [20/11/11 03:32] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]looks back up[/i]* _A_ Reality? I think it's safe to say that there is only one Reality. [20/11/11 03:32] [b]Brulant:[/b]And we're not just changing Reality for that one object, we change it for everyone. [20/11/11 03:32] [b]Brulant:[/b]Everyone has to accept that that thing has changed. [20/11/11 03:32] [b]Krioni:[/b]But what if there is one active reality for each person, though an infinite amount of possible realities. [20/11/11 03:33] [b]Krioni:[/b]And then an overarching Reality which is the state of all current realities for every real object. [20/11/11 03:33] [b]Brulant:[/b]Ah, I would call those an existence, not a Reality. [20/11/11 03:34] [b]Brulant:[/b]We can change something existence, but not its Reality. [20/11/11 03:34] [b]Brulant:[/b]The principles only let us change how we act through Reality. [20/11/11 03:34] [b]Brulant:[/b] ([i]somethings*[/i]) [20/11/11 03:34] [b]Krioni:[/b]Well, if we change definition like that, wouldn't a real objects current existence be it's reality? [20/11/11 03:35] [b]Brulant:[/b]But something cannot have it's own Reality unless it reject every other Reality. [20/11/11 03:35] [b]Krioni:[/b]Then the reality and the object operates under its current state as defined by its resting state. [20/11/11 03:35] [b]Brulant:[/b]And if it does that, it can no longer affect other Realities. [20/11/11 03:36] [b]Krioni:[/b]Alright, so you are saying there is one Reality. No matter how many real objects exist in that reality. [20/11/11 03:36] [b]Brulant:[/b]I am. [20/11/11 03:36] [b]Brulant:[/b]Object exist, Reality is. [20/11/11 03:37] [b]Krioni:[/b]Alright. [20/11/11 03:37] [b]Brulant:[/b] ([i]Objects*[/i]) [20/11/11 03:37] [b]Brulant:[/b] ([i]My, I'm having trouble with my "s" key tonight.[/i]) [20/11/11 03:38] [b]Krioni:[/b]So then spells affect reality, right? [20/11/11 03:38] [b]Krioni:[/b] ([i]no problem [/i]) [20/11/11 03:38] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]nods[/i]* Yes. [20/11/11 03:39] [b]Krioni:[/b]Then why does reality snap back in some instances and not in others? If you teleport, you do not un-teleport later, right? [20/11/11 03:40] [b]Krioni:[/b]But then why do people who are move-locked regain the ability to move? [20/11/11 03:40] [b]Brulant:[/b]Good question! *[i]grins[/i]* [20/11/11 03:40] [b]Brulant:[/b]Think of the rubber band as Reality wanting to return to it's non-fluid state. [20/11/11 03:41] [b]Brulant:[/b]Things don't return to exactly the way they are [20/11/11 03:41] [b]Brulant:[/b]But Reality does become concrete again. [20/11/11 03:42] [b]Krioni:[/b]Oh, so what if you think of teleporting as the act of not existing in a material place. Reality can snap back to you existing, but then you have modified where [20/11/11 03:42] [b]Brulant:[/b]I prefer to think of it as I allow Reality to snap back, but I guess that's one way of saying it. *[i]smiles[/i]* [20/11/11 03:43] [b]Brulant:[/b]As long as we apply the force, Reality will allow us to change it. [20/11/11 03:43] [b]Brulant:[/b]Oh! Think of it like making a clay pot. [20/11/11 03:43] [b]Krioni:[/b]Right, so you can keep applying the force to stay non-material. Than just release the force when you are done. [20/11/11 03:44] [b]Brulant:[/b]Yes, but what exactly does applying that constant force mean for you? [20/11/11 03:44] [b]Brulant:[/b]Most spells seem to happen in a heartbeat. [20/11/11 03:44] [b]Brulant:[/b]Resisting Reality can't be easy. [20/11/11 03:45] [b]Krioni:[/b]Well, what if time is a factor of reality as well. Maybe this entire time we are expending a certain amount of energy to create a force that counteracts the time factor of Reality when we do a spell. [20/11/11 03:45] [b]Brulant:[/b]Time is factored in to force. [20/11/11 03:46] [b]Brulant:[/b]You can't calculate a force without a time.*[i]smiles[/i]* [20/11/11 03:46] [b]Brulant:[/b]F = m x ([i](Vf - Vi[/i]) / ([i]Tf - Ti[/i]) ) [20/11/11 03:46] [b]Krioni:[/b]In the physical world. [20/11/11 03:47] [b]Brulant:[/b]I prefer to think of Magic as a physical force. [20/11/11 03:47] [b]Krioni:[/b]What if the force to suspend aspects of reality operates via a different unit? [20/11/11 03:47] [b]Brulant:[/b]Ah, suspending different forces of Reality is something… different. [20/11/11 03:48] [b]Krioni:[/b]Because if you act to do something instantaneously, it should take in infinite amount of force. [20/11/11 03:48] [b]Krioni:[/b]Such as teleporting. [20/11/11 03:48] [b]Krioni:[/b]In our time, it seems to happen instantaneously [20/11/11 03:48] [b]Brulant:[/b]It's 1) Not instantaneous, just very very very very short and 2) You'd still only enough force to overcome the instantaneous force of Reality. [20/11/11 03:48] [b]Krioni:[/b]But it takes a finite amount of resources for you to do it, right? [20/11/11 03:49] [b]Brulant:[/b]Yes [20/11/11 03:50] [b]Krioni:[/b]Hmm [20/11/11 03:50] [b]Krioni:[/b]This is fun. [20/11/11 03:50] [b]Brulant:[/b]Yes, yes it is. [/log] [log Implications of the Former] Krioni's questions lead me to a very interesting point. Can we change the variables of Magic to change the spell itself? The answer? Yes. It's entirely possible. We just didn't know we could. From henceforth: [color=#ff0000]F[sub](something)[/sub] [/color]= [color=#ff0000] F[sub]magic[/sub][/color] [color=#ff0000]F[sub]magicalfriction[/sub][/color] is defined by [color=#ff0000]F[sub]magic[/sub][/color], because it is the force that is respond to our "push". Forces MUST be equal and opposite. [color=#ff0000]F[sub]magic[/sub][/color] is something that we have influence over, think of it like the power of our spell.[color=#ff0000] F[sub]magic[/sub][/color] will always come out to equal [color=#ff0000]F[sub]magicalfriction[/sub][/color]. Meaning that, no, spells cannot be accelerated after you cast them. BUT they can be accelerated in a way… [/log] [log Changing the Variables of Magic] This is a culmination of a sort. A mathematical proof that we are able to change Magic in order to fit our needs. [color=#0000cd]General[/color]: Force = Mass x Acceleration Acceleration = Change in Velocity/Change in Time [color=#ff0000]For Magic and Spell Casting[/color]: Initial Velocity = 0 Initial Time = 0 therefore, Acceleration = Velocity/Time Meaning, Force = Mass x (Velocity/Time) (this will make a little bit more sense after the next paragraph, I think) [color=#0000cd]A Redefinition:[/color] Now, mass is a constant depending on the thing whose force is being measured. In this case, it is the spell. So, the "mass" of a spell is but a constant that is unique to every spell. Velocity is a vector measurement, meaning that is has a direction. With spells, the only direction we can move is forwards, so you can really just call it speed; a vectorless measurement. The speed of a spell doesn't make much sense, so let us call it the Natural Power of the spell, that is, the "speed" at which the spell naturally is progressing. I said in the previous, "Implications of the Former", that [color=#ff0000]F[sub]magic[/sub] [/color]is something that we can affect because it is the personal strength that we funnel into the spell, our own Power if you will. Natural Power and Personal Power are two different things. I'll be exploring the idea of Natural Power in a later post. So Force = Mass x (Velocity/Time) can be redefined as Mass = Spell Constant Velocity = Natural Power F[sub]magic[/sub] = Spell Constant x (Natural Power/Time) Of those four variables, we can only [i]theoretically[/i] change two of them; Personal Power and Time. Because there are two fixed variables and two fluid variables, we can really mess with them to get the results that we want. [color=#ff0000]An Example:[/color] Again, this is arbitrarily for teleportation. F[sub]magic[/sub] = Spell Constant x (Natural Power/Time) Say that Teleportation has a Natural Power of 20 when you have x and y principles. Assume that Teleportation's Spell Constant is 10. Now, at this point you can either change the casting Time or your own Personal Power. (T = Time, PP = Personal Power/F[sub]magic[/sub]) Let's do some rearranging… PP = 10 x (20/T) PP = 200/T (PP)T = 200 Now we can decide on whatever values we want for PP and T as long as they equal 200. If you have a casting Power of 1, you will need to spend 200 Time on it. If you increase your Power to 2, you only need to spend 100 Time on it. A Power of 4? 50 Time. Etc, etc, etc. [color=#008000]The Variable Law:[/color] Any combination of Personal Power and Time that satisfies the variables is valid. The variables can be customized to fit the spell to your needs. Say, for instance, that you are low on Power but have a lot of Time on your hands because you are somewhere far off from Civilization and you really want to get back. Or, you need to cast an immediate spell that will transport you away from a chasing enemy at the cost of leaving you physically drained. Make sense? I think so. [/log] For Maebius: [attachment=3344:full force.png] (click to enlarge) Most edits are for spelling and grammar. I am merely human. Edited November 20, 2011 by Brulant awiiya, Dragual and Amoran Kalamanira Kol 3 Quote
Dragual Posted November 19, 2011 Report Posted November 19, 2011 You have my permission to post any of my words as you so choose. Quote
Soothing Sands Posted November 19, 2011 Report Posted November 19, 2011 Very interesting, Brulant. Thanks for posting this. Last time I checked, I only have 5 principles i can use You divide teleportation up into it's elements, but sometimes i find it to be useful to use as few laws as possible while describing something. A complex train of thoughts like the one you used would be very difficult, as well as more powerful. But how efficient? Fenth x Heat =? Haha Quote
Brulant Posted November 19, 2011 Author Report Posted November 19, 2011 (edited) [quote name='Soothing Sands' timestamp='1321721249' post='96201'] Last time I checked, I only have 5 principles i can use You divide teleportation up into it's elements, but sometimes i find it to be useful to use as few laws as possible while describing something. A complex train of thoughts like the one you used would be very difficult, as well as more powerful. But how efficient? [/quote] Exactly my point! You can even describe a spell using only one principle if you want. You'll use the ones you understand best. [color=#008000](Second Law)[/color] With that example I was trying to show that all of the principles work naturally together and all influence each other. As soon as I completed one action with one, it led naturally into something that I should do with the others. Understanding that anything can be accomplished in any way that best suits you is one of the core ideas to that theory. Edited November 19, 2011 by Brulant Quote
Maebius Posted November 19, 2011 Report Posted November 19, 2011 I like this, and will type up a bigger erply, but in my own Magic Theory, I simply use Fstaticreality & Fmagicalfriction = Viscosity. Without our effort in moving, or magicking, Viscosity tends to crystalize Reality into a static form. In movement, and otherwise. Quote
Brulant Posted November 19, 2011 Author Report Posted November 19, 2011 (edited) [quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1321738844' post='96228'] I like this, and will type up a bigger erply, but in my own Magic Theory, I simply use Fstaticreality & Fmagicalfriction = Viscosity. Without our effort in moving, or magicking, Viscosity tends to crystalize Reality into a static form. In movement, and otherwise. [/quote] I look forward to your reply, Maebius. Viscosity is a force that may act upon Reality, but does it act against Magic? I don't think so. it's present but not part of. However, I think you maybe possibly might have just filled in one of the Y-axis forces. I was hesitant to name a force that I hadn't give much thought to, and I still am, but Viscosity may fit in very well. ----- Edit: A couple of hours later and I'm still not sure what the Y-axis forces are. I know that Viscosity is a part of the down force, but it definitely isn't the entire down force. Maybe I'm attacking this too straight on. What opposes Viscosity… hmm ----- Edit 2: Actually, as I say that, I think I know what they Y-axis forces are. My initial problem was trying to relate the X-axis forces that deal with Magic to the Y-axis forces, but, just like with a dragging a box across a table, they really aren't related. In the example of the box, gravity and normal force have nothing to do with the dragging force and friction. Get it? That being said now, the Y-axis downward force in Entropy (death, decay, disuse, viscosity, forgotten history, etc etc etc) which would make the upward force is Syntropy (the events that will come to pass, growth, new life, people, ideas, innovation, exploring, etc etc!). If those two forces are not in check, Reality would collapse much like a box would if gravity was taken out of the equation. Does that make sense? ----- Edit 3: There is now a more completed diagram at the end of the initial post Edited November 20, 2011 by Brulant Quote
Brulant Posted November 20, 2011 Author Report Posted November 20, 2011 Here is a log of a lovely conversation I had with Krioni in the Defensive Quarters. In it I answer a couple of general questions and he asks some very interesting questions that I begin to answer. I suggest that you read it [log Q&A in the DQ] [20/11/11 02:05] [b]Brulant:[/b]Hello, Krioni. [20/11/11 02:05] [b]Brulant:[/b]And Pothos! This is where you got to. [20/11/11 02:12] [b]Krioni:[/b]Hello Brulant [20/11/11 02:15] [b]Brulant:[/b]I hear that you're studying magic. [20/11/11 02:16] [b]Krioni:[/b] *[i]closes book[/i]* Well, as much as I can I think. I read what I could find in the Archives. [20/11/11 02:16] [b]Krioni:[/b]Trying to figure out what to do next. [20/11/11 02:16] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]smiles[/i]* The Archives are a good start. [20/11/11 02:16] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]leans comfortably up against the wall[/i]* What have you learned so far? [20/11/11 02:17] [b]Krioni:[/b]Well, it seems the majority of what magic is is some sort of netherly cloud, not really defined. What can be defined are these Principles. [20/11/11 02:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]But the principles themselves can be contradictory to each other. I know I don [20/11/11 02:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]Don't comprehend all of it. [20/11/11 02:18] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]smiles broadly[/i]* I believe I may be able to help you, if you don't mind a bit of reading. [20/11/11 02:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]I love reading. [20/11/11 02:18] [b]Brulant:[/b]I myself just concluded enough research to feel comfortable in creating a few new theories. [20/11/11 02:19] [b]Brulant:[/b] [[url=""]Forum link[/url]] [20/11/11 02:19] [b]Krioni:[/b]I saw what you had written, though I haven't read it all yet *[i]begins reading[/i]* [20/11/11 02:22] [b]Krioni:[/b]So to make sure I understand correctly, Laws are derived from what the Principles are, right? [20/11/11 02:23] [b]Krioni:[/b]Neat teleportation example. [20/11/11 02:24] [b]Brulant:[/b]Sorry, I spaced out. *[i]shakes his head to clear it[/i]* [20/11/11 02:24] [b]Brulant:[/b]The Laws, as I put them, are summarized principles. [20/11/11 02:24] [b]Krioni:[/b] *[i]smiles[/i]* no problem. [20/11/11 02:24] [b]Brulant:[/b]Since the Principles define this Realm and, by extension, Magic. [20/11/11 02:25] [b]Brulant:[/b]They are the "laws" of Magic. [20/11/11 02:25] [b]Krioni:[/b]Right. More of what they are instead of just a name. [20/11/11 02:25] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b]Hello Krioni. [20/11/11 02:26] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b]Greetings Sir Brulant. [20/11/11 02:26] [b]:[/b][i]Amoran K Kol blinks.[/i] [20/11/11 02:26] [b]Krioni:[/b]Hello! I don't believe we have properly met. [20/11/11 02:26] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b]A..ah.. Brulant. [20/11/11 02:26] [b]:[/b][i]Amoran K Kol chuckles.[/i] [20/11/11 02:26] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b]No we have not, not formally. [20/11/11 02:27] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b]I am Amoran Kalamanira Kol, I am the Sibyl of the Eclipse. *[i]smiles[/i]* And you, friend? [20/11/11 02:27] [b]Krioni:[/b]Well, I am Krioni *[i]smiles[/i]* [20/11/11 02:27] [b]Krioni:[/b]Not much more, not much less, still learning. [20/11/11 02:28] [b]Amoran K Kol:[/b] *[i]furrows her brow and goes quiet, turning to Brulant.[/i]* Pardon me if I interrupted a conversation. Word had reached that magic was being discussed here. [20/11/11 02:28] [b]Krioni:[/b]In a way. I have grown curious on the subject and exhausted the Archive, so I am reading Brulant's theories on the subject. [20/11/11 02:33] [b]:[/b][i]Krioni finishes reading[/i] [20/11/11 02:34] [b]Krioni:[/b] *[i]thinks for a moment[/i]* I believe I understand, though in a way that the more I understand, the more I realize I don't. [20/11/11 02:35] [b]Krioni:[/b]I think about a simple example and say "Oh, here is the combination and theory in how it acts* and then realize that each of those combinations could be even more complex. [20/11/11 02:36] [b]Krioni:[/b]What if the action of a spell has distinct start and end, acceleration and deceleration. Than the F-something is then the acceleration. [20/11/11 02:37] [b]Krioni:[/b]The spell runs its course at the speed desired and slows via the Magic Friction to Reality's natural resting point. Except that point is ([i]hopefully[/i]) where the caster desired. [20/11/11 03:16] [b]Brulant:[/b]Acceleration is something tricky that we're not sure is possible. [20/11/11 03:17] [b]Brulant:[/b]Acceleration is the change of speed over time, and who's to say that spell speed can be increased? [20/11/11 03:17] [b]Krioni:[/b]Well, when I think about it, lets say I want to heal someone. [20/11/11 03:17] [b]Brulant:[/b]Then again, who's to say it can't? [20/11/11 03:17] [b]Krioni:[/b]And lets talk Magic acceleration, much like you talk magic friciton. [20/11/11 03:17] [b]Krioni:[/b]*friction [20/11/11 03:18] [b]Brulant:[/b]Alright. You have piqued my interest. *[i]smiles[/i]* [20/11/11 03:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]Let us in this case assume the person would naturally heal over time. [20/11/11 03:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]But I want them healed now. [20/11/11 03:18] [b]Krioni:[/b]I want to shift them to that reality where they are healed, though reality is already slowly turning to that existence. [20/11/11 03:19] [b]Krioni:[/b]So I apply a force to displace them to that position faster. I apply a force. I accelerate them. [20/11/11 03:19] [b]Brulant:[/b]Ahha! See, you've said it yourself. [20/11/11 03:19] [b]Brulant:[/b]You are accelerating the _person_ [20/11/11 03:19] [b]Brulant:[/b]Not the spell. [20/11/11 03:19] [b]Krioni:[/b]Oh [20/11/11 03:20] [b]Krioni:[/b]I misspoke them, I meant to say the spell itself is the force. [20/11/11 03:20] [b]Krioni:[/b]*then [20/11/11 03:20] [b]Brulant:[/b]But your force itself isn't changing. Just the person. [20/11/11 03:20] [b]Krioni:[/b]But, what would happen if you could accelerate the spell? An interesting question. *[i]thinks[/i]* [20/11/11 03:21] [b]Krioni:[/b]Wait, what do you mean my force isn't changing? [20/11/11 03:21] [b]Brulant:[/b]You are applying a constant magical force to that person. [20/11/11 03:23] [b]Brulant:[/b]Which is defined by the amount of Reality's static friction that you must overcome. [20/11/11 03:24] [b]Krioni:[/b]So can you not just apply enough force to overcome that static friction? [20/11/11 03:25] [b]Brulant:[/b]This is where I'm not able to concretely tie things in with my theory yet. I've talked about them, but am not confident in saying this is how it is. [20/11/11 03:25] [b]Krioni:[/b]Hmm, but how would you do it. How can you apply more force to someone else without displacing yourself? How do you anchor yourself? [20/11/11 03:25] [b]Brulant:[/b]Whenever we cast a spell, it costs heat, yes? [20/11/11 03:26] [b]Krioni:[/b]I assume, that is what I have read. [20/11/11 03:26] [b]Brulant:[/b]You don't need anchoring, you're not applying force to yourself. *[i]winks[/i]* [20/11/11 03:26] [b]Brulant:[/b]Or even through yourself, really. Reality fills in the opposing forces. [20/11/11 03:26] [b]Brulant:[/b]That heat allows our spell to overcome Reality's static friction. [20/11/11 03:27] [b]Brulant:[/b]Is what I am assuming. [20/11/11 03:27] [b]Brulant:[/b]Then, another force, which could be heat but might not be, is the actual force of our spell. [20/11/11 03:27] [b]Brulant:[/b]F"something" [20/11/11 03:27] [b]Brulant:[/b]Which I think we could call Fmagic to make things easier. [20/11/11 03:28] [b]Brulant:[/b]Fheat is _always_ equal to Fstaticreality. [20/11/11 03:28] [b]Krioni:[/b]So our principles and the spell structure the direction, the heat allows us to overcome the Reality static friction, and then the F-something actually is the force that begins the acceleration. [20/11/11 03:28] [b]Brulant:[/b]But there is no acceleration, you see. Not of the spell. [20/11/11 03:29] [b]Brulant:[/b]If Fmagic was GREATER than Fmagicalfriction, then the spell would speed up. [20/11/11 03:29] [b]Krioni:[/b]Not of the spell, but of the object through reality. [20/11/11 03:29] [b]Brulant:[/b]It depends what type of spell you're casting. [20/11/11 03:30] [b]Brulant:[/b]For instance; a movelock spell. There we twisting reality to imprison someone. [20/11/11 03:30] [b]Brulant:[/b]I wonder if we could create spells with heat upkeeps to keep the force running… hmm. [20/11/11 03:31] [b]Brulant:[/b]Things only decelerate or stop if the backwards force is greater than the forwards force. [20/11/11 03:31] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]is muttering to himself now[/i]* So our forward force, the Fmagic, must suddenly disappear… but why I wonder... [20/11/11 03:31] [b]Krioni:[/b]So there is a reality that says x object can move y speed. We want to change the reality state of x to where y is zero. [20/11/11 03:32] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]looks back up[/i]* _A_ Reality? I think it's safe to say that there is only one Reality. [20/11/11 03:32] [b]Brulant:[/b]And we're not just changing Reality for that one object, we change it for everyone. [20/11/11 03:32] [b]Brulant:[/b]Everyone has to accept that that thing has changed. [20/11/11 03:32] [b]Krioni:[/b]But what if there is one active reality for each person, though an infinite amount of possible realities. [20/11/11 03:33] [b]Krioni:[/b]And then an overarching Reality which is the state of all current realities for every real object. [20/11/11 03:33] [b]Brulant:[/b]Ah, I would call those an existence, not a Reality. [20/11/11 03:34] [b]Brulant:[/b]We can change something existence, but not its Reality. [20/11/11 03:34] [b]Brulant:[/b]The principles only let us change how we act through Reality. [20/11/11 03:34] [b]Brulant:[/b] ([i]somethings*[/i]) [20/11/11 03:34] [b]Krioni:[/b]Well, if we change definition like that, wouldn't a real objects current existence be it's reality? [20/11/11 03:35] [b]Brulant:[/b]But something cannot have it's own Reality unless it reject every other Reality. [20/11/11 03:35] [b]Krioni:[/b]Then the reality and the object operates under its current state as defined by its resting state. [20/11/11 03:35] [b]Brulant:[/b]And if it does that, it can no longer affect other Realities. [20/11/11 03:36] [b]Krioni:[/b]Alright, so you are saying there is one Reality. No matter how many real objects exist in that reality. [20/11/11 03:36] [b]Brulant:[/b]I am. [20/11/11 03:36] [b]Brulant:[/b]Object exist, Reality is. [20/11/11 03:37] [b]Krioni:[/b]Alright. [20/11/11 03:37] [b]Brulant:[/b] ([i]Objects*[/i]) [20/11/11 03:37] [b]Brulant:[/b] ([i]My, I'm having trouble with my "s" key tonight.[/i]) [20/11/11 03:38] [b]Krioni:[/b]So then spells affect reality, right? [20/11/11 03:38] [b]Krioni:[/b] ([i]no problem [/i]) [20/11/11 03:38] [b]Brulant:[/b] *[i]nods[/i]* Yes. [20/11/11 03:39] [b]Krioni:[/b]Then why does reality snap back in some instances and not in others? If you teleport, you do not un-teleport later, right? [20/11/11 03:40] [b]Krioni:[/b]But then why do people who are move-locked regain the ability to move? [20/11/11 03:40] [b]Brulant:[/b]Good question! *[i]grins[/i]* [20/11/11 03:40] [b]Brulant:[/b]Think of the rubber band as Reality wanting to return to it's non-fluid state. [20/11/11 03:41] [b]Brulant:[/b]Things don't return to exactly the way they are [20/11/11 03:41] [b]Brulant:[/b]But Reality does become concrete again. [20/11/11 03:42] [b]Krioni:[/b]Oh, so what if you think of teleporting as the act of not existing in a material place. Reality can snap back to you existing, but then you have modified where. [20/11/11 03:42] [b]Brulant:[/b]I prefer to think of it as I allow Reality to snap back, but I guess that's one way of saying it. *[i]smiles[/i]* [20/11/11 03:43] [b]Brulant:[/b]As long as we apply the force, Reality will allow us to change it. [20/11/11 03:43] [b]Brulant:[/b]Oh! Think of it like making a clay pot. [20/11/11 03:43] [b]Krioni:[/b]Right, so you can keep applying the force to stay non-material. Than just release the force when you are done. [20/11/11 03:44] [b]Brulant:[/b]Yes, but what exactly does applying that constant force mean for you? [20/11/11 03:44] [b]Brulant:[/b]Most spells seem to happen in a heartbeat. [20/11/11 03:44] [b]Brulant:[/b]Resisting Reality can't be easy. [20/11/11 03:45] [b]Krioni:[/b]Well, what if time is a factor of reality as well. Maybe this entire time we are expending a certain amount of energy to create a force that counteracts the time factor of Reality when we do a spell. [20/11/11 03:45] [b]Brulant:[/b]Time is factored in to force. [20/11/11 03:46] [b]Brulant:[/b]You can't calculate a force without a time.*[i]smiles[/i]* [20/11/11 03:46] [b]Brulant:[/b]F = m x ([i](Vf - Vi[/i]) / ([i]Tf - Vi[/i]) ) [20/11/11 03:46] [b]Krioni:[/b]In the physical world. [20/11/11 03:47] [b]Brulant:[/b]I prefer to think of Magic as a physical force. [20/11/11 03:47] [b]Krioni:[/b]What if the force to suspend aspects of reality operates via a different unit? [20/11/11 03:47] [b]Brulant:[/b]Ah, suspending different forces of Reality is something… different. [20/11/11 03:48] [b]Krioni:[/b]Because if you act to do something instantaneously, it should take in infinite amount of force. [20/11/11 03:48] [b]Krioni:[/b]Such as teleporting. [20/11/11 03:48] [b]Krioni:[/b]In our time, it seems to happen instantaneously [20/11/11 03:48] [b]Brulant:[/b]It's 1) Not instantaneous, just very very very very short and 2) You'd still only enough force to overcome the instantaneous force of Reality. [20/11/11 03:48] [b]Krioni:[/b]But it takes a finite amount of resources for you to do it, right? [20/11/11 03:49] [b]Brulant:[/b]Yes [20/11/11 03:50] [b]Krioni:[/b]Hmm [20/11/11 03:50] [b]Krioni:[/b]This is fun. [20/11/11 03:50] [b]Brulant:[/b]Yes, yes it is. [/log] Quote
Brulant Posted November 20, 2011 Author Report Posted November 20, 2011 "Q&A in the DQ", "Implications of the Former", and "Changing the Variables of Magic" were just added to the initial post. The latter is a practical culmination of what I have theorized and hypothesized so far. Quote
Dragual Posted November 20, 2011 Report Posted November 20, 2011 In the discussion, we never mentioned [i]where [/i]the 'object' (reality) is. Which, is significant... Consider the object of reality like an airplane, it must have enough upward force to fly, along with enough forward force. (I know a bit about planes so can further explain what I mean) Quote
Soothing Sands Posted November 20, 2011 Report Posted November 20, 2011 (edited) [quote name='Brulant' timestamp='1321683662' post='96175'] F[sub]magic[/sub] = Force of the Spell = Spell Constant x (Power/Time) Say that Teleportation has a Magical Friction of 20 when you have x and y principles. Assume that Teleportation's Spell Constant is 10. Now, at this point you can either change the Time or the Power. If you have a casting Power of 1, you will need to spend 2 Time on it. If you increase your Power to 2, you only need to spend 1 Time on it. A Power of 4? .5 Time. Etc, etc, etc. [/quote] If you need a force of 20, and have a constant of 10, the power must be twice the time, right? What you said is that more time = more power, but i think less time = more power. Super-fast casing means a more concentrated spell, i guess. More time lets the heat escape, you know? ~ And for that last image, i think it could have a few more axis than 2. Each plane is a new level of complexity... Edited November 20, 2011 by Soothing Sands Brulant 1 Quote
Brulant Posted November 20, 2011 Author Report Posted November 20, 2011 (edited) [quote name='Soothing Sands' timestamp='1321803929' post='96276'] If you need a force of 20, and have a constant of 10, the power must be twice the time, right? What you said is that more time = more power, but i think less time = more power. Super-fast casing means a more concentrated spell, i guess. More time lets the heat escape, you know? ~ [/quote] Thank you for catching that!! I seriously messed up some variable descriptions when I wrote them down. My handwriting isn't exactly the greatest and there were arrows everywhere! Too many arrows! Instead of rechecking what went wrong where, I just tried to make it work ([b]making me a very stupid person if you read my earlier status[/b]). To be truthful, I was rather confused when I was typing it up because it didn't sound [i]anything[/i] like what I had said earlier and it sort of broke part of my earlier theory... It should be straightened out now, sorry for the confusion. Don't allow me to work on things after midnight! [quote name='Soothing Sands' timestamp='1321803929' post='96276'] And for that last image, i think it could have a few more axis than 2. Each plane is a new level of complexity... [/quote] I could draw so many arrows and axis that it just looks like a black circle. The point of a force diagram is to help you visualize. Adding so many axis would be incredibly confusing. If you want to map out everything that affects Reality, please be my guest, it's less work for me! I didn't even want to include the Y-axis, but the engineer in me wasn't happy looking at it without a "normal" force and "gravity". [quote name='ColdSteel566' timestamp='1321780209' post='96253'] In the discussion, we never mentioned [i]where [/i]the 'object' (reality) is. Which, is significant... Consider the object of reality like an airplane, it must have enough upward force to fly, along with enough forward force. (I know a bit about planes so can further explain what I mean) [/quote] Where Reality is? Um, it's sort of everywhere. Reality is Reality. It's not a box, wheel, sled, car, ball, spring, plane, penguin, carrot, molecule, or person. It just Is. It's an object at rest unless something acts upon it. When it is at rest, there are only two forces affecting it; Decay and growth. Edited November 21, 2011 by Brulant Quote
Dragual Posted November 23, 2011 Report Posted November 23, 2011 I think you missed my point Bru... >> Quote
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