Jubaris Posted November 20, 2011 Report Posted November 20, 2011 (edited) [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center][b]In honor of the original founder ([i]Emerald Arcanix[/i]), the contest was named [u]Emerald Festival[/u].[/b] [/center][/center] [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center][img]http://www.caratlane.com/birthstoneblog/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/emerald3.jpg[/img] The log can be displayed here, with all entries: [log=Emerald Festival] [20/11/11 17:37] :Kiley waves to Marvolo as she strolls by [20/11/11 17:37] :Marvolo waves [20/11/11 18:13] Soothing Sands: *smiles* Marvolo you are always the first one... [20/11/11 18:14] Princ Rhaegar:There are already people gathering, interesting! [20/11/11 18:14] Princ Rhaegar:I'll be around here in some 30 minutes [20/11/11 18:14] Soothing Sands:Hey i'm going to ide, appear right at 19:00, and then i have to go [20/11/11 18:14] Princ Rhaegar:to avoid Eon killing me for nothing [20/11/11 18:14] :Soothing Sands nods [20/11/11 18:14] Princ Rhaegar:stick around at least idle, Soothing, there may be someth' for you [20/11/11 18:15] Soothing Sands:oooh. i might have to [20/11/11 18:15] :Soothing Sands sits down in the sand [20/11/11 18:56] :Passant the weak bows to the seekers and the Prince [20/11/11 18:57] ignnus:few people yet [20/11/11 18:57] Soothing Sands:Welcome *smiles* [20/11/11 18:57] ignnus:ty [20/11/11 18:58] Princ Rhaegar:Welcome, hello hello! [20/11/11 18:58] :Marvolo opens an eye [20/11/11 18:58] :Passant the weak tries to get a bit of stats to compensate what he will lose from Skill Damage [20/11/11 18:58] ignnus:sanctuaryD [20/11/11 18:59] ignnus:or not.. [20/11/11 18:59] Soothing Sands:later, maybe [20/11/11 18:59] Passant the weak: *smiles* Marvolo solved the problem for himself [20/11/11 18:59] Marvolo:I did indeed. [20/11/11 18:59] ignnus:Oo?how? [20/11/11 19:00] Princ Rhaegar:We shall wait few more minutes, for more people to show up. [20/11/11 19:00] Princ Rhaegar:If not, we'll have to do [20/11/11 19:00] ignnus:Hi there Passant [20/11/11 19:00] Passant the weak:ignnus, attack him *blinks* and yell me what defense you have [20/11/11 19:00] Passant the weak:And hello! *bows* [20/11/11 19:00] Princ Rhaegar:tree in defense here, feel free to attack people. [20/11/11 19:00] ignnus:i'm sending you a news report right now [20/11/11 19:00] ignnus:check it out soon [20/11/11 19:00] Passant the weak:And I have trees too [20/11/11 19:01] ignnus:i'll attack if i don't get -300 honor [20/11/11 19:01] Passant the weak:You should be fine with me [20/11/11 19:01] :Handy Pockets runs up and stops quickly [20/11/11 19:01] Handy Pockets:Hello [20/11/11 19:02] Princ Rhaegar:Hail to the Queen! [20/11/11 19:02] Handy Pockets:thank you Princ Rhaegar [20/11/11 19:02] Princ Rhaegar:I would like to use your log abilities after the meeting ends, Kets, if that would be alright with you? [20/11/11 19:02] Marvolo:Greetings, Handy Pockets! [20/11/11 19:02] ignnus:yep Ptw,you are balanced indeed [20/11/11 19:02] Handy Pockets:Hello Marvolo [20/11/11 19:02] Soothing Sands: (i have to go soon. nooo) [20/11/11 19:03] Handy Pockets:sure, I will get it for you [20/11/11 19:03] Passant the weak: *bows to teh Queen* happy to see afater all tat time miLady [20/11/11 19:03] Princ Rhaegar:we shall wait for 19 hours and 5 minutes before we start. [20/11/11 19:03] Princ Rhaegar:just to catch up any possible latecomers. [20/11/11 19:03] Passant the weak: (how long do you expect this to last sensei? I may have to leave anytime too) [20/11/11 19:03] Handy Pockets:Hello Passant the weak [20/11/11 19:03] Soothing Sands:as long as i go first, that's ok [20/11/11 19:04] Princ Rhaegar: (30 min perhaps) [20/11/11 19:04] Passant the weak: (allright, should be ok on my side) [20/11/11 19:04] Princ Rhaegar:First, all the works will be shown, and then the rewards will be announced. [20/11/11 19:04] Passant the weak: *bows to Maiteryi* hello silent one! [20/11/11 19:04] Princ Rhaegar:Before that, an improvised intro speech [20/11/11 19:05] Maitreyi Devi: *smiles* hello [20/11/11 19:05] Princ Rhaegar:19:05, I think we can begin [20/11/11 19:05] :Soothing Sands sighs [20/11/11 19:05] Princ Rhaegar:Hello Maitreyi [20/11/11 19:05] Passant the weak: *grins* I love improvisation [20/11/11 19:05] Princ Rhaegar:First, few words about the history of the contest [20/11/11 19:05] Princ Rhaegar:Long ago, Poem contest was held here, and it was organised by Emerald Arcanix with the help of Fyrd Argentus [20/11/11 19:05] Princ Rhaegar:and perhaps someone else my mind slipped off. [20/11/11 19:06] Princ Rhaegar:There was an idea to make that contest an annual one [20/11/11 19:06] Princ Rhaegar:Sadly, Emerald Arcanix stopped appearing in this realm, at least not as he used to, and the idea paused [20/11/11 19:07] Princ Rhaegar:So I used some initiative to refresh this marvelous event [20/11/11 19:07] Princ Rhaegar:Now, regarding your works. [20/11/11 19:07] Princ Rhaegar:All are very splendid, and great in their own way [20/11/11 19:07] Princ Rhaegar:and it was incredibly hard to rate them all properly. [20/11/11 19:07] Princ Rhaegar:Along me, Maebius and Emerald Arcanix helped with their opinions on your works [20/11/11 19:07] Princ Rhaegar:so if you feel that you didn't get your deserving reward, blame them! [20/11/11 19:08] :Marvolo chuckles [20/11/11 19:08] Princ Rhaegar:But in truth, all works are very good, and I'm glad that such artistic minds are present in this realm [20/11/11 19:08] :Passant the weak prepares himself to blame Maebius [20/11/11 19:08] Princ Rhaegar:I shall begin with the drawing submissions. [20/11/11 19:08] Princ Rhaegar:There are only four of those. [20/11/11 19:08] Soothing Sands:... [20/11/11 19:09] ignnus:ok [20/11/11 19:09] Princ Rhaegar:Marvolo of Loreroot [20/11/11 19:09] Princ Rhaegar:http://www.dodaj.rs/f/29/og/3OZWxqyq/marvolo-drawing.jpg [20/11/11 19:09] Soothing Sands:Very nice [20/11/11 19:09] Princ Rhaegar:Zleiphneir of Bob ( ) [20/11/11 19:09] Princ Rhaegar:http://www.dodaj.rs/f/33/6/4UEPfa69/zleiphneir-drawing.jpg [20/11/11 19:09] ignnus:good [20/11/11 19:10] Soothing Sands:woah [20/11/11 19:10] Marvolo:Good one! [20/11/11 19:10] Princ Rhaegar:Soothing Sands of Marind Bell, whose work was valued by Maebius greatly, but I had great trouble to understand the drawing. [20/11/11 19:10] Princ Rhaegar:http://www.dodaj.rs/f/3s/lx/oFSNVTu/soothing-sands-drawing.jpg [20/11/11 19:10] Soothing Sands: *shrugs* I tried [20/11/11 19:10] Princ Rhaegar: (I would like an explanation soon enough, Soothing ) [20/11/11 19:10] Marvolo:Good work Sands! [20/11/11 19:10] Soothing Sands: (will do) [20/11/11 19:11] Princ Rhaegar:and young Maitreyi Devi without homeland [20/11/11 19:11] Princ Rhaegar:http://www.dodaj.rs/f/3z/13s/3RS3wmlr/maitreyidevi-drawing.jpg [20/11/11 19:11] ignnus:good but not first place SandsD [20/11/11 19:11] Passant the weak:I like them all [20/11/11 19:11] Marvolo:Maybe you can give your explanation here, in chat? [20/11/11 19:11] Soothing Sands:uhhh.... [20/11/11 19:11] Princ Rhaegar:I would like that too, if you can put it in short, so the others don't get mad at me? [20/11/11 19:11] Soothing Sands:ok i will try [20/11/11 19:11] Marvolo:Ooh! Maitreyi! I Really love that! [20/11/11 19:12] Soothing Sands:the two sides are like what normal life is [20/11/11 19:12] Passant the weak:Correction.... I love them all [20/11/11 19:12] Soothing Sands:they surround everyone [20/11/11 19:12] Soothing Sands:it is hard to ignore or deviate from the path [20/11/11 19:12] Soothing Sands:but enlightenment is taking what you can, and learning from it [20/11/11 19:13] Soothing Sands:everything else is not forgotten, but moved to the side [20/11/11 19:13] Soothing Sands:so that beauty may pass through [20/11/11 19:13] Jolla: *smiles* Hey Princ and all [20/11/11 19:13] :Soothing Sands nods [20/11/11 19:13] ignnus:1st Marv 2nd devi 3rd Zleph 4th Sands imho [20/11/11 19:13] Princ Rhaegar:very interesting [20/11/11 19:13] Handy Pockets:These are great [20/11/11 19:13] :Jolla sits and listens [20/11/11 19:13] Soothing Sands:i am terrible at drawing, lol [20/11/11 19:13] Handy Pockets:Nice [20/11/11 19:14] Passant the weak:No [20/11/11 19:14] Passant the weak:You illustrated your concept very nicely [20/11/11 19:14] Princ Rhaegar: (see Marv, you got appreciated. If the evil judges steal your glory, don't feel down ) [20/11/11 19:14] ignnus:yeah i like that one [20/11/11 19:14] Marvolo: (Ha! ) [20/11/11 19:14] Soothing Sands:Thank you passant [20/11/11 19:14] Princ Rhaegar:I'll use the opportunity to show my own example [20/11/11 19:14] Soothing Sands: (can i give my poem now?) [20/11/11 19:15] Princ Rhaegar:http://www.dodaj.rs/f/l/Tq/1bm845Pg/enlightenment-rhaegar.jpg [20/11/11 19:15] Soothing Sands: (nooooooooo) [20/11/11 19:15] Soothing Sands:bit it's good [20/11/11 19:15] ignnus:ah..so good.. [20/11/11 19:15] Soothing Sands:but* [20/11/11 19:15] Passant the weak:Is that me you tried to draw Rhaegar? *laughs* [20/11/11 19:15] Princ Rhaegar:Sands, if you have to leave, I'll still count you as present for the secondary awards [20/11/11 19:16] Soothing Sands:uuhhhh [20/11/11 19:16] Princ Rhaegar:actually, it was a drawing meant for postmailing Emerald, He had this idea to make a drawing on our own wish and exchange it [20/11/11 19:16] Handy Pockets:Can these be posted on the forum? [20/11/11 19:16] Princ Rhaegar:I chose to try to draw some kind of enlightenment [20/11/11 19:16] Princ Rhaegar:They can, if no author disagrees [20/11/11 19:16] Soothing Sands: (Passant can you give my poem?) [20/11/11 19:16] Marvolo:I wanted to draw a lightbulb first. [20/11/11 19:17] ignnus:same [20/11/11 19:17] ignnus:D [20/11/11 19:17] Passant the weak: (sure colleague, send over) [20/11/11 19:17] Princ Rhaegar:I'll get to the poems, sorry for delaying guys [20/11/11 19:17] Princ Rhaegar:I'll post the poems myself, to keep track of order and organization [20/11/11 19:17] Princ Rhaegar:I hope that's ok with you guys? [20/11/11 19:17] :Soothing Sands hand a scroll to passant [20/11/11 19:18] :Soothing Sands takes his scroll back [20/11/11 19:18] :Jolla passed Heat storing Jar 18K to Soothing Sands [20/11/11 19:18] Soothing Sands:yea [20/11/11 19:18] ignnus:it's better [20/11/11 19:18] Passant the weak:Yes it is! [20/11/11 19:18] Passant the weak:That will avoid my usual typos! [20/11/11 19:18] Princ Rhaegar:First, DarkRaptor [20/11/11 19:18] Soothing Sands:ok see you guys... [20/11/11 19:18] Princ Rhaegar: (bye bye Soothing!) [20/11/11 19:18] Passant the weak:I can make typos even when I copy/paste [20/11/11 19:18] Passant the weak: *bows to his colleague* Later [20/11/11 19:18] Princ Rhaegar:Knowlege, power, fortune or fame the true seeker never rests although his soul is hard to tame he follows his path without regrets [20/11/11 19:19] Princ Rhaegar:Enligntment as his flag courage as his shield persitence is the tag his everlasting mark on the field [20/11/11 19:19] Princ Rhaegar:As time lies behind no perils, no fears or tears only adventure fills his mind [20/11/11 19:19] Princ Rhaegar:When his eyes glance ahead no barriers, no fighters or magic only determination rules his head [20/11/11 19:19] :Princ Rhaegar waits for comments [20/11/11 19:20] :Passant the weak appluases [20/11/11 19:20] Marvolo: *smiles* It is very good! [20/11/11 19:20] Princ Rhaegar:Alrighty. Next in row, Ignnus, with his poem of fury. [20/11/11 19:20] Handy Pockets:I especially like the 'soul is hard to tame' [20/11/11 19:20] Princ Rhaegar:Yes, a very fine work by DarkRaptor indeed. [20/11/11 19:20] Princ Rhaegar:Appreciated by the judges, even [20/11/11 19:21] Princ Rhaegar:but to move to Ignnus: [20/11/11 19:21] Princ Rhaegar:i am a seeker of wisdom and the worthy to become complete with his other end to have no illusions of any reality [20/11/11 19:21] Princ Rhaegar:which is very meanie of thee cease to exist when you call me sound pissed since i like new grasans more than Firsanthalas no offence to any kinds [20/11/11 19:22] Princ Rhaegar:back in the old days, you would get extra 20 points for making fun of Firsanthalas in an enlightenment theme poem, but alas, I have to be professional [20/11/11 19:22] ignnus:DD [20/11/11 19:22] Princ Rhaegar:Next in line: [20/11/11 19:22] :Marvolo chuckles [20/11/11 19:22] :Passant the weak laughs [20/11/11 19:22] Princ Rhaegar:Lashtal [20/11/11 19:22] Princ Rhaegar:Lasthal of Golemus. [20/11/11 19:22] Princ Rhaegar:"The Seeker's instinct, the thirst of Absolute through empty spaces, each day expanding each way transcending: the Spirit's Calling. [20/11/11 19:22] Princ Rhaegar:The Seeker's aim, the uncaused cause the primal spark, the world and its veil. The point where Serpent bites his tail when life itself will grant a pause. [20/11/11 19:23] Princ Rhaegar:The end of the path, so close to its start shows nothing above, but the mystery inside beholding within, there's one Star in sight." [20/11/11 19:23] :Princ Rhaegar waits for people to read and comment [20/11/11 19:23] Passant the weak:I find it ... pessimistic! But I like the work [20/11/11 19:23] Marvolo:Oh I like this a lot! [20/11/11 19:24] Handy Pockets:the thirst of Absolute through empty spaces, [20/11/11 19:24] Handy Pockets:I like this , it says a lot, I like these poems [20/11/11 19:24] Princ Rhaegar:Next in line, signor Maitreyi Devi [20/11/11 19:25] Princ Rhaegar:It is human nature that urges us to seek We look for strength when we are weak, We look for health, we look for love, We ask for help from high above. [20/11/11 19:25] Princ Rhaegar:We search the truth in what we find Looking with our eyes, heart and mind But a few are the ones to see What enlightenment is truly... [20/11/11 19:25] Princ Rhaegar:Discover a way to see is true: It lies in you, the Truth is You! The deeper you search that's what you'll find Let the light in, to open your mind! [20/11/11 19:25] :Princ Rhaegar waits for people to read and comment [20/11/11 19:25] Passant the weak:Good one! [20/11/11 19:25] Marvolo:I very much like the last senctence here. [20/11/11 19:26] Passant the weak:Although the weak does not always seek the stregth! *laughs* [20/11/11 19:26] Handy Pockets:Yes I agree [20/11/11 19:26] Princ Rhaegar:because the poem was at its end, Marvolo? [20/11/11 19:26] Marvolo:No, not in that way, Rhaegar of Marind Bell. [20/11/11 19:26] Handy Pockets:no, because it says to let the light in, [20/11/11 19:26] Princ Rhaegar: [20/11/11 19:26] Marvolo:Exactly. [20/11/11 19:27] Princ Rhaegar:I'm just teasing, of course. [20/11/11 19:27] Marvolo:Beeing silly, even *laughs* [20/11/11 19:27] Princ Rhaegar:No need to get aggressive on your's truly... [20/11/11 19:27] Princ Rhaegar:I like the works of Maitreyi very much, I hope he sticks around. Next in line: [20/11/11 19:27] Princ Rhaegar:Passant the Weak, of the Archives! [20/11/11 19:28] Princ Rhaegar:"I am... a seeker... I think." I seek. You seek. They seek. We all seek. But who is the seeker? [20/11/11 19:28] ignnus: (look at item auction lol) [20/11/11 19:28] :Maitreyi Devi smiles [20/11/11 19:28] Princ Rhaegar: (test for lag) [20/11/11 19:28] lashtal:greetings, folks [20/11/11 19:28] Passant the weak: *bows to lashtal* Good work ! [20/11/11 19:28] Princ Rhaegar:Maybe he is thicker? Or just a thinker? Sometimes a speaker. But not a streaker. [20/11/11 19:28] Chengmingz: *bows* Good evening. [20/11/11 19:28] ignnus: ( [Forum link] [20/11/11 19:28] Princ Rhaegar: (hey lashtal) [20/11/11 19:28] Princ Rhaegar:wait, stop! [20/11/11 19:28] Princ Rhaegar:I'll repeat! [20/11/11 19:28] Princ Rhaegar:for Passant's sake [20/11/11 19:29] Princ Rhaegar:Again, poem of Passant [20/11/11 19:29] Princ Rhaegar:"I am... a seeker... I think." [20/11/11 19:29] Handy Pockets:leave link at end, then I will look at it [20/11/11 19:29] Princ Rhaegar:I seek. You seek. They seek. We all seek. But who is the seeker? [20/11/11 19:29] Princ Rhaegar:Maybe he is thicker? Or just a thinker? Sometimes a speaker. But not a streaker. [20/11/11 19:29] Princ Rhaegar:But who is the seeker? We all seek They seek You seek I seek [20/11/11 19:29] Princ Rhaegar:I think, therefore I am... I seek, therefore I am... I am... a seeker... I think. [20/11/11 19:29] :Princ Rhaegar waits for people to read and comment [20/11/11 19:30] Handy Pockets:I apologize for jumping in, I will blame lag [20/11/11 19:30] Handy Pockets:It is direct [20/11/11 19:30] Marvolo:I like the lines with 'seek' in it xD [20/11/11 19:30] Princ Rhaegar:I demand reparations, Kets! Gold coins in your weight! [20/11/11 19:31] Passant the weak:You won't get much [20/11/11 19:31] :Handy Pockets quickly takes off her shoes and empties her inventory [20/11/11 19:31] Princ Rhaegar:I hope you're a fat one, Kets. [20/11/11 19:31] Princ Rhaegar:Next in line, Phantom Orchid, of Loreroot [20/11/11 19:31] Passant the weak: *lokks at the queen avy* bad luck there princ [20/11/11 19:32] Princ Rhaegar:The path of the Seeker transcends worlds of sense and thought, For they have but little worth. However, when all thoughts and senses are blocked The path and entrances become a hidden dearth. [20/11/11 19:32] Princ Rhaegar:Though the path maybe recognized Once and along with the world of sense and thought, It belongs neither to them nor can it ever surmise to Live without them sought. [20/11/11 19:32] Princ Rhaegar:The path is made by walking and it cannot be grasped, pulled or snatched, For a brush with enlightenment comes with a terrible price Of being neither one, nor two detached. [20/11/11 19:32] :Princ Rhaegar waits a bit for people to read before proceeding to the next paragraph [20/11/11 19:33] Passant the weak:It is very POE style! *smiles* [20/11/11 19:33] Marvolo:Indeed. [20/11/11 19:33] Handy Pockets:I agree Passant [20/11/11 19:33] Handy Pockets:and I like the last part very much. [20/11/11 19:34] Princ Rhaegar:The light stays dry, as the water stays unbroken, Reflected on the water of Willow’s Lake. Even in the small puddle next to Bob it is mirrored, Even though this light is wide and great. [20/11/11 19:34] Princ Rhaegar:The path of the Seeker is a path to know one’s self Without root or abode. It is radiant and chaotic, without form or function Like a road. When one looks for it on the map, it never will step To the [20/11/11 19:34] Princ Rhaegar:And when one seeks it outside of one’s self One is turned away all the more [20/11/11 19:34] Princ Rhaegar:--- The end of this great piece. [20/11/11 19:34] Princ Rhaegar:Comments, please [20/11/11 19:34] :Marvolo smiles [20/11/11 19:34] Handy Pockets:whose is this one [20/11/11 19:35] Passant the weak:It is POE part 2 [20/11/11 19:35] Princ Rhaegar:Phantom Orchid's [20/11/11 19:35] Princ Rhaegar:It is a lenghty one, so I made a pause in between [20/11/11 19:35] lashtal:very interesting... [20/11/11 19:35] Princ Rhaegar:for you people to read. [20/11/11 19:35] Princ Rhaegar:Next in line: Shadowseeker of Kelletha Order [20/11/11 19:36] lashtal: (I'm sorry, I missed the beginning of the event) [20/11/11 19:36] Princ Rhaegar: (no worries, there will be a log I hope) [20/11/11 19:36] Princ Rhaegar:Someone seeks, searches, explores, the road one has to find before. Not a destination, nor a goal is needed, for the call cannot be unheeded. [20/11/11 19:36] Princ Rhaegar:The seeker listens to his heart, and fate will soon play its part. [20/11/11 19:36] Princ Rhaegar:To seek is to live, but also to drift. Others may give, but we cross the rift. We explore the gaps, the darkness, [20/11/11 19:36] Princ Rhaegar:We fill the maps, fight bleakness. We who seek out, we who may find. We always doubt, for we may be blind. [20/11/11 19:36] Princ Rhaegar:Arise and march! Your time has come. We follow no instructions but the heart, Every of us has stories of searching some. [20/11/11 19:36] Princ Rhaegar:To survive we have to be smart. But the seeking, oh glorious joy! Outsider's shrieking, we actually enjoy. [20/11/11 19:37] Princ Rhaegar:For we know the worth of our search, For we follow and widen our research. [20/11/11 19:37] Princ Rhaegar:Wait a minute for everybody to catch the whole poem, and then comment! [20/11/11 19:38] Handy Pockets:Okay, this has to be the best line i ever heard of anything of MD. [20/11/11 19:38] :Brulant passed Rainbow candy to Soothing Sands [20/11/11 19:38] Handy Pockets:To survive we have to be smart. But the seeking, oh glorious joy! Outsider's shrieking, we actually enjoy. [20/11/11 19:38] :Brulant passed Rainbow candy to Soothing Sands [20/11/11 19:39] Princ Rhaegar:Two more to go [20/11/11 19:39] Princ Rhaegar:Next in line, Soothing Sands [20/11/11 19:39] Princ Rhaegar:As you search Enlightenment Is it light and is it bright Is it moonshine, in the night? Is it peace and is it kind Is it an empty, open mind? [20/11/11 19:39] Princ Rhaegar:Is it pretty and is it clean Is it a simple, sprouting bean? It's all these things And less And more As you search Enlightenment An open door [20/11/11 19:39] Princ Rhaegar:Comments [20/11/11 19:40] Princ Rhaegar:Soothing Sands missed a topic tad a bit [20/11/11 19:40] Princ Rhaegar:seems he thought poem is enlightenment as well. [20/11/11 19:40] Princ Rhaegar:but again, the mention of a search and such... it can be tendenciously accepted. [20/11/11 19:41] Princ Rhaegar:and it will! with a hidden agenda to promote nepotism and corruption due to Marind Bell judges! muhahaha [20/11/11 19:41] Princ Rhaegar: *coughs* ok, comments, really? [20/11/11 19:41] Handy Pockets:hehe [20/11/11 19:41] :lashtal chuckles [20/11/11 19:41] Handy Pockets:I like the question [20/11/11 19:41] Handy Pockets:in the night? [20/11/11 19:41] Passant the weak:I say Marind Bell is corrupted [20/11/11 19:41] Passant the weak:But I like the poem! [20/11/11 19:42] :Marvolo laughs [20/11/11 19:42] Handy Pockets:I still like the poem , it seems to be about seeking [20/11/11 19:42] Princ Rhaegar:of course it is, that is our nature, to have sparks of black in the majesty of our white [20/11/11 19:42] Princ Rhaegar:The last, but not least [20/11/11 19:42] Princ Rhaegar:Poem of Zleiphneir, of Steve... Bob... [20/11/11 19:43] Princ Rhaegar: (lengthy one as well) [20/11/11 19:43] Princ Rhaegar:Never satisfied, he lied, He's always at his ease. The emptyness that must be filled? Easy to appease. [20/11/11 19:43] Princ Rhaegar:Not quite a hunger, Not a need, By foot or thought or riding steed, He looks about for this and that, Not harvest mouse but prowling cat. [20/11/11 19:43] Princ Rhaegar:To find things would be reckless. In endless concentration. He's looking for the looking. Not trials and tribulation. [20/11/11 19:43] Princ Rhaegar:Easy to dismiss a catch, for finding what was sought. Lines and not an inbetween, is all you would have bought. [20/11/11 19:43] Princ Rhaegar:Just like this skipping record, you'll never quite be sure; Was it done on purpose? A guiding hand for what's in store. [20/11/11 19:43] :Princ Rhaegar waits for comments before proceeding with ratings [20/11/11 19:44] Passant the weak:I like Z inspiration, very different [20/11/11 19:45] Handy Pockets:I like this first few lines [20/11/11 19:45] Handy Pockets:Never satisfied, he lied. [20/11/11 19:45] Handy Pockets:I like that for a start [20/11/11 19:46] Princ Rhaegar:Important information, Liverpool scored a late goal against Chelsea for the lead of 2-1 [20/11/11 19:46] Princ Rhaegar:yey! [20/11/11 19:46] Marvolo:LOL [20/11/11 19:46] ignnus:liverpool rocks [20/11/11 19:46] lashtal:O.o [20/11/11 19:47] Princ Rhaegar:Now to proceed with the final stage [20/11/11 19:47] Princ Rhaegar:First, thank you all for coming [20/11/11 19:47] Princ Rhaegar:and each one of the participants that appeared will get some kind of reward. [20/11/11 19:47] Handy Pockets:oh wait [20/11/11 19:47] Handy Pockets:I thought there was more to his poem [20/11/11 19:48] Princ Rhaegar:nope, just a lengthy one, but without pauses [20/11/11 19:48] Handy Pockets:ah, I see, [20/11/11 19:49] Princ Rhaegar:Glass reward, donation of Passant The Weak, dedicated to quality artwork [20/11/11 19:49] Princ Rhaegar:goes to... [20/11/11 19:49] Princ Rhaegar: [20/11/11 19:49] Princ Rhaegar: [20/11/11 19:49] Princ Rhaegar: [20/11/11 19:49] Princ Rhaegar:Marvolo! [20/11/11 19:49] Handy Pockets: *claps* . yay [20/11/11 19:49] :Passant the weak applauses [20/11/11 19:49] lashtal: *claps* woooooo! [20/11/11 19:49] Princ Rhaegar:a word or two from Marvolo? [20/11/11 19:50] Passant the weak: (Marv, Ill contact you when I get my hand on the glass, seems Awiiya gave it [20/11/11 19:50] Marvolo:First - I had a massive lagspike [20/11/11 19:50] lashtal: (is it possible to see the artworks? if so, where?) [20/11/11 19:50] :Marvolo coughs [20/11/11 19:51] Princ Rhaegar:I already showed them lashtal, but they'll be showed in the log that Kets will get as soon as we get done) [20/11/11 19:51] Marvolo:Secondly: Thank you Passant! [20/11/11 19:51] Passant the weak: *bows* my pleasure [20/11/11 19:51] lashtal: (thank you) [20/11/11 19:51] Princ Rhaegar:The Angien reward, sponsorship of Phantom Orchid, goes to... [20/11/11 19:51] Princ Rhaegar: [20/11/11 19:51] Princ Rhaegar: [20/11/11 19:51] Princ Rhaegar: [20/11/11 19:51] Princ Rhaegar:Passant Zi Weak! [20/11/11 19:51] :ignnus drum rolls [20/11/11 19:51] :Marvolo claps [20/11/11 19:51] Handy Pockets: *claps* . yay [20/11/11 19:51] Passant the weak: *grins* Yay [20/11/11 19:52] lashtal:congratz Passant! [20/11/11 19:52] Princ Rhaegar:a word or two, Passant, I plea! [20/11/11 19:52] Passant the weak:I want to thank the Seekers of Enlightment for organizing that event [20/11/11 19:52] Passant the weak:I also thank my mom, my girlfriend, and all of you [20/11/11 19:53] Passant the weak:And special thanks to POE *laughs* [20/11/11 19:53] :Handy Pockets laughs quietly [20/11/11 19:53] Princ Rhaegar: [20/11/11 19:53] lashtal:lol [20/11/11 19:53] :Marvolo chuckles [20/11/11 19:53] Princ Rhaegar:Following two people receive an enchanted stone by choice from me [20/11/11 19:53] Princ Rhaegar:Maitreyi Devi and Soothing Sands, for their works in both poem and drawing section [20/11/11 19:54] :Maitreyi Devi smiles [20/11/11 19:54] Maitreyi Devi:thank you [20/11/11 19:54] Passant the weak: *claps* that's big effort indeed [20/11/11 19:54] Handy Pockets: *claps* . yay [20/11/11 19:54] lashtal:well done guys [20/11/11 19:54] :Marvolo claps [20/11/11 19:55] ignnus:good job [20/11/11 19:55] Chengmingz:Bravo ladies and gentlemen *smiles* [20/11/11 19:55] Princ Rhaegar:Ignnus, for coming, will receive 3 silvers from myself [20/11/11 19:55] ignnus:hoo thanks [20/11/11 19:55] ignnus:how generous [20/11/11 19:55] Passant the weak:jNice! Grats Ignnus [20/11/11 19:55] :Princ Rhaegar passed Silver coin to Ignnus [20/11/11 19:55] :Princ Rhaegar passed Silver coin to Ignnus [20/11/11 19:56] :Princ Rhaegar passed Silver coin to Ignnus [20/11/11 19:56] Princ Rhaegar:Now [20/11/11 19:56] Princ Rhaegar:the main prize of the evening [20/11/11 19:56] Princ Rhaegar:Lashtal - a WP [20/11/11 19:56] Princ Rhaegar: (two more will follow, wait up) [20/11/11 19:56] Passant the weak:Grats lashtal! [20/11/11 19:57] :Chengmingz claps [20/11/11 19:57] lashtal:thank you sooo much! [20/11/11 19:57] :Marvolo cheers [20/11/11 19:57] Princ Rhaegar:you deserved it [20/11/11 19:57] Princ Rhaegar:Zleiphneir, for both of his charming works in drawing and poem contest, receives a Wish point as well [20/11/11 19:57] :Marvolo claps [20/11/11 19:58] Princ Rhaegar:DarkRaptor, for his work in poem contest (forgot to mention, Lashtal of course received a WP for his poem entry) receives a WP! [20/11/11 19:58] Passant the weak:Congratulations! Those are very good choices [20/11/11 19:58] Princ Rhaegar:Now, bare in mind [20/11/11 19:58] :Marvolo applauds [20/11/11 19:58] Princ Rhaegar:not all decisions are made souly by me, it was a combination of opinions by us three judges [20/11/11 19:59] Princ Rhaegar:so the mind set for rewards is not the same. [20/11/11 19:59] Princ Rhaegar:But of course, I take credit for the coolest picks [20/11/11 19:59] Princ Rhaegar: [20/11/11 19:59] :Handy Pockets claps [20/11/11 19:59] :lashtal chuckles [20/11/11 19:59] Chengmingz: *cheers* Congratz everyone! [20/11/11 19:59] :Passant the weak laughs at the corrupted Seekers [20/11/11 19:59] Princ Rhaegar:If dear Queen Handy Pockets wishes to award an additional Wish point to a work of her liking [20/11/11 20:00] Princ Rhaegar:That would be ok with me as well. [20/11/11 20:00] Maitreyi Devi:Congratulations for every participant ! [20/11/11 20:00] Passant the weak:You got very nice submission s Rhaegar, taht was a succesful quest. Grats! [20/11/11 20:00] Princ Rhaegar:Thank you Passant [20/11/11 20:00] Princ Rhaegar:it means a lot. [20/11/11 20:00] Princ Rhaegar:Now, Kets, please, the log! [20/11/11 20:00] Chengmingz:I do not know if I should have any say. But perhaps organizing such event is worthy of a Wp [20/11/11 20:00] Handy Pockets:I will send all to you [20/11/11 20:00] lashtal:thank you Princ Rhaegar and all Seekers for these nice quests! [20/11/11 20:00] Princ Rhaegar:The results will soon be posted on the forum, together with the log. [20/11/11 20:01] Handy Pockets:first things first [20/11/11 20:01] Princ Rhaegar:Mur asked monarchs not to reward people for this period, Cheng [20/11/11 20:01] Princ Rhaegar:but even so [20/11/11 20:01] ignnus:thanks,great event [20/11/11 20:01] Princ Rhaegar:I didn't do this for a reward. [20/11/11 20:01] ignnus: (pm lashtal) [20/11/11 20:01] Princ Rhaegar:Thank you all for coming, again! [20/11/11 20:01] Princ Rhaegar:Great works people! [20/11/11 20:02] Princ Rhaegar:All the instructions for picking up your rewards [20/11/11 20:02] Princ Rhaegar:will be made on forum [20/11/11 20:02] Princ Rhaegar:I'll distribute the main rewards in a day or two [20/11/11 20:02] Chengmingz:Ahhh I understand. My apologies. It was a suggestion. [20/11/11 20:02] Princ Rhaegar:No worries, my thanks for your support Cheng [20/11/11 20:03] Passant the weak: *bows to the audience* was a pleasure to see so many pieces of art, see you later all [20/11/11 20:03] :[Spell] Seekers [/log] Secondary Prizes (winnable only by those that arrived on the meeting): [b]Marvolo[/b] = Glass-work donation by Passant the Weak! [b]Soothing Sands[/b] and [b]Maitreyi Devi[/b] = Enchanted Stone, from my self, by choice from the list of spells that will follow on the bottom [b]Passant The Weak[/b] - Angien, donation by Phantom Orchid! [b]Ignnus[/b] - 3 silvers from myself, for being one of the few participants whom showed up Main Prizes, 3 WPs donated by Handy Pockets: [b]Zleiphneir, Lashtal, DarkRaptor.[/b] BIG THANKS TO ALL DONATIONS! - [b]Phantom Orchid; Passant The Weak; Handy Pockets[/b] I'm sad I couldn't have rewarded every entry with a WP, because every one was great in its own way. Big admiration from me, participants, keep up the good work! Judges: Maebius, Emerald Arcanix and I. Please read the log for more info. [/center][/center] [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center] [/center][/center] [center][center][b]AVAILABLE SPELLS FOR ENCHANTED STONES:[/b] [/center][/center] [center][center]teleport to paper cabin (works only on yourself);[/center][/center] [center][center]movelock;[/center][/center] [center][center]attacklock;[/center][/center] [center][center]locate. [/center][/center]Sorry for double post, my main post is messing up all the spaces when I try to edit something. For now, only Ignnus received his reward! Passant the Weak, Marvolo, contact Phantom Orchid and Passant The Weak ( ) for the rewards they agreed to sponsor. (if there are any issues, of course, message me and I'll figure something out). 3 WPs will be distributed by me in the following days, which will again be announced here. Those who should get enchanted stone should PM their choice of spell to receive the reward. Edited November 20, 2011 by Rhaegar Targaryen Phantom Orchid, dst and emerald arcanix 2 1 Quote
Phantom Orchid Posted November 20, 2011 Report Posted November 20, 2011 Unfortunately I was unable to attend, but I am pleased that it was such a success! emerald arcanix and Maebius 2 Quote
ignnus Posted November 20, 2011 Report Posted November 20, 2011 I'm all tingly inside because of this great event..seriously! Thank you host and sponsors. Ps:(please don't neg rep..my feelings get hurt) emerald arcanix, Prince Marvolo, Phantom Orchid and 1 other 4 Quote
Jubaris Posted November 21, 2011 Author Report Posted November 21, 2011 One inconvenience was reported: In the Poem reading of Phantom Orchid, the following line, near the end of the poem, was cut by my mistake: "...When one looks for it on the map, it never will step To the [color=#FF0000]fore[/color]...." Quote
Passant the Weak Posted November 21, 2011 Report Posted November 21, 2011 I received my prize, thank you POE for it and you Rhaegar for organizing that quest. I was truly impressed by the quality of the drawings, we got some artists there! Phantom Orchid 1 Quote
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