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Your Musical Portrait


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[size=5][i][b]Part 2[/b][/i][/size]

Now is time to select the best songs, as well as the best portrayers!

[b]~ Rules ~[/b][list]
[*]Only those who participated in the first part can vote. That's 60 people.
[*]For each participant, you choose amongst his/her list of songs the one that best portrays him/her. Keep in mind that this is not about your musical taste, nor even the participant's, but how [i]you[/i] see the character. Avoid systematically vote for the songs the participant put in his/her papers, or posted in the mood panel, or once said he/she likes …
[*]You can't vote for a song you assigned in the first part.
[*]All participants will score points according to their votes. The songs you have assigned during first part do NOT count. Consider the second part a new game: everyone has the same chances to win. You will get one partial score for each participant, which amounts to the percentage of people who voted for the same song as you. Your global score will then be the average of all your partial scores, weighted by the number of songs assigned to each participant (the more songs a participant has received, the more difficult and the more it counts). If you don't choose a song for a participant, the corresponding partial score is 0% of course.
[i]Song list for Player I:[/i][/color][list]
[*][color=#696969]Song 1 (40% of people voted for this one)[/color]
[*][color=#696969]Song 2 (25%)[/color]
[*][color=#696969]Song 3 (20%)[/color]
[*][color=#696969]Song 4 (15%)[/color]
[color=#696969][i]Song list for Player II:[/i][/color][list]
[*][color=#696969]Song A (60%)[/color]
[*][color=#696969]Song B (40%)[/color]
[color=#696969]If I vote for Song 3 (for Player I) and Song A (for player II), my global score will be (20x4 + 60x2)/(4+2) = 33.3%[/color]

In other words: you get more points if your votes are close to that of the majority, i.e. if you really vote for the best songs. I hope.

[b]~ Rewards ~[/b]

So far:[list]
[*]1 Morph
[*]1 Wishpoint (thank you Rhaegar :cool:)
[*]1 Santa (thank you Sasha :wub:)
[*]All sponsors welcome!
Assuming I have more rewards to give: the participant with the highest score will choose his/her reward, then the second best will choose amongst the remaining ones, etc.

I kindly ask everyone not to try anything like team up to vote for the same songs in order to get better scores. Although the goal is to get as close as possible as the others, there are way too many songs to choose from for two people to accidentally end up with the same 60 votes. Any miraculous similarity between votes will be automatically detected.

I participate myself, but I won't take any reward of course if I manage to get high scores (I won't calculate any score before the end anyway, so I'm as blind as you all).

[b]~ List of songs ~[/b]

All-in-one for public offline "reading", very similar to that in the clickie:


The file is large, it might take some time to load all images. As I said in my previous post, I replaced all empty descriptions by the actual song title. Hopefully I didn't make any mistake.

Some participants received very few songs, mainly due to their late arrival in the game, or simply due to their low age, so they are not well known yet. May those few songs make you want to meet them!

Warning: there are [b]755[/b] songs. Even if you don't aim for the first place, try to vote for as many people as possible, as it will make everyone's score more accurate. The goal is to vote for the best portraits, so you don't have to listen to the songs in their entirety; there are several private jokes in there. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time.

Due to the unstable nature of YouTube links, there are still a couple broken ones, and others might appear in the future. I will update the list every time a broken link is fixed (currently still PM-ing participants about it), and announce it here (see edits at the end of the post).

[b]~ How to start ~[/b]

Same as for the first part: "musical portrait" in the Oak Log at Awiiya's Way. The clickie has been updated and allows those who participated in the first part to select the best song for each participant. You can change your votes at leisure.

If you notice bugs or anything strange, PM me etc.

[b]~ About the end ~[/b]

Since the number of songs is large, I propose to make this part last for one month, so that everyone has enough time to vote. We will make it longer if necessary.

I will then display the list of songs again, along with the percentage of people who voted for each one. I intend to show the "authors" of the best songs as well, say the 20% best. Let's see how many participants managed to properly portray themselves! :D

Eventually, for transparency, if someone wants to view the complete list of who voted for what, just tell me and I'll show it. I won't make it public though.

[quote name='SageWoman' timestamp='1333060288' post='107795']
This is all I could find for myself. What think you?

I vote for it! :P

[size=2]Edit 1:[/size] [size=2]+1 WP by Rhaegar[/size]
[size=2]Edit 2: [/size][size=2]-1 broken link for Zleiphneir[/size]
[size=2]Edit 3: -1 country-blocked link for Maebius[/size]
[size=2]Edit 4: -1 broken/country-bocked/private link for Brulant, Esmaralda, Kiley, Maitreyi Devi, Marvolo, and Xcercses[/size]
[size=2]Edit 5: -1 [/size][size=2]broken/country-bocked link for Rumi, [/size][size=2]Maitreyi Devi, and Marvolo[/size]

Edited by Guillak
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  • 3 weeks later...

As I listen to all the songs myself, I realize several participants were assigned the same song. This can bias results if you want to vote for such a song, because the votes get scattered. Now it's too late for me to "normalize" duplicate entries (well I [i]can[/i] do it, but I don't [i]want[/i] to since it's badly coded :P), so here is a simple solution: if you want to vote for a song that appears multiple times in a list, just vote for the first one. It should be okay if everyone does the same.

Again, if you want more time to vote, just tell me !

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Only 26 participants have entered votes so far, and only 7 entered votes for everybody. A couple participants asked for more time.

=> One more month, and there won't be any further deadline extension!

As time passes, it seems more links get broken … I can't monitor them all unfortunately. In most cases, you still end up on a YouTube page saying that the video has been deleted because of infringement or similar. Providing the song title is still visible, you can just copy-paste it in the YouTube search box to get another version.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It seems there aren't many votes coming anymore, so I'll end it quickly.

[b]Deadline: Sunday, March 20th[/b]

… unless I'm asked to prolong it again, but I guess participants have had enough after nearly 4 months. :P

Given the—relatively—low number of votes, I won't display scores as percentages, but as an absolute frequency instead: same calculation, but without the final division, so it won't change the ranking.

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Seems like Xcercses misunderstood my post, and he's gone since yesterday indeed … As I don't want to waste any vote, I kindly ask everyone to wait for his return.

So: we'll end it next week instead of tomorrow, sorry for yet another modification. All participants are encouraged to lynch Xcercses whenever he comes back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally, after nearly 4 months …

[b]~ Results ~[/b]

I only displayed the names of the participants for those songs that received the most votes.

[i]Top 10 voters:[/i]
[b]1. Soothing Sands: 1867 (17.6%)[/b]
[b]2. Eon: 1858 (17.5%)[/b]
[b]3. Esmaralda: 1812 (17.0%)[/b]
4. *Clock Master*: 1782 (16.8%)
5. Menhir: 1781 (16.7%)
6. *Burns*: 1707 (16.0%)
7. Maebius: 1650 (15.5%)
[s]8. Guillak: 1622 (15.3%)[/s]
9. phantasm: 1576 (14.8%)
10. ZenTao: 1457 (13.7%)

Soothing Sands chooses his prize first, then Eon, then Esmaralda! Morph, WP, Santa.

Don't hesitate to check your score, I'm not immune to bugs.

[b]~ Who assigned what? ~[/b]

You can now see who gave you what song in the clickie. Same password!

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