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A simple silver givaway


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Tell all your friends, tell all your foes.
If you idle near the Gazebo of Equalibrium, you have a chance of a free silver coin over the next few days.

Randomly, across many timezones, I will be logging in, and if there is at least twelve people idle or active in the scene, one of you will receive a Silver Coin (based on a dice roll to determine the winner). I will do this random randomness 13 times.

Simple as that.
Come see the [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11715-we-want-them-back-declare-war-to-death/page__view__findpost__p__104540"]Beacon of Light[/url], and feel a little richer for it perhaps.

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Hmm, A mod is welcome to close this topic. I've checked back to the Gazebo quite a few times since being revived, and the most I had seen in "orange" names has been 8 people.
I'll keep my silver, and note the experiment results. :cool:

Edited by Maebius
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