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The Message


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[color=#000000]I found a piece of parchment on the ground while I was walking about the realm today. The wind had been blowing it about, it seems. I picked it up, wondering where it had come from, and found a message that appeared at first glance to have nothing but gibberish written on it. At a second glance, though, there seems to be some sort of pattern to it... [/color]
[color=#000000]However I can't determine what that is. Maybe somebody can help me out with this?[/color]

[color=#000000]A copy of the message is below:[/color]

[size=4][color=#000000][font=arial][background=rgb(240, 240, 255)]Xli xewo mw gsqtpixi erh ai evi viuyiwxmrk mqqihmexi xverwtsvxexmsr fego lsqi. Mx wiiqw xlex xli irivkmiw sj xlmw tperi ampp rsx eppsa yw xs piezi amxlsyx ewwmwxergi, erh xlivijsvi syv sar qekmg ampp fi gsqtpixipc ywipiww xs yw mr exxiqtxmrk xs kix lsqi. Lstijyppc xlmw qiwweki qec tmivgi xlvsykl xli zimp fixaiir asvphw erh viegl csy; sxlivamwi ai qec fi xvettih livi jsviziv.[/background][/font][/color][/size]

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Zyrxae has decrypted the message and it is as follows:

[color=#000000][spoiler]The task is complete and we are requesting immediate transportation back home. It seems that the energies of this plane will not allow us to leave without assistance, and therefore our own magic will be completely useless to us in attempting to get home. Hopefully this message may pierce through the veil between worlds and reach you; otherwise we may be trapped here forever.[/spoiler][/color]

[color=#000000]I must find out where this came from...[/color]

And yes, Grido, this is my own quest.

There appears to be a gateway within Fortune's Well to the other plane that the writer of the original note I received was referring to. However, it is in such a small space that only something as small as a beetle would be able to fit through. I've delivered a message to whatever's on the other side, asking who they are and stating that it may be possible to bring them through. No response has been sent, though.

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*stops decoding after 20 mins because it's been publicly decoded anyway*

I recommend you put spoiler tags around the solution, so that others may still attempt the solution

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Another encrypted message...

[size=4][color=#000000][font=arial][background=rgb(240, 240, 255)]Zhhych wuu leu tfgt mla gyzepeu iq zoh wiajr, wx gwmc neki phpuuzl phc yafi carkwtc. Phcxe bw knje ogi, wnb of pi yosrd ymjd gz wx gkujj elgwpc. Zhx kwtccar mo nmz hxva. Osx opr iaeoc pmhl lut lere sy. Shqatfonz ihsc sulx xe bunx xk bponz yo byik. Mlay yxe upkcionz ehl yztxqltq.[/background][/font][/color][/size]

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Kris Summers got it.

[spoiler][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Though you say that the gateway is too small, we came here through the same gateway. There is only one and if we could find it we could escape. The gateway is not here. Our own magic will not save us. Something else must be done to bring us back. They are blocking all attempts.[/spoiler][/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Tomorrow, I will be holding a meeting at Fortune's Well to try to release those who sent out these messages. As I have no idea how we can go about this, any ideas will be welcome. I'll announce later exactly when the meeting will be.[/font][/color]

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Fenrar, Soothing Sands, Peace, Hedge Munos and I met at Fortune's Well. Peace had to leave very early on and Hedge Munos remained silent for almost the entire meeting. Soothing Sands ended up leaving a bit later because he was also needed elsewhere. Fenrar got Treen to come over and with her help we tested the area around the gateway for any disturbances that might suggest a difference in the gravity on the other side. Finding none, I sent an enchanted pebble through the portal and had it scout around the area. Some creatures came running towards the pebble just before I lost sight of the area and then there was an explosion, in which I was badly wounded. Several creatures that looked vaguely like Shades but seemed to be something entirely different appeared by the well and ran off in different directions. One of those that I was trying to release did come out of the portal shortly before it closed. He handed me a sheet of parchment with a drawing of one of the creatures that had appeared earlier and also images of several places, including the House of Liquid Dust, the Gazebo of Chaos, and Oak Tower. There were others that weren't nearly as clear.

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