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  • 4 weeks later...

: Avaritia squeals, a bit be-latedly
: Tom Pouce being at Meeting of the Roads
: Tom Pouce look at his gargen location
: Tom Pouce see Grassy meadow
: Tom Pouce look at Dark Slime, still there, near his garden, and dont want to disturbe Dark Slime
: Tom Pouce give directive to his 2 elemental to burn all vegetation in his garden, but not to disturb Dark slime that is near
: Tom Pouce dont take chances that elemetal make mistake and let one priest to supervise the elemental
: Tom Pouce for general protection, and kill any vermin instruct his Marksmen to remain providing protection
: Tom Pouce estimate that by tomorrow, it will be ready to plant, the ground having time to cool off
: Tom Pouce near his garden, put 1 priest in charge to begin scarecrow construction, with a grassan for the eavy part of work, and water being1 to do the detail work
: Tom Pouce instruct that they follow the step 2 of the instructions to make a scarecrow, making 22 leather sheet
: Tom Pouce read carefully http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9566-community-garden-design/page__st__20, and have it follow closely he istruct the priest
: Tom Pouce estimate that they will do it in one day
: Tom Pouce to tomorrow we will have leathers, and a garder we can begin planting
: Tom Pouce go make arrangement to have tomorrow the necesary ingredient to continue, and plants already started in box

Posted (edited)

: Eagle Eye bows to Falronn
: Falronn collects memorystone
: Falronn throws 2 dice and gets 1, 1
: dst collects herbs
Tom Pouce: *inspect the work donne by the elementals, see that it is well done, all vegetation is turned into ash, and will provide a ritch growing medium, and as side benifice, all seeds of weeds and vermin is
: Tom Pouce congrat his crew for work well done, and give them some rainbow candies
: Tom Pouce inspect the work done by the crew making the leather, its well done, leather sheet where boils and dry in sun, and are ready for next step.
: Tom Pouce congrat that crew also and give some candies
: Tom Pouce dont forget his marksman, and give a candy
: Tom Pouce think that now his garden really look like Necrovion :)
: Tom Pouce give instruction to the priest in charge with the grassan and the water being to make step 3 make soft and weather proof the leather. Putting Fat on leather, and letting dry in the sun
: Tom Pouce give instruction to a second priest in charge of a group to make Step 11A Make toxic repellent potion. with water gardian and toxic cactus.
: Tom Pouce knowing that they have all the ingredients:toxic plant,Solid stench,Toxic gas, Fat heat and water ,think that the potion should be ready for tomorrow
: Tom Pouce give instruction to Farting Pimp, Constipated Pimp, Exfoliating Pimp, supervise by a third priest to make the concave depressions that will catch rain water

: Tom Pouce tel them to keep a place his garder center for the futur place of the necrovionscarecrow
: Tom Pouce has all see and understand his plan: [url="https://attra.ncat.org/images/complant/Figure8.gif"]https://attra.ncat.o...ant/Figure8.gif[/url]
: Tom Pouce precise : c is corn, b is beans, s is pumpkins
Tom Pouce: *instruct :The waffles are about 12 feet by 12 feet. Each individual square is indented and surrounded by a high rim. In each square, a single crop or combinations of crops may be planted (see Figure
Tom Pouce: Figure 8). This garden design will work anywhere in the country where dry summer conditions are experienced.*

: Tom Pouce instruct Brawler Zilier and Imperial Aramor t[color=#ff0000]o plant from started plants corn, pole beans and pumpkins[/color] following his plan.
: Tom Pouce instruct: crops are to be planted intensively with five to[color=#ff0000] eight corn in each hole , beans are to be plant around the corn bunch, Pumkins in there own waffles between corn waffles[/color]
: Tom Pouce instruct his [color=#ff0000]2 jokers to plant radish[/color], all aroung his garden, and if trere is still some left, to plant it randomly in the garden
: Tom Pouce give an additionnal instruction to waterbeing, to water all plants[color=#ff0000] as they are transplanted[/color]
: Tom Pouce instruct his Marksmen to remain providing protection
Tom Pouce: *think that its going well, tomorrow he will have a garden all planted, with a good guild of companion plant that should keep crop safe from insect pest. Also the scarecrow in good progress, with the
Tom Pouce: toxic repulsive postion made, and having finish leathers*

Edited by Tom Pouce
Posted (edited)

: *MRAlyon* collects memorystone
: Tom Pouce inspect all work done, its well made as intructed, so congrat his troops
: Tom Pouce see Marksmen comming in and reporting killing some pest ...
: Tom Pouce instruct Marksmen to chop carcasts and put in earth near plants to make soil richer, protein will give some nitrogen, bones phosphorus and calcium, blood enrich of some iron ...
: Tom Pouce say Marksmen will remain for protection, water being charged to keep moist all plants, and a priest as overseer
: Tom Pouce put an other priest with Brawler Zilier , to make Step 4 make leather ropes, its mean cutting narrow strips and wove ropes
: Tom Pouce put an other priest with Imperial Aramor and water gardian to cut to shape leathers to make the trench coat
: Tom Pouce put another priest to make a hat
: Tom Pouce think thats good and well in shape, tomorrow we will have a hat made, ropes made,and the trench coat ready to be assembled
: Tom Pouce take an overall look at his garden, all plants are going well
: Tom Pouce go away

Edited by Rumi
Posted (edited)

: Falronn collects memorystone
: Tom Pouce arrive
: Tom Pouce inspect all work done, the ropes made, the hat really looking :), trench coat ready to assemble, all plants looking good
: Tom Pouce take time to congrat for the good work his crew
: Tom Pouce now take no chance, and add with Marksmen, 2 Dark Archer, 2 elemental to provide garden safety and pest control with still a priest as overseeer
: Tom Pouce say water being is confirm in its duty of watering plants
: Tom Pouce instruct a priest with water gardian to make Step 10A Make ink: using Timeless dust, Syntropic dust, Fat, and sand
: Tom Pouce instruct a priest with grassan to Step 1 make an armature, using rope, and plank, make a cross, plant the cross in the ground
Tom Pouce: *instruct a priest with Brawler Zilier, to make Step 5 make the head, take 2 leather sheets, some leather rope, make a bag, fill it with poison plants, sew close the bag, put the head on the top of th
: Tom Pouce instruct the fift priest with, Imperial Aramor, and 2 Day Dreamer to asemble the trench coat
: Tom Pouce go confident that the project is going well
DARK DEMON: *waves to Tom as he passes by* Great garden, Tom!
Tom Pouce: thanks !

Edited by Rumi
Posted (edited)

: Nimrodel falls asleep under the tree
: *MRAlyon* collects memorystone
: Magistra waters her roses
: Tom Pouce inspect the work done, and the garden, all is very good
: Tom Pouce congrat his crew , and tel them to continue the good work , its going greath with all there efforts
: Tom Pouce confirm duty of the security crew, and the duty of the water being
: Tom Pouce say thats its time to assemble the scare crow
: Tom Pouce one work force of an priest as overseer, Farting Pimp, Constipated Pimp, Exfoliating Pimp for the heavy work, Brawler Zilier, Imperial Aramor for the detail work.
: Tom Pouce say they are to Step 8 clothe the scare crow, the coat on the cross, the hat on the head.
Tom Pouce: *say then they are to Step 9 stuff the scare crow, stuff the trench coat arms with 4 long bones and 10 branches, put the remaining 40 around the vertical planc to make a body and tie it with leather r
Tom Pouce: ropes*
: Tom Pouce say to one Day Dreamer, to join them, and to make Step 10 Make the face, Take ink and draw face on head
: Tom Pouce think that all is going well and depart
: Menhir bows to Tom Pouce

Edited by Rumi
Posted (edited)

: Rumi lies on his back and stares at the clouds, listening to bluebird song
: Tom Pouce get a look at his garden, its really taking shape, all plants are well, the scarecrow is almost complete
: Tom Pouce confirm duty of the security crew, and the duty of the water being
: Tom Pouce think its time to make the final toutch
: Tom Pouce instruct toxic cactus: put toxic repellent potion all over the scare crow, and put in the trench coat pockets 4 toxic plants
: Tom Pouce give to 2 Day Dreamer, [color=#ff0000]boxes of already started Oregano, nasturtium, borage[/color], with instruction to plant them randomly throuw the garden
: Tom Pouce think this will give a color toutch, and completely secur the garden from insect pests
: Tom Pouce think Oregano is a general pest repellent in the garden
: Tom Pouce think nasturtium repels aphids, asparagus beetle, cabbage looper, Colorado potato beetle, cucumber beetle, flea beetle, imported cabbage worm, Japanese beetle, squash bug and the whitefly.
: Tom Pouce think borage Deters tomato hornworms and cabbage worms. and is one of the best bee and wasp attracting plants.
: Tom Pouce depart

Edited by Rumi
Posted (edited)

Notes: i have edited some posts in putting some color to make it more easy to see all that was planted from started plants

the garden as : corn, pole beans, pumpkins, borage
, radish, oragono, nasturtium

Edited by Rumi
Posted (edited)

[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce get a look at his garden, its really in good shape, all plants are well, the scarecrow is complete and doing is job[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce confirm duty of the security crew, and the duty of the water being[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce give instruction to a priest to spread some syntropic dust on plants each day to speed there growing and report to me any problem he may see in the garden[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce think Radish, i hate radish, i planted it because of its being a great sacrificial companion plant.[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce think But what can i say , its also being an anti-inflammatory food, radish helps the body to battle underlying allergies and infections[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce depart[/i][/color]

Edited by Rumi
Posted (edited)

[b]: [/b] [i]*MRAlyon* collects memorystone[/i]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce get a look at his garden, its really in good shape, all plants are well, the necrovion scarecrow is doing is job[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce confirm duty of the security crew, and the duty of the water being[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce give instruction to a priest to contonue spreading some syntropic dust on plants each day to speed there growing and report any problem he may see in the garden[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce look at borage plants, they make a nice blue toutch in garden[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce think Nasturtium this ancient herb is associated with courage and in medieval times was infused in wine as a tonic to banish melancholy.[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce think even today, an infusion of Borage leaves is nature’s best tonic for stress and stress related problems[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce depart[/i][/color]

Edited by Rumi
Posted (edited)

[b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=cejx5UAoxEehRgQnPPQRtg,,"][color="#BC9434"]DARK DEMON[/color][/url]: [/b]Hey Chip
[b]: [/b] [i]*MRAlyon* collects memorystone[/i]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Magistra waters her roses[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce get a look at his garden, its really in good shape, all plants are well, the necrovion scarecrow is doing is job[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce confirm duty of the security crew, of the priest with syntropic dust, and the duty of the water being[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce look at Nasturtium plants, they make corefull yellows and reds[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce think one can make Nasturtium Tincture [/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce think one chop one whole plant (leaf, stalks, flowers, buds, and seedpods), add double the weight of 90 proof alcohol (Vodka comes to mind) and let steep for one month.[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce think one Use 1/2 teaspoon daily as an herbal remedy for bronchitis[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce depart[/i][/color]

Edited by Rumi
Posted (edited)

: Tom Pouce get a look at his garden, its really in good shape, all plants are well, the necrovion scarecrow is doing is job
: Tom Pouce confirm duty of the security crew, of the priest with syntropic dust, and the duty of the water being
: Tom Pouce think Oregano means “mountain joy” and is a wonderfully aromatic, flavorful herb.
: Lintara carefully sneaks past the garden.
: Tom Pouce think not only that; On a per gram fresh weight basis, oregano has demonstrated 42 times more antioxidant activity than apples.
Tom Pouce: hi lintara
Lintara: *gets startled* Ah! *chuckles* Hi Tom!
Tom Pouce: yu gave also a garden?
Lintara: *shakes her head and smiles* Just passing by.
: Tom Pouce think oregano are a real fine part of his garden
: Lintara tilts her head, not knowing what that plant is.
Tom Pouce: it a green plant , tase real good in many dish
Tom Pouce: http://cdn.blogs.sheknows.com/gardening.sheknows.com/2011/07/oregano-potted.jpg
Tom Pouce: there is an photo to identify it
Lintara: Ah, okay. *looks around and smiles* Nice garden, by the way.
Tom Pouce: thanks :)
Lintara: Well, anyway, back to my walk. *waves* Farewell and have fun!
: Lintara walks on.
Magistra: Hi Tom!
Tom Pouce: hi Magistra :)
Magistra: Are you participating in the HC?
: Magistra waters her roses
Tom Pouce: no still being mp3 .. i cant now
Tom Pouce: nice roses yu have magistra
Magistra: Is that new? When I participated there were 3 groups/
Magistra: *smiles* yes,
Tom Pouce: yes now mp3 cant, still another restriction for mp3
Magistra: Weird! I wonder why that is.
laylah: Yellow!
Tom Pouce: hi laylah
: laylah waves to Tom and smiles
Tom Pouce: i hve to go, see you later :)
: Tom Pouce depart

Edited by Rumi
Posted (edited)

: Tom Pouce get a look at his garden, its really in good shape, all plants are well, the necrovion scarecrow is doing is job
: Tom Pouce confirm duty of the security crew, of the priest with syntropic dust, and the duty of the water being
: Tom Pouce look at Pole beans plants
: Tom Pouce think a simple way to prepare them is to saute over high heat on top of the stove with just a dice of butter for a couple of minutes, with some salt delicious
: Tom Pouce look at Corn plants, and already taste in is mind delicious maize
: Tom Pouce think boil corn ears in water, add some bear, then eat corn from the ears, with some butter meling one and salt
: Tom Pouce think its medicinal use
: Tom Pouce think Its silk, use to make tea is in the treatment of urinary tract infections, cystitis, prostatitis, as well as bladder infections.
: Tom Pouce think It may also help in reducing irritants in the kidney.
Tom Pouce: What an delicious and usefull plant!
Tom Pouce: hi kazz :)

: Tom Pouce depart

Edited by Rumi
Posted (edited)

[b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=YCpxoqnU23uE9QNwuJKjKw,,"][color="#CC0000"]Muratus del Mur[/color][/url]: [/b][color="#648C59"]damn red buttons.. hic...[/color]
[b]: [/b] [i]*MRAlyon* collects memorystone[/i]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Avaritia sits down[/i][/color]
[b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=5oX4vLktBQoJuX_zCbydpw,,"][color="#7E5132"]Tom Pouce[/color][/url]: [/b]hi avantia
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce get a look at his garden, its really in good shape, all plants are well, the necrovion scarecrow is doing is job[/i][/color]
[b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=VmVH6Cb5rJfYLI-cpAXlvQ,,"][color="#BC9434"]Avaritia[/color][/url]: [/b]Hi
[b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=5oX4vLktBQoJuX_zCbydpw,,"][color="#7E5132"]Tom Pouce[/color][/url]: [/b]:)
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce confirm duty of the security crew, of the priest with syntropic dust, and the duty of the water being[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce look at Pumpkin wines[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce think they are not only necrovion symbols, nurishing, making delicious pies[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce think Its many uses include antibiotic, antidiabetic, and anti-inflammatory effects, lowering of blood pressure and cholesterol, and as treatment for intestinal parasites.[/i][/color]
[b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=5oX4vLktBQoJuX_zCbydpw,,"][color="#7E5132"]Tom Pouce[/color][/url]: [/b]I am pround of my garden!
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce depart[/i][/color]

Edited by Rumi

[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce get a look at his garden, its really in good shape, all plants are well[/i][/color]
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce give a rainbow candy to the security crew, to the priest with syntropic dust, and to the water being[/i][/color]
[b][url="http://magicduel.com/dlg/dlg.userdetails_arena.php?eid=evzjW-KLjCH5WWQTi5r90A,,"][color="#7E5132"]Tom Pouce[/color][/url]: [/b]yu go great job continue like that
[b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce depart[/i][/color]

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