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The One that Got Away


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One of my precious Drachorns escaped!


Or, more like, will escape. Eventually. Most likely in the night from saturday to sunday. Approximately at midnight server time. Or something.

If you want to investigate the great escape, you'd do best to start out in the Drachorn Lair around that time. The tunnel at the far right will be your starting point.

(And no, that's not an unfair advantage to Golemus people, because you can start getting there and clearing the viscosity right away if you feel like.)

Due to the nature of the quest, the winner will be whoever reaches the last checkpoint first. I might not be online when you get there, because it'll probably be the middle of the night for me, so i've made that checkpoint record your names.

You will also need to show up on all other checkpoints, of course. I don't think any of you really wants to cheat, but if you did, i'd notice.

The winner gets a Drach Charm, 2nd, 3rd and 4th receive a Locate Stone, a Movelock Stone and a Prot Nomulti Stone, where the 2nd place gets to pick first, then 3rd, and 4th gets what's left.

As previous winners, dst, Soothing Sands and darkraptor are excluded from winning the charm, but they can win one of the stones.

Edited by Burns
some highlighting :)
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it's not that you can't participate if you can't make it for midnight on saturday, but if you want to win, you'd need to catch up to the people who did. I've toyed with a lot of options (score systems, personal timers, etc.) to make it a race against the clock rather than against each other, but none of them would work out properly in this particular quest.


I've decided for saturday night because the time between 11pm and 4am is usually the peak of activity, despite myself probably not being around to watch the progress live, either. I'm truly sorry for the people who can't make that time, but for this quest, it's the only viable option.

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The first 4 have been decided!


*Clock Master*


Congrats Nimmy, and congrats to the three of you as well :D


Please contact me as to which stone you'd like best. :)


The quest will stay active for a while longer, mostly because i really spent a lot of time writing that friggin story and want to at least give you a chance to read the story >.<


As always, feedback would be appreciated.

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ohh, please keep it for a week at least,  I was camping and would love to try and finish this up, if it's still up after Wednesday or so when Life settles down enough for solid MD time. 

Also,  conga rats to the winners!   :)


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