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Proof how a single question can cause so much mayhem!  :))

[log=Weirdness  ]

[06/03/15 01:07] Vertu Honagan:Sasha? What's an SC? 
[06/03/15 01:07] : Hdlos and pruos teqilua down the troaht of Mturuas del Mur 
[06/03/15 01:07] Lania:ScareCrow :P 
[06/03/15 01:08] *Sasha Lilias*:Sc? Silver Coin :P 
[06/03/15 01:08] *Sasha Lilias*:Nah, it's "Scary Cow" actually Lania 
[06/03/15 01:08] Vertu Honagan:Oh! Okay thanks, dear. 
[06/03/15 01:08] :*Sasha Lilias* grins 
[06/03/15 01:08] Lania:Or sacred chilly. :P 
[06/03/15 01:09] Asthir: Scread clihly brnus the uonlhy! 
[06/03/15 01:09] *Sasha Lilias*:Or Stupid C.... 
[06/03/15 01:09] *Sasha Lilias*:Um... 
[06/03/15 01:09] *Sunfire*:cucumber 
[06/03/15 01:09] *Sasha Lilias*:Stupid Carrot. 
[06/03/15 01:09] *Sasha Lilias*:Actually. 
[06/03/15 01:09] :*Sasha Lilias* coughs 
[06/03/15 01:10] Vertu Honagan: *clears his throat.* I have a feeling you were gonna say something else. 
[06/03/15 01:10] Lania:Slinky cabbage? :P 
[06/03/15 01:10] :Muratus del Mur is afk 
[06/03/15 01:10] :Lania will have to stop now 
[06/03/15 01:10] Asthir: Sakoed Cloht! 
[06/03/15 01:11] *Sasha Lilias*:Stinky Cockle? 
[06/03/15 01:11] Lania: :)) 
[06/03/15 01:11] Lania: ( I have to google that word :P 
[06/03/15 01:11] *Sunfire*: (creature shield mur? aww
[06/03/15 01:11] *Sasha Lilias*: ( :P
[06/03/15 01:12] Lintara:Scarlet Calendula? 
[06/03/15 01:12] Lania: (finally got it :P 
[06/03/15 01:12] *Sunfire*:sentenced coward 
[06/03/15 01:12] *Sasha Lilias*:Who would have thought the blood of a ghost would go for so much. 
[06/03/15 01:12] :*Sasha Lilias* chuckles 
[06/03/15 01:12] Asthir: Stuot Ctaoiklc! 
[06/03/15 01:12] *Sasha Lilias*:Sumptuous Crumpet 
[06/03/15 01:12] *Sunfire*:silly child 
[06/03/15 01:13] *Sasha Lilias*:Sublime Cupcake 
[06/03/15 01:13] Lania:Steamy corps.... :| 
[06/03/15 01:13] Lintara:small cat 
[06/03/15 01:13] *Sasha Lilias*:Sunfire craps 
[06/03/15 01:13] *Sasha Lilias*: :D 
[06/03/15 01:13] Vertu Honagan:Soft Chicken 
[06/03/15 01:13] Lania:Snowy comb 
[06/03/15 01:13] *Sunfire*:hey! 
[06/03/15 01:13] Asthir: Seupr Cool! 
[06/03/15 01:13] Lania: :)) 
[06/03/15 01:14] *Sasha Lilias*:Superstitious Crab 
[06/03/15 01:14] *Sasha Lilias*:Sunny Crack 
[06/03/15 01:14] *Sasha Lilias*:Stinky Crack... 
[06/03/15 01:14] :*Sasha Lilias* coughs 
[06/03/15 01:14] :*Syrian* blinks 
[06/03/15 01:14] :Lania makes a poker face 
[06/03/15 01:14] *Sasha Lilias*:SOAPY CRACK. 
[06/03/15 01:14] Asthir: Bad LOH! 
[06/03/15 01:14] :*Sasha Lilias* laughs at herself 
[06/03/15 01:15] :*Syrian* covers her ears with lanias hands again 
[06/03/15 01:15] Lania:Stunning catnip? 
[06/03/15 01:15] Lintara:Syran Cooks? 
[06/03/15 01:15] *Sasha Lilias*:Standing Cool 
[06/03/15 01:15] *Sasha Lilias*:Someone called? 
[06/03/15 01:15] Vertu Honagan:Sasha's son. 
[06/03/15 01:16] Change:So confused. 
[06/03/15 01:16] Lania:Suck cradle... 
[06/03/15 01:16] Vertu Honagan:meant child. :P 
[06/03/15 01:16] Asthir:Silly Chat 
[06/03/15 01:16] *Sasha Lilias*:Try VP 
[06/03/15 01:16] :*Sasha Lilias* grins 
[06/03/15 01:16] *Sasha Lilias*:Virtuous Pony 
[06/03/15 01:16] Asthir:Very Promising 
[06/03/15 01:16] Lintara:Singing Carols 
[06/03/15 01:16] *Sunfire*:such chitchat 
[06/03/15 01:16] Lania:ban approaching )) 
[06/03/15 01:16] Lania: :))* 
[06/03/15 01:17] Change:Viper poses 
[06/03/15 01:17] *Sasha Lilias*:Viciously promiscuous 
[06/03/15 01:17] Lintara:Verdant Plume 
[06/03/15 01:17] Lania:This should have been a contest of some sort. 
[06/03/15 01:17] :*Sasha Lilias* wins 
[06/03/15 01:17] Lania:Vendetta pallets. 
[06/03/15 01:17] Change:Villain preening 
[06/03/15 01:17] *Sunfire*:virtual pants 
[06/03/15 01:18] *Sasha Lilias*:Visually poor 
[06/03/15 01:18] Change:Violet posies 
[06/03/15 01:18] Lania:Viper pork. 
[06/03/15 01:18] Asthir:Very peculiar 
[06/03/15 01:18] Lania:Valiant permission. 
[06/03/15 01:18] *Sunfire*:violent porcupine 
[06/03/15 01:19] Lania:Vilinek promises? 
[06/03/15 01:19] *Sasha Lilias*:Veiny posterior 
[06/03/15 01:19] Lania:Vapor paradise. 
[06/03/15 01:19] Asthir:Vicious Pimp 
[06/03/15 01:19] Lintara:Valorous protector 
[06/03/15 01:19] Lania:Vermin pompons 
[06/03/15 01:20] *Sasha Lilias*:You're hanging around with the wrong pimps, Asthir. 
[06/03/15 01:20] :*Sasha Lilias* grins 
[06/03/15 01:20] *Sasha Lilias*:Ok...YD 
[06/03/15 01:20] Lania:The chat went nuts... 
[06/03/15 01:20] *Sasha Lilias*:Young dragon 
[06/03/15 01:20] Lania:young drach 
[06/03/15 01:20] Lania:ha! :)) 
[06/03/15 01:20] Asthir:You're Demented :P 
[06/03/15 01:20] Vertu Honagan:Yappy demon 
[06/03/15 01:20] Change:Your dad 
[06/03/15 01:20] *Sasha Lilias*:Yes darling 
[06/03/15 01:20] Vertu Honagan:You're dead! 
[06/03/15 01:21] *Sunfire*:you drunk?! 
[06/03/15 01:21] Lania:Year dreams 
[06/03/15 01:21] *Sasha Lilias*:You're Dead 
[06/03/15 01:21] *Sasha Lilias*:Aka 
[06/03/15 01:21] Vertu Honagan:Yummy Dumplins. 
[06/03/15 01:21] *Sasha Lilias*:You're DD 
[06/03/15 01:21] *Sunfire*:yay, done! 
[06/03/15 01:21] Change:Yule duel 
[06/03/15 01:21] Asthir:Yes Dear :( 
[06/03/15 01:21] Lania:Yahoo droids 
[06/03/15 01:21] Lania: :)) Asth 
[06/03/15 01:21] Vertu Honagan:Young drunks. 
[06/03/15 01:21] Asthir: :D 
[06/03/15 01:22] *Sunfire*:yapping dogs 
[06/03/15 01:22] *Sasha Lilias*:Yule donkey 
[06/03/15 01:22] Lania:Yuppikey, dear 
[06/03/15 01:22] Vertu Honagan:Yearning dummies. 
[06/03/15 01:22] Lania:wait...that's not right... 
[06/03/15 01:22] Change:Yeti dermatologist 
[06/03/15 01:22] *Sasha Lilias*:HW! 
[06/03/15 01:22] Lania:Youth drought 
[06/03/15 01:22] *Sasha Lilias*: (The next person to make me laugh with their HW wins and get's a GC
[06/03/15 01:22] Vertu Honagan:Yearly dominatrix 
[06/03/15 01:22] Asthir:How Weird 
[06/03/15 01:22] Lintara:Yellow Dove 
[06/03/15 01:22] Lania:Hell winds 
[06/03/15 01:23] *Sunfire*:yes ma'am 
[06/03/15 01:23] Asthir:Hopelesly Wed! 
[06/03/15 01:23] Change:Hole war 
[06/03/15 01:23] *Sasha Lilias*:Hung whale 
[06/03/15 01:23] Lintara:Howling Wildly 
[06/03/15 01:23] *Sunfire*:hey, what? 
[06/03/15 01:23] Vertu Honagan:Hopeless witch 
[06/03/15 01:23] Lania:harry whale 
[06/03/15 01:23] Lania:hairy* 
[06/03/15 01:23] Asthir:XD 
[06/03/15 01:23] Lania:humpty wine :)) 
[06/03/15 01:24] *Sasha Lilias*:Happy walker 
[06/03/15 01:24] Vertu Honagan:hungry watermelon 
[06/03/15 01:24] Lania:Hasty willy 
[06/03/15 01:24] *Sasha Lilias*:PAHAHAH 
[06/03/15 01:24] *Sasha Lilias*:Lania wins 
[06/03/15 01:24] *Sasha Lilias*: :)) 
[06/03/15 01:24] Asthir:How Wonderful :P 
[06/03/15 01:24] Lania: :)) 
[06/03/15 01:24] Vertu Honagan: :) 
[06/03/15 01:24] :*Sasha Lilias* passed Gold coin to Lania 
[06/03/15 01:24] Lania: :D 
[06/03/15 01:25] *Sasha Lilias*:Hasty willy :')[/log]

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