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Ongoing work in the Archives


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The below is copied from a recent post in the MDA Closed Forum;

Below are some of the current projects being run by the Archives. I am doing my best to get each done but am only one man, thus only able to work a certain speed.
If you are willing to lend a hand, or even take charge of a project, please let me know.

  • Land history accessible within lands - Plan is to have each land's book clickables to contain a script that would work like this. This book would contain a general history and overview of the land.
  • Coder Needed
  • Writers Needed
  • Archive Website regularly updated - I'm currently enlisting help from each land to have a citizen act as a 'specialist' writer for their land in question. So far I have writers for LoE, LR (help offered, not confirmed), MB (help offered, not confirmed). As well as specialist writers, general writers will be needed to check and edit submitted articles as well as helping to write their own documents. I'd like to focus articles (for now at least) on facts; events hosted or held, legendary players, community theories, etc.
  • Writers Needed
  • Editors Needed


  • Listing holders of Acoustic Remains (regen) - Not really a necessity but, it would be nice and informative to have the information. Especially if future (or even current) players need logs taken. We'll be able to direct them appropriately.


  • AL Possibilities - Would like people to discuss ideas, opinions and possible workings of a/the (new) Adventure Log. Would this work? Who would be involved? Why would it (not) work? 


  • Newspaper - Interviewing, editing, writing columns, etc. Speak to Kyphis for further details, if interested.
I may have missed a few projects but will add should it spring to mind; like wise if any new ones appear.
Any and all help is appreciated from all MDA citizens.
Best wishes,


Edited by Aethon
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