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.Wodin Ullr.

.Metal Bunny.




Dmik King



Golemus Golemicarum

Purpose of alliance: Wodin recruited many of us to help aid him in destroying the shade army. We are actively recruiting people for the alliance. If you feel you are strong enough, and active enough to join the cause pleace contact the recruiters listed above.


We roxorz your pantzorz... uh... We be awesome! If you want to be awesome too, join us!

Btw, you can contact me too if you want to join, wodin is sorta on vacation now, heh, and he doesn't even read the forums so...

Wij Roeleren!

  • 1 month later...

For now, not even we can enter Golemus lands, besides that, we would appreciate it if people could stop pm'ing us about invites.. we are full, sorry.


Tch, tch.. since when was it not allowed? Not to mention I was giving genuine comment about your alliance? What's wrong with using your own alliance as a comparison as long as what you say is true, and suggesting an alternative solution for those poor players who only wish for a place to belong to? But nonetheless I edited. Is it pleasing now?

Don't confuse humans with shades, ignoramus. :-)


C'mon MB...we both now that your alliance is falling apart. The members are gone so you'll have to recruit new ones. I know you already have a candidate. I will not say his name though :D


sadly enough, but instead we did gain a more active member, Dmik

Besides that, our alliance is not falling apart. It only seems that there /was/ some disagreement about certain issues. But in truth, it was just a mere case of combined lethargy, ascience, apathy and miscommunication...

Basically, we were just to busy with ourselves for a couple of days.. what's wrong with that?

Things will be better now :)


Excuses, excuses. A couple of days? I haven't seen Froo for ages (ok...you say he is in vacation), shadow is out and also phleg. Wodin quit (his alter ego -yrthillian-sorry to say but it's not doing a good job). Save is busy. You...also. Check the shades. They are active and their leader is really doing things. Since Wodin left...you're falling apart. Sorry but this is how I see things now...


Agreed with the post above. Also i haven't seen Nihal for ages and i see gaconkzk very little. Last time i saw him was 2 weeks ago.

*Sigh* I miss phleg. I liked talking to him.




:) Whatever you say.. now for a more constructive question about this alliance:

Why does the alliance seek to destroy the shades' army as its only purpose?


PM me the new current setup for the alliance and I will modify Shadow's first topic since it's outdated.


Just a suggestion; could you update the purpose of the alliance too? Since Master Wodin kinda changed personality, I have been wondering if the alliance is taking a slightly different political policy..

Send me what you need and I will update the post.


sorry for not updateing sooner have been trying to catch up with a lot of stuff going on

I will make some posting about the alaince over the next few days as i am working on the information at the moment with the rest of the alaince members.

GG Alaince leader

yrthilian (1046)


savelfuser (956)

.Wodin Ullr. (637)

.Metal Bunny. (507)

Nihal (431)

Shadowice (176)

Frooo (104)

Dmik King (69)

Tremir (25)


so, as i see here, there is not that much happening in the Guerilla ...

if there still is space in the roster, i´d like to fill it ...

meet me IG or send me something via PM.



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