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Ok, so, im at the top of the mountain, its been a looong journey.

Now i see the same Akasha saw, 7 pyramids and one floating high above a fire.

Each pyramid has a shrine inside.

The pieces of paper Akasha took are there, blank...very strange.

So im writting for ideas u may have, legends u may have heard, messages from strange creatures popping up all over the world, anything si i can reach my goal and help u in the upcoming war...

Check the MDA for info, ask around, i may have rewards if i succeed.

I dont want the book for power, i want it to help stop the incoming war, if u feel it coming, u can hear the screams of the shades and the weapons beeing built, help me please...

so far.. 7 pyramids--->7 days of the week, 7 musical notes, 10 principles??

any spells u may know or discover can help



When you speak about the blank sheets of papers, it reminds me of the Transposition Principle. Maybe those sheets of paper are talismans, with their words hidden within them and may reveal only to the power that created it.

What or who might have created those papers? The paper does have something written in it or else why should it be inside such a holy place?

You must try to find an object that relates with the papers. Something relative, directly or indirectly.

Indirectly in the sense, papers symbolise...... ;) knowledge?


I think it needs to be a group effort . only 1 person has tried to gain the principles at a time but maybe a team could build like a human pyramid or something ;) then hold the pages over the fire and the principles which make up the fire follow onto the page or into each of the people surrounding the pyran=mids. Each player then has the understanding about each of the principles or 10 principles / 5 players 2 principles each maybe a balance say:

darkness -light

time - ciclycity

balance - imagination

entropy - synthropy

transposition -element

then those plyers write about the book each using a pyramid as a kind of study room

Rex Umbrae Killer



Yes...maybe someone had write this many time ago and now we can't read anything...or maybe someone who know the future has put this white sheets at the top of the golemus mountain then will write the names of seven brave leaders who brought peace and serenity to the whole world...

Savelfuser...Guerrilla Golemicarum....


if there is a group treck going there to help alche i would like to go ;) if not then i think that you coud blast urself out of the cannon onto the pyrami but then yo would stil need 5 other players to activate cannon ;) xD

Rex Umbrae Killer


hmmm...................7 pyramids on the ground!??? try connecting the 7 of the pyramids, maybe there is some switch or something that once all 7 are activated might bring the Floating Pyramid down....

what do you people think?

maybe the papers are the key to each of the shrines....


If only alche could give us more detail about the things he saw there.....

maybe....maybe we could speculate how to get into the floating pyramid.... ;)


If it were me, I would step into the fire. Consumed by the flames you will weigh nothing. Ride the rising waves of heat to reach the floating pyramid. Are you willing to give everything to reach your goal?

Before you take such a drastic step, you may want to enlist the help of one with access to the dream world and one who knows fire. Those two can help you along your way.

How bright will your flame burn?


the other players with help pages were made for them, alche makes his own....

there are screen shots of the area in the Akasha help thread if anyone wants to look at the area

if nothing has changed, there isnt anything other than the paper in any of the pyramids, she looked, so no switches

the other players with help pages were made for them, alche makes his own....

there are screen shots of the area in the Akasha help thread if anyone wants to look at the area

if nothing has changed, there isnt anything other than the paper in any of the pyramids, she looked, so no switches

Yes but didn't King Manu say that one of the posters had the right idea on how to solve it. We just didn't know which one lol I'm talking about Akasha's thread:)


Pushing random idears forth here

As some people should know, there is invisable ink which is only visable once the paper is heated, which can then reveal a message.

If you remove the princaples Darkness, light and balance, there is only 7 other princaples, as the 3 i suggested to remove are like the good, the bad, and the ugly no sider, the other 7 relate to something different.

Also 7 prymids, 6 smaller, and 1 on its own. The 6 can be stacked like this, they also make one bigger one.




also if there is a circle involced you could arrange them like this ( from birds eye view )

Pattern 1 Pattern 2

[] [] []

[] [] [] [] [] Its hard to draw, but if you make the Star of david jewish thingy, there is 6 prymid points

[] [] [] on the outside ( again pushing forward random idears i hope at least one helps )

[] []


Insert -434343434343434343jm4.th.jpg

Which in turn can fit inside and make a type of circle. Each can represent a musical note or day of the week in a seton order.

Looking at the pictures i notice something rather intresting.

The 7 small prymids.

One is offset from the other 6.

Maybe this offset one is a key. Does this offset one hold something different from the other 6 ??

into operating the other 6 into doing something, using 6 of the princaples, and a 7th for the one your inside, to either make a bridge to the floating one, or to bring it down.

All the prymids are different sizes in hight and base area. There are good stacking games were you could possibly make one tall prymid out of the base 6, and use the 7th (offset one) to teleport you to the top of the ladder prymid you made ?

could each temple inside the prymids telepoert you to another ??

You could put 4 prymids in a square shape, and a 5th upside down in the middle, and a 6th on top of that, to make anotherLARGE prymid, (which also will make a diamond shape tupe of prymid in the middle, if you removed the base 4 away), which could cover the flames ? Then again with the teleportation princaple be able to portal inside this new one you made, which could also be a conductor into teleporting you into the central one ?


Only 6 Were needed to make this. the ofset 7th could be to arrange them like this, and teleport inside.

Each pice of paper may need to be inside a prymid also.

Random idears ^.^


Everytime I read about the fire around the pyramids I get a whole other train of thought. If holding the papers to the flame does not illuminate them I can't advocate burning them, it's a sin to destroy literature.

I'm thinking of a funeral pyre. There is a huge flame burning. Pyramids, at least in other worlds are burial grounds. Is it possible that you need to sacrifice something here? Is it possible to sacrifice something here? I am thinking pyre/fenths press/that bird creature everyone but me has. If you sacrifice a swan could you create a phoenix to fly you beyond?


Whoa..I just now started formulating an idea with the principles while reading through this...give me an hour or so to figure it all out...


What bothers me is that the blank papers are there.. I though Akasha wrote on them and had them in her possession. >_> Also, as far as I can see, there are two large pyramids stacked upon each other, not just one floating in the air.


I like what phrog said.. it also made me think about convection currents. In the first place, what do we know about the fire? Maybe it doesn't consume at all, as it constantly burns without any apparent energy source.

If you don't want to risk your own body, try the papers first; if the fire heats the air enough, the papers should float up high to touch the pyramids. I dunno, magic words might appear on them. In any case, they reappeared even though Akasha took them, so even if they are burned by the fire, who's to say they won't be in the shrines once again when you look? They're useless at this point, so experiment!

MD also has this cube-theme going on. :o Going from Robins's theory, you could try make a cube out of the pyramids on the ground, if possible. I'd like to imagine the two floating pyramids rotating to align and make a cube, activating something.

This is the first time I've heard something about shrines in the pyramids (Akasha! :o Why didn't she tell us? Did something change since she was there?).. Since there's a paper for each one, it sorts of makes me think you're supposed to write something to go on each and then put them in the corresponding shrine/pyramid. I don't know how you'd decide, though. People seem to think it's related to the principles, which could be, but there's only 7 shrines and yet 10 principles.

... back to homework. D:


mm, im reading, good ideas, the pyramids re biiggg, i cant rearrenge them by normal means, but i will try to write stuff and see what happens, i was also thinking about using the heat to lift myself, like birds do but for know i dont like the idea of launching myself into the fire, the war hasnt started yet...

lets keep diggin



If it were me, I would step into the fire. Consumed by the flames you will weigh nothing. Ride the rising waves of heat to reach the floating pyramid. Are you willing to give everything to reach your goal?

Before you take such a drastic step, you may want to enlist the help of one with access to the dream world and one who knows fire. Those two can help you along your way.

How bright will your flame burn?

Then why dont enlist .Morpheus. and The Firestarter ( thyself )


The picture of the mountain and the plateau showed buildings (dwellings?) very near the plateau with the pyramids. Has anyone tried to question the people living in or doing business in those buildings? Perhaps there is some sort of monastery with people who maintain the pyramid plateau. The people there may have local legends, artwork, or writings pertaining to the pyramids.

Remember the spiral on the wall that had the lines drawn through it? If we imagine the uprising flames as a spiral, someone could try drawing the crossed lines with blood (or metal or wood) on the ground underneath the floating double pyramid. Remember the Berserker Puzzle notes that said such a device should not be made out of wood? This might do nothing at all or it might be very dangerous or maybe something else. It might be worth drawing the spiral in blood on the back side of one of the sheets of paper. I'm guessing the spiral might be some sort of activator and the crossed lines a form of disruption.

Mur pretty much came out and said that a person in Akasha's support thread suggested the true answer. One would simply have to attempt every suggestion in Akasha's thread which hasn't been tried correctly yet.

Has it been established whether or not the 'flames' are hot? From the picture, the effect appears to begin on the ground and move upward. Someone should walk over and test whether it gets hotter the closer one gets or if there is some other effect going on.

Mur pretty much came out and said that a person in Akasha's support thread suggested the true answer. One would simply have to attempt every suggestion in Akasha's thread which hasn't been tried correctly yet.

Mur's exact quote was (emphasis mine):

forgot to mention that one of you actualy found the answer in one of the posts here, regarding to what will happen next, but i cant disclose it now ... you will see when story is updated :P

He was probably referring to this post by omegaweapon were he says that Akasha will write the principle book herself:

there is no book of perinciple

except u write it ur urself ;)

if u know the true understanding of principles just right it on the pages 8 principles are opposite of each other and 2 other arent so it mean akasha must write 8 principle on 4 peper and 2 other on indivisual papers

its my though

Of course this is exactly what Akasha has started doing somewhere hidden in the game world though I don't know if the book she writes can be considered The Book. There may not be a physical book at all hidden somewhere for him to find, alche may have to write it himself just as Akasha did.

Pyramids, at least in other worlds are burial grounds. Is it possible that you need to sacrifice something here?

In Central and South America pyramids tend to be built over natural caves. This is true (to a lesser extent) in other parts of the world, and even the oldest mustabas (precursors to pyramids) were built over or near caves.

Caves are generally considered to be sacred, symbolic of the Earth's womb from which all living things (including man) emerged. More often than being burial sites, pyramids are altars. Caves below or very near them make them sacred.

Two other things pyramids do: [1] focus and amplify energy, and [2] their positions on the ground mimic the heavens by approximately being star maps.


The shades will certanly help if you know how to evoke them

Shades, there are

They're not too far

Practically under your nose

Hidden by light

Hidden from sight


At last I heard we are seperated into groups and studying the aspects of 10 principals. Trying to find a way to unlock the book.

This is a larger image (originally by King Manu but I think larger image by .Renavoid.) of the pyramids.


I have the study of the Element Principle. I have read what is written along with what I already know, but if there is anything any of you can add to expand my knowledge it is appreciated. You can PM me "envy1".

Together, we shall find the secret to unlocking the book.


i havent read the whole threat about the pyramids (just the first and last post for now) stumbled upon it reading the adventurelog for the first time, so if any of my thoughts have been discussed and considered already - just interpret them as a credit to whomever came up with 'em first ;)


looking at the picture envy gave us, it seems as if there where not one but two pyramids floating in the pillar of flames, one pointing to the sky, one to the ground.

the pilar itself is one part of the principle of elements (fire), i think, together with the mountain (earth), the very sky(air), and one left - water.

is there a river floating around the mountain or a lake nearby? of course you could have to wait for/ initiate a thunderstorm for rain, which would make one interpretation of the principle of elements complete. the other is the wu xing, the five elements: wood, earth, water, fire, metal....

the reason i come up with all this is: seven pyramids on the ground, two pyramids floating in the pillar of flames and finally the pillar itself, representing the elements in my theory, would make for ten shrines to the ten priciples. we still have seven papers/ days/musical notes, but this may be another train-of-thoughts.

also, the pyramids seem to be each different in high, meaning each one represents a specific musical note (i guess this was thought of already, for i have no idea why the notes are mentioned in the first post): do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti.... which could be associated to the seven days (do is the german abbreviation for thursday, mi for wednesday, sol the latin name for sun -> sunday, etc.)

but this is just a random thought.

mentioning sol, think of the relation of the days to the stars they were named after... i know there is someone who knows a lot about stars among us. (even if his wisdom may not be related to this quest, the quest could nevertheless be a gain for him ^^)

also, these among us, who know most about specific principles, the specialists on this fields of understanding, may find out something others havent learned about...

gathering the most wise ones of each principle together should help to learn more about their relation to this matter, as well as to understand their inner interconnectiveness.

i am but a humble wanderer on this paths, keeping a balance in the knowledge of all my principles, as balance is one of my fields itself... but surely there are those who dedicated themself to the deeper understanding of one principle. find them, it shall help your quest...


this may be some wild thoughts, if you could tell me more about the importance of the notes and days to this quest, i could come up with something more specific - till then:

may shadows hide you,

may the true light guide you

- suuljin


Heres my idea 7dyas of the week the upcoming war might took 7weeks from the signs it has shown

the war will take 7days and ends after 7days the pyramid determines which side it will take after 7days

so i think best out of 4 ahahaha don't know what i'm saying probably drunk

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