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Well, I knew about the whole nobody knows anything about the magic system as of now, I was speaking in theoretical sense.

For instance, Entropy, Syntropy and Cyclicity are all relatively related, in that Entropy and Syntropy are, for all intents and purposes, two sides of the universal cycle. Time and Imagination are just kinda like frosting, since imagination and time are inherently kinda powerful and overall awesome


I think Manu said that all principles are very powerful, because they're exactly that - principles.

In my opinion, no principle is inherently more powerful than another, because there just isn't a way to fairly compare them. You may be able to compare certain things under the same set of rules, but how do you compare different sets of rules of the universe? :P

That said, each principle is vast enough for you to make it awesome in its own ways.

For example, I could say that Syntropy + Cyclicity + Entropy + Time + Imagination = Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann awesomeness (I wonder how many people got that reference just now :P ) and I won't be entirely off, probably. :D

Anyway, if you go for those 5 principles, you'll have the exact same principles as mine, and here I thought I was offbeat enough. :rolleyes:


Well, if by offbeat you mean awesome, then yeah.

And I see where you're coming from. Each and every principle is powerful in its own right, without being greater or less than any other principle. When used towards the proper applications, each principle can give impressive bonuses and even potentially have some very powerful abilities.

I suppose my question wasn't directed so much towards how powerful that principle set would be, as how well they would compliment each other

That said, each principle is vast enough for you to make it awesome in its own ways.

For example, I could say that Syntropy + Cyclicity + Entropy + Time + Imagination = Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann awesomeness (I wonder how many people got that reference just now :rolleyes: ) and I won't be entirely off, probably. :P

Anyway, if you go for those 5 principles, you'll have the exact same principles as mine, and here I thought I was offbeat enough. :P

Drill power! Forgot the phrase they used for the ever-evolving thing that humans have, though.

That said, each principle is vast enough for you to make it awesome in its own ways.

For example, I could say that Syntropy + Cyclicity + Entropy + Time + Imagination = Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann awesomeness (I wonder how many people got that reference just now :P ) and I won't be entirely off, probably. :rolleyes:

And here I was thinking you were someone who didn't watch anime. Mecha + drill = ultimate appeal to the heart of any man who had a proper boyhood.

I chose Darkness, Imagination, Time and Transposition because they were linked to each other in the descriptions n_n; I think a lot of others did, too. I think Entropy would be really powerful, though, just because of what it represents. *wants entropy*

You know, though, in the end I think the power originated from the continuance of belief and hope in Gurren Lagann. :P

But the drill symbolizes that and more!

Okay, let's not get too off-track here.


It is already off-track. :P

@Israfel: About compatibilities between the principles, I still think any pair can go well together if you stretch your imagination a bit, but they probably aren't going to be that symmetrical when Manu implements them.

He also inserted clues in the description of each principles which hint at the other principle(s) it's supposed to go with, and some clues are very obvious. You probably can't go too wrong following those clues. I also picked my principle combination through that method, except that Imagination doesn't seem to fit with the other 4 very well, but I picked it just because I like it.


Yes, I do watch anime, a lot of 'em, I just don't go admitting it too often. :rolleyes: I don't especially fancy mecha (or drills), and I was actually avoiding mecha because they're too cliche, but I can always appreciate a good show. :P


Yes, I do watch anime, a lot of 'em, I just don't go admitting it too often. :P I don't especially fancy mecha (or drills), and I was actually avoiding mecha because they're too cliche, but I can always appreciate a good show. :)

Ahh, I want to reply. *wrings hands* Mecha is common, but that's because it's awesome. Ignore the cliche and thoughts of unsavory series which undermine the genre. And drills! :/.. Can't you sense the power and beauty expressed in the curves of the metal shape and speed of its rotations, the creativity in the destruction it can make? I can't really convey it, but you should understand innately. One day you should get yourself a drill and feel it thrum in your hands.. maybe then.

Alright, since I feel so guilty about writing that when the topic is entirely something else, I think it would be pretty interesting to have diametric principles: entropy, syntropy, darkness, light.. dunno what for the lonely fifth X) Maybe balance?



What I meant was that mecha can't interest me just by being mecha and just looking powerful and shiny, but if they fit the story, if their power and pwnage serve a purpose, if they can be justified as the symbol of awesomeness, then I'll buy that. :) Satisfied? :rolleyes:

And drills... well, we all know REAL drills aren't cone-shaped, but let's forget about that for now. :P I have an anti-destructive nature, so I don't see any 'creativity' in the destruction you speak off :P but I can see the beauty of the shape, especially when the motif is expanded upon to represent something greater like in TTGL.

Completely off-topic, imagine if a MMORPG introduce drills as a choice of weapons. Would you use it? How many people do you think would use it? How imbalanced would that be? :D

Completely off-topic, imagine if a MMORPG introduce drills as a choice of weapons. Would you use it? How many people do you think would use it? How imbalanced would that be? :P

Have you played Summon Knight? The drills they have, I used those :rolleyes::P

Not an MMORPG, though. But the drill was my choice.



lol.. I guess (: Though usually when a new mecha series comes out I'm more interested and am more likely to check it out rather than another release. Ehe.

Those "REAL drills" could be considered roughly cone-shaped, but we can forget about that.. for now. :P Anyway, drills can be used to create like in woodwork, although I was talking about the unique design which is able to serve the function of destruction.

And I'm pretty sure Lulu just posted about Summon Night, since she asked me the name of it >_>; But playing with drills as my choice of weapon was pretty sweet. I would use a drill weapon in an MMORPG, assuming it wouldn't be made a lot weaker than other weapons for some reason. They'd probably be pretty hard to control if it's a game where you can do combos or something, but fast and relatively powerful.

What were you getting at? I'm not sure what you mean about imbalance, unless you're thinking about all the people who would pick drills over something archaic in comparison like blades, blunt weapons and firearms.


Buenas, también desde España!

Acabo de registrarme ayer y ya llevo varias horas enganchado.

Por cierto, gracias a las personas que estáis haciendo el esfuerzo de traducirlo en Español. La verdad es que no es nada fácil ya que los textos en inglés son muy ricos.



lol, well even late welcomes are worthy of gracious "Thank you"s :) Thanks. ;)

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