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Hello, I am a new player, although I did join a couple of months ago. Before I didn;t quite get round to this game which is, from the looks of it, fantastic. Really well designed and done with lots of scope for imagination-well done and thanks! I am currently completing my story mode-waiting for the next choice options to appear -337 seconds left-so I thought I'd come by and say hi to all of you old and new players like me. I love a good fantay/magic-themed game and this one really seems uniqu so I'm sure I will enjoy my time here with all of you.

Best regards!

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lol :lol: Thanks.

As for roaming I' already there, my story mode set to 24 hour meditation. I can't disagree, you can get really immersed in that world :P No to mention the fact that I love the fighting system, it is by far the fairest system I have come across and I like how all rules are made perfectly clear from the start.

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heyas and welcome to your continued playing of this game :P it's likely you'll at least see me around the forum if not ingame as well, so feel free to message me with any queries :D

like glais said there are many things to discover here that even the newest player can find (perhaps)

the rules are made clear...yet people still try and go against them

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hallo hallo hallo. >insert Matchbox Twenty's song "How Far We've Come" here< (for anyone who has seen the music video, this will make sense)

Welcome. enjoy :P

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Just started and I really love this game. I can't wait to see what's next. MagicDuel seems to have one of the most positive player communities I've ever seen. It's so great to see so many people helping without spoiling, and there is a big lack of crappy attitude here.

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ooh yay more new players :D love em, in the friendly way rather than the ''ahhhh get away from me....'' way, the second way we dont want, the first way is good though, yeah good.

both to meiche and his sunshine, i welcome you both to the game, as i'm sure many more will :) also questions and the like feel free to mail to people such as me :) and we'll be happy to answer :)

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Me Presento me llamo Secret, tengo 22 años, soy Mexicano, Vivo en el Estado de Mexico.

Mis Pasatiempos e intereses son los TCG, el Anime, Manga y los Videojuegos, mi genero favorito son los RPG XD.

Espero que nos llevemos bien y hacer uno que otro amig@.

Estamos en contaco.

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Es bueno encontrar personas que Hablan (bueno realmente escriben xD) el mismo idioma que yo,

Mi nombre es Secret y soy Mexicano, es un gusto conocerlos y espero que nos llevemos bien

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Hola! I don't speak spanish but I do work in a kitchen. Huevos, pollo, queso, banjo, and gracias. The other words I know should not be typed (and would be spelled even more wrongly!). Welcome, and I hope you have fun here!

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