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I can't believe I actually found a game I can play. I mean, I have a legendary computer, which gives different and creative errors every time when I try to play a game, but it seems even it couldn't find a way to stop the power of internet browser, bwahahaha... Ehm.

Of course I didn't decided to play this game just because my computer is a sadistic game-annihilating machine, but also I've found this game really cool. I mean, it smells like a real fantasy world (wha...?), and I worship every game which can take me away from the real world to it's fantasy world.

Now, I've stand apart from the game long enough, gotta go. See you in the game...

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I'm sure she's not creepy inside, is she? People are good, I like people. They're not like those creepy long-eared-thin-bonned-overabundant-life-spanned-creatures, what do you call them, oh, elves. I hate elves. How perfect that there are no elves in this game...

... There are no elves in this game, right?

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heys hope you enjoy the game as much as we all do :)

well there's no elves yet that i know of, nor any plans to intoduce any far as i know, though they might be hidden somewhere :P

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yay!! :P

heys, hope you enjoy the game, and if you have any questions dont hesitate to message me either in game or on this forum :) will be happy to answer any questions that might arise, if i know the answer anyway :)

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Hidden! Yes, they could have hidden somewhere in this world too. Those sneaky short tree-lovers they never give up. Don't worry I can find and send them to another world if there is any, bwahahaha.

By the way, thanks to all greetings.

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Hey everyone! I'm still fairly new and am starting to get the hang of this. But everything that I have seen so far has been fun and interesting. I really like the balanced combat system and the interactive storyline. I hope to see you all in the game and I'm sure I'll need some help here and there :P

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Well, I was a bit affronted to see people posting about my person being creepy to new players. I assure you MB is misleading. I wholly accept my gender; in fact, I embrace it. I was only trying to see if I could make people think I'm male. Because I'm spiffy like that. Yes, that's so.

You can ask me questions instead of someone else, say MB. I'm even higher in the head contest than him.

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See, I've known she's nice.

Yes, they're cool. They're so cool that I want to rip... Ehm...

I too dislike those bee winged always tricky small elf-like creatures. But I like other creatures. I like the sheeps most. I even like ogres. They're not that bad as they seem. They were just misunderstood by others when one of them tried to eat an elf to save the world. Then elves murdered that ogre of course, 'cause he could spread their evil plans to the world. Fortunately some ogres have found their dead friends diary and learned how terrible the elves are, but no human believed them. This made them crazy and they deciced to destroy the mankind. So that's why they try to kill you in every game. In future, when you see an ogre running towards you, remember this story and try to understand that ogre, rather than casting spells on him, and don't forget to kill as many elves you can kill. In this way, maybe one day not us but our children can see a peaceful fantasy world and play in harmony.

Sorry, I didn't intend to write this long story, but when I remembered that brave ogre, I just, couldn't stop my hands and my tears...

Well, whatever.

All of you are so nice. Thank you so much for greetings.

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I like sheep too. They defacate like bunnies and goats, which is cute. But they aren't nice to pet. I also like cows, because they're really mellow and smell good if they eat a lot of hay.

Do you mean the small goblin-elves or the tall "beautiful" elves? I like fairies. I also like the small elves. They're pretty much fairies.

A green lady has the legs of a goat, and appears to be beautiful face but is really a hag. She's a fairy. You don't like me. Lulu doesn't like me.

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I meant faeries when I mention about bwatselcs (bee winged always tricky small elf-like creatures). But I don't know those "beautiful" elves you mention. Of course their skulls are beautiful accessories, if it was what you wanted to say.

I like cows too. With some sauce and rice especially. And I agree with you that sheeps aren't nice to pet. You see, they're too strong. You have to respect and love them from a safe distance and pet more harmless creatures like dogs, elephants or monkeys. Try to avoid to awaken the wrath of a sheep, especially, the dark sheeps! They're even scarier.

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There is some sort of myth that elves are tall and have angelic faces that are far more beautiful than any of a human. But the elves I know of are short and have wrinkly, cute faces. I like them. Which one are you talking about when you say you don't like elves?

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