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Hello :)

You should become like me and start posting on the forums like you're addicted to magicduel.. which I to a little shame am. x_x

Lulu spelled "spiel" incorrectly.


Posting in the forums a lot actually helps you to learn a lot of things about the game. Other people will correct you, and when you correct someone else you really get to see how well you do, or how well you don't, understand a concept of the game. ^_^


Urk-ahem, Glaistig:

Main Entry: speel

Pronunciation: \ˈspēl\

Function: verb

Etymology: origin unknown

Date: 1513

chiefly Scottish : climb

See, the whole "Welcome, ask questions" /climb/. . . It works, yes it does. n__n";


... My apologies. You see, I thought you meant:

Main Entry: spiel

Pronunciation: \ˈspēl\

Function: verb

Etymology: German spielen to play, from Old High German spilōn; akin to Old English spilian to revel

Date: 1870

to talk volubly or extravagantly

That is an interesting word choice.

... My apologies. You see, I thought you meant:

Main Entry: spiel

Pronunciation: \ˈspēl\

Function: verb

Etymology: German spielen to play, from Old High German spilōn; akin to Old English spilian to revel

Date: 1870

to talk volubly or extravagantly

That is an interesting word choice.

Thank ye kindly, ah do pride meh-self on bein' able te cum up with sum'ere ways te use them words inter'stingly, ah do. Thank ye.

Thank ye kindly, ah do pride meh-self on bein' able te cum up with sum'ere ways te use them words inter'stingly, ah do. Thank ye.

@.@ Holy crap it's annoying to read an accent. do you think that way? o.O


They're americans... animecans even... don't ask, they and their 'dark and troubled, yet non-emo noble high-class family' are kinda weird ^_^

But hey, they help, like most of us ;)

@.@ Holy crap it's annoying to read an accent. do you think that way? o.O

No, just felt like indulging in my rural urges D;. . . I don't think anybody thinks that way except in a few select Southern states. I wouldn't know.

@MB: Hnn, I wouldn't say we're weird, when put in perspective to, ah, a certain delusional boy who believes he is a bunny that will rule the world with other bunnies. I'd say we're charming.



i am from one of those southern states and maybe i do think like that in vocab kinda things and am not that literate when it comes to speel or speil or what ever that was

but hey even us southern folks can so things too and if you need any help ask anyone or post a topic

and for the correction of your southern grammer

it is ya'll no ye that is british

and we dont use ' that much it takes to much time


Yes, I too am from one of the "Good ol' suthern states", and it is true that there is a fair population of people who do speak like that, although it's nowhere near as prevalent as one would think. At least, not where I am. I can't really talk about the other southern states, as I haven't travelled around much. At least not to those states anyway.

Anyway, yeah, we have people with a normal vocabulary too, just like the rest of the world. But we also have the people who have that lovely, characteristic twang as well


I don't know what the big deal is...I brought the whole thing up and I'm from a southern state.......maybe that's why I actually could read it and figure out what was being said without too much difficulty at all. o.o; lol


I could read it and I'm dutch... but then again I read a lot of Epic Donald Duck Comics and the accents used in there are easy to read and funny too... not that has anything to do with this...

@ Lulu... charming?



if you say so...


hehe, not accent related, more language, but i love the comic strip ;):) :) http://xkcd.com/84/

i can read it fine, i then spend about 5 mins trying to pronounce it properly inside my head ^_^

hehe, not accent related, more language, but i love the comic strip :) :) :)http://xkcd.com/84/

i can read it fine, i then spend about 5 mins trying to pronounce it properly inside my head :)

Lawl, y'all need te get a life.

Just kidding, but seriously, no need to be so fascinated by my makeshift accent. (; And I laughed at that strip.

@Israfel~, I just recognized your display picture/avatar. It always makes me so proud and gives me such a pathetic thrill to actually recognize something, because I hardly ever do. n___n"


Nah, I wouldn't say it's pathetic. Because once you recongnize something, not only do you gain an insight into that person's character, but you also know that you have a thread of discussion at some point in the future with that person.

That and Neon Genesis just freaking wins hardcore in general


Heh, don't feel bad Metal. It took me a few hours to settle on this avatar, so it basically takes way too long to find something that is actually significant for an Avatar

Love indeed, makes one blind.

Just kiddin' :P , you can go ahead and make fun of my avatar :)

Southpark. Never really watched it, doubt I will. Classmates talk about it a lot.

Hehe.. are all those 'glaistigs' staring at and unnerving you? Mabe it would be fitting if it blinded you ;)

Hehe.. are all those 'glaistigs' staring at and unnerving you? Maybe it would be fitting if it blinded you :)

About that, Glaistig. . . Did I ever tell you that the "glaistigs" are too small and scrawly to be recognized? :)

Hnn, I just found a picture of an aphid off of some site, took it without permission, cropped it, and stuck a small border on it. Oh, kidding, /of course/ I would get permission, or, ah, it's already declared for public use.

I suppose I should get something more humorous and creative than an aphid. . . It just fit with my signature, though.

About that, Glaistig. . . Did I ever tell you that the "glaistigs" are too small and scrawly to be recognized? :)

I suppose I should get something more humorous and creative than an aphid. . . It just fit with my signature, though.

Nonetheless, I see their very nature can carry out my intentions, although they aren't recognized consciously.

What are you saying?! That aphid is so cute.. don't change it; it reflects you very well. In fact, I might start searching for a picture of a dung beetle. Of course I would get permission before using it!


Not to steer the conversaton in a somewhat random direction, but to do exactly that...

As for the chosing of principles, how does Time, Imagination, Entropy, Syntropy, and Cyclicity sound?

I figured I'd ask you guys, since you've got some time on me as playing the game goes


Y'know, I don't think many of us know which combinations, if any, are especially effective (or will be when implemented). Just go with what you like. :) That's what Manu suggests.


different combinations have different benefits to it, you'd have to read up about all of them and weigh up for yourself, as none of us know the spells later available for use with them yet

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