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What the f** is this.!?

Super short: a way to exfiltrate creatures from md realm and store them in your Ethereum wallet.. O.o


More: Ok, so first of all a brief introduction to NFT: 

NFT (or non-fungible tokens), are collectable and unique tokens created on a specifc blockchain (in this case Polygon/Ethereum), that can be traded, sold, kept, transfered, collected, etc . There is an open marketplace for these, you can trade them on Opensea.io, Rarible.com and other markets. Once a creature is minted to a NFT, it is gone from your bestiary. It might still be available in illusions mode and probably other places too. You can then do whatever you want with the nft token, even just keep it outside of md in your NFT wallet, or use it wherever NFTs can be used. We intend to allow the creature to return back to MD, but only under certain circumstances that will be described later.

more on NFT here: https://www.investopedia.com/non-fungible-tokens-nft-5115211


Ok, but what are the costs?
We are keeping a fixed, decent, fee at the time of minting the creature token, taken in MD credits, in order to cover the minting costs and buy me a coffee for developing this. Also the fee is meant to limit the amount of md creatures turned to NFT, to avoid inflating their value. At the time of writing this, the value of the fixed fee is 5 credits, feedback is welcome Keep in mind that a higher fee means more rare and valuable crits minted, and a free fee means these nft are super inflated. Check the bestiary page for updated info.

You can mint these directly to your desired wallet. In order to be able to transfer them away at a later time, you will need what is called "gas" to pay the transaction fees. This is at the time of writing this, somewhere around 0.017$ for a token transfer, basically nothing. There are other indirect things you should be aware of, namely, you need "Polygon (MATIC)" tokens in your wallet to pay the gas fee, and while the fee is super small, getting some polygon tokens on your wallet might involve costs of a minimum transaction amount of ~35$ depending on exchange. Research the best way i found to get MATIC tokens, as it might cost you 1$ or 50$ depending on how much you care.


Free Polygon (MATIC) for gas fees

If you are new to this and find it too difficult to handle, you can contact me and i will gift you 1$ in MATIC so you can transfer about 50 creatures or 50 times. Remember you do not need any gas fees to receive or hold the creatures, this is only needed if you wish to transfer them away.  I reserve the right to ignore the requests i find unfounded or if you already have enough credit on your address.


What blockchain are these tokens on?

Polygon network under Ethereum. Your wallet address is your ETH address, and you will need to pay gas fees on Polygon (MATIC) network, to transfer them away from your wallet. Why polygon? because if these where on Ethereum directly, the cost of transfering a creature would have been ~30$ in fees, and deploying the contract would have costed thousands. Polygon is a well known network under the Ethereum blockchain, that is used for blockchain domain names and NFT tokens, so your mdcrt is safe on solid network, not on some obscure newly created sub chain.


I want to see the contract!
For the more technical of you that wish to get all paranoid about the code behind the minted tokens, we published the source code of the smart contract! You can find more details here: https://polygonscan.com/token/0x073aeb8144a7e9cc39e610d06b5b5bf2349ff31d#code


Undistributed tokens
We hold a part of the creatures, for reward purposes, or historic reasons. All the broken tokens but also all the ultra rare ones can be found on our official address here: https://opensea.io/0xc8EEB7BAF5Ad6EC9C58C7917093C748a5E3FB4EE


Official address

will always be "magicduel.com", but you could also see it as "magicduel.eth" or 0xc8EEB7BAF5Ad6EC9C58C7917093C748a5E3FB4EE ..these are all the same address. My personal address where you can see some of my collected crits, or where i might send gifts from, can be found at mtec.eth or 0x1232B6aE9710Be3E9a242d7e471eAf7A20Bef150

Our Opensea.io collection can be found here: https://opensea.io/collection/magicduel-creature

Our Rarible collection address (same collection just different market): https://rarible.com/collection/polygon/0x073aeb8144a7e9cc39e610d06b5b5bf2349ff31d/items

Contract address: 0x073aeb8144a7e9cc39e610d06b5b5bf2349ff31d


Does it matter on what market i transfer / sell a token?

You should sell only from a trusted market such as those above, and if you want to send as gift, send directly from your nft wallet. Otherwise, its not important what market you use, because they all list the same collection and any change you do will be visible in all public markets.



All the data within the minted MDCRT token is stored on MD server and is bound directly to the md database. Officially, we consider that whoever has the token owns the crit, regardless of what happens to the crit in MD, except if it gets somehow erased, or compromised... then its out our hands. We do not guarantee the perpetual existence of the token data. While the token itself will exist on your wallet forever, the data will only exist as long as it exists in MD. ...obviously!

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